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18145529 No.18145529 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any incelcore literarure chart yet?
I'm looking for one. Only books i can realte to are undeground notes and white nights, both made by my nigga Dostevski.

>> No.18145541





>> No.18145696

Notes from the underground is one of the worst books I’ve ever read. Even the Gambler is basically the same book, but good. Dosto writes the same autistic overly emotional and stupid character in all of his books. It’s astounding that someone can unironically, sincerely related to it. You are pathetic OP, not just for your poor taste in literature, but in your being as a whole.

>> No.18145715

>being filtered this hard

>> No.18145727

My twisted world
Serotonin by houllebecq

>> No.18145728

>thinking I was filtered at all
Decouple yourself from the banal twitch reactions and emotions you experience, anon.

>> No.18145743
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i've said it a million times before and i'll say it again, skylark by kosztolanyi
if you can get past the fact that she's a female, the fact that she's a stupid, ugly, untalented, annoying, mediocre, but painfully self-aware virgin who lives with her worried but well meaning parents will hit home very hard

>> No.18145745
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>My twisted world
Based anon

>> No.18145754
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>Serotonin by houllebecq
Kek, you think Serotonin is more incelcore than Whatever?

Imagine not having the literary appreciation of Notes from Underground. You sir are a faggot.

>> No.18145782

Your problem with the book clearly stems from the fact that you spend too much time on the internet and are limited to a narrow perspective because of it.

>> No.18145798

Thanks for this. I will definitely be reading this.

How in the hell did you discover this?

>> No.18145821

The dude forces himself upon people who hate him, treats a woman like shit, and then runs away to complain in a journal about how people don’t understand him. It’s absolute dogshit. It doesn’t have literary merit. It’s not even really incel core as he at least has the balls to pay a woman to get laid and talks to people. He’s just an autistic asshole, not an incel. This book and this thread are stupid. Grow up. Go outside. Make some friends.

>> No.18145835

i was recommended it by a friend years ago. it's posted here pretty commonly though desu (often by me)

>> No.18146207

I will definetly never read this book, ever. In my entire life.
Of all the books i will not read, this is the book i will read the less.

>> No.18146595

So if the protagonist in a book is an asshole then the book is bad? What kind of retarded logic is that?

>> No.18146612

based /lit/izen

>> No.18146645

Sorrows of young Werther

>> No.18146738

>runs away to complain in a journal about how people don’t understand him
HAHAHAHHA I bet you think londonfrog should get banned to midwit.

What does it feel, with your 100 < IQ < 140

>> No.18146742

>Is there any incelcore literarure chart yet?
grow up loser.

>> No.18146877

>calls someone a loser
>on 4chan.com
Interesting. How are you here, if you're such a massive winner?

>> No.18146886

Lots of them but i'm too lazy to search for them, do it yourself

>> No.18147156

No, it's not just the fact that a protagonist of a book is an asshole, it's that the first half of the book is just the thoughts and conclusions of the asshole without any actual story going on, treating his diary like an ideological manifesto. If I wanted to read schizo ramblings, I'd be on /lit/. This book is supposed to be heralded as a pinnacle of edgy literature and it isn't even as concise as uncle ted or a shitposter on /lit/. Then, after we understand the mind of the character after page after page of agonizing ramblings of a sad sack of shit, we learn why he's so upset and angry at the world and it's because he's fucking retarded around people, selfish, and lazy. The problem isn't that he's an asshole, it's that the beginning is predicated on a justification for his edgelord opinions, but all he did to get there was fuck a hooker and follow some guys from school around as if they were friends, when they explicitly didn't like the guy and told him as much. There is no justification for his attitude and the conclusion of the entire thing is a thinly veiled anti utopian bullshit with no narrative or interesting character development outside of the mind of a man that probably shouldn't even continue living. Why did I waste my time on this? Why would you write this book and waste everyone's time with something so clunky and disappointing? As a joke? A jest? A goof? A gag? I can't take this book at face value and find value in it. It has to be ironic shitposting or else I see no good reason for it to exist.
Hey, I don't set that high of expectations for myself. Better than 100 is fine with me.

>> No.18148244

suicide by eduoard leve

>> No.18148259

Grendel by John Gardner
The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz
(The first one is much better)

>> No.18149442

Holy shit dude you're retarded.

>> No.18149978

Please go on. I’d love to know what I’m missing. Oh, wait, NO ONE HERE READS. THEY JUST SHITPOST. UHH CRINGE SWEETIE. BASED DESU DESU

>> No.18150359

>I’d love to know what I’m missing
You are just as much of an autistic asshole as the Underground Man. You are getting mad on an indonesian grave digging forum because some people liked a book ffs.

>> No.18150570


>> No.18150599
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Try this, if you can find a copy

>> No.18152113

what ever religion ur hooked up to seems to turn that perpetiural crank of urs so keep on trucking.

>> No.18152701

All of Nietzsche's rants

>> No.18152766

Extension du domaine de la lutte by Houellebecq

>> No.18153060

if ur still here <jeueue?> goto bed.

>> No.18153110

book of disquiet
and no, he wasn't a volcel, he was coping

>> No.18154171

Why do all books about lonely introverted men have to be given the label 'incelcore'. It is a devaluation of these works worth, a mockery of the silent suffering that many people face. All those feelings of inadequacy, alienation, seperation cannot and should not be devolved to "tfw no gf". As if sex or getting a girlfriend is going to magically turn you into the social butterfly that has all their desires granted. The problem is much deeper and to say 'incel' implies all their problems would be solved if they just got laid.
Let's be honest, regardless of what involuntary celibacy meant originally, the term is now used as a lamentation by misogynist virgins or atleast that is how it is perceived. It should not be conflated with general male loneliness.

>> No.18154314

I think you're putting it in the reverse order. It's not that these books are incelcore, or were even written by involuntary celibates, or even have sexual and romantic frustration as their subjects. It's that guys who do experience inceldom can find some way to relate to such writings, which are often more lofty in theme and scope than their particular grievance.

I'm not an incel myself, though I somewhat sympathize with them and find the "movement" if you can call that a curious sociological oddity. Though I don't condone the more vehement and hateful side of incelism. If anything these books can show incels to stop identifying with such a thing and see beyond it to the complexities of man's relationship to loneliness, desire, and the fairer sex.

>> No.18154362

you make a pretty interesting point there actually. In my head incel types are always stagnant, never seeking progress and revelling in self-pity, but if somebody genuinely reads something like Steppenwolf or Dostoyevsky then they surely must grow as a person or learn something about themselves. I guess I just don't want these books to become meme books where discussion around them is just 'oh is this that incel book', much like how the meme trilogy gets discussed and passed around as a meme rather than individual works.

>> No.18154748

Maybe you can't sympathize with him, because you can't relate to him, but a book isn't bad because a character is unlikeable, he is written that way to portray an archetype of a person. But I'll give you that reading a book with a character you want to beat to death as the protag can be extremely unpleasant.

>> No.18154952

haha dont get mad bro (thats kind of cringe) this forum is stupid anyway

>> No.18155028

Admittedly there it points to a flawed personality that one would identify with the inability to have sex as one's defining characteristic. And much incel "thinking" is poisonous and destructive to those who embrace. I see these books not a support for those views, but as a light out of the tunnel. Something that touches on what these men experience, but which transcends it also.

>> No.18155157

ITT: a retard doesn't realize that notes was written as a satire and the underground man is supposed to be wrong

>> No.18155396


>> No.18155404
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Books at the bottom of this I guess.