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/lit/ - Literature

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18118665 No.18118665 [Reply] [Original]

>so anon, could you tell us in a few words what your novel is about?

>> No.18118694
File: 46 KB, 799x450, cormac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's all right there on the page.

>> No.18118696

The importance of working hard to contribute to the spaces one enters. This includes, but is not limited to, making good threads, making threads about books, and making original contributions within threads about books.

>> No.18118709

A man's slow descent into madness.

>> No.18118806


>> No.18118869

A guy trapped in a hallucinatory prison programmed by brain computers

>> No.18118881

Nothing makes wagecucks scamper up the walls to their little self worth tower faster than telling them you're a writer

>> No.18118908

Nice digits, I'm confused on what that means? They feel smug or insecure.

>> No.18118916

Mommy issues, but in like, a sophisticated and subtle way.

>> No.18118918

a young man working the nightshift at a gas station has a machievallian plot to become the manager. this will involve outwitting his coworkers shaun and trevor, his assistant manager paula, and his manager daniel. the path is steep and treacherous, but the rewards are beyond comprehension

>> No.18118937

Cummy mummy, it's about spreading them cheeks for full cool-mination of mummy milky cum tit fucking cunt. Written in Morse code

>> No.18118955

I disagree, those digits are shit