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18125789 No.18125789[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What can you tell me about Hermeticism?

>> No.18125796
File: 370 KB, 432x648, hermetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18125818

Some cool stuff desu

>> No.18125869

Is this drawing 09A in disguise?

>> No.18125903


>> No.18125914
File: 29 KB, 209x252, Manly_P._Hall2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to Manly P Hall lectures on youtube

he has some history incorrect, but if you know about history you can just fix his mistakes in your mind

listen to him at 2X speed I think he sounds better that way and you get through more material that way

>> No.18125928

The number of random gold mining companies that make massive bank is just ridiculous.
How many of them are actually practicing the royal art, immersing the vulgar metals in the mercury, awakening the higher principle? Its perfectly sensible that in the 21st century someone can make millions from their work and pass it off as any other source of income.

>> No.18125930

Some old philosophy, which you wouldn't even considered good if it wasn't packaged in mysterious names, came to influence Early Modern Science, which then got discarded like an old shell. Hermeticism is this meeting, and typically of no interest to anyone besides teenagers trying to one up each other with esoterica. Its the same concern with mystery and magic that teenage girls have for witches and so on, but here the group in question are pre diabetic slacker teen boys.

>> No.18125946

>Is this drawing 09A in disguise?
Yes, it's by Richard Moult. He's a big player in o9a.

>> No.18125959

>Listen to Manly P Hall lectures on youtube

>he has some history incorrect, but if you know about history you can just fix his mistakes in your mind

Very good suggestion. Hall is great for beginners but some of his stuff dated and historically incorrect since he wrote quite some time ago. Just keep that in mind when listening to/reading him.

>> No.18125962

How reliable is he?

>> No.18125976

he paints the kind of picture you need to pursue the information yourself later on

>> No.18125983

How many little kids he's raped and killed you think?

>> No.18125997

>Richard Moult
He looks like the type of un-self aware marxists you find.

>> No.18126022

That it belongs on /his/ or /x/, not /lit/

>> No.18126027

Proposition 7

>> No.18126029


>> No.18126293


>> No.18126975

So what you're saying is /lit/ is full of (mental) teenage girls, hence the obsession with faux-esotericism and other such mystical garbage.

>> No.18126988


>> No.18126991

It is of Satan, just stick to the Holy Bible.

>> No.18127061

Jesus was the ultimate Hermeticist in the eyes of Hemeticists.

>> No.18127071

reddit gold

>> No.18127103

Just read secret teachings of all ages

>> No.18127124
File: 442 KB, 755x507, Silence_Semite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Day 1 read Kybalion
>feelsgoodman, Plato pilled and Math gels
>Day 50 doing Wim Hof Breaths in ice baths
>Day 70 doing guttural chanting while spasming my solar plexus to make me look like a puking cat yogi so I can command pattern interrupt algorithms into my physiological hardware wiring
>Day 90 have made Astrological predictions about commodity prices and have autistically traded them for profit when right and when wrong forsook all contact with society to read my way into proving there must be a way to KNOW

>> No.18127132

I slept my way through that hard book. Haven't made it half way yet. I finished the Kybalion in a few hours.
Also finished a lot of Manly P Hall and William Walker Atkinson's books very easily and enjoyably. Evola is a PAIN.

>> No.18127140

The chlidren's bread is not for dogs, you stinking dog - Jesus

>> No.18127151
File: 47 KB, 317x479, TarotKermit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Hermetic Principles of:
Cause and Effect
GENDERS (Mayonaise Helicopters)
are all logical pattern recognitions of the great sages older than civilization itself. It's so sound it puts into perspective how unsound the majority of all other beliefs and belief forming ways are. The consequences of not realizing this cost civilizations their downfall...welcome to Clown World my guy wouldn't you like a Hermetic Fren?

>> No.18127152

>t. turbotard

>> No.18127165

Look at him shrink away, "I've been found out" he says to himself. He postures in false pride to make it seem like his position wasn't utterly trivialized. Look at him type "Filtered" on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum.

>> No.18127166
File: 34 KB, 700x394, connor-Murphy-Before_after-DivineProteinShake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clearly have not sipped on the NECTAR OF THE GODS (Connor Murphy trademark 2021)
I bet you don't even do DMT or watch Joe Rogan

>> No.18127167
File: 1.20 MB, 2010x2048, Screenshot_20210428-142038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm, nah

>> No.18127171

>The consequences of not realizing this cost civilizations their downfall
I fail to see the issue.

>> No.18127173

absolutely based, bitch

>> No.18127176

dude looks better on the left

>> No.18127188

The Divine Protein Shake is an inside joke among elite Bodybuilders who are in the know about steroids and their use and sale. The joke is that Connor Murphy claims to be straight while purchasing the cum, yes semen, of men he contacts on instagram. It is this ritual of contacting men on instagram for their divine protein shake that is STRAIGHT and transmutes male energy into GAINS. No homo spelll caveat emptor.

>> No.18127190


>> No.18127193
File: 481 KB, 1000x712, Joseph Parker, Sunrise in Blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here op. 12 part article on hermeticism.

An investigation of the origins of Hermeticism and the true teachings of Hermes Trismegistus
>In the first parts of this 12-part investigation we discussed the origins of Hermeticism, the Greek and Egyptian conceptions of the God variously known as Thoth, Theuth, Tat, and Tahuti, and the origins and extent of the Corpus Hermeticum. This was followed by an examination of the actual teachings of Hermes and a detailed study of the Seven Universal Hermetic Laws. In this final article we draw together the golden threads of Hermes' Divine Doctrine and explain and elucidate a few subjects we have not yet considered. Our aim throughout these twelve articles has been to recover—as far as possible—the original truths Hermes taught, and to distinguish these without fail from the half-truths and speculations grafted onto the Corpus Hermeticum over the centuries.

Books on hermeticism :

>> No.18127194
File: 334 KB, 2048x520, Screenshot_20210428-142647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would classify you as a Jew (Jewish soul)

>> No.18127202


>> No.18127205

Imagine knowing any of this.

>> No.18127206
File: 48 KB, 1280x720, MigelJeckson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You take that back!

>> No.18127212

>pre diabetic slackers
Insulin resistant magicians btfo

>> No.18127219

Forgot link to articles

>> No.18127224
File: 565 KB, 1084x884, MorePlatesMoreDates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Years ago I saw a meme of a Christian Virgin vs Esoteric Flower of Life Sacred Geometry Spirituality Chad...
Life has imitated art...
This illustrates the hermetic principle of

This is too fuckin funny even for meme magic

I thought what could possibly turn people off from my religion and philosophy? Oh Connor Murphy. Oh no that will do the trick.

>> No.18127226

What has been said, cannot be unsaid.

>> No.18127233

This, but take his crap about the masons with a grain of salt.

>> No.18127234
File: 374 KB, 2190x738, SpiritualChad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
