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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 33 KB, 256x394, The_Unwritten_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1812735 No.1812735 [Reply] [Original]

I'm somewhat new to comics (or graphic novels, whatever).

I am a comparative literature major and because of that also a horrible elitist.

So far I've read and enjoyed Sandman, Fables, Maus, quite the heap of things by Alan Moore and most recenly The Unwritten.

What I'm asking is that you would recommend me other series, in vein of those mentioned, to check out, to become addicted to and to spend the little money I have on.


>> No.1812747

Basically everything else is shit. You've read all the good stuff already.

>> No.1812751

oh brother

op, are you mostly just into fantasy-type comics or would you be interested in other stuff so long as it's good

>> No.1812754

There's a comics board. Use it.

>> No.1812756

From Hell is Alan Moore's best comic.

>> No.1812758


I have no bias for or against fantasy. That goes for all genres. The quality of the work is what interests me.


I find that dubious. I can't have that good a radar -- I've been reading just... things that seem interesting.

>> No.1812760
File: 1.54 MB, 1183x5000, 1256328494291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stuff from this list is your best bet, I'd reckon.

Check out Cerebus. Literary gents tend to enjoy it quite a bit.

>> No.1812762


Tin Tin OP.

So. Much. Tin Tin.

>> No.1812763


I see. Apologies for the wrong (I guess) forum. I don't usually categorize fiction based on wheter it has pictures in it or not. Apparently that's where I went wrong. :)

>> No.1812765

Seconding this. Almost done the first volume of Cerebus. Good stuff.

>> No.1812769

you might want to skim this thread: >>1807528

>> No.1812773


4chan isn't concerned with how you organize things. It's only concerned with how it organizes things.

>> No.1812784

If manga is fine try Monster by Naoki Urasawa.

>> No.1812818

Blanket, by Craig Thompson, and everything else he made.

>> No.1812822
File: 28 KB, 500x500, asterios.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asterios motherfucking polyp

pick motherfucking very related.

>> No.1812828


it organizes things however it wants to.

comics are literature. sorry.

>> No.1812839

If you want to check out more autobio comics consider Epileptic by David B. or the autobio journalism comics of Joe Sacco (Palestine, Safe Area Gorazde, etc.)

If you like Alan Moore you should check out his series Promethea. Ran for about 30 issues, and it's kind of like his version of Dante's Inferno in a way - except instead of a tour of hell you get a tour of Moore's stance on philosophy, life and religion.

If you want to check out more current Vertigo titles consider Sweet Tooth, DMZ, or Northlanders.

A lot of people like Y: The Last Man, and it has an interesting premise and characters, but personally I think the actual plot of it is borderline awful.

>> No.1812846
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Try Chris Ware's stuff as well. Jimmy Corrigan or Acme Novelty Library #20. Jason (the cartoonist) is kickass as well.

Pic related.

>> No.1812849


Thanks, great suggestions people. I will check them out. Don't stop now, though.

>> No.1812953
File: 51 KB, 400x601, Complete Essex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essez County by Jeff Lemire

>> No.1812963
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The current run of Godzilla is really good, ironically.

>> No.1812989
File: 129 KB, 400x600, 1680_400x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read The Invisibles.

>> No.1813021
File: 430 KB, 588x350, Macho-men-die-early.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am not OP but I have seen your words and I, Sozan, vow upon this day to read The Invisibles.

So it is written, so it shall be.

>> No.1813029


Remember when reading it: Whenever the characters say or do something really strange, that is what Grant Morrison actually believes.

>> No.1813048

Loved it, but what was up with the meteor? Was it real or what? I think it might have been 2deep4me.

>> No.1813063


It's a call back to the coffee scene at the start, when Asterios make fun of big looming threats from space