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18113824 No.18113824 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we post authors who never had sex (minus priests like Aquinas) to assemble a definitive virgin-core chart.
>Fernando Pessoa
>Ted Kaczynski
>Elliot Rodger
>Søren Kierkegaard

>> No.18113833

Heinrich von Kleist

>> No.18113834


>> No.18113844
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, 1-kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kierkegaard was a sex-haver, there can be no doubt. As a notorious sex-haver myself, I immediately recognized a fellow sex-haver when I began reading the works of Søren Kierkegaard. I thought to myself 'yup, this guy is a sex-haver.'

What confuses people who aren't sex-havers (basically all academics and atheists) is that Kierkegaard had reached such a level of sex-having as to be a sex-haver without ever actually having had sex. You see for most people the characteristic of being a sex-haver is secondary and derivative of the act of having had sex. However, for Apex sex-havers, of which Kierkegaard was undoubtedly one, the identity of sex-haver is a primordial one which proceeds existence and the act of sex and stands as essence to the reality of the sex-haver in question.
I visited a reputable medium in my city who was able to channel Katja Jorgjensen, a niece of Kierkegaard. The spirit assured us that Kierkegaard was indeed an infamous sex-haver and conducted himself as you would expect a sex-haver of his caliber to. She regailed us with stories of how he was responsible for uncounted remote female orgasms whenever he sat in the parlor crammed full of Copenhagen's most beautiful ladies who had at this point formed something of a cult of Amor flocking around the prodigal sex-haver who never once had sex with a single one of them and read out his newest satire of Hegelian Absolutism. She admitted that she herself had been so overcome with her uncle's stature of sex-haver that she had once tried to have sex with him herself. However, Kierkegaard had sternly rebuffed her since he was too busy being a sex-haver editing the latest 600 page polemic against an ironic pro-Lutheran pamphlet that a pseudonymous character of his own invention was responsible for to bother with having sex with the impish harlot. He gave her a box full of striped candies tied with a ribbon and sent her on back to her parents, muttering something about 'more proof that Kantianism wafts up from the shtetl.'

I would urge all sex-havers and non-sex-havers alike to read this epochal sex-haver so that some portion of his sex-having ways might rub off on you.

>> No.18113856

>Giacomo Leopardi
>Emily Dickinson
(not sure but she looks like a virgin)

>> No.18113860

Best post on /lit/ 2021

>> No.18113897

Emily Dickinson had sex

>> No.18113904


>> No.18113909

Hindu ascetics like adi shankaracharya didn't not have any sex but there's a famous story about adi shankaracharya that he did astral projection and had sex in some king's body

>> No.18113953


>> No.18114014

by me

>> No.18114086

he commited suicide with his lover?
hardly fits the intended category.

>> No.18114103

the writer of my diary desu

>> No.18114105

I know some but I don't want them in a virgin core chart because it's cringe. Add Nietzsche though

>> No.18114115

Pretty sure Ted was a sex haver and he was also pretty good looking when he was younger

>> No.18114119

>Søren Kierkegaard
He doesn't belong among these ragecel bastards.

>> No.18114161

Worst post on /lit/ 2021

>> No.18114166

Nietzsche was an escortcel, he's in a special category

>> No.18114189


On Ted's strange first date

>"Kaczynski [...] lacked even elementary social skills. Russell Mosny recalls one of Kaczynski's rare dates. [He] borrowed his parent's car and took a girl to a movie. A half hour into the show, he excused himself and walked out of the theater, then returned [...] thirty minutes later he left again, then returned. He repeated these mysterious exits twice more. But the last time he did not return. After the movie was over, the girl found Ted waiting for her on the street. "Where have you been?" she asked. "I parked the car at a thirty-minute meter and had to keep putting nickels in," he explained. [...] "I ran out of money for tickets to get back into the theater."

On Ted’s isolation throughout his years in college

>"His adolescence and college years were marked by an almost total absence of interpersonal relationships. Early psychological testing showed an extreme elevation on the introversion scale and associated depressive feelings that would be consistent with his alienation at that point in time. […] Mr. Kaczynski recounts, in painful detail, his absence of any real or personal relationships with women, in addition to his absence of any consistent ongoing relationships with men"

>> No.18114194


On Ted working at a factory with his brother

>"Teddy and I worked briefly at the same factory [...]. At first my brother appeared to be in love (which I noted with pleasant amazement, since my brother had never dated or even talked much about women). He took the girl out for dinner at nice restaurants and for walks in the forest preserve. But he was utterly devastated when she politely broke off their relationship, saying she only wanted to be friends."

