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/lit/ - Literature

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18123973 No.18123973 [Reply] [Original]

Women read 848 page books about being a woman

Why don't men read about being a man?

>> No.18123985

Feminism is literally just spinster cope that gives them a narrative of "actually you're a loser because men oppressed you throughout history". That's why they find it interesting. Same reason why poorfags read Marx or why incels read statistics charts

>> No.18123989

>Why don't men read about being a man?
We do. It's called the Western canon

>> No.18123993

Why would that be relevant?

>> No.18123998
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Men do

>> No.18124000

Because we don't need to. This is literally the entire benefit of being a man: not being self conscious about what being a 'man' is.

>> No.18124016

Some men do with these cringy self help books. They're also the ones who believe in alpha male and sigma male crap and subscribe to cringy Youtube channels. Men who are secure in their masculinity don't need books to reaffirm them, and women who are secure in their femininity don't need feminist circle jerk books

>> No.18124313

yet againe, thee first response hath thee greatest véracité.

>> No.18124422

>Women read 848 page books about being a woman
They don't. They buy The Second Sex for their shelf, and at best read the introduction and conclusion.

>> No.18124430

What was the consluson?

>> No.18124436


>> No.18124440

That’s what the Greeks are all about. Start with the Greeks, son.

>> No.18124446

the huge popularity of jordan peterson should serve as evidence to the contrary

>> No.18124452
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>> No.18124486

Damn women are /lit/ as hell

>> No.18124521

I have a friend who unironically read this. Pretty cringe desu

>> No.18124587
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Frankly I don’t think I can hate someone who looks like that from behind.

>> No.18124614
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anon what the fuck are you smoking ? have you not seen the countless jordan peterson threads ? or witnessed his retarded grip on midwit men today ? retard

>> No.18124647

Why cringe? I thought it was okay for a Jungian

>> No.18124829

What books on women do they read?

>> No.18124843

But men DID oppress women though.

>> No.18124871
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damn I'm getting existential looking at that shit

>> No.18125633

But I did. I read the life of Alexander and the Greek philosophers.

>> No.18126228

Pick 1,000 women at random. I've read more of that book than all of them put together. Are you sure you've ever talked to a woman?

>> No.18126254


>> No.18126257

No one told me she looked like that

>> No.18126324
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Meninism is everywhere

>> No.18127436

Who cares?

>> No.18127446

>Why don't men read about being a man?
Men read about being pieces of shit and think "omg thats so me." Examples: The Stranger, Dostoevsky as a whole, any and all philosophy by French people, Virgin Nietzsche etc.
Men in the current era are fragile trash heaps that have mommy issues.

>> No.18127457

why woman so weak to be oppressed just like that?

>> No.18127459

>Why don't men read about being a man?
all men are pussies that put women on a pedestal and any ideology they base their worldview upon falls flat on treating women as some sacred creature

>> No.18127460

Either that or they resent them so much, which is actually a result of putting them on a pedestal, they lose their entire masculine identity entirely.

>> No.18127477


>> No.18127478

>masculine identity
Being masculine is the ultimate simp move because it's what women want, so you're literally modeling your entire identity and behavior on what women would like you to be like

>> No.18127486

>The Stranger
How was the dude bad?

>> No.18127487

Being an indifferent faggot is just as bad.

>> No.18127489

The same exact argument is used by women to deny femininity, its just the ideals of the "patriarchy."
So your thinking is line with a women's, go figure.

>> No.18127562

Women do it because they copy men's line of thinking

>> No.18127570

This is true, women are a product of the men That's why they have no truly defined social roles anymore. You all fucked it up, now women don't even care for men cause none of you care for yourselves.
Masculinity is not defined by women or society, its defined by nature.

>> No.18127576

Christ is strongest.

>> No.18127586

This is something that de Beauvoir puts forward in The Second Sex, although of course, not exactly.
That being said, as plenty of replies in this thread can tell anyone of us, men are just as susceptible to wallowing around in bad-faith as women are.
It all looks a bit different on the outside, is all.

