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File: 440 KB, 497x560, nogf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18138703 No.18138703 [Reply] [Original]

What's your endgame?

>> No.18138706

To end all games.

>> No.18138721


>> No.18138722
File: 173 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-Scottish_Covenanter_Flag.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To establish the Calvinist Ummah.

>> No.18140867

Suicide after my parents die.

>> No.18141039
File: 2.76 MB, 1231x1039, D21A3615-BF9F-4715-8A7A-F72A7C10273F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18141048

Same as anyone. Die.

>> No.18141055

just passing time until I die

>> No.18142750

To kill myself.

>> No.18142752

I already planned to kill myself so I'm just sticking around till then

>> No.18142757


>> No.18142766

I'm going to change the world!

The above posters are my irl motivation.

>> No.18142768
File: 42 KB, 372x600, 1cb39462df77e0c7851bd0c2c05d0042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be a saint, and a great figure, and to fill the world with joy and beauty. To wake up many things that were thought dead. To do the impossible.

>> No.18142782

I kind of like the pandemic
I don’t even have to go to work anymore

>> No.18143386

My friend, it is a good desire to be saint--that is to do perfectly the will of God--but the rest is ambition and vainglory. If you desire to be seen doing good things, what you desire in them is not God's will, but yourself in them. Try reading Lorenzo Scupolis's Spiritual Combat. St. Francis de Sales carrier it with him for 19 years. If you want to be saint, you must give up your desire for being known as a saint.

>> No.18143388

To have a comfortable home for myself on a beautiful chunk of land where I can quietly enjoy life in peace and do some small-scale homesteading.
There is no more satisfactory labor than the labors of the home, of which the fruits are self-evident and have immediate benefit to the one who lives in it.
For now, I bide my time working an office job, but once I have more money saved up and reach the minimum year count for a retirement pension then I shall quit and be truly free.
Graced and city-on-a-hill-pilled

>> No.18143400

my plan, 10 yrs max left.

>> No.18143413

>quietly enjoy life in peace
Please share examples of what you'll enjoy, and don't be shy, we're adults here.

>> No.18143416
File: 227 KB, 814x1024, My end goal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on the right.

>> No.18143514

I mostly think of the simple joys of daily life: enjoying a nice meal and a pleasant drink, going for a walk in the woods, spending time with a friend, reading, watching a movie... Many things which I already do now, though I would like to enjoy them free of the burdens of working for anyone other than myself.
Some of the more idiosyncratic pleasures would be having enough land and privacy for my own private target range, building a small chapel/shrine in the woods by my own labor alone, making syrup from the maple trees and wine from my own berry bushes.
I desire to be king of my own domain, to have a family so that I may pass it on to the next generation and not have it seized by the government, to continue working on and improving my home so long as I live in it which is ideally until I die.
A friend of mine finds it strange that I should want nothing more than a home that is truly my own to live in until death, likewise, I find it strange that he'd prefer futzing around between apartments paying landlords to live under their rule in rooms that he has no ownership of.

>> No.18143581

Become a teacher at 35, work 10 years, go into local politics.
Try and help the city I live in become a better place to live for generations to come.

>> No.18143619

buy a dumpy house in the middle of nowhere with cash, live off dividend income and food i grow in the back. should be doable in 10 years.

>> No.18143638
File: 280 KB, 1417x1417, 1560620417181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to survive long enough to see it all burn then witness in first person the revolution of the west. And since shit is going down the drain quite fast I think I'm gonna actually make it kek.

>> No.18143644

To put everything thats me on art, let it be my music, pintings or writings. I don't care about recognition or any of that shit, I just want to put pie e of my mind outside this prisión of flesh. Once I feel its enough I'll off myself. I'm getting really close though, just need to finish a few more essays and an EP. Got a gun already. 2021 is my year bros.

>> No.18143947

Nahhhhh no one here is killing themselves.

Y'all need to stay alive and help me change this shit world, bruhs. See >>18142766

We got this shit because all we have is each other.

Put yourself in your goddamn music and writing and then post it here so we can recognize your work. But no one is killing themselves.

>> No.18144001

Women will never be able to relate to men

>> No.18144008

You realize the irony of posting this screenshot, right? Aren’t there two men competing for her in this movie, while she’s so supposedly alone?

>> No.18144042

I think you’ll be shocked to see what suicide rates look like in Western countries in 10 to 20 years’ time.

>> No.18144074

Suicide by cop at least? Or in a feminine way (pills, poison, etc)?

>> No.18144109

>suicide in a feminine way
You wat

>> No.18144427

Yeahhhh, with all due respect, my friend, I don't give a shit about statistical predictions. We are all going to be here for each other and we're all going to suffer together. No one is leaving us.

>> No.18145003
File: 59 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_02258791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't share my writings because they are in spanish but this one the most digestable piece of music I shared online https://scrugley.bandcamp.com/album/saudade (I tried to use an url shortener but 4chan flags it as spam, do not doxx me please)

People say that a picture says everything, so here you have the only pic of me thats been taken in the past 10 years (I've no social media, no social circle, etc), its from two weeks ago. I'm tired of fighting against everything every single day. I'm not depressed though, I just believe that my fire to create things is the only thing that matters in my life. A creative death is followed by a clinical one, once I can't put out anything else, I'm done.

I don't encourage suicide, but I don't encourage living either. I'm somewhat neutral to all of this, my empathy tells me that being consciously or not, most of the time, people do their best coping with life. If any of you anons feel that you had enough (and is not a silly juvenile whim like "my oneitis left me"), fair enough. Farewell.

>> No.18145033

no wonder you look like faggot ngl

>> No.18145039

continue on till I dont

>> No.18145043

Ultimate power.