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18115619 No.18115619 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ thing of it? Are any of the writings of Anton Long of literary merit of is it schizo nonsense?

>> No.18116167
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They are if you are interested in traditional satanism(based on ancient demons/dark gods from different cultures) and not in hippie shit. It is also influenced by jungianism.

>> No.18116183

Angel Edge is a superior

>> No.18116536

You mean the Order of No Members? The edgy neo-nazi pedophile cult?

>> No.18116783

It's basically a fed op. They're used to take over the more autistic right-wing political groups.

Atomwaffen began as a group of DeviantArt users who were sick of furry stuff and other grotesque gay shit, so they started making surprisingly aesthetic natsoc poster art. Then all of a sudden they're satanist degenerates. How did that happen? O9A takeover.

>> No.18117636

>members of an all aesthetics no substance ideology come to adopt a different edgelord ideology
>how did that happen? I bet the Feds are involved!

>> No.18118040

interesting but ultimately retarded, also main distributor is asian mutt :(

>> No.18118054

The entire atomwaffle/ironmarch thing is hilarious. The founder of ironmarch and chief ideologue among the schizo-accelerationist-natsoc spergs, Alexander Slavros is a fat mixed race Slav-Uzbek that looks like a typical Hispanic American. It is amazing that a few dozen overweight sperglords from deviantart managed to make dent in political discourse before being classified as a terrorist group and fizzling out in self-destruction.

On the other hand, the O9A's model wherein it views itself as a memetic 'social order' based around individual nexions is quite intriguing and could be applied to other things. Beyond shit like human sacrifice, advancement in the 'order' also requires one to become extremely physically fit, careermax, get a gf, etc. The extent to which these nexions inspired by the O9A have ever actually existed remains to be seen.

>> No.18118068

Cringe nonsense.

>> No.18118204
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They are the only atheists with an honest/logical view on morality.

>> No.18118273

>advancement in the 'order' also requires one to become extremely physically fit, careermax, get a gf
Somehow I doubt that the kind of people who are attracted to something like O9A are capable of doing this

>> No.18119384


>> No.18120257

Brandon Russell was arrested for having bombs, bomb making materials, guns and ammo, and Atomwaffen propaganda, after being arrested because the member killed his roommates (two being fellow Atomwaffen members). Rape (forget his real name) took over and made O9A & Temple of Blood material mandatory reading. I doubt there feds do to how decentralized they are, and the fact they're not a group.

They moved away from satanism or at least he's no longer their focal point. However, depending on who you ask, Satan and the dark gods are either real or archetypes. They've made some other changes as well in the early/mid 2000s. However, their earlier forms are compatible with the modern form of the ideology.

>> No.18120302

Very interesting, specially the philosophy, very self consequent to satanism.
Worth checking out.

>> No.18121793

What's a good starting point for their books?

>> No.18121812

Can people please start posting sources for the variety of claims I'm seeing here. All of the research I've seen from academics suggest existing O9A members are mostly older ex special force soldiers, who have basically gone nuts, but it's mostly British SAS.

>> No.18121920

Which academics are those?

>> No.18121951

It's not a "bet", it's a simple fact. You can find all sorts of news articles talking about how O9A was a honeypot from the get-go. This sort of thing is bragged about precisely because it is necessary to justify the System's authority.

>> No.18121954

im reading it now, I love it. it's a mixture of Nietzsche, Spengler, Hitler, and Jung
I'm fascinated by the idea of an insight role too. I'm thinking about doing one, should I become a freemason?

>> No.18121979

But where are those articles sourcing their information? Nick Lowles?

>> No.18122143

I know of at least one that cited some kind of FBI analysis report about O9A being a honeypot (among other "groups" like "The Order"), but frankly I assume the majority are just quoting each other, or some news aggregator.

Again, however, it's precisely because this is happening to these groups at all that it can be demonstrated that these are Fed ops. They have to be, from a Liberal perspective. Liberalism requires that these actions occur, and the defense of the System requires that these actions be Fed ops. This isn't about what I think, it's about what the System thinks.

>> No.18122160

he's talking about a National Justice Party article written by Eric Striker. It's straight up a disinformation piece, ignore this fag about muh fed ops.
i've read the literature, and there is no "group".

>> No.18122186

>I know of at least one that cited some kind of FBI analysis report
Great, and I don't!
Please link the article and the FBI analysis report.

>> No.18122216

>It's basically a fed op
>They're used to take over the more autistic right-wing political groups.
lel you don't know what you're talking about. there is no organized group, you fucking moron. there maybe half a dozen of interconnected people at any given time, but what you posted just highlights your ignorance.
you're like the Nietzsche never-reads who claim he was a Nihilist. Pure cringe.

>> No.18122310

I like their music


>> No.18122632

No, I'm not, I'm referring specifically to a Huffpo article I read about a month ago (it was linked on /his/), but googling this shit just gives me more examples. Ethan Melzer, for example, got snitched out by people in the group, who were placed there by the FBI to find people like him.

I don't really care about Eric Striker, and up until just now have not actually read it. I still haven't actually read it, as I've just skimmed it for links.
Here's a dossier from the NCTC detailing using O9A as an operation to funnel autistic retards like you into prison.

Here's an article on how tl;dr MI5 uses O9A to do the exact same thing in bongland.

Unrelated to O9A, but another op to funnel autistic retards like you to prison, "The Base", was, well, y'know

This is why it's really irrelevant as to whether or not there are "groups", because any cell will have informants placed into it by design. The "groups" don't matter, the people do, and the people involved are plants meant to funnel autistic retards like you into prison. It works like this: You see edgelords, you want to be edgy, the edgelords turn out to be feds. The "organization" is irrelevant because, again, the people involved are placed to funnel autistic retards like you into prison.

>> No.18122665

I mean a human sacrifice sex cult made up of autists and schizoid that abducts Netflix binging normies sounds pretty wild if nothing else. Sadly, however, the people who are in these things are always poor white trash and thus it’s more drive by shootings and killing people in basements as opposed to transplanting them up into the deep woods to hunt them for sport. “Gangs” of this oberintellectual, sacralised kind for high iq loner men are only going to get more popular, even if their nefarious reach is limited solely to the interwebs

>> No.18122694

Great info dump. I remember that whole thing with The Base, was very confusing because the guy was a former US fed but had spent time in Russia and I believe now he ended up fleeing back there. He's working for someone and they're definitely not on you're side.

>> No.18122718

when it comes to Atomwaffen, The Base, RapeKrieg, etc, I don't view them as O9A groups. That's silly. These groups were formed independently and happened to stumble across O9A /lit/ in the process. In short, LARPers

>> No.18122736

Go back to /pol. It's obvious that you have zero reading comprehension.

>> No.18122741

You have to find them yourself

>> No.18122762

The problem people run into this sort of stuff is their fascination with "the group" and "the ideology" as if these things matter. They don't.

All the Feds have to do is get some people together, and tell them "get autistic retards like >>18122736 to say something dumb so we can send them to prison". Whatever ideology, doctrines, UBERSTURMWAFFENFUHRERPRINZIPHERRKAMPFDERJAGER, or other window dressing to get them to say the words that will send them to prison is irrelevant. It will be discarded the moment it is no longer useful. Whatever doctrines, aesthetics, credo, etc "The Base" had no longer exist.

