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18113313 No.18113313 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't writers alphas anymore?

>> No.18113332

I think it’s a numbers game. Many potential writers have gone into different artistic fields

>> No.18113354

Hemingway was a faggot. Nothing alpha about that journo scum. Muscles don't always mean masculine.

>> No.18113363

Only manly writers I know of are Hemingway and McCarthy

>> No.18113370
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>> No.18113374
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Their moms don't raise them as little girls anymore.


>> No.18113390

watch an interview of this guy. he's a complete and utter mess. I was totally embarrassed watching him on firing line. It was near the end and he was needlessly hostile and bitter and made an ass of himself. Belligerent, but also a huge pussy.

>> No.18113397

It was all overcompensation for that

>> No.18113414

Hemingway was not an alpha at all. He projected an aesthetic of masculinity but inside was a deeply insecure person with severe mental health issues.

>> No.18113419

And yet he still led a rugged masculine life

>> No.18113420
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They are.

>> No.18113431

They never were. Other than guys like Junger, writers are typically stuck in their head and aren't the alpha type. I wish their were more warrior poets, but then we would need more wars.

>> No.18113433

Hemingway was not fuckin alpha lol

>> No.18113435

Read subterraneans

>> No.18113456

Chapter 1 pp 10

>> No.18113521

Wtf does a 'rugged mascuiine life' even mean? It sounds like a schoolboy fantasy.

How old are you?

>> No.18113532

He was and he offed himself when masculinity started droping with age

>> No.18113534

>we would need more wars
So much could be solved with conflict, it's painful to watch humanity languish like this.

>> No.18113541

He wrote books, did journalism, did travel, killed fascists in a war, fucked women, cultivated alcoholism, met Castro.

>> No.18113547

Everyone knows that Hemingway was deeply insecure about his masculinity, that's why he felt the need to exaggerate it. That's not to say he wasn't masculine, he was, but in a very forced and frantic way, kind of like Mishima. One of the few truly manly writers of post-ancient times is McCarthy, who is still alive and active

>> No.18113549

I think it's just sad because you're idolizing someone over yourself.

No one is above 'you'. Not even the president.

>> No.18113550

>did journalism
fuck journos lmao gay ass niggas

>> No.18113551

i love how atheists view the people int he entertainment industry as ''alpha'' and even idolize those retards. it turns out people in the entertainment are just glorified hedonists. But then atheism is hedonism.

>> No.18113553

>he killed people and fucked women without wanting being paid for it

so he was a janitor?

>> No.18113554

I would also add Thompson and Bukowski to that former list

>> No.18113559

based and dignity pilled

>> No.18113561

Wiould the better question to ask be
Why aren't alphas writers anymore?

>> No.18113563

I'm surprised this isn't obvious to more people. I blame a lack of Freudian studies and real world experience

>> No.18113570

for real?

>> No.18113575

>priests are alpha

>> No.18113578

how is any of this masculine or rugged?

>> No.18113599

Yes. I said former list, meaning that I believe he also had daddy issues and insecurities

>> No.18113606

It baffles me that people think McCarthy is authentically masculine and not just an incredibly literate/poetic edgelord. His writing and themes are like if Eliot Roger got struck by lightning and could suddenly write like Melville. McCarthy's vision doesn't emerge out of masculinity. It emerges out of dark, edgy neuroticism.
Read Homer, the great poet of war. Does Achilles drop puppies off a bridge and laugh maniacally? Does Odysseus visit the island where everything is bleak and dead except the few cannibals who keep men and women chained up in their basement for meals? "And then they came up to a trees from whose branches hung hundreds of rotting dead babies and fetuses!" What a healthy, secure, masculine imagination lmao.
Don't get me wrong, I love McCarthy. But he's not a man's man. He's a bookish nerd with a dark imagination larping as masculine.

>> No.18113618

So homer is the only mans man?

>> No.18113625

You might be right, but then what post-ancient writers do you consider to be real men?

>> No.18113632

If Hemingway isn’t masculine, then no one is. Everyone has their insecurities and issues.

