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18134552 No.18134552 [Reply] [Original]

>go to "independent bookstore"
>book costs 15$
>go to used bookstore
>book costs 1$ and theirs 3 different copies
who are they trying to fool?

>> No.18134560

used bookstores are independent bookstores anon

>> No.18134579

*there’s. Maybe the books there have broken English that’s why they sell for cheaper

>> No.18134582

>go to library
>it's free
oh wow

>> No.18134584

I knew that jackass. my point is the one that really promotes itself with that label is trying to rob you
i loled. fair game

>> No.18134594

But you're not allowed to cum in them

>> No.18134602
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>What is Half Price Books

>> No.18134606

Half price books is usually too expensive for me; the average price at mine is $8 per book

>> No.18134610

Still, it must be cheaper than anywhere else, right?

>> No.18134617

not cheaper than goodwill, but goodwill's selection is shit

usually I can find the book for $3-$6 online so I usually buy them online

>> No.18134620

bro if you're gonna get your books online just use libgen and get them for free. what the fuck are you doing...

>> No.18134623

I think he means buying physical books online.

>> No.18134624

Goodwill usually gets a good haul for me. I've gotten the Complete Works of Shakespeare, the Complete Works of Oscar Wilde, a Herman Melville collection, Ulysses, and more. Each, of course, for $1.

>> No.18134629
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>burgers have all these options
>still complain

>> No.18134635

Where are you? Antarctica?

>> No.18134650

Used bookstores are fucking everywhere. Shit, here you can even buy them off the street, basically in bulk

>> No.18134661

I live in the middle of the desert. I'm lucky to get the major titles at any price from some local guy who sells imported shit. There is no Goodwill here, either the American store or the literal meaning of the term. I'm no writing from the nearest town, 3 hours away from my home. I will visit the local prostitue, Kinka, after I'm done using this computer. Heard she's good with her tongue.

>> No.18134695

I know, but not in my region. I have been living off my inheritance for the last 8 years. I get my stuff from a local man who sells overpriced imported books. I re-read a lot but it has helped me understand more deeply some books that if I had 100s. I know Homer by memory. Dante too.

>> No.18134722

Who's going to stop me?

>> No.18134725

The libraria's watching angel

>> No.18134734

Thriftbooks.com is my go to, then ebay for the ones that are more rare and too expensive on thriftbooks because sometimes those types of books are a lot cheaper on ebay. But for your regular standard books you can get em for $4 each, free shipping on $10+ orders

>> No.18134736

Thriftbooks, Ebay, and Abebooks are the holy trinity of online used book shopping

>> No.18134737

pretty based. lots of good shit there. even with cheap shipping from france.

>> No.18134742

I've only looked around a little bit on abebooks but haven't really come across too many good deals so far. Seems a little bit more expensive than thriftbooks and ebay

>> No.18134752

Ah i am retarded

>> No.18134762

But now I'm checking it out again and it actually does seem pretty cheap. Guess it was just whatever books I was looking for before that were slightly more expensive than other places

>> No.18134763

you need to go to goodwill every couple of days, they switch out their stock constantly. keep going and you'll come up on something real good eventually
t. works at goodwill

>> No.18134774

I bought many fancy hardcovers from some dying collector guy from Florida, including Ibsen's prose plays. Many good editions from the 70s. I regret not buying more from him. RIP.

>> No.18134815

who are they?
why would anyone want to fool?
and not express?

>> No.18134820

So you have first dibs on any good book? What's the best book you've found?

>> No.18134823

Huck Finn with a Twain signature. $400.

>> No.18134828

something can be true
even if it isnt
in fiction

it isnt that serious
to be a conctest its just neat

>> No.18134829

No way! Pics plz

>> No.18134834

na, bullshit policy makes me wait until the following saturday that anything is priced before i can purchase it.
most expensive books I've seen, although I have no idea how much they sold for, were some really old (150~ year old) bibles

>> No.18134838

Those "new" books have cocaine in them, which gives it the distinct flagrance of new books. After you inhale all the cocaine it loses 90% of its value and gets sold for the value of the paper used in the book.

