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18137819 No.18137819[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do all the great thinkers come to the same conclusions about women?

>> No.18137827

bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks

>> No.18137829

idk but i wish the wokes would hurry up and legalize lsd it's been way too long since i tripped balls

>> No.18137842

Because they're great thinkers. To me the ultimate test of a strength of an idea is whether or not it was discovered in vastly different cultures. Calculus was perfected in the 17th and 18th century in Europe but it was hinted at earlier in ancient Greece, India, China, Japan and Islamic world therefore we have a good reason to think calculus contains a set of important truths. Similarly men coming from completely variant backgrounds all came to the same conclusion about women therefore misogyny is a very important truth.

>> No.18137853

It’s not hard to get acid

>> No.18137870

i know but i want to just go into target and get a pack of lsd sheets not have to play hackysack with a bunch of guys with ponytails

>> No.18137918

this but with the sole exception of my mother.

>> No.18137959
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Greatness knows itself by contrasting the Pathetic. Thus, there is no fact more universal and cherished by the great thinkers of the world, than the truth that women are retards who should be on a leash.

>> No.18137971
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While I agree with your statement, these writings are of early Buddha
Later on he became a cuck and said women could reach Nirvana
Have other great thinkers in pic rel

>> No.18137977
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>> No.18137992
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>> No.18138014

women have no need to be great or impressive at anything. men on the other hand have to distinguish themselves somehow in order to attract women, which is why it's men who have achieved the most in history. they have to suffer and work in order to pass on their genes. it's the same in the animal kingdom. the beautiful and brilliant in appearance is almost always the male, whether it be a lion or a peacock. nature simply hasn't designed women to be great.

>> No.18138023

But most of the beautiful and desireable men were born with those traits, so your theory crumbles there bro.

>> No.18138153

women are the ultimate pleb filter.

>> No.18138159

>attract women
Explain why most of the great philosophers never married, some of the greatest thinkers even died as virgins like Newton or Kant.

>> No.18138167

Newton and Kant were turbo aspies. They don't count.

>> No.18138179

Religion really is the cope of incels, huh.

>> No.18138190

open bobs

>> No.18138380

You can order 1p-lsd trough the mail.

>> No.18138409

men and women both have beef with each other historically, but that doesn't mean that that should be considered "philosophy" or compared to calculus. its interpersonal drama. I get that women are annoying, but the main way they're annoying Is by being opposed to what men find important. it doesn't make them bad people

>> No.18138420


>> No.18138445
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Ancient nofap wisdom.

>> No.18138495

That's completely retarded.

>> No.18138503

Why? He conquered his lustful thoughts and nothing of value was harmed in the process.

>> No.18138531

The point is that any woman you might be attracted to is just going to be a nasty decaying corpse in the ground eventually, so there's no reason to feel lust towards her.

>> No.18138534

>it doesn't make them bad people
yes it does

>> No.18138539

Sounds similar to what Marcus Aurelius said

>> No.18138544

You don't combat a psychological torment by inflicting a bigger psychological torment. It is common sense that love and sexual fixations must be sublimated.

>> No.18138549

Misogyny. Try finding a modern thinker with those views

>> No.18138572

This but with the sole exception of my mother, that other anon's mother and Will Cather

>> No.18138588

the gay comedians (the philosophers of our time, of course!) Tim Dillon and Steven Crowder pretty much think this

>> No.18138589

For the layman perhaps, not for the higher path.

>> No.18138597

The females of animals are noble while human women are despicable, evil and the origin of vice.
Stray away from them.

>> No.18138606

Epicurus and the Stoics did not.

>> No.18138628

I’m really not the type of person to call this out typically but stop with the fking incel posts and hiding behind the “great thinkers” because ur too insecure to talk to a woman because ur short

I agree that would be awesome. Imagine if you could buy every drug on amazon. Then we would be forced to respect drugs but people don’t want there to be chaos so it isn’t gonna happen. But the dark webz fills that void for now.

>> No.18138640

>I’m really not the type of person to call this out
"u" clearly are, now post your tits you dumb whore.

>> No.18138648

Stoicism is women repellant by his own nature tho

>> No.18138649

are not you assuming shit about people you insecure nigger

>> No.18138669
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>an idea fitting into the modern hellscape is a mark of it being good

>> No.18138707

>too insecure to talk to a woman because ur short
>women are not interested in me because I am short and ugly
You are a roastie, aren't you? Living in a different reality.