Because the entire thing is an operation to get an autistic retard to send himself to prison. Perhaps the ideology the Feds are using as a front is correct in some way. But that doesn't really matter if you're in prison for being an autistic retard, now does it?

>> No.18122787

as I said earlier, >>18122216, you're just an ignorant söytard. read the actual literature before you voice an opinion you filthy pseud

>> No.18122807

You can call them edgy, LARPers, whatever the fuck, but they do have my respect. Not for their ideas (I do find those fascinating, but that's not the point), but for their reach and power (I'm not a fascist/nazi).

>> No.18122815

Not who you're responding to but
>O9A texts explicitly support a strategy of infiltrating far right groups to gain adherents and sow chaos
>"well I don't consider the far right groups they infiltrated to be O9A"
Nigger are you retarded? The entire point of infiltrating these autistic nazi groups and baiting them to do retarded shit is so that the blame doesn't actually fall on O9A.

>> No.18122831

just because a couple members of Atomwaffen read The Sinister Tradition and the Black Book of Satan does not make them O9A. That's my point. What happened within Atomwaffen is well documented. They were not O9A from the get-go but rather a few adopted some of their ideology, according to insiders.

>> No.18122837

How are intelligence reports indication that O9A are feds? Do you unironically believe the government doesn't keep files on extremist groups? There's nothing saying they are feds or fed assets.

>> No.18122839

The infiltrated groups are not and are not meant to be O9A.
Any group can't be O9A, they're merely used as vessels for individual followers of O9A.

>> No.18122847

ignore mundanes

>> No.18122854

Are you saying that O9A itself is some 'project' by the feds to get a chance to throw somebody that joins it in prison? And are you linking articles that tell how they're trying to infiltrate O9A as proof of your original claim?

>> No.18122894

Ignore him. He's a /poltard who thinks everything is feds or a honeypot. A lot are feds or a honeypot, but often it's an excuse to do nothing irl while larping online.

>> No.18122917
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This stuff is fascinating, but anyone taking it seriously is a dork.

>> No.18122919

>Well you see even though the murdere did exactly what the Don told him to his actions are not indicative of the mafia as a whole because he wasn't a made man!
Lame exact logic. At first O9A shills in this thread were claiming its not a fed op because it's cell-based and entirely decentralized and muh nexions and now when the implications of that kind of structure is brought up it switches to "well that's not REAL O9A". You can't have it both ways.

>> No.18122966

>because it's cell-based and entirely decentralized and muh nexions and now when the implications of that kind of structure is brought up it switches to "well that's not REAL O9A"
How dense are you? I really don't understand what you're trying to say.
O9A can't be a group, there are no 'members'. You, as a follower of their philosophy, are encouraged to infiltrate an extremist group (or join the army or the police) to exercise some the 'steps' in their philosophy, but you're a fucking idiot if you preach it to the rest of the infiltrated group because that's completely missing the point.
I don't get the guy saying it's created by the feds, he's honestly contradicting himself.

>> No.18122988

>how are documents from government agencies saying that these organizations and individuals are working for government agencies for the purposes of entrapping people so they can be sent to prison for wrongthink evidence that that these organizations and individuals are working for government agencies for the purposes of entrapping people so they can be sent to prison for wrongthink?
Well, they're documents from government agencies saying that these organizations and individuals are working for government agencies for the purposes of entrapping people so they can be sent to prison for wrongthink, for starters.

Not necessarily everyone, but yes, that is the goal. That's why people like David Duke and Alex Linder exist. Again, whether or not there's some true "pure Satanism" that the Feds are merely using as a cloak for their actions is really irrelevant. The point is this: The FBI (among others) uses people who advocate O9A Satanism as a means of getting people to admit to doing crimes so that they can send these people to prison. Whether this is an abuse of Satanism (lol) or not is really irrelevant, because it's a simple fact that they're doing. If you interact with O9A cells, you are interacting with people who are part of those cells for the explicit purpose of getting you to admit to doing something illegal so that the police can come and arrest you after they've provided the police with Discord logs of you saying you're going to blow up a George Floyd statue or whatever. Part of it is obviously justifications of funding and media sensationalism rather than some kind of grand ploy, obviously.

But then, this is also just them doing a tactic that they do with other groups. This is how Antifa works, just in reverse, with Fed handlers making a different kind of autistic retard act out in a different way.

>> No.18122992

except that's not what he's saying. you do know that people can just read the docs he provided, right? no on is going to see you doing damage control for a fucking satanic fbi honeypot and join in on this pathetic larp.

>> No.18123000
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unironically the most evil people in existence. they are anti-god and anti-love, completely lost souls and the closest human thing to demons. they don't know how dangerous they are to themselves and when judgment day arrives their entire being will disintegrate (even the metaphysical part).

>> No.18123004

Except O9A encourages recruiting police officers, members of the police, artists, and academics. Obviously they can't tell everyone, but they're certainly going to try and convert some.
Where does it say they're working for the government?

>> No.18123005

This is probably a retarded question but can someone give me a QRD or starting point on 'magick'? Does misspelling magic make it more magical?

>> No.18123006

Fuck you, you stupid /pol/tard Fed shill. Stop trying to smear Satanism's good name with this garbage.

>> No.18123022

Okay so then by that logic you agree with me that Atomwaffen is a great example of what O9A is about? You have no authority to say that they're not, they read the material and put it into action as they saw it.

>> No.18123030

>the one guy who keeps rageposting about the post with all of the government documents showing his sekret satanic larp is a honeypot
Kek this thread is gold

>> No.18123032

read the O9A texts for yourself you filthy pseud
until then, your opinion is utterly meaningless

>> No.18123098 [DELETED] 

Why would feds use such a decentralized “group”(or whatever you want to call it)as a honeypot? Usually they have some much more transparent.

>> No.18123122

I'm a fed. You're a fed. My dog is a fed. My parents are feds. Everyone is a fed.

>> No.18123124

>after they've provided the police with Discord logs of you saying you're going to blow up a George Floyd statue
What I was trying to say that your claim and your evidence are not compatible. In your proof I don't see anywhere the claim that O9A is created by or working for the feds.

>You have no authority to say that they're not
Why ask me a question then :(
In that case O9A was more like a parasite, the group was just your regular neo-nazis, but the taste of O9A inebriated slowly the rest. It's kinda funny honeslty. Again, you can't 'create' a group around O9A, it's contradictory to their philosophy. While 'infiltrating' other groups as a follower of O9A you should remain like a closeted gay man.
They don't have a political philosophy (in the sense of nazism or some shit like that). It would be like saying that Furnaces of Palingenesia by DsO was political (it definitely is, but not in the sense that anybody who attacks them for it understands) or, god forbid, nazi propaganda.
I hope you understood what I'm trying to say, I'm too lazy to make it less convoluted.

>> No.18123136

So uhh where do you actually find these books? I see it’s on Amazon but I don’t want to get on a list for ordering it.

>> No.18123153

Scribd and they have blogs/word presses.

>> No.18123162

Last I've checked there was a "big-ass ONA collection" on archive.org.

