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File: 320 KB, 1725x1725, TreismanFictionPodcast-DavidFosterWallace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18136709 No.18136709 [Reply] [Original]

David comes across in both his interviews and his books as someone who thinks he is far more intelligent and profound than he actually is. As if he worries that by indulging us with his great profundity he may expose us to an unbearable existential dread, when in fact all he provides is fairly surface-level observations and unnecessarily complex esoteric paradox.

>> No.18136728

that's why his books are "international bestsellers" not recipients of national book awards and such.

>> No.18136730


There are very serious concerns presented by DFW. CIA stumbled onto the truth, but the agents who made the discovery were discretely eliminated.

The bandana is an alien lifeform that formed a symbiotic relationship with the man. When DFW (the man) sperged out and reneged on the deal, the symbiote drove him to suicide.

There are currently between 11 and 234 of these sentient bandana aliens on this planet. Their intentions are largely benign, but they have no tolerance for all-too-human changes of heart and will destroy any individual human being who betrays them.

The aliens have decided to let us live out our lives. Their initial decision to destroy the human population was averted when they discovered the music of Bach.

There is no reason to live in fear of these aliens but BE CAREFUL if you find a discarded bandana on the side of the road.

>> No.18136742

was he a headlet? when ever i try to bite his style and rock a bandana it's too small and i can't tie it in the back.

>> No.18136747

Good one. Anyways to further expand on my criticism of DFW, I feel his constant self-conscious essay style is obnoxious, and that his novels should be the poster-child for obscure literary narcissism. RIP though of course.

>> No.18136826

Superb. Best post of the week.

>> No.18136845

I think you might just have giga-cranium

>> No.18136931

Imagine wearing a fucking bandana to make yourself look more original

Holy crap what a pseud