>> No.18138712

Fell for the baiter. Embarrassing

>> No.18138730

>Then we would be forced to respect drugs

>> No.18138762

>stop with the fking incel posts

>> No.18138889

I hear you anon, let these wokes be useful for once

>> No.18138983

That’s not why they aren’t interested in you, that’s what you believe the reason is because you don’t understand women. And LOL at all the incels calling me a woman for calling them out.

>> No.18138986
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Day in and day out we have the same incel validation threads propagated by the myth that all the great thinkers were misogynists that hated women, that their reasoning skills are too low and are only fit to bear children and be obedient to men. It's 2021. Women vastly outperform men in terms of college education and have proven to be their intellectual equals in the sciences and the humanities. These quotes are written by second-rate thinkers who arrived at their conclusions in an era where women were viciously repressed from public life and proving themselves intellectually and artistically. Can we have a different thread today for sex havers who want to see writers wo celebrate the nature of women rather than seeing the same tired Schopenhauer and Nietzche quotes over again posted by the same dysgenic subhuman freaks that are fated to be terminally repulsive to women.

>> No.18139004

all women are whores

>> No.18139011

post tits

>> No.18139017

ynbaw yadda yadda come on man you know how the dance goes

>> No.18139022

>muh college education
I watched a girl with a masters degree get fired from a bar because she called the manager an asshole when he pulled her aside and explained she can't come in late and stoned every day and call customers that she doesn't like because they used to be friends a cunt.

>> No.18139030

you guys have gone full schizo. women aren’t avoiding you because of your height. (you) can have sex anon. i’m telling you good news, but you are too dumb to listen.

>> No.18139037

>(you) can have sex anon. i’m telling you good news
oh wow i can have sex? i never knew thank you so much anon

>> No.18139038

Are you a manlet having a schizo breakdown ?

>> No.18139044


>> No.18139056

simpy simp simp
no better than a chimp.
no matter what you say or do
she's never gonna fuck you

>> No.18139069
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>the myth that all the great thinkers were misogynists that hated women
but they were, your point? Buddha means "the enlightened one", I mean, you don't get that nickname without a reason.

>> No.18139116

Women being better in the educational system is the biggest fucking meme ever and literally proves the point of these threads.
The modern educational system rewards following instructions and thinking inside the box. Women being better than boys in this is literally an insult, not a compliment.

>> No.18139118

>Later on he became a cuck and said women could reach Nirvana
Those are the corruptions of later Buddhists

>> No.18139119
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Define modern, because it certainly won't be an issue listing them before 1970, and you'd be persona non grata saying this after (there would be sill be examples).

>women don't filter men by height
Sure thing, bro.

>> No.18139130

Sounds like incel cope. Talking down about women isn't going to make your life any better

>> No.18139135

it relieves my stress which makes my life better

>> No.18139150
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>dont discuss ideas that might hurt my feelings

Women are inferior. Fuck you.

>> No.18139174

Perhaps even more, that the thought is some kind of ideal which is far from the truth.

>> No.18139199

- Siddhartha Gautama

>> No.18139218

truth hurts indeed.

>> No.18139246

I'm pretty sure he said they could achieve a state adjacent to nirvana through one of those weird ephemeral worlds, not go straight to it like he did.

>> No.18139247

What is this from?

>> No.18139249

Not gonna contribute to this food fight but have a bump.

>> No.18139283

Aside from college being a tired meme (I spent 8 years in it), women graduate in different fields.
A higher proportion of the lower middle class jobs that women demographically dominate demand a college degree. Useful for milking shekels out of them. That (female) journalist writing clickbait articles? College degree. Teaching toddlers? College degree. Nurse? College degree. Entirely useless for the task of course, they would have better vocational training on the job. Don't make me laugh pretending college is anything but a convoluted and inefficient vocational training for 99% of the people that attend (including me) and 100% in those domains.
Posting statistics for amerimutts but it is the same everywhere. Women fall for the education system. You rarely see females being autodidacts, or just straying off course. Like most men, they are consumers of "education".

>> No.18139291

>Women fall for the education system. You rarely see females being autodidacts, or just straying off course. Like most men, they are consumers of "education".
completely consistent with my personal experience desu

>> No.18139308

Thousands of years of no pussy

in b4

>> No.18139313

it's another corporate welfare program combined with debt slavery for the masses

>> No.18139317

this. no man who has sex has ever expressed his frustration in dealing with women, ever.

>> No.18139354

Are you actually, legit, clinically retarded? Like, are you mentally sound? The people who complain the most about the shallowness and vapidity of women are married men or men who spent countless years fucking them.