>> No.18123169

Fuck off sperglord

>> No.18123180

Thanks, found it.

>> No.18123182

that's how I read it too, hopefully it's still up. most of the good stuff is in the first few hundred pages or so anyway, so don't stress about the length, as most of it is the same shit.

>> No.18123185

The feds have even admitted to it. Its not a secret anymore. Your discord chat logs are all being archived and reviewed

>> No.18123188

Apparently, they have a few thousand members worldwide.
Who is funding them?

>> No.18123194

>there are no feds monitoring active terrorist groups

>> No.18123204

>In that case O9A was more like a parasite
Well yeah thats my point, their entire modus operandi is to infiltrate fringe groups and push them to do retarded stuff. Atomwaffens interactions with O9A adherents and material was pivotal in pushing them to do the stupidest stuff they did. I wouldn't be surprised if James Mason was deep into O9A literature himself. Atomwaffen was completely psy-op'd by O9A, saying they're not O9A is splitting hairs

>> No.18123233

Anyone claiming it’s a fed op is a retard. Fed ops are always very blatant and centrally organized.

>> No.18123254

>saying they're not O9A is splitting hairs
Perhaps, but if you only focus on Atomwaffen. I don't follow much the news of which group got 'taken over' by O9A, so I can't name many examples, but you can see the problem (which we are discussing) if you look beyond. As a follower of O9A, you are encouraged to 'infiltrate' even the contrasting sides. I guess it's easier to do with neo-nazis than, I dunno... marxists?

>> No.18123266
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>there is no organized group

>> No.18123279

It's not a claim it's an admitted truth

>> No.18123292

>t. hasn't read the literature

>> No.18123326
File: 61 KB, 720x719, 136398167_241860920661449_2351551474460523455_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I'm too lazy to quote each specific post which talks about O9A being a fed op:
Have you read the literature?
So much of it is about self-betterment. They imply that an individual goes through certain formative, character-developmental experiences ‘in the real world’, rather than in some pseudo-mystical, pseudo-intellectual ‘magic ritual’, or sitting at the footsteps of some pretentious ‘master’. (I can't quote this one, I translated it myself; it's by Anton Long nevertheless)

>> No.18123393

What is that painting meant to be and who painted it?

>> No.18123410

>the satanists are proselytizing

>> No.18123417
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Is he the best post 1945 philosopher? I think so

>> No.18123432

probably Baphomet (the fem counterpart to Satan) or something
i'd guess it's by Richard Moult AKA Christos Beest

>> No.18123438

>Atomwaffen was completely psy-op'd by O9A, saying they're not O9A is splitting hairs
There are appear to be some quite significant differences between different O9A-inspired branches. Whether one promotes rape or not and what that says about one's overall ethos goes beyond hair splitting.

>I guess it's easier to do with neo-nazis than, I dunno... marxists?
Or perhaps Marxism is now considered so normative in Western societies that being seen to promote it draws much less attention?

>> No.18123444

There are, but pol larpers think everyone is a fed.

>> No.18123453

Mason was a satanist for a time, but I think he was the Levey type.

>> No.18123457

Its one thing to claim every other anon is a jidf shill and a completely different thing to claim that satanist nazi groups on discord are being monitored

>> No.18123471

I wonder how people reconcile large chunks of that literature with the 'fed op' hypothesis. A nefarious FBI plot to better understand the Pre-Socratics?

>> No.18123475

That's what I was arguing for. I don't believe O9A are feds as there's no proof.

>> No.18123513
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literally from page 2 of the 'Big Ass ONA' document
I guarantee you the anons who are harping about muh feds are Americans.

>> No.18123521
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>we're not feds
I guess it's settled then.

>> No.18123531

All these O9A satanists look like a bunch of skinny nerds that I'd knock the fuck out.
Are these little nerds actually killing people?

>> No.18123538
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If i remember correctly it was about generating chaos or entrophy through the disintegration of language (or something like that)
My boy Willy Burroughs used to write about it until he died of gay butt aids cancer
From what i can put together it is about finding your way in life and learning to discern whats truth and whats not. With the labyrinth and the pathei-mathos and all of that.
It is worth a read I believe

>> No.18123545

Yeah, that's my point.

>> No.18123564

We know of one associate in Canada killing two people, but that's it for known cases. However, there have been several recent plots that have been stopped. An example being Ethan Malzer who plotted with O9A and Rapewaffen to have his unit ambushed when deployed in Turkey.

>> No.18123574
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>here's your Nazi-Satanic Overman bro

>> No.18123579

Who is funding them?

>> No.18123594

Since when were there so many satanists on /lit/

>> No.18123602

Themselves. O9A doesn't ask for it's practitioners to give them money. Part of their ideology promotes a elitist social darwinism, that hate the masses. I don't think they're millionairess, but they're at least middle to upper middle class.

>> No.18123631

>a completely different thing to claim that satanist nazi groups on discord are being monitored
well yeah they're being monitored, they're being run by the fucking fbi. its not that the fbi is watching everything or something, its that this specific group is an fbi honeypot. did not not bother to read the thread?

>> No.18123641
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>> No.18123672

kek fuck off the O9A has a well stablished canon of works

>> No.18123674

Magic became too associated with faggy las vegas show magicians who insist on being referred to as "illusionists" so we added the K to be more mystical and shit. We demand to be taken seriously.

>> No.18123680

I remember a O9A thread that was praised for weeks (even 2-3 months maybe) for being the best thread on /lit/ in a long time.

>> No.18123685

>I've seen from academics suggest existing O9A members are mostly older ex special force soldiers, who have basically gone nuts, but it's mostly British SAS.

>> No.18123687
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>glowniggers patting themselves on the back

Yeah I'll see if I can find that in the archives.

>> No.18123700

>i've read the literature, and there is no "group".
There is the "inner order" you brainlet aka MI6. You have to be a total retard not to understand what an obvious honeypot it is.

>> No.18123704

that was such a good thread

>> No.18123727

This one?

>> No.18123728

le ebin 4chin jargon means im right

>> No.18123739

Maybe in David Myatt days.

>> No.18123744

holy fuck it's the fed cope olympics
>oi mum me workin at james bong now yeh innit

>> No.18123753

Anyone knows this Richard Moult drawing of a blonde girl in a field of blue flowers with her tits out? Saw it on google images but I can't find it anymore. It was really good

>> No.18123754

I believe it is.

>> No.18123761
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>> No.18123771
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I don't know about tits or flowers, but this comes to mind

>> No.18123778
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>> No.18123780
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It's from the same series of tarot paintings. This one is chalices, that one is swords.

>> No.18123784


>> No.18123804

I just did my first sinister tarot workings on Sunday for the first time. It's fucking based

>> No.18123805

Thank you so much anon, It's a very beautiful drawing and since I saw it i wanted to print it and pin it to my wall. I will do it when I have time

>> No.18123844

I find this stuff oddly appealing and I don't know why.

>> No.18123910

>all of these fags getting assblasted when people call them out for shilling

>> No.18123915

VGHH...VVheat fields..,

>> No.18123925

It's good art, why wouldn't you?

