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File: 50 KB, 635x854, _Ludwig_wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18141688 No.18141688 [Reply] [Original]

I need a good and clear introduction for this guy. What should i read first?

>> No.18141691

His first book, how is this even a question?

>> No.18141693

'Wittgenstein's Vienna' by Janik and Toulmin

>> No.18141700

You're fucking stupid.

>> No.18141704

Tractatus is filtering me hard. Sorry.
A bio?

>> No.18141716

It's not a bio, it's a study of his influences and the way they function on his work.
It's written by one of his students, and has more theory than bio info.

>> No.18141738

Not a Wittpill directly, but read The Jew of Linz for some fun fanfic.

>> No.18141741

>It's a study of his influences and the way they function on his work.
Thank you. This will help.

>> No.18141749

Start with the greeks

>> No.18141810

>Clear introductiond
Unlikely. Given Witty's wildly shifting views in his own lifetime and the wildly divergent interpretations of his corpus thereafter. Maybe A.C. Grayling's 'A Very Short Introduction'.
Otherwise if you're looking for a primer to jump into the Tractatus read Frege and Russell's 'On Denoting'.

>> No.18141827

From what I've seen, you can really just read Frege and Russell, then try to go back to the Tractatus. Also, read through Ray Monk's The Duty of Genius.
I took a very intense undergraduate course where the professor went through sentence by sentence to teach us the Tractatus, and I don't think there's any way I'd have understood it without that. The first few weeks of the semester though were reading some things from Frege and Russell.

>> No.18141950

>A.C. Grayling's 'A Very Short Introduction'.
the guy doesn't even like Wittgenstein

>> No.18142028

90 minute philosophy audiobook on him is good. he's a real nutter

>> No.18142913

(not op) bummer. I've found those Oxford VSIs to be pretty good. was gonna check this one.
>can a hater get it right?

>> No.18142922

read Hamann, Herder, Kierkegaard, Spengler and Frege. then you can start with Wittgenstein

>> No.18142936

OP. This. Seriously.

This isn't a good introduction to him but it is an okay book.

Starting with Frege and Russell may be tough unless you are either well-versed in logic AND logicians, or you are just that seriously interested in math & logic to begin with like you were srinivasa ramanujan.

>The Duty of Genius.

Yes. This is a very good book to read, I'd agree with this. But it's also quite long.

>I took a very intense undergraduate course where the professor went through sentence by sentence to teach us the Tractatus

I would have loved t do that. Do you still have your syllabus? Post that shit. And anything else your professor gave you for that class.


Not even one of these is required for, or even related to, Wittgenstein.

OP, I'd suggest pic attached, Duty of Genius & Tractatus (first work and short) + notes online or commentary on Tractatus.

>> No.18142958

Sorry but you CANNOT trust Grayling or Monk's introductory texts. I'd recommend reading his oeuvre yourself then the Baker & Hacker commentary volumes on the Philosophical Investigations. Biographically speaking, Alexander Waugh's biography of the Wittgenstein *family* is good, because it's not overtly focused on Ludwig, fuller context. I'm sure some of the other recommendations in the thread are fine too
Wittgenstein remarks on Spengler in Culture and Value lol

>> No.18142970
File: 37 KB, 319x474, introducing_wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to attach pic.

>Wittgenstein remarks on Spengler in Culture and Value
Oh, well then by all means, OP MUST be reading Spengler! Otherwise, how oh how will he make sense of this one comment that Wittgenstein wrote in a notebook that he never intended to publish and he himself didn't even publish? Right, bruh?

>> No.18143015

Some psychology on how autism interacts with psychopathy in the human mind

>> No.18143260
File: 709 KB, 2122x1100, Wlist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bouwsma's essay "The Blue Book" is a good introduction to Wittgenstein's thought, from there you can actually begin to delve into the Blue Book itself and then move onto the Philosophical Investigations. Here is a useful chart for general purposes pic related

>> No.18144211

This is the only rec you need.
This is a dumb nigger.

>> No.18144219
File: 383 KB, 592x552, 1602725501908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not even one of these is required for, or even related to, Wittgenstein.
Imagine only reading Wittgenstein under an Anglo perspective. You are missing all of Wittgensein's real content.

>> No.18144235

Yes. "Intended to" is entirely superfluous - it WAS published, & if you wish to understand the mind, you need to understand the topic under focus.

>> No.18144245

Unless you've read everything Wittgenstein ever read, were born into a wealthy family like he was, participated in a world war like he did and were a faggot like he was can you really say you've understood Wittgenstein though?

>> No.18144254

You can't.
That's the point.

>> No.18144343

There was some kind of Tractatus commentary that was recommended here, but I lost it. I'll be doing the same thing as OP in a couple of weeks and I think the original works + some good secondary source to read parallel with them is the way to go, that's how I read all philosophy. Any recs?

>> No.18144366
File: 18 KB, 322x500, 41rtIIDP-GL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ray Monk also wrote How to Read Wittgenstein, 105 pages, seems like a good place to start. Thoughts?

>> No.18144556
File: 20 KB, 240x400, OIP.ZSQ1ejwNb9tjheNYwuVVSQHaMT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one

>> No.18144637

>You can't.
Can't blame me for having dreams :(

>> No.18144652
File: 20 KB, 234x250, 1605153379924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do blame you, becuse your dreams are stupid.

>> No.18144731

what do u mean
who is required reading, then, to get witty's "real content"?

>> No.18144799

Wittgenstein, but is personal correspondences not his books.