>> No.18134842
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Here is a photo

>> No.18134847
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Pics of the bible. It was in german

>> No.18134854
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One more

>> No.18134859
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Ill post this too for the sake of posting cool shit. That's all

>> No.18134877

>$8 dollars is too expensive

America truly is a third world country

>> No.18134883

Burgers are very Jewy with their money. Always looking for the "best value" and sales.

>> No.18134888

you're the type who thinks spending 1000 dollars on a phone is ok just because you have the income for it
books relatively speaking can be bought for 1-5 bucks each, and spending more than that (especially if you actually read) can add up. especially if every book you read isn't 500+ pages, it might not be worth it

>> No.18134893

>You're the type of person who..

Did i strike a nerve? If you live in a country where you can't afford to buy a book you should just hang yourself

>> No.18134897

8 bucks is nothing, faggot.

>> No.18134954

Please just buy used books in person, or online via sources besides Amazon. Too much to go into here, but your doing so very directly helps keep the bookselling tradition alive, and helps propagate actual taste down the years.

'Independent bookstores' might as well be Barnes and Noble if they don't have a wide selection of cheap used books. We want to preserve the meaning and tradition, not just the vulgar 'industry'.

>> No.18134964


>> No.18134966

used books are disgusting. some faggot jerked off or took a crap and then continued reading that book.

>> No.18134995
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Where the fuck do you live? Are you sure the problem isn't the fact that you don't go outside and that you're seemingly fed culture by a strange and mysterious vendor that seems to arbitrarily name his own price? Does he look like picrel?

>> No.18135044

Used books here in Sweden cost like $15-20. Sometimes more. I have to order all my books from the UK through Abebooks and pay ~$5 each book and double that in shipping per book.

>> No.18135047

Ah, truly first world.

>> No.18135071

Why would you want to spend more money for the same product for no reason?

>> No.18135075

Because it's peanuts

>> No.18135112

$8 is literally twice as much what I pay per book. Since I buy lots of books I would be paying hundreds of dollars more for literally no reason. If you guys like flushing your money down the toilet then knock yourselves out I guess though

>> No.18135148

>I buy lots of books

Me too, hundreds of dollars is also peanuts. Sorry you're so poor.

>> No.18135162

I never claimed that. We're a banana republic.

I think all the books in my Billy bookshelf have cost me more than $3000 in total

>> No.18135178


>> No.18135199

Yeah and I'm going to throw half of them in order to create a bookshelf consisting only of my favorites. Don't have any other hobbies beside reading and doing drugs so in the end it's quite a cheap hobby as long as you have a job.

>> No.18135221

For literally no reason, not even convenience reasons, to waste hundreds of dollars makes you a brainlet. Sorry you're a retard. Are you suggesting that I should start paying twice as much money for the same exact book for no reason?

>> No.18135304


If i'm standing and browsing a section and i find a book i like that cost 8 dollars i'm not going to the trouble of finding it cheaper another place and spend my time doing that.

This is a thought-process a poor person cannot understand. Again, sorry.

>> No.18135317

That book is half the price and in my pocket at all times, sorry you can't understand that brainlet

>> No.18135333

Oh. You're an E-reader. Sorry again.

>> No.18136691

Where on Earth do you live? Mongolia? An Arab country?

>> No.18136731


>> No.18136737

That's awesome. Are you Kazakh or ethnic Russian?

>> No.18137125

I'm surprised. Given the size of the communist-era publishing industry in the former USSR I would have thought that there would be a gazillion pawn shops and used book stores full of old books printed by Progress and the like.

>> No.18137128

It's ex USSR, they are all poor

>> No.18137137

Even more incentive for poor people to sell their old books for next to nothing.

>> No.18137145

you are fucking obsessed

>> No.18137150

You know that's fake right? lulz

>> No.18137158

It's a photo I took from the search engine.

>> No.18137180

struck a nerve, matey?