On further details regarding his attempt at dating his female co-worker

>"His supervisor was Ellen Tarmichael, a soft-spoken but no-nonsense woman [...] Ted Kaczynski became interested in late July 1978. He was 36, and she was 29. [...] They had two dates, Ms. Tarmichael recalled. She said he seemed intelligent and quiet, and she accepted a dinner invitation in late July. It was a French restaurant, David said, and Ted "ordered wine and he smelled it, he made a big deal of it." David added, "He had a good time." [...] Two weeks later, they went apple-picking and afterward went to his parents' home and baked a pie. That was when she told him she did not want to see him again. "I felt we didn't have much in common besides our employment," she said. "Ted did a total shutdown," retreating into his room [...] He also wrote an insulting limerick about Ms. Tarmichael, made copies and posted them in lavatories and on walls around the factory. He did not sign the limerick, but his relationship with the woman was known."

On Ted's memory of his failed relationship

>He remembers contemplating suicide by hanging at that time, and then describes that he became full of rage and instead decided to take a knife and mutilate the woman. He proceeded to the parking lot at the work site and got into her car. At that time he changed his mind and again felt very sad."

>> No.18114200


On Ted's first letter to the woman who rejected him

>"Dear Ellen, [...] When I talked to you in your car [...] you said that when you went out with me the first two times, you "really thought there might be something in it; friendship, or..." I seriously doubt whether your statement is true [...] Nevertheless, this statement is probably the only thing that prevented me from attacking you physically."

On David's reaction to his brother's failed relationship

>"the next day when Ted posted another of the nasty limericks, I went to the plant's supervisor and had my brother dismissed. [...] Only after my anger cooled did it sink in how much my brother must have craved an intimate relationship and how unequal he was to the challenge of being in one."

On Ted's response to being dismissed after insulting his female co-worker

>"Ted locked himself in his room at Mom and Dad's for three days. [...] After three days, however, Ted emerged from his room and abruptly asked me to read a long letter he had written, on condition that I never speak with him about it. The letter was more explanation than apology; its apologetic elements were tainted with self-justification. Essentially, what he wanted to communicate was that he had been deeply and desperately lonely for a very long time."

>> No.18114202

Ted was a decent looking sucessful professor , he was definitely not a virgin.

>> No.18114204


On Ted’s struggles to view himself as attractive

>"He describes at length his inability to figure out whether or not he was attractive to women and references a passing comment of a friend of his family's at the age of 15, that made him believe he was quite attractive. […] At times in his writings, he focuses, in an extraordinary amount of detail, on passing or short lived relationships or potential relationships with females. This is illustrated by his discussion of his relationships with (REDACTED) when he was 10, (REDACTED) when he was 16, (REDACTED) when he was 17, (REDACTED) when he was 32, "Ms. Z" when he was in graduate school, and (REDACTED) when he was 36.”

On Ted's romantic / sexual experiences

>"aside from his mother, who doted on him as a boy, there appears to have been no substantive relationship with a woman in all his life"

On the court psychiatrist's view of Ted's relationship issues

>"it is evident that he has repeatedly developed idealized romantic attachments to women with whom he has little familiarity or contact. These women, for the most part, are unaware of the degree of his attachment. That he has maintained these idealized attachment over extended periods of time, is outlined extensively in his writings. It appears that the onset of this disorder for Mr. Kaczynski was in his early 20s. It is likely that for many years he has intermittently experienced exacerbations in the intensity of this disorder. Those periods have been preceded by prodromal symptoms of depressed mood, insomnia, increased distractibility, and intensification of sexual identity problems. "

>> No.18114208


On modern men

>"What every woman wants is a Man, with a capital M. In other words, a man who has balls, not merely in the literal sense but also in the figurative sense. In Western culture, a woman's ideal has traditionally been "a knight in shining armor." [...] But the knight in shining armor no longer exists in Europe. The samurai has disappeared from Japan. The fierce nomad no longer rides across the Eurasian steppe. [...] And who has replaced these true Men? Behold modern man (small m): He sits all day on his fat bottom, punching keys on a computer. Terrified of losing the "job" on which he is helplessly dependent, he cringes before his boss, invents petty subterfuges and little lies to conceal his errors and his trivial misdeeds. There are no true Men left; or rather, such true Men as remain are in prison. [...] Is it any wonder that feminist[s] have lost respect for men? Or that they resent men for failing to be Men after whom (however vehemently they deny it) their hearts yearn?"