>> No.18124050

Doesn't O9A have a lot of female followers? I bet psycho Satanist pussy slaps

>> No.18124128

they say there are more female O9A then males. the second thing they make you do is find a gf too.

>> No.18124144

How is finding a gf satanic, that's what Christian churches try to get you to do too

>> No.18124145

Satanism is another jew religion. So it doesn't really mix well with white nationalism.

>> No.18124163

Yes, it even promotes female supremacy in some ways.
It's not satanic as such, and no entities they believe in have hebrew names.

>> No.18124168

cringe, ignore this shill

>> No.18124178

Seems like I hit a nerve, Moshe?

>> No.18124204

It seeks the destruction of Judaism.

>> No.18124212

They want you to have a satanic sex ritual once you get one. Christcucks don't.

>> No.18124226

Any proof that they're feds?

>> No.18124246

So not only do you have to find a gf but you have to find one willing to be a Satanist. How does that even work

>> No.18124257

Women are extremely sexually impressionable if you know what you're doing. Many of them are harboring deviant sexual fetishes which only need to be tapped into by you.

>> No.18124271

>if you know what you're doing
Ah so no virgins allowed. Why do they keep shilling here then?

>> No.18124292

Everyone starts off as a virgin. I assume they go after vulnerable and easily manipulated women. Who already show visible signs. Histrionic, Borderline, etc.

>> No.18124301

Read the thread.

>> No.18124307

How hard is it to start a secret society? I would like to start one: "The Order of the Lilies". We would be focused on the creation of art, literature, music, and the like.

>> No.18124312

I did.

>> No.18124357

>art, literature, music, and the like.
Normie cringe

>> No.18124358


>> No.18124360
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>> No.18124371

>Neo-nazis can't ever work for federal agencies
Dude, these people strive to infiltrate the police, military, and feds. O9A encourages it.

>> No.18124375
File: 181 KB, 717x960, star_game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are all of your Star Game ELOs? I'm sitting pretty at 1500, at the moment.

>> No.18124381

how do I know that you haven't read a single page of O9A /lit/?

>> No.18124387

O9A is bongland glowniggers

>> No.18124394

>haha don't worry bro we're not infiltrating you you're actually infiltrating us haha

>> No.18124411

t. glownigger

>> No.18124418

I'm willing to believe it if you can prove it.
But you are definitely retarded if you think intelligence agencies, the police, and military are not attractive groups for satanists and political extremists to join or organise within.
There are card carrying, sincere satanists, nazis, and other extremists working within the police, military, and intelligence agencies and using them for their own benefit.

>> No.18124423

There is no better organisation for satanists and nazis to infiltrate than the local police. None. Especially if they can rise through the ranks.

>> No.18124432

Where can I play it?

>> No.18124471

>my default unproven belief is that autistic satanic nazi larpers are infiltrating the us government and I refuse to believe that the reverse is what's happening because you don't have enough proof
I refuse to believe someone is genuinely retarded enough to believe this

>> No.18124475

Download the demo my brotha

>> No.18124509

You're all fucking schizophrenic.

>> No.18124513

Whence? I can't find it.

>> No.18124530

>idk what a quote is because I'm retarded haha

>> No.18124609
File: 299 KB, 1280x1025, 1280px-Eero_Järnefelt_(1863-1937)-_Under_the_Yoke_(Burning_the_Brushwood)_-_Raatajat_rahanalaiset_-_Kaski_-_Trälar_under_penningen_-_Sved_(31948645643).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a working link to the blogpost written by Nick Land about O9A? Myatt show's up in the comments after a while, or so I think at least.

>> No.18124634

When ? Was this still on Outside In ?

>> No.18124638

You don't know what implying is but you don't see me making fun of you.

>> No.18124665

O ye sweet young prince.
Entryism is a common method for subverting or taking over organizations. Pedophiles do it, communists do it, criminals do it. All well established and proven. Why wouldn't satanists or nazi's do it too? It's funny that you're willing to believe the CIA agents larp as satanists and nazis, but the opposite is impossible for you. Kek.

>> No.18124682
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It was on xenosystems, which is down now. And to clarify; it's wasn't only I believing that it was Myatt.
The poster seemed a bit too eager to white wash Myatt, hype up his new philosophy of Pathei-Mathos and wrote really good.
It should be archived somewhere I guess..

>> No.18124684

ya I'm reading it now

>> No.18124704

You're sitting here trying to claim that O9A entryism into the FBI is more likely than FBI infiltration of fringe political groups.
I don't think you're a spook agent I think you're an idiot and I hope for your sake you never end up joining some radical group because you're going to get honeydicked hard by some careerist FBI/ATF goober trying to move up the GS table

>> No.18124717

>You're sitting here trying to claim that O9A entryism into the FBI is more likely than FBI infiltration of fringe political groups.
I'm not saying it's "likely". I am telling you O9A and other occult groups encourage entryism into the police by their members. The reverse also happens.

>> No.18124725

You're both right; both do happen.

>> No.18124733

Why do you embue the police and intelligence agencies with supernatural godlike powers? You think everyone and their grandma is an intelligence honeytrap. They are people just like you and me. They are also enormous organizations with thousands of heads, each doing different things. Subverting a local police station is not unheard of.

>> No.18124821

Which poster is him?

>> No.18124826

Pull up a single instance of a group like O9A having any kind of significant penetration into the government and I can pull up 10 instances of groups like this getting Fed'd. If you join some radical group like this and it turns out the leader of the group is in the FBI, I truly hope you are not going assume he's on your side and not theirs.

>> No.18124842

probably Kerri Scott
he says he knows Myatt personally. whole thing gets tiresome quick

>> No.18124866

Your instance of getting "fed" is literally a nazi that used to work for the FBI, from which you have dishonestly drawn the conclusion that he must be an FBI plant, rather than a nazi who used to work for the FBI. So you are making extra assumptions you can't prove. Now you're setting up another dishonest standard. "Find me someone from the O9A who got caught entrying!". All because you're butthurt that we're not willing to go along with you intelligence agency fetish and your projection of Godlike ability unto them.
Google the Dutroux affair and abraxas cult. A whole satanic cult affiliated with police during a massive pedophile scandal.

>> No.18124888

>They want you to have a satanic sex ritual once you get one.
alright I'm in, where do I sign up

>> No.18125067
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>> No.18125224

Your instance of "entryism" is literally a fed that used to work for the infiltrated a nazi militia, from which you have dishonestly drawn the conclusion that he must be an entryist, rather than a fed whose entire job is to entrap retards. So you are making extra assumptions you can't prove. Now you're setting up another dishonest standard. "You think the FBI is GOD". All because you're butthurt that we're not willing to go along with you satanist fetish and your complete and utter ignorance on the long history of federal entrapment schemes.
Google literally any single far right organization in American history from the KKK to the Christian Identity Movement to the Michigan militia to The Base and you will find at one point or another they were infiltrated by the government and goaded, sometimes successfully, into doing very stupid and illegal things.

>> No.18125257

>What does /lit/ thing of it?
I always thought the history and end goal of it was cool, i.e. ancient pre-Christianity religion/culture existing in the Welsh marshlands that wants to bring about a galactic empire.
Their means to achieving it are 100% edgelord thou and will never work, basically helter skelter tier thinking that has no basis in reality other than in the minds of a handful of social outcasts.
Also for some retarded reason I always read it as angels as in heaven NOT mathemetics lol.

