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/lit/ - Literature

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1813071 No.1813071 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books that make panties moist? I don't wanna actually have to read them though. I'll just put them on the shelves and invite the ladies over to see my "books" if you catch my drift.

>> No.1813076

brothers karamazov

>> No.1813075

I hear Ann Summers has a new range of vibrating novels you may be interested in. Titles include: The Cunt of Monte Cristo and Of Human BDSM

>> No.1813077

Anais Nin - Erotica

>> No.1813104

Well reading Ulysses by James Joyce on the bus is kind of a meme in this regard.

>> No.1813111
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Anna Karenina, Proust, Dorothy Parker,Sylvia Plath Isak Dinesen, Emma Goldman, The New Yorker.

>> No.1813221

Bitches love Finnegans Wake.

>> No.1813230

I hate it, but it makes women's vaginas moist
If you can come at it with some bullshit literary theory, vaginas will be even more moist

>> No.1813239

Anything by a decent woman writer, and some stuff like Kundera or Beckett that's like last 50 years, maybe being studied by them.

>> No.1813242

Depends on how smart the girl is.
i.e.Some bitches will get horny when they see James Joyce on your shelf. Others won't. Others won't even know who he is.

>> No.1813247

I asked everyone I know last week if they knew who James Joyce was.

None of them.

Fucking none. Never heard of him or any of his books.

>> No.1813253

I can conclude from this two things:
You don't know many people
You like to judge them

>> No.1813254

What's your situation in life? Are you still in HS? College? Working min. wage? Like I said, the people you're trying impress might not even know that it's important.

>> No.1813255

Eat, Pray, Love.

They go crazy over that shiz.

>> No.1813259

Yes, I am extremely judgmental and have no friends. Welcome to 4chan. Welcome to /lit/.

>> No.1813267

Not the anon you quoted, but I'm in college and no one knows who Camus, Joyce or even Tolstoy are.
I'm not saying that they need to read them, or to even know the name of a book. But being completely unaware of the existance of a huge number of important authors certainly says something about a person.
I'm excluding from this scenario people with no means of acquiring information, like really poor people or people who live in villages without good educational facilities etc. I'm talking about middle and upper class citizens who have everything but don't anything about anything.

>> No.1813269

so is the general idea that she'll be too busy mirin them classics of the western canon to notice the surrounding squalor

>> No.1813275

You are apparently going to a very shitty college. If an English department doesn't know who Joyce is, get the fuck out.

>> No.1813276

May I recommend 101 Zen Tales? I, Sozan, can attest that the ladies love this story from it:

If You Love, Love Openly

Twenty monks and one nun, who was named Eshun, were practicing meditation with a certain Zen master.

Eshun was very pretty even though her head was shaved and her dress plain. Several monks secretly fell in love with her. One of them wrote her a love letter, insisting upon a private meeting.

Eshun did not reply. The following day the master gave a lecture to the group, and when it was over, Eshun arose. Addressing the one who had written to her, she said: "If you really love me so much, come and embrace me now."

>> No.1813280

I'd actually be more impressed if he had a few Eastern canon books in there too.

>> No.1813284

I didn't ask anyone from the English department, of course they will know who he is. I'm going ot Law school, no one there knew anything about him. I asked some guys from Design, and nothing. Asked some people I knew from HS, and nothing. It is like I'm surrounded by people who have NO interest in anything but the party next saturday. Parties aren't bad, but living for them is just shitty.

>> No.1813287

Again, I guess this depends on where you go to school. College isn't necessarily the academic haven of intellectuals we so often see described in our favorite books. Many people go there to get a degree in whatever they want and aren't particularly interested in things outside of that topic. Perhaps if you go to a top tier university, most of the people will be familiar with many great authors, but outside of that, I wouldn't expect it.

>> No.1813290

Why don't you go read about the party next Saturday, fag.

>> No.1813292

Well, are you going to a party school then? But honestly, I wouldn't expect non-English majors to have read those authors. Not everyone likes to read, as disappointing as it may be.

>> No.1813296

The Silmarillion and the collected Histories of Middle Earth. Don't forget to bury them in Gemmell and fighting fantasy novels.

>> No.1813312

I'm not saying they are obliged to read them or anything. All I complain is: people with the means of having unlimited information just choose to be ignorant. Like I said, they aren't obliged to read James Joyce, but at least knowing his name and say something like: "Oh, he's that irish dude isn't he? Never read any of his books"
I'm only using Joyce as an example. I'm sure some people won't even know who Edgar Allan Poe, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Baudelaire etc etc.
Not knowing ONE of them is okay, but being completely oblivious from the existance of all of them is being an ignorant fuck.

>> No.1813329
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>if you catch my drift
>catch my drift
>catch drift

how the fuck do you catch a drift?

>> No.1813334

I don't know if it's like this where you are, but most colleges I've seen require you to at least have 2 semesters worth of literature classes. You'll usually get exposed to some of the most major writings in those classes, depending on which ones you take. I think that's why they make those classes part of the core curriculum, and having required reading in school. To avoid there being people completely ignorant of books.

I've personally never met anyone unfamiliar with Poe though (or at least, anyone I've ever told my name to). Maybe it's a location thing.

>> No.1813348

I'm from Brazil, and the way things go here are this: you choose your major, that's all you gonna get. There are no classes from other subjects, like, if you're majoring in Law, you won't get (in my case) any classes from Brazilian Literature or anything. It's a shame really.

>> No.1813353

Do you really think that when a chick sees that you have Nora Roberts on your bookshelf, she'll drop her panties?

>> No.1813361

ugh, it all depends on the girl, really. Don't count on one genre fits all.

the other day, I managed to impress a girl with my knowledge on the Malazan Book of the Fallen. (her favorite book series)

>> No.1813369

Ah, yeah, it's a bit different in the U.S. from what I've seen. I guess that way is more efficient, but I like having broad choices myself.

Are the people you asked not familiar with the well-known Brazilian authors either?

>> No.1813370

Lovecraft. Bitches love his craft.

>> No.1813371

True dat.

>> No.1813378

This. It all depends.

Your best bet is to have a LOT of variety. Sci-fi, poetry, history, novellas, art books, classics from the Western canon, classics from the East, contemporary authors, theatre, just a little of everything.

This should have the added bonus of making your shelves be rather full, which is always moist-worthy.

>> No.1813390

See if you can find the poems of Catullus in a book. Particularly the erotic shit.

>> No.1813412

Yeah. Of course they have a little knowledge of the more accomplished ones, but to others who are highly regarded as important to our culture are ignored by people.
And this isn't just about literature, it comes in every form of art really.