On Ted contacting an old college crush

>"Historically, he has developed love relationships that were never reciprocated with individuals and maintained them for extended periods of time, idealizing them and at time devaluing them. An example is a relationship he wished he had developed with (REDACTED) when he was a young student at Harvard. He was able to identify that even at the age of 43, he had tracked her down and written her regarding the details of that relationship, which had never actually developed. He expressed regret that he had not heard back from her."

On Ted telling his penpal - a Mexican laborer - about his romantic regrets

>"Kaczynski also lamented the fact that he did not have a family [...] your fortune is not all bad, because you have a wife and three children and all are healthy," the letter said. "... I wish I had a wife and children!""

On Ted's recurring desire to marry and procreate

>"in early 1988 I began suffering from desire for women. This was not mere sexual lust. What I craved was not just a screw but a love-relationship, children, and all that. Yet it seemed almost hopeless - I was getting old, I had no money, and I was tied down by the work I had to get done. What made it especially frustrating was the fact that [...] I ought to be able to get a wife or girlfriend but was prevented from doing so by my circumstances and my lack of social skills. [...] in the evening after supper - I was often afflicted with feelings of hopelessness centring around women , children, family etc."

>> No.18114212


On Ted asking a therapist to find him a girlfriend

>"He indicates that his decision to seek this type of counseling resulted after having a dream about a young woman. Upon awakening he had the idea that perhaps at age 45 it was not too late for him to establish a relationship, and at that point he thought of leaving his isolated life in Montana and finding a job and a female for himself. As noted, he sent a detailed letter to the therapist and saw her once [...] He states that during the session the therapist [...] had mentioned the thought of her arranging a meeting with him and some of her female clients. He subsequently wrote her a letter with the hopes of reminding her to do so, but she did not pick up on his implied message."

On Ted's continued struggles with loneliness and his recurring desire for romantic love

>"in interviews [he] would frequently tear up when remembering fleeting relationships he had with individuals. In that regard, it was noted that he tends to form very rapid intense emotional attachments to individuals, primarily women [...] Historically, he has developed love relationships that were never reciprocated with individuals and maintained them for extended periods of time […] It was not until 1994 at the age of 50, that he further explored this issue and asked another woman, whom he did not know well, whether he was physically attractive. He indicated she responded he was "run of the mill" and at that point in time he no longer wondered why he had never developed a successful relationship [...]. As described, he had grappled with that issue for more than 30 years because he had been told he was physically attractive at the age of 15 and he held onto that belief; so he could never understand why women were not attracted. Having now been told by another female [...] that he was simply average in looks, it immediately provided him with an explanation for why he had never established a relationship with a woman.”

>> No.18114216


On Ted's change of fortunes with the opposite sex in prison

>"Before his arrest he’d had almost no experience with women, as he confided repeatedly to his diary. The opposite sex confounded him: What did women want? How did you know when they liked you? Why was it so hard? But as a notorious serial killer, he attracted the interest of women, dozens of them, who wrote him to say how handsome they thought he was. They called him “Teddy,” sent him provocative pictures, told him about their sex fantasies and begged to visit him. One woman, in a letter sent to Kaczynski’s attorneys, even proposed marriage. [...] The letters shocked him so much that even though he rejected the mental health profession he wrote to a psychologist to ask if he thought the woman might be mentally unstable. “Can unresolved anger lead to sadomasochistic sexual impulses?” he wrote."

On Ted writing to one penpal about women

>"In your letter you stated that you could tell me some stories about girls and that you would raise my eyebrows. I doubt it. Since my arrest three years ago I've learned things that have raised my eyebrows so far that they've gone all the way over the top of my head and are halfway down my back by now."

On Ted writing about one young female admirer

>"One is a young woman who has, by her own account, a very tragic history. [...] Today she has no close friends (though physically she is extremely attractive - she's sent me pictures) and she is desperately hungry for love and intimacy - and sex. She says she has "found herself" through writing to me [...] I find her letters rather disturbing, because she devotes a considerable part of them to sex fantasies of the grossest kind [...] But she's never had a sexual relationship with anyone (except her stepfather) [...] and she describes her masturbatory activities to me in great detail. [...] I find myself wondering, how did I get into this?"