>> No.18113634

>Eliot Roger
I swear every time I see his name it's spelled in a different way.

>> No.18113654

Men without insecurities are generally at peace with themselves and don't feel the need to prove themselves to other men. This was not the case for Hemingway, and a quick glance at his childhood reveals why (I'm referring here to his relationship with his Dad, not his probably inconsequential cross-dressing)

>> No.18113674

L. E. Autrajer

>> No.18113699

he was sick and suffered from alcoholism after his prime

>> No.18113707

It's not en vogue.

>> No.18113715

How many masculine men in general are there anymore?
In 2021 the only masculine men seem to be brainless chads and normies, i.e. people who go outside and have friends or sex.

>> No.18113720

hes cool but yea, completely fried and pathetic by the time of that interview. really hard to watch, especially as an admirer of his :(

>> No.18113725

What is even masculine man? Everyone seems to have a different definition of it.

>> No.18113733

he was literally a tranny

>> No.18113738
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>> No.18113747

>>What is even masculine man?
Killing other men
orbiting sluts in order to please them

>> No.18113781

He just plays masculine men

>> No.18113853

I always liked Robinson Jeffers’ masculinity.

He built his own house lived in Big Sur when it really was wild and isolated, was an outdoorsman and poet and ladies man
But he was also a pacifist who opposed US imperialism and militarism.

>> No.18113903

the quietly discerning one who requires no attention nor recognition for his deeds
not a coward but not overtly anti-social or aggressive
overall competent, intelligent, socially adept and strong willed

>> No.18113913
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don't know how many "masculine" men i've ran into my life that are complete insane bastards who terrorize their families and are deadbeat pieces of shit otherwise

>> No.18113927


>> No.18113940

The vast majority of writers historically have been insufferable simps and betas. You're just remembering the 2-3 that weren't.

>> No.18113956

those deadbeats have wifes, kids and houses. Yeah, they're masculine.

>> No.18114027

mccarthy was in the military, had like 4 wives, built his own house from scratch, and lived a dirt poor life because he didnt want to work and wanted to pursue his intellectual stuff instead. guys a real man.

>> No.18114094

imagine still wanting to support a woman after 3 divorces lol. When will sóý men learn?

>> No.18114110

>was in the military
for a short uneventful stint during which he did nothing but read
>had like 4 wives
like many a cuck who needs women for validation. Ever notice how useless he is at making women characters/depicting romance? Because he was an autist about women
>built his own house from scratch
false. He built a fireplace in his shack, not the shack itself.

>> No.18114130

Women are gay

>> No.18114131

Truly. But if you can't suppress the urge, fuck them. Don't marry them. Certainly don't marry 4 of them.

>> No.18114345

chasing thots is effeminate

>> No.18114377

Look at this generation today, hell look at this generation before it. All pathetic limp-dicked pansies not even fit to wipe their own ass.

>> No.18114641

When did the last men die? In vietnam?

>> No.18114648

Times change. Back in the day Europeans would behead or hang/draw/quarter people, but nowadays that's only the practice of "savages".

>> No.18114657

Lucky we have Eastern Europe to keep the traditions alive

>> No.18114680

Hemingway spent his entire life butthurt over his mom putting him in dresses

>> No.18114684

>Eastern europe
you live under matriarchy

>> No.18114691
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This. For every well-known manly macho author, there are 99 published simps and sissies. But the alpha writer is still more common than the seething incel, those don't seem to create anything at all for some reason... Other than a few selected works of outdated philosophy few centuries ago.

>> No.18114709
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ITT: queer little zoomers feeling mogged by Ernest.

>> No.18114743

>Zoomers who have 16 hours of screen time try to tell you who isn't masculine

>> No.18114755

Unlucky for you, waterboarding and christina aguilera song torture will be considered the practice of savages in the future.

>> No.18114767

The only queer here is the little Dutch dolly lmao

>> No.18114783

Your picrel is so fucking cringe. What makes illustrators think they are so clever?