>> No.18125311

>Your instance of "entryism" is literally a fed that used to work for the infiltrated a nazi militia
Why are you lying?

>> No.18125354

This anon understands and is a psychic, if not pneumatic.

Straight up hylic retard. Might as well have been been born a toad.

>> No.18125373

I'm sure there are countless O9A adherents in the American/British government. I myself knew one who was a Marine.
Infiltration goes both ways m8

>> No.18125394

Why are you lying?

>> No.18125404

>he resorts to same fagging

>> No.18125532

t. toad

>> No.18125540
File: 8 KB, 245x125, Screenshot_2021-04-27 (0) lit - Order of Nine Angels - Literature - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. toadlet

>> No.18125578

What is it?

>> No.18125586

Same fagging proxy fag ; )

>> No.18125937

/lit/ what should my first insight role be?

>> No.18126101


>> No.18126126

you mean /lit/tering?
I should become a /lit/ janny then mod? interesting idea.

>> No.18126145

depends on your location, your age, your personality, etc.
eighteen months is a low maximum for such a thing, if something of value is happening and one hasn't lost sight of the original intention, i don't see why it shouldn't be extended.

>> No.18126261

I remember a humorous instanace of some pissant media outlet mistaking ONA for the Opie and Anthony talk show. The reporter claimed that any fan of the shock jock duo was necessarily a Nazi.

>> No.18126362

Reading through the thread and it could be about ISIS or Al-Quaeda (The Base) or The Manhattan Communist Party (every member was an spook).

>> No.18126442

i've rule out the military and right wing infiltration, as there wouldn't be much of a sinister element since I already lean that way.
I think I wanna go to a foreign country, probably East/SE Asia, get a job there and fuck around with Buddhism. what do you think?

>> No.18126486


>> No.18126523

For the people crying fed, are there any groups that aren't feds? How about groups that weren't infiltrated by feds? O9A has no leader or global members. They have decentralized cells/nexions across the world, and even they don't have leaders. At most they have thought leaders. Have some nexions been compromised? Sure. However, it's delusional to claim all O9A are alphabet soup.

>> No.18126533

anything that isn't done through the Democratic Party and Republican Party is the work of FEDS

>> No.18126578

Nice dubs and that seems to be their sentiment even though they hate both. I guess the "ubermensch" kvetching online is the only way to save muh white race.

>> No.18126594

Those tardwrangling groups’ unopticality serves the interests of The Cathedral, and are rightly suspected of being one intelligence fly trap or another; by the same cointelpro infiltrating and dissolving them from within, like a killer T-cel leukocyte, would be practical and desirable in removing shabbos cutouts from gay ops circulation before they serve one or another false-flagging Gladio events and fit the putative MO of ‘aeonic’ praxis

Given the litigious heat the supposed real AL received - in Britain, as a British subject - this US bioluminescent origin take is dubious: which isn’t to say tardwrangling isn’t being done by either of the respective entities, either.

>The FBI (among others) uses people who advocate O9A Satanism as a means of getting people to admit to doing crimes so that they can send these people to prison.
Their ‘human sacrifice’ parameters appear to favor such tardwrangling for those proven to be dishonorable, or otherwise security concerns, and nothing as ghoulish as the hylic filtering spooky literalist elements would have it.

Freemasons and the bevy of other Blue Lodge hodge podge already infest government, police, et. al. — RICO Act material for society and civilization wide transnational malefactors is readily at hand, if they were executing their missions by skillful means, not chasing supposed NATO wicca spinoffs

>that case O9A was more like a parasite, the group was just your regular neo-nazis, but the taste of O9A inebriated slowly the rest
The sort that finds the Nietzsche, Heidegger, alchemy, astral magic, and Graeco-Roman hermeticism/paganism tedious or irrelevant, in favor of the early ‘unironic’ Satanism, and Reichsvolk militancy — accrues to the cachet of conflicting and wild information about it, while filtering wheat from chaff

Women are better mediums/vessels for sex magic purposes

>Protocols, agentur, ect.

If Long is DM’s Oxford Academic correspondent that turns up in the published letters, he is more likely to have been that poster; Land wouldn’t be on DM’s radar

>insight ‘heel’ role to preserve Oxford fren’s career
One of many possibilities

Space Imperium vs. a splinter technofeudalism holding breakaway tech to rule as planetary jannies is articulated closely by Jorjani’s Prometheianisn

Given the challenges given in examples from the literature regarding initiation procedure, together with the ‘culling’ parameters (kindred honor), and the operational and ‘ethical’ limitations of any such deep cover attempt by law enforcement, it would entail too much risk for such entryists — unless they were bog standard golem cutouts to begin with

Now that would be funny

As a philosophy/movement/‘subculture’, it’s just too slippery and heterogeneous to pin down —

>> No.18126661

The difference is the Masons don't actively draw negative attention or damage their name. The Masons also aren't a "secret" or occult group. O9A is still a threat, but at this stage they're damaged goods. Most people confuse them for Temple ov Blood and their endorsement of rape and pedo shit. After Atomwaffen, the few neo-Nazi groups that still exist are aware of them and hate them.

>> No.18126705

They aren’t atheists

>> No.18126714

Read that as bertrand russel at first

>> No.18126732
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>> No.18126735

>While 'infiltrating' other groups as a follower of O9A you should remain like a closeted gay man.
Which makes O9A... a rest stop bathroom on the side of the highway?

>> No.18126751

I don't understand. At the end of it, why the fuck are you believing what the feds say? That's so incredibly retarded my man.

>> No.18126755
File: 56 KB, 357x270, 4509385908350934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man these names are wild. I definitely get teen vibes from it though. "How do we make ourselves look as edgy as possible." Well here's your answer.

>> No.18126770

>Your instance of getting "fed" is literally a nazi that used to work for the FBI, from which you have dishonestly drawn the conclusion that he must be an FBI plant, rather than a nazi who used to work for the FBI.
I'm not on the right by any means but reading posts like this makes me thankful my enemies can be as stupid as this.

>> No.18126812

So what are all ex feds barred from legitimately joining extremist groups. Honestly shit like this why people on the far right and left deserve to suffer.

>> No.18126826

From what I remember there used to be enormous amounts of their writing available online. 90% is total dogshit but they do seem to have a fairly robust occult system backing it up

The group itself seems to attract a LOT of pedos though. Went down a rabbit hole of looking into their offshoots and you'd be surprised how many there are.

It's also more of an umbrella group than people realise, it comprises a few different currents (rounwytha being one of them, which is a sort of northern Bong folk/pagan thing)

The guy who used to run this:

made it private recently (literally the last week or two), he got arrested for pedophilia previously, trying to find the article about it

It's full of glowing nonces, anyway

You'd also be surprised at how many random Atomwaffen clones there are around the place (Feuerkrieg for example), the model of having a blueprint for a DIY sperg group is bizarrely successful

O9A have never been taken seriously in occult circles though. They used to just confine themselves to threatening to curse people on forums, iirc they died out and two teenage girls resurrected it as a larp

>> No.18126852

>Teenage girls resurrected it
Do you honestly believe women would waste time on a schizo idealogical group? Depending on what phase they're on, they're either unironic satanists or greco-roman occultists. And to think both are still considered O9A though they're on phase 3.0.