>> No.18114220


On Ted the chivalrous Supermax prisoner

>"On the evening of Nov 29, 1996, I had finished my running and my stretch exercises when the door of 7th floor West opened and 3 lady prisoners came up the stairs. When they saw me they laughed, said "The Unabomber's out there!" and went back inside. I still had a few minutes of exercise time left, but instead of taking that time I went back inside so that the ladies could use the rec area. I'm so chivalrous!"

On Ted's prison letter to a man married to a feminist

>"I feel inclined to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year, but I will refrain. It would be a cruel mockery to wish a merry or a happy anything to a man who is stuck with a feminist for a wife."

On Ted's apology to the female sex

>"In earlier years I have thought and written things about women of which I am now ashamed, and I want to offer an apology [...] to the female sex in general. There were several reasons for my earlier resentment of women; [...] youthful machismo, my own lack of success with women, a fund of frustrated anger [...] Over the years my resentment of women has faded [...] And as I've grown older I've come to appreciate more and more the characteristic virtues of women, such as warmth, gentleness, and sensitivity to others' feelings."

>> No.18114226

I can't find the source right now, but Ted also raged at his brother for finding a gf because in doing so he had betrayed their "virgin bond" or something

>> No.18114248

This has copypasta potential.

In all seriousness, thank you, Anon, for reminding me why I still come to this shitty place.

>> No.18114254
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Add my diary desu in there

>> No.18114283

She literally has Dick in her name, that should be enough to settle things.

>> No.18114289

Yeah, but the Dick is in the son, not in her

>> No.18114294

You can be good looking, be approached by women constantly and still stay virgin your entire life.

>> No.18114297

4okh off m8

>> No.18114327

It's already a pasta, just a bit obscure

>> No.18114340

Antonin Artaud

>> No.18114491

>But she's never had a sexual relationship with anyone (except her stepfather)
I don't know why I find this so funny.

>> No.18114729

>Søren Kierkegaard


>> No.18114765
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>Kantianism wafts up from the shtetl.'

>> No.18114770
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With women. Because she was a dyke.
Homosex is mutual masturbation, not sex. It is defined by its sterility.

Therefore she was a virgin. A non-sex-haver.

Much like Butters. Except able to write.

>> No.18114829


>> No.18114835

He had sex with a street whore once and hated it. Fits under the escortcel category.
Wasn't he just a theologian?

>> No.18114868

Kant, Newton, Spinoza, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Plotinus, Plato

>> No.18114879

Tesla and Cavendish too

>> No.18114888

Do you think he'd have paid for it if Salome had given him a weekly pityfuck? No, definitely not

>> No.18114917
File: 507 KB, 1044x1541, 0D3C596E-35F9-4144-A004-A62B0ACBBD13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Emily Dickinson
>(not sure but she looks like a virgin)
Maybe with her sister in law, maybe with some older man. No one knows but her.

>> No.18114931

Otto Weininger probably

>> No.18115014

Plato was a volcel, so he doesn't count. Dude was jacked as shit (he was renowned as a good wrestler), undoubtedly charismatic (testimonied by the fact that he could write some very rousing speeches; not every dialogue of his was as dense as the Parmenides, mind you. Also, let's not forget that he amassed a shit ton of followers and was basically a cult leader), and, as an aristocrat, very wealthy.

>> No.18114931,1 [INTERNAL] 

Have you read his work, what did you think of it?

>> No.18115026

Also Thales and maybe Empedocles.

>> No.18115053

Ok now let's do based rapist authors

>> No.18115070

>Fritz Zorn

>That author who married and refused to have sex with his wife after seeing her naked on their wedding night

>> No.18115109

People ought to find this behavior disturbing beyond measure, but nobody really seems to think much of it.
W*men... what a mistake.

>> No.18115173
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West shall crumble soon. It has produced nothing of value.
Western "values" are a joke.

>> No.18115181

Avital Ronell, Michel Foucault, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir

>> No.18115248

volcels are also virgins, and OP was asking for virgin authors, not exclusively incels. Plato/Plotinus did not care about popularity btw, they would have seen this as a crude bastardization of their pursuit of Wisdom (see any anti-Sophist dialogue). I'm not insulting any of the guys I listed by calling them a virgin, you can be a virgin and a very sociable, charismatic man, the two are not mutually exclusive. It is only within the current paradigm that our views on virginity have equated it with a certain power-structure in relation to the conditioned forms of modern sexuality (I suspect this has something to do with a Girardo-Spenglerian cyclatory life-force of civilizations libidinal flows being captured into further levels of simulation/simulacrum).

