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/lit/ - Literature

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18117549 No.18117549 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have some book recommendations to help you better understand Japanese? Or should i just be watching anime? I can't get into manga

>> No.18117595
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ooohhh! Infinutu Jesturuu!!

>> No.18117612


>> No.18117682

A lot of Japanese classics rely on poetic prose unique to the language and entirely impenetrable for any learner, so I would suggest you leave those for later and pick your poison between visual novels or comics, or light novels.
Even basic children books like 吾輩は猫である rely on the kind of prose that's impregnable to even some native adults, not to say anything of poetry like 春と修羅 or 在りし日の歌.
Best of luck.

>> No.18117755

What are your favorite VNs

>> No.18117813

Kusarihime and Muramasa. Wouldn't recommend them to a beginner though.

>> No.18117824

Which ones for a beginner then?

>> No.18117850

Maybe Subahibi or Sakura no Uta? Their use of language isn't too complex most of the time. Same for Sumaga, Oretsuba, etc.

>> No.18117890
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Um based?

>> No.18117919

Let's get it in the canon

>> No.18117937
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unironically learn it from youtube

>> No.18117944

WA2 is unironically great as well, but I wouldn't recommend it to a beginner. Why can't you read manga again?

>> No.18118360
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I'm reading this right now and it's been great so far, I love the cultural foundation it's built on with the paintings and season-related stuff.
Subahibi's structure is actually surprisingly interesting, I just finished reading it earlier this week and enjoyed it a ton.

>> No.18118394

>Sumaga, Oretsuba
According to vndb these have lolicon, is it that bad/can be avoided?

>> No.18118395

>likes reading books without images
>can't read books with images
How? If anything, manga should be easier than literature

>> No.18118834

At what level can I begin reading Japanese stuff like Dazai? Currently studying for N3 rn.

>> No.18118950


>> No.18118961
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>> No.18119173

>Even basic children books like 吾輩は猫である
That's not a children's book, but children are made to read it in school.
>rely on the kind of prose that's impregnable to even some native adults
Anyone who is literate can read Soseki. He's not even that hard. You must unironically be talking to the equivalent of Americans who have difficulty with Jack London.

Overall horrible advice. OP, how good are you right now? How fluently can you read Modern Japanese? Can you read this (taken from the nearest book at hand, which happens to be on the Constitution):

>> No.18119226

learn a european language rather than some retarded oriental one.

>> No.18119440
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> Know 90% of the listed kanji
> Don't know the specific words.

>> No.18119470

That might be because you've been reading slop. Look up every single word and reread until you understand it properly.