>> No.18114787

>Grace Hemingway liked to fashion young Ernest’s hair like a girl and dress him in lacy white frocks. She called him her “Dutch dolly” and her “Sweetie.” Ernest pronounced it “Fweetee.” But he soon grew not to like it. One day he retorted, “I not a Dutch dolly… Bang, I shoot Fweetee.” As John Walsh wrote in The Independent, “He’d spend the rest of his life in a galloping parody of masculinity.”
This is what boomers think a real man is

>> No.18114791
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neat. thanks.

>> No.18114801

It's pretty clever imo, an allusion to Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling. If brain is the god, wouldn't pussy be Mary?

>> No.18114805

>What makes illustrators think they are so clever?

>> No.18114811

The symbol of vesica pisces can represent Mary's vagina; in Medieval artworks Jesus is often placed in it

>> No.18114817


>> No.18114841

Reminder that trendy terms like "alpha" are next to meaningless and nearly always facilitate a dramatically reductionist view of extremely complex dynamics in lieu of easy digestibility for the 110 IQ crowd who will never have the ability to consider the issues as they are in and of themselves. Every time I see the word "alpha" applied to human beings in reminded that most people alive are genuine idiots who can only regurgitate the opinions of other less-idiots.

>> No.18114847

pic unrelated. i could have this bitch sucking my 5 inch rager within 3 hours

>> No.18114956

More like they’re working at a bank or similar

>> No.18114964

He was forced to crossdress at an age when most kids are shitting themselves and babbling nonsense. I highly doubt it had much of a developmental impact on him. Other authors who were jealous of him definitely had that as ammunition though.

>> No.18114966

And yet he was an insecure guy who an heroed. Funny how that works eh? Doesn't help to seem masculine if you're just going to blow your brains out.

>> No.18114989

Fuckin preach

>> No.18114990

He killed himself because he had hemochromatosis. Two of his siblings also killed themselves.

>> No.18115007

Thompson? Hunter S. Thompson? He seems as real as they come, don't imagine he ever dwelt on his masculinity he just liked writing about american culture

>> No.18115034

>killed fascists in a war
Was this with the ambulance he drove? Or maybe the bicycle?

>> No.18115037


More like they're working in copywriting (writing the blurbs in advertisements and for websites), blog writing for companies, or journalism, which sucks away the motivation to write fiction.

But most of these (except websites) have been around since at least the 1900s.

I would say that masculinity is either derided ("toxic masculinity," i.e. Hemingway across this thread) or co-opted for advertising (e.g. alcohol/cigarette companies offering their products as a way to affirm you are masculine).

So, if you're masculine, you're most likely either toxic or a sucker for these companies. Of course, you could be neither (strong values, but not brainwashed by advertising). But that's increasingly unlikely due to the rapid growth and pervasiveness of advertising and modern culture.

>> No.18115039

Kek, gottem.

>> No.18115065

Whoops. I meant to write: "So if you're masculine, you're most likely seen as toxic*," which means the media won't cover you, so you won't be well-known.

And since you aren't covered by the media, you aren't likely to inspire others to live your life in a similar way. The only role models are in ads. So it's very difficult to become masculine in today's popular culture (hence the popularity of Jordan B. Peterson, Sam Harris, etc., when people should really be ignoring them and self-teaching the Classics).

>> No.18115067

>If brain is the god, wouldn't pussy be Mary?
wouldn't Mary be the womb

>> No.18115372

Writers have never been alpha. Rugged manly men don't sit at a desk and write a story

>> No.18115389

Orwell killed a elephant

>> No.18115419

>What is even masculine man? Everyone seems to have a different definition of it.

If women want to fuck them without an inducement like wealth or social status, this is the mark of a masculine man.

>> No.18115590
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Spanish civil war, lad. Decades later than his chauffeuring career.