>> No.18126855

Yes? Why the fuck would you allow anybody affiliated with federal secret police into a dissident political organization? imagine being this clueless jesus christ man

>> No.18126870

>O9A can't be a group, there are no 'members'
just like antifa right

>> No.18126878

O9A is an ideology as antifa also is

>> No.18126882

Because of the values and skills they have? This is why the status quo will remain the status quo. People who are into fringe politics are larpers who only fight online with their keyboard. And to think covid showed how the system is barely held together.

>> No.18126890

Their values and skills are gayopping political dissidents you fucking idiot. Nobody can be this stupid, please tell me it's a troll.

>> No.18126908

Good luck on dismantling the system by shit posting on a mongolian kids cartoon site. Remember to check for feds under your bed before going to sleep.

>> No.18126918

Well I'm certainly not going to dismantle the system by involving myself with FBI agents. The reason dissident politics get contained to the internet is because when they try to organize outside of it THEY GET SETUP BY THE FBI. unbelievable man lol

>> No.18126939

>Do you honestly believe women would waste time on a schizo idealogical group?

Yes retard, this is well-known


>> No.18126968

There are occult or satanic groups that aren't feds for sure, but if you're looking for skull mask accelerationism then you're out of luck, that scene is understandably swarming with glowies

>> No.18126999

I heard of Chloe and the Stormfront, but neither are hard proof that O9A ever died. Do you honestly think a ideology like them would announce that they disbanded? Also she only disbanded her nexion. O9A is bigger than on person?
I don't have a dog in the fight, but it would be big if it was actually true. Everything with Atomwaffen and after is too fascinating to just pass up as feds being feds. I want to believe there are spooky baddies who think they're going to usher in a dark galatic empire.

>> No.18127023

Also the Satanic Press is from 2013, but Chole is still posting O9A material on o9a.org. I swear I love this board, but most of you guys are retarded.

>> No.18127035

Cringe larp group that only attracts uneducated smooth brain edge lords.
Ideology being the driving force of an occult group, should be an instant dismissal to any serious adept.

>> No.18127045

Can I join if I'm brown? Why is esoteric Hitlerism so racist bros.

>> No.18127048

>Everything with Atomwaffen and after is too fascinating to just pass up as feds being feds. I want to believe there are spooky baddies who think they're going to usher in a dark galatic empire
Redpill being that the feds arent just monitoring but using those groups as delegates (the feds being delegates themselves)

>> No.18127057

There's lots of mexicans in the O9A anon

>> No.18127062

I doubt it, there whole shtick is making some uberchad white race to colonize the stars

>> No.18127068

Trust me, I would know. Heh

>> No.18127078

Don't be evil bro, shits not cool

>> No.18127099

You claimed I was wrong to say it was revived by two teenage girls, those links prove that it was. Believe it was still alive then if you like (I see zero proof that it was, or that it had ever been more than two or three spergs irl) but it's undeniable that Chloe and her hispanic bestie are the origin of most of its modern presence

>O9A is bigger than on person?

Before the girls? Lmao, maybe like 2 or 3 people tops. If you have a list of their super sinister membership prior to this then please feel free to post, I can legitimately think of just 2 people

Your argument was that it wasn't revived by two teenage girls, this took place years before 2013

I swear I love this board, but most of you guys are retarded.

>> No.18127100


what's this guy involvement with O9A?

>> No.18127116
File: 467 KB, 1716x2526, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right though, but i don't think it makes any sense. Do what wyatt did, begome muslim

>> No.18127125

>AW were deviantart

I remember some /pol/ack saying they had originally attempted to join RAM or one of the other skullmask groups that popped up around 2015-2016 but got bullied out of it, and did AW as an even edgier version of the same thing

>> No.18127131

That was an insight role buddy

>> No.18127142

Just because they formed nexions doesn't mean they revived O9A. O9A isn't a group and doesn't have members. If you actually looked at the site, you would have saw the post about Jake Hanrahn's interview he did with a O9A associate. Anton Long stopped writing in 2011 that much I'll give you, but it doesn't mean O9A died. Long/Myatt is going to be in his 80s and O9A will need to move beyond him, while preserving his legacy.

>> No.18127145

I remember people praising the Star Game as one of the genuinely interesting innovations ONA made but I've never seen instructions on how to play

>> No.18127149

You didn't search hard enough

>> No.18127150

Being straight

>> No.18127153

I'm guessing you never watched Star Trek or Hellraiser?

>> No.18127161

traps aren't gay bro

>> No.18127162

>land wouldn't be on DM's radar

I find this hard to believe, they may even have moved in the same circles. Nick has some occult interest, has been online for decades and was an academic

>> No.18127169

Pretty ironic as AWD had a tranny in the group.

>> No.18127170

>insight 'heel' role to preserve Oxford fren's career

What do you mean? Long != Myatt and was protecting him in some way?

>> No.18127174

based. I hope the femboy tranny got passed around and got satanic cock up his bumbum

>> No.18127177

I remember some article where he talks about using Star Trek chess as an influence on it, yeah

Maybe that article had instructions, I forget. I seem to remember them saying it's only for initiates though

>> No.18127180

>tranny as insight role

This would be true commitment

>> No.18127201

To put it a different way, what evidence of not-online O9A activity is there in the years before Chloe? Long writing stuff doesn't count (nor does posting online about it). The 'Order of no members' argument was always that they could never point to anyone or anything irl suggesting people were working their system, whether or not it was a formal group (A.'.A.'. works this way as well btw, albeit with lineage)

It seems to have just been Long and Moult for a long time, I'd hardly call that a living current

>> No.18127242

No homo, but I would have fugged their bussy.
Honestly the Star Game is the least interesting thing about them. I'd have to go through my notes, but I believe they have to master it by a certain stage of the Seven-fold Way. Though I might be thinking of their chant.
You might think I'm pulling straws, but are you saying Chole is responsible for Temple ov Blood? They had five in the ideology who were arrested for terror plots between 2019 and 2020. You then have Von Neutegem, a Canadian O9A associate, who killed two Muslims.

>> No.18127257

>2019 and 2020

Chloe was active in like 2007 wasn't she? I'm saying before that (though I'm not sure of ToB's founding date). I have no idea if she's connected to that, that's not what I'm saying

I'm talking pre-Chloe era, so the early 00s or 90s for example.

>> No.18127261
File: 99 KB, 840x560, download (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because of the values and skills they have? This is why the status quo will remain the status quo.
Work with the police... to fight the police. They bring many skills such as... deep-cover investigations of radical political organizations.

Don't underestimate the murderous brutality of right-wing extremists, but don't overestimate their intelligence either.

>> No.18127301

I'd have to look at my notes, but based on their phases, they would have been in phase 2.0 which was the mid 90s to the early 0000s. It'd help if they used traditional dates and not their Fayen bs. As for irl presence pre Chole you got me beat. The only defense I have is they existed behind the scene, orchestrating their plans. However, if that was the plan they sure fucked things up.

