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/lit/ - Literature

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18135349 No.18135349 [Reply] [Original]

Stirner literally shit himself in the woods /lit/, a colossal Grizzly Bear charged at him and he froze where he stood. Sweat rolled down his "gotcha" shaped brow, and then dripped onto his leather, moleskin Boots. He quickly imagined scenarios where the bear would just run past him or false charge him only for it to just dissappear into the thicket. He wrote about the matter in a letter to his friend, Samuel Brook: "I was trembling with the utmost fear, my mind picturing images of my childhood that came like a visceral tidal wave, in a fraction of a second I was flipped from one mood to the next. My heartrate was irratic. My brow sopping wet with sweat. My philosophy had achieved me nothing in the face of the ineffable sublime. I slowly meandered back to my lodgings with uncontrolled excrement seeping down my garments"

nice one /lit/

>> No.18135358

There is a Stirner thread here

>> No.18135371

Sorry, but this pertains to the act of Stirner shitting in the woods anon, not a post regarding rare Stirners