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File: 296 KB, 832x1000, 1619510223395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18120937 No.18120937 [Reply] [Original]

Freud was right about the mom thing.

>> No.18121030

i want to fuck freuds mom

>> No.18121041

He looks like Hobbes and even a bit like Jordan Peterson. I guess this is the “retarded loser beaten by life and bad ideas” phenotype.

>> No.18121043

Did you fuck your mum, anon?

>> No.18121051

No, he wasn't.

>> No.18121054

I wanted to fuck my aunt when I was 13, not my mom tho

>> No.18121058

What a motherfucker

>> No.18121068
File: 95 KB, 1134x988, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His explanation of footfagism is dumb though

>> No.18121078

How does he explain it?

>> No.18121111

He says that when you were a little child you were closer to your mother's feet due to different heights, and that the sight of them created the unconscious mechanism of replacing the lack of penis in your mother's body with her feet, as a result of the shock provoked in your later years by the discovery that your mum doesn't have a penis. In other words, you unconsciously see a phallus in the foot and thus you want to suck cute feet to satisfy the need of GAY fellatio.

This is some serious Jewish bullshit, even though I think the assimilation of dick and foot does partially makes sense, as it was later re-affirmed by neuroscience.

>> No.18121114

LMAO is this real? What book does he talk about this in?

>> No.18121137

cringe and unchecked

>> No.18121165


>> No.18121168

>as it was later re-affirmed by neuroscience.
Lmao shut the fuck up retard you're as dumb as this retard jew

>> No.18121179

Kek. Bro, I meant that feet and sexual organs occupy contiguous areas in our brain, just that.

>> No.18121189

Feet and sexual organs aren't located inside the brain bro

>> No.18121193
File: 684 KB, 1200x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18121197

Then why do lips evoke sexual arousal if they're so far away from genitalia?

>> No.18121202

Methink he means the Right Side of the brain is occupied entirely by /ic/, leaving only the left side for mathematics, physical activities and foot fetish.

>> No.18121203

>this is what Freudians actually believe people look like

>> No.18121212

Much controversy, indeed

>> No.18121374
File: 38 KB, 736x414, 1591947516693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that the sensory homunculus? It would explain why, e.g., foot rubs feel sensual, but it wouldn't explain why someone would perceive feet as erotic.

>> No.18121386

What's that image supposed to mean?

>> No.18121398

Only someone who wants to bang their own mom would believe this. I don't even have one (she died when I was 3) so it makes no sense.

>> No.18121400
File: 103 KB, 1353x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your imagination can't see the silhouette of a penis in pic related you're dumb.

>> No.18121404

I see a snake eating a hat

>> No.18121414

What the fuck is that image?

>> No.18121415

Jewish-Anglo brainwash

>> No.18121431

It's the same information as >>18121193

It refers to how large a part of your brain (specifially the sensorimotor areas) different body parts occupy.
Left is sensation: your hands and fingers have a lot of brain area dedicated to them and as a result they can discriminate within a couple of millimetres; the same applies to your lips and tongue and the face in general. Your arms and back, in contrast, don't have as much dedicated to them.
You can test this with the two-point discrimination task: ask someone to press two points, pencils, for example, into your back and see how far apart they have to be for you to tell them apart (and not just sense a single point). Compare this to other parts of your body, like fingertips.

Right is motor movement: how much of your brain is dedicated to moving them. Large parts of the brain are dedicated to your hands and fingers and, consequently, you can manipulate them adroitly. Your penis, on the other hand, can't do much movement and has little brain area dedicated to it (compare this to the sensory area).

>> No.18121810

Sex organs don't think you stupid bastard, where do you think sexuality and fetishes comes from?

>> No.18121899

from God

>> No.18122227


>> No.18123540

I see strange hands

>> No.18123598

it's a combination of the incredible motor control of the lips that humans possess with the intimacy of the mouth's tender interior. while the anus is similarly tightly controlled as an opening the mouth's control is most conscious, unlike the anus which acts like a locked door without any thought rising above the subconscious level

>> No.18123604

eyes should be way bigger than mouth on sensory

>> No.18123620

>sex organs don't think
now you have to explain non-pathological erectile dysfunction

>> No.18123637

CHECKED but this is bologna

>> No.18123710

The thread image + text made me kek

>> No.18123772

Cells have a nucleus and internal chemical reactions, doesn't mean they think.

>> No.18123821

> I think the assimilation of dick and foot does partially makes sense
Wanting to suck on feet makes no sense otherwise. Footfags treat feet like an object of worship and the act of sucking as submission, the same way dicksuckers treat the dick.

>> No.18123833

What's going unsaid here is what the phallus represents. It represents the world / power / God. Oral sex, regardless of what body part, boils down to worship.

>> No.18123879
File: 94 KB, 500x383, 1561511825057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freud was right about the dad thing

>> No.18123924

>In other words, you unconsciously see a phallus in the foot and thus you want to suck cute feet to satisfy the need of GAY fellatio.
Materialism truly makes even smart people say retarded things. Their need to explain everything away is pathetic

>> No.18123932

because they look like a pussy you dingus

>> No.18123934


>> No.18123935

This needs to be vocaroo'd

>> No.18124724

No. The sensory refers to the sense of touch. If you are thinking of visual perception, that has its own entire brain region dedicated to it, larger than both the sensory and motor cortices combined.