>> No.18127318

How many people are even involved in this beyond the psycho happa bitch? She seems to be the only person consistently putting out online content.

>> No.18127324

I mean, maybe they did exist in small clusters that mainly just seethed online or killed cats or something, I'm just saying the charge of No Members looks pretty accurate on the face of it because of no evidence

There was so much occult activity in the UK in the 80s/90s that there could well have been some guys doing something like this though, who knows. In an era where you had Typhonian/Cultus Sabbati/IoT and tons of smaller experimental groups its hard to imagine there wasn't some cross-pollination (although those scenes tend to be far more left-wing usually)

>> No.18127330

Interdasting discussion from 2014 on ONA (pulled from the archived /lit/ thread):


>> No.18127333

Wouldn't you like to know

>> No.18127335

They're scum, psychopaths, retards.

>> No.18127360

I think part of O9A was a reaction to the Satanic panic. They partially admit as much when explaining why Satan isn't as important anymore when compared to Baphomet and the dark gods. You then have the fact some believe they're real and should be worshiped, while others treat them as archetypes. Back in the 80s, Satan was actually spooky and there was fear of satanic cults.

>> No.18127361

It seems like a near-0 number of people and every time someone else who was influenced by them in recent times is mentioned it's met with a bunch of samefag posts saying "well they're not actually O9A they didn't do it right" type shit.

>> No.18127370

Yeah, yeah yeah yeah

>> No.18127398

This is the guy who ran that Yorkshire Rounwytha blog


Also had a Dungeon Synth bandcamp lmao

If you look on beyondsatanism.wordpress.com he mentions his name with it

He wrote books under the name A. A. Morain

>> No.18127416

Thanks for the link, anon. Honestly the more I read about them the less I understand.

>> No.18127496

KiwiFarms thread on AWD is hilaroius, 3 pages in and two underage AWD spergs are already fighting with each other

>> No.18127520

Andrew Anglin shows up to shit on them on page 4 too lol

>> No.18127549

Weev makes an appearance as well. I forget the page # as it's been awhile.

>> No.18127557

Yeah that's page 5, just got to it

Weird to read posts from a time when the AWD/ToB connection was in doubt

>> No.18127564

Since when is /lit/ full of unironic Satancucks? Gosh, like the Christcucks weren't bad enough

>> No.18127580

I don't think there's any record of it anymore, but I remember hate chan had people posting about AWD/ToB. There were even people claiming to be AWD/ToB who posted as well.

>> No.18127585

8. Chan.

>> No.18127601

Formerly Catholic nun order that broke away in the 1980's to worship primordial Egyptian deities, that committed various terrorist attacks in several metropolitan areas. The orders primary goal was to manifest the "Ogdoad" and rip away the facade of the modern world to return it to it's "honest" state of war.

>> No.18127608

Eric Striker has an interesting article which actually tries to substantiate and source its claims


>> No.18127611

Striker is probably a good source as he could just ask his fed handler to verify the info

>> No.18127638

I've met him IRL. He's the real deal.

>> No.18127654

I hear he is very short

>> No.18127766


>> No.18127921

>the few neo-Nazi groups that still exist are aware of them and hate them.
Really? That's hilarious.

>> No.18127928

Kek it might be so

>> No.18127945

>just like antifa right
I don't know, I never checked.

>> No.18128126

How many of these artists do you think actually ran 32 miles in 7 hours?

>> No.18128185

Very few, they didn't have time in between molesting kids



>> No.18128298

It's not too difficult. Most I've ran is ~12km and that took me an hour and 10 minutes. I don't run for exercise or time so it can be much better, especially since I occasionally stop to look at the scenery (I run through woods and across mountains).

>> No.18128308

Look I wouldn't be surprised if this is the crowd it attracts but all those links you provided don't prove anything. Edgelords with irl activity like him could be arrested on false or out of context charges (Muslim judge vs white nationalist... I mean come on). All I gather from his first case was that he tied up a kid and forced him to eat marmite. Cool? Nah. Rape? No, not really.
But please tell me if I missed something. It sounds more like he was trying to recruit children than anything.

>> No.18128310

Equivalent of a Roman legion’s expected forced march pace, with half the ruck weight requirement; not so bad

>meanwhile in Rotherham: the Savile-Camlad/Temple of the Sun speculation at least is interestingly lurid

>> No.18128318

This is probably true. I don't know much about this group but satanism is categorically immanent.

>> No.18128331

I've walked 20 miles in about 6 hours at a normal pace. Walked, with a back pack on. I imagine taking breaks and running a mile every 10-20 minutes while speed walking you could do it easily unless you were completely unfit, especially if you're a light weight manlet.

>> No.18128335

Can't find anything about them

>> No.18128343

How do you get bullied on the internet

>> No.18128353

ONAfag pls go

It says he tied him up and told him to eat marmite or perform some sexual act (presumably suck his dick), then when he ate the marmite he made him do it anyway - not sure if it mentions it there but he also stripped him and beat him up. There's some other screen shot where he suggests he plead guilty "because a few of us prodded his dick" but I'd bet it was a bit more than that ("eat marmite or I'll prod your dick a bit" isn't exactly a big threat, nor would the kid have made a complaint to the cops)

The second link is him explicitly grooming a 14yo, lying about his age to do so, knowing she was 14

Muzzies raping kids and getting away with it doesn't mean edgy natsocs should be let off the hook for it

But yeah the potential Savile connection is a very interesting one, I've never seen proof he was in Temple of the Sun (Camlad was where Myatt came from, supposedly) but it's not hard to imagine him being part of some hippy temple in the 70s that just kept doing the free love shit (the underage stuff seems to have been rampant then, iirc the band Cream once played some card game where one of their 14yo daughters was the prize)

>> No.18128362

RAM are irl larpers


They seem to mainly do shirtless workouts, kind of a holdover from that brief post-CVille era when people were cringing at all the fat blobs in white polos, and started a fitness/fighting thing in reaction. BAP started getting more traction around that time on twitter for that reason as I recall (though tbf he was careful to stay away from all that)

>> No.18128396

Not an ONAfag at all
>he plead guilty "because a few of us prodded his dick" but I'd bet it was a bit more than that
Fair enough, I missed that apparently. Where was that said? It's not in the article.
>The second link is him explicitly grooming a 14yo, lying about his age to do so, knowing she was 14
It says he did that in the past but it doesn't say that's what happened now. They exchanged messages it said, which could very well be off limits due to his past transgressions, but it doesn't say sexually. Not saying it wasn't, but that's not mentioned.

Look let's be honest, BBC and HNH are not the most trustworthy sources by a long shot, that's why I'm trying to dig a bit.

>> No.18128417

>struggling to bench what looks like about 60kg

>> No.18128460

it's a reasonable way to start. go there with an open mind and cast about to begin with, learn the language/s assiduously, and interesting knowledge and opportunities will open up.
i spent a long time in the east, now i am back home, almost a year into political work on the opposite side of the spectrum from my first insight, and "enjoying" it considerably more.

>> No.18128480

They don't seem to be very good at it, but it looks fun at least, I'd go there (I'll probably actually start going to a gym when I move, so my thoughts might change).

