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18135204 No.18135204 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you thought this book was epic and awesome in your pre-teen years and now you're ashamed of it?

>> No.18135347

I sincerely disliked Dawkins from the beginning. Sort of admired Hitchens, for the vastness of his knowledge. These days, I think Peter is the superior Hitchens.

>> No.18135419

>These days, I think Peter is the superior Hitchens.
So basically, you’re a run-of-the-mill contrarian and will probably be a Buddhist in about a year

>> No.18135426

I didn't read Dawkins, but I was familiar because I read some Hitchens. I was at my cringe at reddit atheist phase before I came across Hitchens, I still didn't believe in God but was already reaching the point where the self-righteous arrogance of these atheist fags was a turn off and was becoming more agnostic, before eventually believing in God later on

>> No.18135585

maybe you should learn to actually think for yourself

>> No.18135650
File: 145 KB, 1200x939, Blocked+politician+decrepit+tards_702822_7828156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember walking into my bookstore as a middleschooler and buying this feeling like I was irreproachable in my intellect. Now I've rediscovered my catholic roots and the importance they hold, and I'm a lot happier for it

>> No.18135684


>> No.18135698

I havent read a single cringe book since my childhood, and I read a lot. Would unironically reread with joy everything I've read.

>> No.18135708
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I thought Dawkins was some sort of scholar and that religion was dumb and irrational. I even watched stupid anti-religious documentaries. But now I am back were I belong.

>> No.18135717

You're an idiot

>> No.18135815

And you’ll probably hop on the traditionalist Islam bandwagon when Catholicism turns out not be ‘based’ and ‘redpilled’ enough

>> No.18135912

I always knew they were full of shit even when I couldn't articulate why and this was because I understood that logical arguments were a form of evidence. These atheists would constantly trumpet that there was no evidence for the existence of God and I understood this was sloppy thinking. There's evidence, they just don't accept it. As I got older I recognized the sophistry for what it is.

>> No.18135917

Stopped halfway through when I was a teen guy is a moron

>> No.18135980

Of course I did, I went to a Catholic school at the heigh of new-athiesm.
At least it didn't turn me into a libertarian or alt-right tard.

>> No.18136517

I didn’t ever like it but I’ll admit I was more impressed than I should have been

>> No.18136528

But I do, thanks for your complete inane response that makes zero sense

>> No.18136553

Nope. Do you believe that the majority of people in the world are schizophrenic because of their belief in a God? If so, I'm sorry for your delusional schizophrenic belief that's not based in any kind of logic

>> No.18137013

I am. Very ashamed of my 14 year old atheist phase to be honest. I'm not religious but definitely have expanded my philosophical views since then.

>> No.18137020

I feel God sent me down an athesit path as a means to learn some humility and other lessons

>> No.18137050
File: 118 KB, 768x1024, Cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, modern day atheists are idiotic charlatans who are driven by emotion. I say this as someone non religious. Most of you could leave it at being an atheist but you adopt a cringe anti theist position which makes you insufferable to be around. And then to add to it plenty of you also become driven by moronic political beliefs. This is a cultural phenomenon more than anything. You people are stupid but want to feel superior to others for being intelligent but odds are you have an IQ in the 75-100 range. I'll give you an example of some of the dumbest so called "people" I have ever seen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13puH63HxmQ

>> No.18137093

Dear God look how smug they are

>> No.18137110

You’re right, sexual abuse of altar boys and suicide bombing had absolutely nothing to do with any of it

>> No.18137112

>Good heavens look at the time
>Posts low IQ subversion again
I was adult when I read it. Funny how you people are still seething about it

>> No.18137133

Yes neither of those things are relevant in what I side

>> No.18137142


>> No.18137443

His response makes perfect sense, you almost admit to adopting the beliefs of your preferred group.

>> No.18137444


>> No.18137553

I won't deny that sometimes Dawkin can be a total asshole but he makes lots of very good points. While lots of modern Atheists can be very cringing that is not a logical argument for the existence of God. He addresses the philosophical arguments for the existence of god very well.

>> No.18137619

Why is it the biggest retards always post with a name

>> No.18137692

It doesn't make sense lol. Because I find the behavior of these atheist "thinkers" to be cringe, it means I don't think for myself. You're a genius bro. It took me a while after feeling that way towards them to actually finally believe in God, for different reasons

>> No.18137703


>> No.18137798

>he addresses the philosophical arguments wrlll


>> No.18137812
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>> No.18137838
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 1618169316313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant believe the eternal contrarians all became christfags to pwn the libs.

>> No.18137873

Same. They were way more fun when they advocated for autistic libertarianism instead of the most boring, belligerent authoritarian posturing

>> No.18137891

taleb changed my mind about religion

>> No.18137906

I didn’t read anything until like one year ago

>> No.18138111

Way to demolish an argument I didn't make (and keep coming off like an impressionable twat).

>> No.18138133

It's still good but Nick did it better.

>> No.18138135

My edgy atheist uncle gave this to me for Christmas, when I was 12. He also believes in the ancient aliens theory and thinks the queen is an alien

>> No.18138141

Thanks bro

>> No.18138236

I still have it in my bookshelf 14 years later as a reminder.

>> No.18138485

ive always been agnostic. when new atheism was a thing on YouTube I thought it was cringe. I watched Anita sarkeesian and I wasnt even a woke type I just liked her because atheists hated her

>> No.18138639

I watched some of his things on youtube I think there was a documentary called "The God Delusion" I also watched some Hitchens documentaries. It's really hard to remember what I thought at the time, I really had no strong opinions on anything except video games and every information of this kind sort of passed trough me

>> No.18138696

retard, I never said I was an atheist.

>> No.18138724

Yea I loved Hitchens.. but after learning logic etc. He doesn't hold anymore.

>> No.18138740

Never liked it.

Once they abandon the "god delusion" look for god anywhere else, that's they felt the need to name the "god particle" the god of this or that, they want an impossible idol cause their brains are hardwired for it.

I think more than denying people their religious rights you should work first in better teachings.

>> No.18138764

Dude I just looked at a thousand studies of random chance and it turns out that 51% of the time your intuition is correct. Therefore telepathic powers are real.

>> No.18138897

wow /lit/ really is the stupidest board

>> No.18139238

He makes some good points about the laws of physics and our measurement of the speed of light constantly changing, which should suggest that the speed of light actually is changing.

>> No.18139504
File: 35 KB, 600x330, 17hitchens3-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I stopped caring about Dawkins when I watched "The Four Horsemen" conversation on Youtube. I had never heard of Hitchens at that point but he quarrelled with Dawkins and Dennett about the self-labeling of Atheists as "brights."

"We do not say of people that we disagree with, that they are stupid."

After that it clicked that Hitchens take on things was far more valuable. I've read everything he's published pretty much, even old bylines from the Nation and all that shit.

Anyways, I don't give a fuck about the god debate .

I'm a racist now.

>> No.18141362


>> No.18142778

>Dawkins, a good articulator of philosophical arguments


>> No.18142787

Dawkins is a cringe meme, Dennet is an arrogant scientific materialist boomer, Sam a pothead hippie, and C. Hitchens is dead.

As a religious person, I think Hitchens was the best of the four.

>> No.18142823

Ultra based,but the selfish gene is much more better

>> No.18142832

So u must have come across Hilbert's 2nd problem