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18126043 No.18126043 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this interpreted as being so gay?
Can classicists (ie women) not comprehend non-erotic friendship between males?

>> No.18126061

Socrates gets in bed with the hottest guy in the world and doesn't fuck him. The hottest guy ever then gives a speech about how much he wishes Socrates would fuck him.

>> No.18127427


>> No.18127432

Even if socrates doesn't talk about sexual comment everyone else does. Use your head.

>> No.18127485

>Why is this interpreted as being not gay? Can /pol/tards (ie incels) not comprehend erotic friendship between males?

>> No.18127513

why is it that there are so many women in classics?

>> No.18127521

If people interpret it as being pro homosexual sex they're legitimately retarded.

>> No.18127524

Allan Bloom didn't help

>> No.18127525

It is multiple people giving their various views on the subject of love. As with Plato's othwr dialogues, many different opinions are brought up.

>> No.18127548

I know, that's (part of) why I'm saying it's ridiculous to just say "duhh it's pro gay sex".

>> No.18127826
File: 7 KB, 300x168, Stanley Rosen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-erotic friendship between males
You fool. For Plato, all true love is erotic.

>> No.18127830

>he thinks erotic means sex

>> No.18127848

Eros was the god of physical love.

>> No.18128778

Socrates loved taking it up the arse, and Plato, Xenephon, and the like wanted to pretend that he didn't. That is all.

>> No.18128781

tfw no cute bf to pursue the love of wisdom with

>> No.18128798

Classicists are either retarded or autistic. I don't know how or why but they're always like this.

>> No.18128803
File: 73 KB, 520x687, Thighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18128813
File: 1.74 MB, 1900x4400, greek homosexuality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can classicists (ie women) not comprehend non-erotic friendship between males?
They are literally talking about Eros you faggot.

>> No.18128867 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18128876
File: 53 KB, 576x768, Statue_Altes_Museum,_Berlin_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18128900

because we live in the gayest time in human history and faggotry has spread to everything

>> No.18128905

>because we live in the gayest time in human history
not remotely

>> No.18128912

you project all your faggotry onto the past

>> No.18128927


>> No.18129775


>> No.18129811

Read the three sections. It deals with the perception homosexuality in Ancient Greek society and among its philosophers.
>spoiler alert: Plato was against homosexual activity

>> No.18129820

anon I . . .

>> No.18129851

This is mostly unobjectionable, however
>pederasty was mostly limited to the ruling class and pederasty therefore for the most part was socially acceptable in practical terms the laws were rarely enforced
I would like to see more evidence for this commonly repeated assertion, which I have seen several other sources criticise as baseless or at least ambiguous. I can't think of any primary sources that refer to attitudes or practice of pederasty as class-based. And the prevalence of pederastic motifs in myth and popular entertainment seem to contradict this idea.

>> No.18129866

Also although Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are of course the three most important Greek philosophers, they constitute a very close circle. Other philosophers had more positive attitudes toward it, like Plutarch for instance, and certain speakers in Plato and Cicero's dialogues. The number of important poets expressing pederastic affections isn't negligible either.

>> No.18129880
File: 56 KB, 440x734, Alcibiades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is overwheling use of sexual vocabulary all over the place anon, learn greek instead of reading translations by prudish scholars

>> No.18129904

Also this website denies AIDS. Kek

>> No.18129921

Oh man, I never knew that.
As long as their articles on Ancient Greece are decent.

>> No.18129990

The guy seems interesting, in a somewhat sad sort of way. I can only find this one article about him.
I think it's strange to emphasise the 'ex-gay' aspect, and especially to spend lots of time on issues like the fabrication(?) of AIDS and the question of a genetic basis to homosexuality. Because otherwise the sort of postmodern historiographical stuff about the constructed gay identity is essentially academically mainstream. The ex-gay thing is just a put off. I prefer the Catholic Church's approach to homosexuality:
>2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.
>2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.
I don't understand why it's not enough to simply ask gays to be chaste. Why all the other stuff? The AIDS shit seems more liable to push people away than to convince them.
t. formerly religious homosexual

>> No.18130001

There's a lot of young adult lit inspired by greek mythology. Also, the status of Sappho as a lesbian icon.

>> No.18130040

The education system is designed for women. My English classes all amounted to writing meme level poetry and blogposting about our feelings

>> No.18130062

Just guys being bros, talking about their love of tight boy ass

>> No.18131250

>this website denies AIDS
The quality level of /pol/acks' "sources"...

>> No.18131327

base volcel

>> No.18131390

I remember a lot of the people in that dialogue continually mentioning how the wider world just doesn't get their male philosopher relationships so it seems even in Greece back then the average Greek thought even the supposed platonic male relationship was kinda gay and cringe.

I definitely started viewing ancient Greek culture as being a lot less gay after having read it.

>> No.18131393


>> No.18131404

So they can inject poz as they have been programmed by the jew-owned media from childhood.

>> No.18132130

Not for Plato.

>> No.18132876

Source? Plato uses the term eros in many ways. He uses it to refer to bodily desires (sex, food, etc.) often. I believe in The Republic he says that true eros is the love of beauty and order under moderation or something. One thing is certain though: Plato constantly uses eros to refer to self reproduction mediated through the mental, as well as the physical. Love by it's very nature is an attempt at self extension. Love of the beloved, the family, the state, etc. The "substrate" doesn't matter. To me, he makes this so clear it's like he's slapping you in the face with it over and over.