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File: 127 KB, 1280x720, Doomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18132354 No.18132354 [Reply] [Original]

Considering that the Doomer meme has reached such a wide audience in recent years, to the point of defining an entire generation of young men in various nations, are there any recent (post-2008) books either including a doomer character or analysing the doomer generation in non-fictional manner?

This isn't a troll question, I genuinely would like to know.

>> No.18132422

Capitalist Realism and The Conspiracy Against the Human Race kick started the this whole shtick of nihilism in the last decade.

>> No.18132702

>entire generation of young men in various nations,

>> No.18133305

books haven't kickstarted shit since the era of portnoy's complaint and valley of the dolls

>> No.18133391

Russians and Brazilians love Doomershit

>> No.18133395

Brazilians aren't people.

>> No.18133401

Young men who enjoy memes are an absolutely minuscule part of the reading public. There are no books about it because young men do not buy books

>> No.18133411

This is the unfortunate truth

>> No.18133419

Nobody buys books anymore.

>> No.18133433

>this is the first generation that thinks the world will end in their lifetime
Nigger are you retarded?

>> No.18133445

Even if that is true young men still buy even less, go to a bookstore and look at who the target audience is for most of the books.

>> No.18133449

Women do. Last year book sales increased massively.

>> No.18133454

Accurate. I work at a bookstore and 90% of the people who buy books are young women.

>> No.18133476

ww1 kickstarted this modern nihilism

>> No.18133530
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I feel bad about pirating books, especially if I really like them

>> No.18133549

Bait or genuinely awful taste? Who knows

>> No.18133560

Seems more like a warning to me

>> No.18133633

Older women buy books.

>> No.18133668

but anglofags are?

>> No.18133928
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go back to r*ddit, tell them stinky steve sends his regards

>> No.18134943
File: 70 KB, 526x634, Mike_(2010s).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The doomer identity is for faggots who want to show the world they're jaded and sad and modest about their woes but don't want to sound like the women begging for attention on social media whom they despise.

>> No.18134973

I'm currently writing a book about myself and I identify strongly with the doomer archetype.

>> No.18134980
File: 67 KB, 507x709, E62F87FA-72DA-4B0C-9959-6C26EAAAC004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The doomer isn’t a brand new concept, young people have always felt adrift and sad. There’s plenty of “doomer” literature that emphasizes this yet in recent years no novel has really come out, but I don’t think “sad 20 something “ would be a great novel anyway

>> No.18135136

Keep in mind, we're in the first global PANdemic ever. Not even in WW2 every country was a involved. Fuck my life, the last hobby of Doomers was taking a walk at night, and even that is forbidden in a lot of places.

>> No.18135176

Yes, it's a consequence of people from every country in the world being able to travel, an absolutely unique element of contemporary history

>> No.18135460
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>> No.18135539

>The doomer generation
It's demoralization technology surviving off of the cultural romanticism of 'sensitive' men suffering.

>> No.18135659

>90% of the people who buy books are young women
cya later virgins

>> No.18135700

Tbh that may be because men acquire books by other means. Can't remember the last time I went into a bookstore to buy a book. Nowadays I mostly browse flea markets, pick up books from the street, or just order online.

>> No.18135725

>never had gf
>dead end job that makes me disassociate
>no goals, hobbies are no longer interesting
>only reason I keep going every day is to not be homeless
>no real interest in contributing to society cause it feels alien
whats the point bros

>> No.18135839

Nigger there is no point. It’s not like you are born with your life’s purpose branded on your forehead. You have to make the choice yourself as to what you want to do with the time you have on this planet. If you want to be a world renowned scientist fine, the greatest author cool, the best dick sucker in the Milky Way okay. You can even chose to just lay in bed all day and rot away since it’s YOUR life.
You won’t find a purpose so make your own purpose

>> No.18135848

what job do you have? about to drop out of uni and i have no idea of the job market, let alone what dead end job there could be

>> No.18136103

>Keep in mind, we're in the first global PANdemic ever.

What is the 1918 Influenza

>> No.18136404

Something that didn't reach Iceland, Australia, and other corners that are only linked by and after globalism of the 21st century.

>> No.18136407

I need a place for insightful book discussion. A place in which people are smart enough to know that posting wojaks is fucking cancer.

Wheb will /lit/ learn?

>> No.18136419

They just want to feel that their are sensitove and smart. In reality they are just inmature, self centered, wimpy cunts.

>> No.18136428

>Something that didn't reach Australia

>> No.18137212

Try to get into a trade

>> No.18137234

stfu bitch ass nigga

>> No.18137381

How are centennials any better? They will just follow the same path as "zoomers", but with even more technological advances.

>> No.18138161

covid didn't reach australia either, really

i live in perth and only 9 people have died

>> No.18139823

There is no "point", but I intend to drop out of society and live a life that's as stress free as possible. No children, no wife, few friends, small house, few possessions (except books) and few ambitions.

>> No.18139894

How you gonna get the money for that property bro?

>> No.18139926

I didn't say "no job"

>> No.18139939

"Stress free as possible" means "no job" as far as I'm concerned

>> No.18140057
File: 72 KB, 1280x722, F0E87703-33FC-4A15-8122-23CB9C88AC81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gothic “doomer” has been around since at least the 1970s and 80s. This is nothing new, and more recently was rechristened “emo”.
Morrissey, The Cure, Anne Rice? The Crow?


>> No.18140066
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Better rendition

>> No.18140297

Don’t you realize what a non-answer this is? You don’t offer any real reason to do any of these things, or anything at all for that matter.

>> No.18140302

Same here anon. I don’t have an answer but you’re not alone.