>> No.18127603

We do. Who do you think all those accounts of wars, exploration, survival and adventures are for?

>> No.18127631

>Masculinity is not defined by women or society, its defined by nature.
it's defined by all three

>> No.18127673

The relationship is intertwined obviously, but it should never be reduced to just one sum of the whole. The fact is, if you act like you're transcending masculinity by being a faggot because "lol bro women just want you to be a man" you are truly the faggiest of fags.
Accept responsibility, you owe yourself, nature accordingly, and the women of your life this one burden.

>> No.18127683

>you owe the women of your life
there we go

>> No.18127715

>yourself, God, and women
I mentioned more than just women bucko. get over it,

>> No.18127719

This. OP’s incel mind has him seeing biases that don’t exist

>> No.18127916
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>> No.18127925


>> No.18127992

all classics are about being a man.
you have no problem when a poor authors writes about being a poorfag, an irish one about being irish in britain, a mentally ill one about being among the normies.
any author most oftenly just reflects his own experiences in writing

>> No.18128009

God himself possessed this man to post unfiltered, raw truth

>> No.18128094

>new york times best seller
into the trash it goes

>> No.18128117

>not having to go to work and join the rat race
>stay home and be able to be with your kids and make your home the best possible
If that is oppression, then I wish to be oppressed. Voting rights is a different matter because not all man has had voting rights, even if feminists never mention that.

>> No.18128153

>t. redditor
you only say that because you haven't put any thought into what it means to be a man. you're content to just be whatever the product of your history is.

>> No.18128187

Women were created to be oppressed

>> No.18128199

A summary of varying degrees of systematic oppression spanning millennium summed up in one single example

>> No.18128259

Because womanhood is an act for the most part. Women are actors and they know it, they have a gender-wide agreement about not revealing each other's acts, until of course their interests greatly clash, some don't even acknowledge it consciously. This means that women can read about being a woman and immitate that woman.

For men, if you pretend to be some kind of man that you have imagined in your head, the real men will sniff you out, they will find you feminine and therefore associate bad traits like not worthy of trust and manly respect. Manhood is something that one gains from experience and mental/spiritual voyage. You can't "fake it until you make it".

>> No.18128262

Men are happy.

>> No.18128265

is simone de beaovoir good? where start?

>> No.18128268

>simone de beaovoir good

>where start

>> No.18128281

None of the men here are happy.

>> No.18128341

Yes. Now we don't.

>> No.18128413

This is gonna trigger lot of people.

>> No.18128437

>But men DID oppress women though.

Not really that simple. It's true that women had specific roles, but so did a man, and you could just as well argue that the role a man had to fit into was just as oppressive as the woman's.

>> No.18128461

they should, so they stop being lusty starving dogs and become workingmen

>> No.18128505
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A piece of modern mythology and nothing more. Literally fake news. The social currency and power gained by group victim ideology cannot be overstated.

>> No.18128558

But that's not true. Why do you believe this?

>> No.18128704

Men care about other things. It is simply not a very interesting subject. Any man dumb or demoralized enough to fall for any "being a man" manipulation deserves it.

>> No.18128710

>you haven't put any thought into what it means to be a man
I have, that's why I don't need self proclaimed masculinity gurus telling me how I should act.

>> No.18129290

They do, count how many threads are made on /lit/ by insecure ""men"" every week asking for recs on how to be masculine

>> No.18129493

You people just don’t get it because of the other men pushing you out of their respectable society.
They know how to manipulate you just right and are laughing at you as you flip out.

Poor stupid males ITT

>> No.18129543

Such a normalfag take

>> No.18129562

Yes, and their love for men was much stronger when they were

>> No.18129580

The love of a dog and master, anon.

>> No.18129635

I can only understand their resentment for men, women didn't climb to the level of men, instead, men fell to be women's equal.

>> No.18129649

Women will never be equal to men, we tell them that they are, but we all know it isn't true. There is a huge and fundamental disconnect between the mind and the capabilities of women and that of men.