>> No.18115260

What do you think of his work?

>> No.18115325

Read the Søren, non-sex-haver.

>> No.18115451

Is that Updike as a young girl?

>> No.18115486
File: 107 KB, 438x626, John_Ruskin_1863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also John Ruskin.

>Ruskin's sexuality has been the subject of a great deal of speculation and critical comment. His one marriage, to Effie Gray, was annulled after six years owing to non-consummation. Effie, in a letter to her parents, claimed that Ruskin found her "person" repugnant:

>He alleged various reasons, hatred of children, religious motives, a desire to preserve my beauty, and finally this last year he told me his true reason... that he had imagined women were quite different to what he saw I was, and that the reason he did not make me his Wife was because he was disgusted with my person the first evening 10th April [1848].

>Ruskin told his lawyer during the annulment proceedings:

>It may be thought strange that I could abstain from a woman who to most people was so attractive. But though her face was beautiful, her person was not formed to excite passion. On the contrary, there were certain circumstances in her person which completely checked it.[219]


>Ruskin's later relationship with Rose La Touche has led to claims that he was a paedophile, on the grounds that he stated that he fell in love with her when he met her at the age of nine.[224] In fact, he did not approach her as a suitor until on or near her eighteenth birthday. She asked him to wait for her until she was 21. Receiving no answer, he repeated his proposal.

>Ruskin is not known to have had any sexually intimate relationships. During an episode of mental derangement after Rose died, he wrote a letter in which he insisted that Rose's spirit had instructed him to marry a girl who was visiting him at the time.[225] It is also true that in letters from Ruskin to Kate Greenaway he asked her to draw her "girlies" (as he called her child figures) without clothing:

>Will you – (it's all for your own good – !) make her stand up and then draw her for me without a cap – and, without her shoes, – (because of the heels) and without her mittens, and without her – frock and frills? And let me see exactly how tall she is – and – how – round. It will be so good of and for you – And to and for me.[226]

>In a letter to his physician John Simon on 15 May 1886, Ruskin wrote:

>I like my girls from ten to sixteen—allowing of 17 or 18 as long as they're not in love with anybody but me.—I've got some darlings of 8—12—14—just now, and my Pigwiggina here—12—who fetches my wood and is learning to play my bells.[227][228]

Although I must admit that I don't know what he meant by "fetches my wood" or "play my bells".

>> No.18115515

The idea that such a loony, ridiculous, bizarre and erratic man can bring numerous women under him is so shocking and hilarious in the face of today's world.
Truly, single men are a modern invention.

>> No.18115531

>Although I must admit that I don't know what he meant by "fetches my wood" or "play my bells".
found another virgin author

>> No.18115635
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he's great

>> No.18115688

Are you the guy whose been recommending him recently? Yeah I read his stuff and I feel like I can’t go back. I wish it weren’t true though.

>> No.18115724
File: 19 KB, 384x395, americans kerm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I hate americans.

>> No.18116374

Of course Kierkegaard was a sex-haver, he was Danish.

t. Danish sex-haver

>> No.18116382

Emily Brontë

>> No.18116435


>> No.18116653

Add Leibniz to the list.

>> No.18116670

Otto Weininger

>> No.18116680
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>> No.18116685

I will never be this based.

>> No.18116722

Wait, really? I assumed he had sex because of his high status, hanging out with royals or whatever.

>> No.18116845

We don't know him any sex adventure in spite of scrutinizing his life to a high degree. Some pamphleteer made up a natural child story at some point that was quickly deboonked.
The only female presence in his life besides his mother were Sophie and Sophie-Charlotte. Mainly the first, the electress princess of Hanover. He didn't talk and write more than a few protocolary times to any other known woman. Sophie was 16 years older than him and already 50 when he met her. Sophie-Charlotte was her daughter, promised then married to the king of Prussia. It is possible that Sophie-Charlotte was lusting after him fo a while with extreme level of bad faith in reading her but it was certainly not mutual. Neither is a credible mistress.
Unless he was a secretive escortcel (quite out of character) he died a virgin.

>> No.18117101

Do you like his work?

>> No.18117453

I was surprised to find out that Borges was married

>> No.18117592

>have sex

>> No.18117623

celibate is the keyword here, retard. Not to mention that he argues against celibacy in his writings, so not only was he not an incel in real life but his literature is not incel either

>> No.18117639

F. Gardner

>> No.18117678

Celibacy is voluntary. Sorry, copecels.