>> No.18137183
File: 2.93 MB, 320x320, American cuisine.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you're fuckin fat

>> No.18137190

Russian. Even my name is stereotypically Ivan lol
The problem is foreign-language books. They're harder to come by

>> No.18137194

No, therefore they are third world and don't have any books. Decent books are therefore expensive

>> No.18137202

If the author is alive, I buy the book used. Fuck their estates and buy used if dead, though.

>> No.18137206

How big is the Cyrillic to Latin shift in Kazakhstan? Are people fine with it or will it be a major hassle?

>> No.18137208

Americans cry because they have to pay 8 dollars for a book. Sounds like third world to me, too.

>> No.18137213

I see.
You don't know what are you talking about.

>> No.18137217

So you buy used either way?

>> No.18137222
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it is third world

>> No.18137224

I find the best page of a book I read, cum on the pages, close the book and then donate it to a used book store.

>> No.18137225

Just have someone else buy it for you.

>> No.18137228

Then why not move to Russia? Do you have citizenship?

>> No.18137233

>go to uni bookstore
>$200 per textbook
>go online and buy the "international version"
Better yet, adobe digital editions for free

>> No.18137257

Do you play chess?

>> No.18137262

The real pros get them from the library or through interlibrary loan.

>> No.18137276
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I hate living in a shithole. New books here cost at least 50 bucks, and used ones 20-30. I paid 120 on Infinite Jest... Jesus fucking Christ, the best decision I've made was to learn English and then buying a kindle. If I depended on translations to read I would have given up long ago. FUCK THIS GAY EARTH.

>> No.18137282

All of this is sensationalism
>nj tweet
It wasnt justa tweet, it was harassment of a student
>saying im going to shoot up a school
In that manner isnt a joke
>veg garden
Was a dropped case


>> No.18137287

Well, translations to my native language.

>> No.18137291

Argentina? They live in extreme poverty there.

>> No.18137298
File: 2.88 MB, 480x600, Americans kneel for wakanda.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this sensationalism?

>> No.18137300
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How about this? Is this sensationalism?

>> No.18137303

This is idiots, which state is this so i can avois it

>> No.18137305
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Tell me, is this sensationalism or simply reality?

>> No.18137308
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>> No.18137312

It's going slow but steady. As always, old people are the ones who are resisting it the most. I'm an autodicact, so I have embraced it long ago.
In a few years, I will. I have some relatives there but my nuclear family has died. I'm writing poetry in the desert at the moment. Humanity really seems different from a place of relative isolation.

>> No.18137318

Isn't there an Amazon Brazil? Is it expensive too?

>> No.18137364
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80 bananas = ~10% of the minimum salary.

>> No.18137390

who cares brole u ballin u have kindle now that means almost any book is easy

>> No.18137395

That's like 15 bucks. I had no idea that was a lot in Brazil.

>> No.18137458

Yes, you are, if you're homeless.

t. worked at a library, aka a porn repository for the homeless

>> No.18137464

>use zlib
>read any book published in last fifty years for free

>> No.18137465

I work for a library and it is very depressing, and often suicide appears to be more attractive than working in this job. One might imagine that working in a library entails having a quiet, spacious office in which to organize the library's inner layout, making sure books are ordered and delivered on a timely basis, overseeing new technology being implemented and so forth. I am 40 years old. For thirteen years now I have stood and sat at the front desk of a large urban library whose most loyal denizens are the homeless and the clinically insane. Schizophrenics are drawn here like moths to a flame. Alcoholics come here to snooze and disrupt. Niggers crowd the aisles and spread their toxic subhuman behaviour. I thought I would be advising enthusiastic kids what to read next, or helping elderly peasants become introduced to the world of literature in order to enjoy their final years thanks to the offerings of high culture. Instead I stand silently and alone as my miserable colleagues discuss their boring husbands or browse facebook or holidays websites to look out for the cheapest package deals. I am forced to replace urine-stained seat cushions. Forced to "kindly" "usher" out the bums who vomit on themselves and the constantly wide-eyed middle-aged women who start to scream and talk gibberish at a rapid pace if I approach them and tell them we are closing up. What a pathetic life I lead. I imagined I would be like Larkin, like Borges, like the kind of refined, reserved kind of man whose job allows him an air of mystique and glum erudition. Instead I am no better than a janitor who has found himself at the till of a supermarket. In 2008 I had a brief sexual affair with a student girl who spent a month here as part of her training to become a librarian. We screwed in the storage room several times a day. It was purely physical on her part but deeply emotional on mine. Eventually she realized she didn't want this kind of job and admitted she felt sorry for me and thought fucking me would make me less depressed and her less experienced. She is now working for a marketing company and is earning more than me despite being a member of a different generation. Please kill me. Please. Please. Please God let this be the day I am struck by a truck on my lonesome drive home. Let this be the night the niggers break into my home and garrote me as I lay sleepless staring silently toward the ceiling.