>> No.18128517

Basically Ayn Rand and Tony Robbins for Nordic larpers

>> No.18128524

Part of the O9A thing is to infiltrate a group as an exercise. It's basically setting yourself petty criminal challenges for personal growth and I know a lot of people who did it with Ninjutsu a long time ago.

>> No.18128563
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>> No.18129427

nice, will do, and good luck to you

>> No.18129595

it's not in that article, it's in another one on various nonces in NA on the same website. It's not very well-presented, but basically it's a facebook screensoht where Fleming (under a different name) mentions pleading guilty because he thought they'd get a lighter sentence

I'm sure BBC aren't that accurate but tbqh if it looks like a nonce and quacks like a nonce....

He seems to also be interested not only in ONA, but vampiric satanism. There's cringe in the occult but the vampiric stuff is really a whole new level (the Kemetic Order of Aset Ka were the market leaders in that for ages)

>> No.18130743


>> No.18131434
File: 33 KB, 600x623, a68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

George Floyd was a member of the Tempel of KANGZ Osiris and River Nile Israelite Societies, an initiate working through the ranks and undertaking an insight role as a mixtape rap artist who was painfully snuffed by a Nazarene Zogbot before he could get attain rank of neophyte, luckily he managed to set up a sinister dead mans switch, releasing all acausal energies that was built up and harnessed by him and ToKO, thus releasing chaos upon the mundanes and accelerating the collapse of the Nazarene ZOG states of America.

>> No.18131466
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By this effort alone, I hereby declare that George “Chronozon” Floyd, to be the true sinister archetype of Noctilius and Yakub, and I shall burn some petrichor and frankincense in his honor.

Sinister chant to the child of Yakub and Noctilius;


>> No.18131494

Hymn to St. Floyd

When the world was dark
When Sun and Moon were
not, Came St. Floyd and
Brought forth dreams of
Fentanyl and Crack.

Uniting the North with South
The West with East
St. Floyd emerged
With scepter in hand
With pipe in hand
With foot on neck.

>> No.18131519


schizo cringe. And it's "nine angles" not angels

>> No.18131543

Nigga tf are they nonagons haha bitch might as well call urself Order of Nonagons hahaha

>> No.18131614

He's about 5'7" but with a barrel chest. He swaggers like a Jersey longshoreman.

>> No.18131793

I have been misreading and mis-saying this for literal years up until this post
'Order of Nine Angels' flows off the tongue a lot better and sounds a whole lot cooler and occultier than 'angles'

>> No.18133037

>For The Order of Nine Angles, an angle is, of course, a five-dimensional concept – composed
of two causal metrics “meeting” (or joining) at a particular point in a four-dimensional
Space-Time (causal) continuum, with this particular “meeting” (or joining) being only one
particular causal re-presentation of an acausal event; that is, the “angle” changes in causal
Time. It is only one causal re-presentation of one event, which event is subject to acausal

>> No.18133170

>O9A and ninjutsu overlap

The cringe venn diagram

>> No.18133727

Well obviously they're not that good at math cause that's like 59 angles.

>> No.18134374
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Majestically seeded and feeded, Gucci loafer wearing German squad car driving jannie sons ov bitches absolutely BTFO

>> No.18134399


>> No.18134778

Just downloaded some of their books
Fucking larpers man

>> No.18135541

>Ryan Fleming, 30, of Horsforth, Leeds, was a regional organiser for National Action, which was outlawed in 2016.
>Horsforth, Leeds
That is where Quentin is from isn't it?

>> No.18135561
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>> No.18136821

Is Savitri Devi's men against time concept a good lens to view it through? Or did they adopt it more for transgressive value along with the Nazi stuff?

>> No.18136976

Best advice to you is to not dig deep into him. I did a deep dive a while back and all I'm at liberty to tell you is that this is some real dangerous stuff.

>> No.18137038

Yes q is involved

>> No.18137814

What does the man agains time concept have to with O9A?

>> No.18138778

The pedo connection is larpers stealing the name.
O9A punishes crimes against those below 16.

>> No.18138790

ITT sedentary fat neckbeards who blame everything on 'muh feds' because they are too cowardly to step foot outside.

>> No.18138791

They aren't atheists. They unironically believe in everything from Satan to Cthulu.

>> No.18138805

ur in this thred

>> No.18138814

post physique fatboi
i'm not the one complaining about the feds and unironically sucking Eric fucking Striker's cock. it's probably the worst article i've ever read in my life. it's like the nigger didn't even do his homework.

>> No.18138850
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>> No.18138854

After spending some hours reading ONA literature, its confounding to me that the media seem to so easily call this a Nazi group.

You could be a miltant afro-centrist and not have any fundamential disagreements with the quite voluminous introductory literature.

The most common media strategy is to connect the order to a random statment made by Myatt...but one could just as logically connect the order to Islam in the same manner.

Certainly Nazis can follow OnA precepts, but so could tankies.

In parting:

"Most of the chatter on the Internet is worthless, ephemeral, the product of people with little esoteric knowledge and even less genuine practical esoteric and personal experience, with such people being led or controlled either by their own desires or by some unconscious impulse or by some causal abstract form or dogma they do not rationally comprehend, or by all of these things. Such chatter is almost always immediately reactive, never the product of a reflexion based on experience, and - when it is not simply inane - it is esoterically and/or intellectually shallow; worthless; pretentious."

I think this applies to both much of what I've read from O9A-adjacent folks, and all of the critisism I've read.

>> No.18138868
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cool it with the hot pocket consumption, goy
they deify Hitler in one of their prayers though, and even say that National Socialism is the natural/peak outcome of Faustian Civilization.

but you are correct, they take the 'aeonic' view when it comes to politics so to say they are nazis is disingenuous.

>> No.18139099

They classify humanity into three groups mudanes, magians, and sinisters. Mudanes would fall under men in time, magians would be above time (maybe they dont fit in men in time or above), and the sinister O9A would be men against time.

>> No.18139173

fucking cringe

>> No.18139204
File: 254 KB, 582x709, D4D7F49D-D514-4299-B5AC-3C2563964E33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the occult so cringe, lads? I mean, it’s no more cringe than anything else, but it’s still nails on a chalkboard levels of gay LARPing.
Why does nothing matter? The emptiness of life is so boring.

>> No.18139341

>magians would be above time (maybe they dont fit in men in time or above)
According to Myatt the O9A is appropriate for going against time, while his Numenous Way is appropriate for being above time. I therefore suspect he wouldn't classify the Magian current as above time (although individual monks and ascetics may be).

>> No.18140000

False. Many of the texts denounce all moral law and glorify anything deemed "evil". The subject of pedophilia and abuse of minors was discussed shortly and quickly settled.

>> No.18140016

Aren't O9A and Numenous Way synonymous though? I guess Magians would fall under in time, even though they're orchestrating the collapse.

>> No.18140276

>posts National Justice Party article
so easy to spot the shills

>> No.18140651

More like ONAnists lol

>> No.18140726

Numenous Way was developed by Mr Myatt after he said he had left the O9A. With the insight role system you can never tell if someone has truly left though, so I can't tell you definitively whether they are separate things or not.

>> No.18140839

Nothing exclusively white about the O9A or NS for that matter.