>> No.18139359

>tfw sub 80 iq

>> No.18139363

Absolutely untrue

>> No.18139369

aspies aren't great with sarcasm huh

>> No.18139417

Listen man, you can either have a shallow, pliant wife, or an intelligent and wilful witch as a lover, you can't have it both ways. A lot of you want the latter but are too scared and go for the former.

>> No.18139424


>> No.18139459
File: 1.69 MB, 750x1334, 1561687375884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love women so much, bros.
It's unreal.

>> No.18139482

this is absolutely and entirely laughably wrong. Imagine thinking a woman is smart because she pretends to like muh deep art and muh books. A woman is smart if she has good insights and wants to reproduce and be a good mother. You are a literal faggot, go date men before some BDP whore has you arrested.

>> No.18139489

>not getting it
Sorry you went for the shallow girl pretending to be deep

>> No.18139492

>literally no-u
okay buddy enjoy the hell that awaits you

>> No.18139527

> cries about incels
> hard drug use

Opinion irrelevant.

>> No.18139536

do non-chuds really...?

>> No.18139547

Both true, and both based

>> No.18139550
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>this is absolutely and entirely laughably wrong. Imagine thinking a woman is smart because she pretends to like muh deep art and muh books. A woman is smart if she has good insights and wants to reproduce and be a good mother. You are a literal faggot, go date men before some BDP whore has you arrested.

>> No.18139570

I bet you think blacks just struggle because of society too
Statistically we know that the average woman is far superior to the average man. They’re falling behind in schools, live shorter lives, and commit almost all violent crimes. They’re inferior, and we need to reshape society to account for this.
Cope and seethe with it however you want, I don’t care. You will never be a woman.

>> No.18139583

I'm unironically married to my christian big tiddy goth gf who used to look at old /b/ and ogrish before it was called liveleak with me then normied out of 4chan by becoming an actual woman. We have children and she listens to the Steve Daece podcast and watches classic kino movies with me. You retards are going to end up like my friends who dated girls that have, to quote sam hyde, "particular interests" which is an absolute nightmare. Women who have a strong interest in something are not normal, they are mentally stunted retard whores and you will get cheated on, dragged through the mud and if you're unlucky arrested or end up paying child support when she moves 1000 miles away. Now post your copes and wait for time to reveal me as correct.

>> No.18139587

just from these two replies I am able to tell what type of person you are

>> No.18139592

How would you reshape society?

>> No.18139598
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anon. please go outside.

>> No.18139602

and match with bastards. Hence they mention moms, but hardly ever dads.

>> No.18139610

It took me a while to understand that behind the education rhetoric it's all about employers externalizing professional training and socializing costs.

Any girl described by a witch archetype is sure to be a terrible wife and mother. You recognize it when you simply call her lover, which is ultimately shallower than both family life or living alone. How would you know anons prefer her?

>> No.18139611

>uhm actually did you know it's heckin men who cause all the violence, someone needs to hecking do something!
It's so funny watching women rationalize the fact that in an instant they could be enslaved and not do anything about it. You literally need the state to do anything for you, and you are slowly turning the state incompetent and cruel. A 15 year old boy could murder 10 women with his bare hands and they couldn't do anything about it. Remember how for years everyone said
>nobody will ever do anything about the social order because of muh bread and circuses!
All of that is gone now. Keep making things worse, it will eventually make them good I'm sure :)

>> No.18139624

>people don’t want there to be chaos
There already is. The only reason for prohibition is that Americans are the stupidest, most hypocritical scumbags in the history of man, and yet somehow Europeans fleeing the Nazis thought it was a good idea to give them nuclear weapons
kys loser

>> No.18139647
File: 153 KB, 673x1024, D7E285B0-6575-410F-9705-357ACC523067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women are useless unless your only goal in life is to raise a child

If you spend your free time moping about not being able to have a women coddle you with what you believe is ‘love’ then your image of women has been distorted and you need to wake up.

fulfilment through cultivation of the soul is the true path of men and has always been.

>> No.18139656


>> No.18139663

I’m not a woman, I just took the redpill and got to natural conclusion of /pol/ thought. A 15 year old boy is a savage and probably could kill a lot of women, just like a nigger could kill a lot of whites if he wanted. They make good athletes, just like men, but both shouldn’t be on top of society.
Women, especially white women, are statistically more intelligent and less prone to chimping out, and so we need to establish matriarchy.

