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18124514 No.18124514 [Reply] [Original]

This is not a philosophical text, it's an occult initiation ritual. Hegelianism is simply the rationalization of hermeticism. Once you understand this, Hegel will become much clearer to you.

>> No.18124524
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>> No.18124534
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>> No.18124544

take your meds and go to the Hegel thread if you want to know what Hegel is really doing, pseud

>> No.18124836

Hegelianism is the logical conclusion of German Idealism and a direct consequence of Kantianism applied to world history.

>> No.18124853

great book

>> No.18124924
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>Hegelianism is the logical conclusion of German Idealism and a direct consequence of Kantianism applied to world history.
imagine having such a small view of Hegel

>> No.18124962

>posting frogs

>> No.18125030

Hegelianism was the historical conclusion of German Idealism (in the sense that Hegel was merely the last philosopher of the tradition), it was definitely not the logical conclusion of it. Kant would tell Hegel and his dense speculative metaphysics to GTFO of critical philosophy.

>> No.18125105

t. Jew trying to confuse us and stop us from learning

>> No.18125112

As always, based Kant.

>> No.18125137

is this just a meme here

>> No.18125221

Do a hermetic reading of deleuze and you'll become a shaman OP

>> No.18125242

>t: hylic too afraid to have his mind toasted

>> No.18125461

Jews "make it" all the time in the hylic realm of course, couldn't have possibly meant anything else :)

>> No.18125700
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You mean like this or less gay?

>> No.18125701

will hegel make me unafraid of death

>> No.18125713

Okay, disprove any of the statements Magee makes relating Hegel to the Hermetic tradition. (Magee does not deny the well known academic aspects of Hegel, he just adds to them)

>> No.18125714

Plato's Phaedo will

>> No.18125739

They won't because they haven't read the book (which they should)

>> No.18125816

You know why? Because it's irrelevant.

>> No.18125823

How do you know if you haven't read it?

>> No.18125834

Unironically I figured out Hegel while on sleeping drugs after surgery. I remember waking up and seeing my mother had four eyes, each with a long oval shaped pupil. I fell back on the bed while she tried to sooth me. As I drifted back to sleep I was thinking of random nonsense but when I came to I had a complete understanding of Phenomenology of Spirit.

>> No.18125849

dumb faggot, Hegel himself is irrelevant as fuck

>> No.18126222

No serious Hegel scholar is interested in it
>water is wet

>> No.18126239

That's because current academia is mostly rubbish, it's an excellent book

>> No.18126287

That's like saying 'no serious Wittgenstein scholar is interested in his esoteric dimension' because you have no knowledge of the scholars that actually study the topic.

>> No.18126309

read the standing order. READ THEM AND UNDERSTAND THEM

>> No.18126316


>> No.18126520

Repenting will

>> No.18126538

pretty based isn’t it

>> No.18126593

Proof of reincarnation? Big if true.

>> No.18127901
File: 469 KB, 1282x705, itsreal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever had a dream of being a caveman? of course you have, anon. Don't be silly that was a past life.

>> No.18128196

Explain it then.
This is like hippies using excuses like "drugs totally show you the truth, we just see the illusions while we're sober, heroin contains the truth" just to get high. I have some respect for using deliriants for rituals, but it's on thin fucking ice.

>> No.18128222

>serious Hegel scholar

>> No.18128272

i imagine hume would simillarly find kants criticisms of him to be insufficient and dishonest but i dont know much about their correspondence

>> No.18128315

Scott Adams energie

>> No.18128615

>Hegelianism is simply the rationalization of hermeticism
How? Just because someone made a meme book stretching the analogy doesn't make it true.

>> No.18128723

>Hegelianism is simply the rationalization of hermeticism.
Kino assertion. Indeed, read the Kybalion, which is basically an abstract from hermetic philosophy, and you'll find the principle of polarity, which is... dialectics.
However, saying that Hegel is sorcerer stuff only is not exactly true, since Heraclites, Parmenides, and Lao Tzu (among others), talked also about dialectics.
Dialectics, is still today, a minority school of thought. It was ultra minority during the enlightement century, which was metaphysical, not dialectical. Today, most people still think in metaphysical terms. That's why we have retards like the tradcucks, Hitlerians, progressivists etc... They don't get that everything evolves, according to a a switch between opposites. And that there is no truth. Every truth is half false. There is only the natural movement of history, which you can anticipate, if you master dialectics, along with a solid culture in history, economics, philosophy etc...

>> No.18128737

What if I told you that you are wrong ?

>> No.18128853

Dialectics are a genuine philosophical embarrassment, read Deleuze (pbuh)....

>> No.18129098

photo cracked me up

>> No.18129113

>Hegelianism is simply the hermetization of hermeticism
fix'd it for you

>> No.18129418

Language limits my expression of it therefore I cannot explain it to you.

>> No.18129653

How did Hegel then explain it?

>> No.18129690

Yes like that!

>> No.18129696

By using the expression "sich selbst".