>> No.18115614


>> No.18115637

>all those fuckboys fucking drunk girls
>yeah, it doesnt get any masculine than this

>> No.18115695

No fascists in WW1

>> No.18115919

Holy shit look at those leg muscles

>> No.18115926

Suicide is masculine

>> No.18115996

Some are, but the media doesn't like that image and so doesn't promote it -- and so they aren't marketed in that way.

>> No.18116035

I'm above you.

>> No.18116060

Hemingway makes people seethe apparently. So many people want to knock him down. I wonder why...

>> No.18116097

/lit/ is full of women and insecure men.

>> No.18116113

>/lit/ is full of women

>> No.18116129

Teddy Roosevelt.

Post physique.

>> No.18116134

the fuckboys have wealth and status from their wealthy parents, try again.

>> No.18116253

Literally no one mentioned atheism here you obsessed little pederast

>> No.18116261

You would be one of the first to die, don't kid yourself.

>> No.18116307

Other way around lmao. Bitches kept leaving McCarthy because they had to support him. He never had a day job and his wives had to pay for everything

>> No.18116318

You sound like you secretly like it up the ass.

>> No.18116322

I love how his hair is strained by using cheap shampoo and staying outside for more than five minutes. Truly masculine, unironically.

>> No.18116380

>vain, narcissitic actor

>> No.18116392

thats not masculine

one of the defining characteristics of masculinity is control of emotions

guys that rage and get all angry and hysterical are more like spoiled little girls than masculine men

>> No.18116417

why do christcucks even go on the internet? just go ascetic mode and finger yourself for jesus, you astronomical cuck

>> No.18116453

Lol seethe and cope

>> No.18116472


>> No.18116477

My eldest sister told me last night that she’s going to give me a first edition of For Whom the Bell Tolls as a belated birthday gift and it has temporarily lifted me out of feeling as depressed as usual.

>> No.18116515

I bet China has alpha bugman writers.

>> No.18116526

>literally took a cock up his ass

>> No.18116559

A real one or a facsimile? I have a few fake first editions that come with slipcases that are very nice. A real one would be very expensive I’d imagine

>> No.18116669

I bet you're too much of a pussy to do it

>> No.18116749

wait till my diary is published

>> No.18116764

I assume it’s real because she’s pretty on the ball about antiques and art and stuff; no dust jacket though. Haven’t seen it myself yet but there’s a good chance it’s from a deceased family member or something. Sans dust jacket first editions from famous 20th century authors tend to be expensive but not prohibitively so. She’s also not particularly poor so she probably doesn’t have any reason to sell off a (I assume around) $200 book when we thinks she can give it to someone who’d enjoy it. She knows I like Hemingway because I periodically hang out down at the bar in Key West that he used to go to and I typically post photos of his house when I’m there.

>> No.18116791

Diff anon here but I've heard lots of great things about that bar. Sounded like he was a real man of the people there. That's awesome man and enjoy the book, I'm gonna read it this summer finally

>> No.18116795

That’s the definition of beta. Rather than let go of his carefully built facade and go gracefully into old age like a man, he offed himself to preserve his “image.” Hemingway is literary Rob Swanson. Reddit manliness

>> No.18117119

Post physique.

>> No.18117400


>> No.18117439
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>mental health issues

>> No.18117480

Nice. For some reason the dust jacket adds a lot of value to books. I wish I could buy used books but I get weirded out by all the hands that have touched it. Which is weird in itself as I am usually not a germaphobe

>> No.18117878


Shut your cumcatcher faggot. You would be best served chasing AIDS somewhere if you haven't yet learned to gain meaning through context.

>> No.18117930

post body

>> No.18117981

I agree :) many who use the term are not even alpha by their own definition. It's modern cope for how powerful woman have gotten.

>> No.18118019

seethe harder

>> No.18118503
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>severe mental health issues.
t. self-proclaimed jungian

>> No.18118570

They are movie directors now

>> No.18118715

Women test you for the strong will, maybe other of these qualities too, and if you asked them out they will often refuse but not entierly in order to see that will in action.

>> No.18118826

He killed a couple unarmed prisoners of war, actually. All part being a rugged manly man.