>> No.18139667

Fucking retard

>> No.18139687

And now you know why incels are retarded. Blackpill science can just be weaponized against men as a whole

>> No.18139697

back to /qa/ tranny

>> No.18139702
File: 22 KB, 276x379, 1549738503459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about the quotes of these old guys because I'm going to genetically modify humanity to form the future amazon female small male master race.

>> No.18139703

I strongly suggest you go to your local community college, look up a "debating skills" class, and attend it before ever posting on the internet again. Seriously, I'm sick of what this has become; a pastiche of a pastiche. Someone said or did something you didn't like? That's fine, but why don't you pinpoint exactly what it is that you dislike about what they did, instead of posting a soijak.png and typing in all caps and calling it a day's work?
What you're doing; It's not an argument. It's not original. It's not funny, nor is it witty, and I'd go so far as to say that it's barely an ad hominem anymore, because the image is used with so many conflicting viewpoints that it's lost all meaning. Now when I see it, I just think "the poster dislikes the archetype he's mocking, but lacks the cognitive capacity to clearly articulate what it is he dislikes, and is therefore a midwit.".
That's what I think; I think that you're a midwit. It's not even that I feel attacked; in fact, I become all the more disheartened when my opinion aligns with the one you're promulgating, knowing that it's being dragged through the mud by retards such as yourself. You should stop posting, because you aren't funny, you aren't clever, and no one really cares if you disagree with some imaginary ideal. Only a faggot would caption something someone else says and post it alongside a soijak.

>> No.18139709

but you are a literal incel. That's why you think these delusional self-hating retarded thoughts. Because you actually listened to your stupid cunt mother and dyke/single mom teachers like a fucking retard, for your entire life. You're still listening to them now.

>> No.18139712

Most of them were non-jews, being a moron who only heard of Einstien and reeing about (((muh-jews))) is no excuse for ignorance

>> No.18139738

No I don’t believe in anything I said you moron, I was being facetious.
That being said you are *really* mad. Maybe you should calm down and and think about it a little. Do some introspection.

>> No.18139739

THere are some rational observations, and then there is being a retarded pisscunt. Youre just a typical american, blacked mind and all.

>> No.18139755

You guys are just tricking yourself into not enjoying life. How many misogynists can truly say they are happy? Exactly.

>> No.18139763

it becomes obvious if you meditate on it
anyone have Evola's quote on blue jean wearing women from the bow and the club

>> No.18139764

You sound like a chimp screeching against your own inferiority
White women > black women > white men > black men

>> No.18139779

Jesus Christ. I am sorry, its truly over for you.

>> No.18139780
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Women are three to five points of IQ lower on average, in addition to trailing at the higher end (a 1:12 ratio in the 140s+) which would likely populate a lot of the top of society.
Less prone to chimping out is a bad trait when it comes from compliance and lack of risk taking. Higher criminality is a unfortunate side effect compared to the positives of an aggressive and competitive population. Matriarchies are also exceedingly violent societies based on all existing data.
Made me reply, but apply yourself.

>> No.18139816

>How would you know anons prefer her?
Anons constantly bitch about how stupid women are. You want a smart woman? You need one that would be fine without you or any other man in her life. I used lover for want of a better word; there is no higher relationship than two independent people willingly giving themselves to each other.

>> No.18139828

5 points of IQ is like an inch or two of height. Totally meaningless in the big picture.

>> No.18139847

Whatever woman are won't be apprehended by this scuminess.

>> No.18139855

Pic. needs Schop’s acyptual rejoinder: that her shitty novels will fall out of print in her lifetime, while his magnum opus would remain canonized

>> No.18139889
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Debatable, in any case it goes against the claim of anon.
Unfortunate choice of analogy for a thread about women. Two inches in height is far from irrelevant to them.

>> No.18139900
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>> No.18139901

It's an idea held by Buddhists as well, there were once Buddhists who would go to stare at open graves and bodies in fields, meditating on the rotting flesh and maggots to stave off lust.

>> No.18139932

>SIX percent of women are fine dating a man who is four foot five
And people tell me that the future amazon female small male master race is "impossible" because "women don't like to be with men shorter than them".
Literally one in nineteen women would date a guy who's four foot five. Whether it be from culture or genes doesn't matter I can just take the genes of women with these preferences and find if there are correlation. If not then it's cultural and doesn't matter anyway.
Holy shit how did I now know about this there is no stopping the future amazon female small male master race. The one counter argument that might have had legitimacy now doesn't even work.