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18116108 No.18116108 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me memoirs written by people in violent professions or backgrounds. The more detailed the better, pic related for example is said to have been used as a guide by many criminals.

>> No.18116144

If the recommended memoirs include rape all the better ;)

>> No.18116171

I think Carl Panzram raped a lot of dudes

>> No.18116391

There's an interesting book called (IIRC) Murder, Inc. It's by a contract killer talking fairly prosaically about how to do it, how to get away with it, what precautions to take, methods, etc. It was on murder cube but no idea if that site is even around still.

>> No.18116719

Hey it's yo boy anomaly from Sweden

>> No.18116737

what is the meta-physical equivalent of theft???