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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 267 KB, 1581x1600, Hannah-Arendt-1963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18142663 No.18142663 [Reply] [Original]

is there anyone more based?

>> No.18142676


I can't not see Obama when I look at that face. Like second-term Obama, once the face has longed and he knows the backup nuclear codes and knows that the aliens are real and there's nothing he can really do and all the rest of it.

In principle I would like to read Arendt at some point but let's be honest, it's a woman and I have too many other important things on my plate.

>> No.18142685

>it's a woman and I have too many other important things on my plate.

Like recycling all those plastic bottles on your mom's basement floor?

>> No.18142689

Likely half the current world population and most people who ever lived.

>> No.18142699
File: 377 KB, 1516x2324, arendt_betweenpastandfuture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an awesome book.

Has anyone read this? Particularly the chapter on education? Looking for someone to chat about that with.

Her erudition in ancient greek history and philosophy is incredible. I guess it makes sense for the student of Heidegger and Jaspers, ffs. Imagine having them as your mentors.

>> No.18142701

I see Bogart mixed with John Huston

>> No.18142703

Just got done comparing a French feminist essay with its English translation. And here I have about 150 Budweiser cans on the floor that I have to push out into the recyling bin, so your woman's instinct is half-right.

>> No.18142709


>> No.18142723


Women make great helpmeets and scholars to history when they apply themselves, and thus prepare companion works. I think of Freeman's books on the Presocratics, and other women's treatments of classical subjects which I won't name so as not to identify myself too closely.

>> No.18142726

Ayn Rand

>> No.18142754

The entirety of Wittgenstein's work is only made available to us English speakers through a woman.

G.E.M. Anscombe, god bless her soul.

One of my mates, who is a bit misogynistic and loves Wittgenstein, did not know that the translator, Anscombe, was female, hahahahaha, and was even in denial over it.

>> No.18142759

that's only a problem when you're an A*glo. I love Wittgenstein, read him in German and can happily remain a commited misogynist

>> No.18142781

What's your first language?

>> No.18142784


>> No.18142790


You should do the tack I took above and see translation, historical analysis etc as "women's work". Think of Constance Garnett. That will be helpful to you both to enjoy the fruits of women's writing labor while maintaining a misogyny, minus any cognitive dissonance. I am not being sarcastic, it's a healthy attitude with which to make sense of culture.

>> No.18142801

How did you learn German? In school or by yourself? Or is it just easier over in Europe?

>> No.18142807


>> No.18142822

>btfos philosophy in your path

>> No.18142834
File: 1.38 MB, 1408x1600, Edith_Stein_(ca._1938-1939).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course Heidegger himself is punked on his interpretations of Husserl by a woman. Who is also a Catholic saint, for what it is worth.

>> No.18142845

>Heidegger himself is punked on his interpretations of Husserl by a woman

huh? Heidegger worked directly with Husserl until he broke off from him.

>> No.18142876

>How did you learn German? In school or by yourself?
in school. generally speaking we're taught either German or Russian as a 2nd foreign language after English. other languages like French Spanish or Italian are non-existent here.

>> No.18142885

Whoa. Nice. So you know Polish, English and German, at least?

And you're writing great english, too. Are your friends like this, too, or are you just good at acquiring languages?

>> No.18142917

>So you know Polish, English and German, at least?
yes. I'm hoping to acquire Russian and French or Italian in the future after I'm finished with my studies.
>And you're writing great english, too. Are your friends like this, too, or are you just good at acquiring languages?
thank you but it's really nothing special. I come from an upper-middle class family. when I was a kid my parents would send me to extra-curricular English classes to make sure I was better prepared than other kids. I guess I should be thankful but I didn't like the competitive atmosphere of it. my friends come from similar backgrounds but I wouldn't say that's very common. I guess most people have an intermediate knowledge of English and forget their second foreign language

>> No.18143115

She sounds like she looks in German.


>> No.18143129

>I'm hoping to acquire Russian and French or Italian

I will learn one of these with you! Seriously, I want to learn a language with you.

>> No.18143378

that sounds pretty cool but how do you want to pull that off? do you want to become a tripfag? I've never conversed with someone from 4chan outside of 4chan

>> No.18143436

Post your address and I'll meet you at yours

>> No.18143442

Fuck yeah, let's go. I'm ready to make these languages my bitches.

How do you generally learn languages? Do you study from a textbook or immerse yourself in some other way? And isn't polish supposed to be incredibly difficult to acquire?

Joseph Conrad was a fucking beast with languages.

You should learn a language with us, too. It'll expand your myopic worldview.

>> No.18143624

Post a dick pic and I will use the metadate to track down your house and family

>> No.18143705

Material for extermination ain't based.

>> No.18143749

>How do you generally learn languages? Do you study from a textbook or immerse yourself in some other way?
Textbooks are my first go to.
>And isn't polish supposed to be incredibly difficult to acquire?
For a foreigner I guess so. I wouldn't recommend learning it to a foreigner from outside of the Slavic circle. The learning process is tedious and all things considered it's not that rewarding as only Polish people use it (unless you desperately want to have a Polish wife lol). Russian is a much better option. It's the biggest Slavic language and is widely used even outside of Russia in former Soviet republics. Once you've learned Russian Polish and any other Slavic language will be grammatically easy because they all share the same grammatical base but it has vastly different vocabulary and phonetic patterns which make it still challenging

>> No.18143766
File: 2.49 MB, 1077x1710, Screenshot_20210430-151407_Gallery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading picrelated. Somebody has once told me about Hannah Arendt: "If it were possible to fall in love with a woman solely because of her mind, that would be the woman to fall in love with". I agree.

>> No.18143923


Which is first? I say Italian so we can work our way into the panties of the lovely Italian ladies. Si o no?

>> No.18144417

You have to go back

>> No.18144514

Is this a good book? I was just looking into this the other day.

>> No.18144892

what is this supposed to mean

>> No.18145748

Ultra based even if most uni students misinterpret her.

>> No.18145766
File: 237 KB, 732x450, arendt-heidegger-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got bonked by Heidegger.

She got bonked by a Nazi.

>> No.18145899

What makes her mind so loveable?