>> No.18137532

I read all of this. I am sorry. Please try to find another line of work, perhaps in a completely different country. You may even consider visiting public libraries in another country to see what they can be like.

>> No.18137581

>new books cost more
Wow shocking

>> No.18137792

>anon discovers marketing

>> No.18138177

But we don't have to pay $8, that's the thing

>> No.18138184

No, buying the exact same book on a bookmarked page online is a few clicks away at all times. More convenient than going to a store actually

>> No.18138235

Why not find another library not in the inner city or a used book store?

>> No.18138994

kek holy shit thank fuck I'm not American

>> No.18140235

not working at a comfy rural library you failed at life

>> No.18140289

You can tell he's not making it up, look at the raw emotion dripping from the post. I would know because I have similar feels breaking my back 60 hours a week at a post office. This country is beyond redemption. Poor guy.

>> No.18140399
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holy fuck. if your life is that lame and lifeless you should start working out, do drugs, or both.

>> No.18140470

>8 bucks is too expensive
I have money but I won’t throw it away on a book for $8 when I can read it for free

would you pay $3 to make a post here because it’s inexpensive? Retard.

>> No.18140501

You can "read" it digitally for free but you can't own a physical book for free unless you steal it.

>> No.18140528

I’m speaking about libraries, anyone who collects books probably doesn’t care about the money they spend

>> No.18140531

poorfags are not human. Do not reply to me, as I will not reply to you any longer

>> No.18140533

Oh, alright.
>poorfags are not human
Come on now.

>> No.18140549

The secret to getting good books at resale shops is to volunteer there. They only put out bestsellers and college books, and then throw the rest away. I sniped some cool esoteric shit and /lit/core like Pynchon when I was volunteering.

This is what I mean. Resale shops are great if you want classics that are taught in a classroom.

>> No.18140554

Also you can go and raid the dumpster of a resale shop. That is another way to find the good stuff. We were throwing out hundreds of books a day.

>> No.18142342

>This country is beyond redemption
Or maybe, just maybe, you're just a pathetic loser since you seem to be stuck in that kind of shit job.

>> No.18142987

The US Postal Service is the single largest employer in the country, and it's not the only terrible job around. What percentage of the population would you say consists of "pathetic losers?"

>> No.18143181

Not everyone is stuck there forever like the seething faggot I replied to. Most of us start off with shit jobs and eventually move on to bigger and better things.

>What percentage of the population would you say consists of "pathetic losers?"
Generally? Maybe ~10%

>> No.18143366

Is this pasta? Hope for you it is.

>> No.18143645

>admitted she felt sorry for me and thought fucking me would make me less depressed
wow what an angel

>> No.18143699

what do you spend your money on?

>> No.18143714

>Most of us start off with shit jobs and eventually move on to bigger and better things.
I don't know why you believe that.
>Generally? Maybe ~10%
I think you live in a bubble. Have you ever considered the fact that close to two thirds of Americans do not have even $500 in savings to cover them in an emergency? This country is a much worse place to live than you think it is.

>> No.18143744


>> No.18144164

Yeah 99% of humans are pathetic losers. And the 1 % is born rich.

>> No.18144220


Lol, I meant buy new if the author is alive. If the book sucks then its my fault for being a faggot