>> No.18140312

Retarded opinion. Books might not be ‘widely’ read relative to the total population. But those who drive cultural changes generally read. Culture trickles from those who read to those who don’t.

>> No.18140363
File: 2.64 MB, 1544x3960, ZOMBIEDOM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I genuinely would like to know.
It's the end of Humans,
They dont need "Men"
nor "Women".

Those are irrelevant "Social Constructs" for the Global Administrators.
So they have created a Cultural Wasteland were Awareness of Being a Being has vanished; No Roots, no Values, no Mnemosyne, no Identity, no Memory, no "Subject".

This is a World wide Culling; from the Christian Tradition that made Healthy Families to the Globo-Homo " do whatever you want, be whatever you like".

Kubrick was right about everything.

>> No.18140373

None of these are doomers. Do you even know what doomers are?

>> No.18140402

Moody nihilism, basically. I was like this as a teenager


>> No.18140433

Wrong, and no, you weren’t. You are actually a boomer, the counterpart of the doomer, speaking nonsensically about something you don’t understand with a sweeping degree of confidence as is par for the course for the boomer.

>> No.18140492
File: 111 KB, 600x595, C2D8995D-905F-463D-8A70-DC635F56DA68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. The blowjack in a black cap is just a moody nihilist. The same things have been bothering our generations for a while.
I am Gen-X, your elder and I know what I’m talking about.


>> No.18140495

butters do you have a job or do you just post your bad opinions on this website all day?

>> No.18140509

Yes, I have a job

>> No.18140545

I don’t know what to tell you other than you’re wrong. If you weren’t able to livestream you blowing your head off on an imageboard when you were young then you’re not and ever have been a doomer.

>> No.18140581

You realize butters would have been a 20 year old in late 80s/early to mid 90s?
A real 21st century doomer is entirely detached from the happenings on the Internet. they have a few discord or irc groups, maybe a board or two.

>> No.18140599

>A real 21st century doomer is entirely detached from the happenings on the Internet. they have a few discord or irc groups, maybe a board or two.
What? They are practically raised in the internet and bathed in it. We all are. Where do you think the meme came from in the first place?

>> No.18140606

You don’t actually get to rewrite someone’s personal biography, kiddo. I’ve telling you people about me for years, and okay, you’re new, fine. I was quite depressed throughout my teens and twenties and a lot of it stemmed from dogged faith, my sexuality not being acceptable to said faith, and impoverishment. I wanted to carve out a life of my own in the arts, but it never happened, and I was never happy for more than a couple of days at a time. I turned my perspectives around and now feel like a different person. I try to help others, but you guys get so nasty now. Pshh

>> No.18140617

Butterfly, you'll never be as pretty as her. Even in your prime, you were less than her right shoulder, and now, everyday, you age more and more ugly.

>> No.18140626

Will you give a brief history of /lit for newfags? You can break it down by eras of your own choosing.

>> No.18140628

Boomers in 93 where like 40
The meme came from people who don’t know what demographic are pr how to count. They’d ask Alexa but they don’t think they need to.

>> No.18140629

A doomer could just as easily exist roaming the streets of new York at 2am on a Tuesday during the early 90s
The entire doomer aesthetic was stolen from gen x you clown
The clothes, the attitude, the culture, the drugs, fucking everything
Internet adaption means nothing

>> No.18140636
File: 25 KB, 892x480, 3C7F9074-0538-42E5-9997-BFF3E3BB62BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen her (and her son) lately?

>> No.18140638

The Very Thirsty Caterpillar

>> No.18140643

What? You’re not a doomer because you misunderstand what a doomer is, not yourself. You didn’t even read what I wrote.

Typical boomer...

>> No.18140645

Not quite the same thing but Ars Vitae by Elizabeth Lasch-Quinn is about the resurgence of interest in philosophical and political theories in online communities. Haven't read it. Could be interesting though?

>> No.18140646

What type of work do you do?

>> No.18140654

doomer is night walk not spend night in fapping to traps you homo

>> No.18140664

No, it wasn’t. What makes the doomer the doomer is the unique time of memes and kids raised in the frenzied optimism of the of 80s and 90s, through the internet, and into just frenzy.

This is just some bizarre like “nuh look at me too I was edgy as a teen” when that’s not what any of this is about. The doomer has never known anything beyond an online reality, low marriage rates, high divorce rates, post-industrial decay, post-9/11 terror, post-2008 economics, now post-2020 pandemics, and the accelerating schizophrenia that is social media. No one born before the 80s grew up with that as a matter of fact.

>> No.18140671

And what? You think people who night walk don’t have the internet? I’m on a night walk right now.

- posted from my night walk internet

>> No.18140686

You are arguing identity politics about a meme, I'm not trying to shit on you but you shouldn't worry about what someone else idea of it is. you should take what it means to you and inspire your writing with it

>> No.18140713

I bought a cheap kindle paper white to pirate all of my books, but I started to buy books I really liked. Which turns out to be a pretty good strategy because not all books are worthy of being put on a shelf, even though they are worth reading

>> No.18140730

>You are arguing identity politics about a meme
Damn you’re dumb

>> No.18140739

Identity politics? What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.18140752

Get mad

>> No.18140784

Debating about the TRUE meaning of a doomer meme and being all pompous and gay lol

>> No.18140788

imagine embarrassing yourself

>> No.18140792

I’ve been talking in passed tense about this. I was a type of goth, which is a doom and gloom kid. A pessimist philosophy as much as a fandom of gothic music or gothic clothing

>> No.18140796

The ALL CAPS tripfag is right... jesus christ. Fucking zoomers.

>> No.18140808

Ok sure It's not politics I used the wrong word, I'm basically saying its up for interpretation though