>> No.18129683

The normalfags are right then

>> No.18129695

Monstrously based

>> No.18129738

This thread was butters bait and it worked.

>> No.18129766

I am not a feminist, but I don't think it is only spinsters who adopt the ideology. There are young attractive women who adopt it as well. It's just status signaling
>poorfags read Marx
A lot of affluent elites enjoyed Marx
>incel with statistics
This is just dumb. I'm assuming you are referring to crime statistics. How is that connected to being an incel.

>> No.18130073
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“I was Chairman Mao's dog. I bit whomever he asked me to bite."

Your “levels” are what necessitates all your categorizations. Get a little self awareness kids.

>> No.18130210

>I am not a feminist, but I don't think it is only spinsters who adopt the ideology. There are young attractive women who adopt it as well. It's just status signaling
Young women adopt it because by now it's the prevailing ideology and an article of faith in the Western world. Even then, those young women don't know shit about feminism. Most of them don't even know who Mary Wollstonecraft was, let alone Brownmiller, Steinem, Goldman, etc. Being a feminist doesn't necessarily mean knowing or reading about feminism.
>A lot of affluent elites enjoyed Marx
Yes, the Jewish bankers who financed Marxist movements.
>This is just dumb. I'm assuming you are referring to crime statistics. How is that connected to being an incel.
Crime statistics are used by polfags. Incels collect their blackpill statistics and studies, which indicate that you can't get a gf unless you're in the top 10% of men.

>> No.18130227

Men protected women from themselves.

>> No.18130231
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we do
pic related

>> No.18130253

Oof, highly based. I think you'd like accelerationism fly

>> No.18130283

I know you are baiting.

>> No.18130291

jesus christ
yeah, but reality is more nuanced than you or mr fpbp over there are making it look
also looking at your replies i always wondered how people get like that

>> No.18130307
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No. Not the memes anyway

>> No.18130448

women can be sexist too. perhaps your narrowminded incel worldview would expand if you took one step away from your failed father-figure-absent upbringing

>> No.18130820

Women can't do that because thy can't self-actualize. No matter what happens to them or which paradigm they adopt, they will always believe whatever they think confers the most prestige.

Right now its prestigious for them to parrot ideologies which destroy them. So they do that.

See >>18129580 >>18129493

>> No.18131281

>its prestigious for them to parrot ideologies which destroy them.
This is exactly what males have been doing all this time. Killing, enslaving, eating, abusing, raping, playing mind games on in countless ways. And you always go back to your alpha males, you never trust the wisdom of women because the alpha male tells you they’re too dumb to be teh smrt.
Obviously there’s simpletons to be found in either sex, but again you’re programmed to think every woman is less human than and unworthy of consideration.
You’re full of shit.

>> No.18131697

You're literally doing it right now.
You can't help yourself.

>> No.18131755

You're doing what the tripfag is doing as well
You're not thinking

>> No.18131768

Ask me how I know you're female.

>> No.18131776

thanks, I never thought I could pass

>> No.18131777

You're doing it again lol
I'm not, but it doesn't even matter

>> No.18131802
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Did this slimy bastard get to hit THAT?

>> No.18131828

I dont care about feminism because the genetic optimization of humanity will do more for equality between the sexes than anything feminists have ever done.

>> No.18131845
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>> No.18131935

You will never know how wrong you are, and how funny you look trying to nail me down to some stereotype
I'm not a woman, a zoomer, an art/film hoe, whatever. Stop thinking in cliches anon, don't be a pleb

>> No.18131990
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>> No.18131993
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Try to dodge this one anon. Heh, my work here is done.

>> No.18132018

Stay mad lol
Oh shit noooo, my powers

>> No.18132033
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>> No.18132360
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>Why don't men read about being a man?
This man's entire life was a secret love letter to masculinity if you think about it.

>> No.18132456

A woman's opinions about masculinity are like a fish's opinions about air.

>> No.18133298

based, even Homer has the chad depiction