>> No.18118841

Imagine feeling compelled to prove yourself to a woman, of all people.

>> No.18118842

>those calves

Holy fuck

>> No.18118880

Funny that you posted Hemingway because I always thought he was trying too hard to be manly/alpha.
Maybe because I'm from a different culture, but he was too exaggerated for me. Men here tend to be more serene and secretive.

>> No.18118898

I thought i was the only one

>> No.18118962
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Chad or chad?

>> No.18118969

I’ve seen that exact interview and he was based as fuck

>> No.18119348

>Dude likes boxing and fishing
>”He’s trying too hard.”

Where are you from, Fag Island?

>> No.18119539

About as chad as a lost soul can be

>> No.18119690

Link ffs

>> No.18119694

Have any of you guys stopped to think he wasn’t pretending and that the “masculine” stuff was just the sort of things normal men had interest in back then?

>> No.18119716
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>...American society, literary or lay, tends to be humorless. What other culture could have produced someone like Hemingway and not seen the joke?

>> No.18119718

This reminds me of Satre critiquing Junger.

>> No.18119725

You know what I'm talking about.
It's hard to describe, but his manliness doesn't look natural. It reminds me of a passage from the Bible about hypocrites who like to pray in the synagogues so others can see it. Hemingway made his manliness something to show others instead of a part of him and a way to deal with the world.

>> No.18119742

careful now. intelligent posts on 4chan may win (yous) but you become prime target for retards

>> No.18119790


I want nothing more than to die killing chinks over some gay ass war over the shipping lanes in the Pacific. Not even joking.

>> No.18119807

Stephen King spent a decade blacked out on booze and cocaine pumping out #1 bestsellers while bleeding out of both nostrils at his typewriter. Alpha as fuck.

>> No.18119815

all christians should be crucified and go to their magical kingdom so us hedonists can "suffer" without them

>> No.18119819

Writers are evil

>> No.18119829

Yeah, he wasn’t actually manly, that’s why he was involved in two wars and was awarded the Bronze Star. That’s why he was such a decent amateur boxer that Jack Dempsey said he didn’t want to spar with him. This didn’t take place in contemporary society where fatherless Zoomers have to participate in ersatz spectacles of masculinity. It was a natural outgrowth of being a man back then. My grandfather was an art teacher who went on bombing runs during World War II and saw many of his friends killled. I suppose you’d tell me he was just faking being a man as well.

>> No.18119852

Gore Vidal was beautiful though.

>> No.18119864

Why do you have to define your masculinity as being a cuck to a bunch of rich anglos and seeing all your friends killed?
My grandfather was an alcoholic drifter and a draft dodger and he spent the war screwing the pants off all the lonely wives who's manly man husbands were out getting their dicks blown off in the name of israel. He was ten times the man your grandfather was.

>> No.18119923

He wrote queer lit for queers. And when’s the last time you went to someone’s house and they had a single book of his, let alone knew who he was.

Yeah, I’m sure your grandfather was well versed enough in the field of geopolitics to understand that the Allies were fighting for Zionism and that’s why he dodged the draft to fuck whores. Lol. Cowards beget cowards. Guess what you are.

>> No.18120096

Did you know that Tolstoy was an officer of the imperial army who got promoted for bravery in the war? Does it matter?
This is part of Tolstoy's life, but no one cares. No one goes around saying how manly Tolstoy is for fighting or for his bravery.
There is something wrong when people and and a writer are more worried about manliness than other things.
>My grandfather was an art teacher who went on bombing runs during World War II and saw many of his friends killed.
My grandfather a chauffeur of the military police in WW2. My father was an officer in the armed forces who served in shit peacekeeping missions, then he left to be a doctor until he decided to be a lawyer.
The boxing thing from the other comment? My father loved boxing too and he fought in the army, then he showed me Muhammad Ali in a wheelchair when I asked him if I could fight.
It's not a competition or something to be proud, it just is.

>> No.18120154
File: 478 KB, 708x600, B773AD45-9A02-42E0-A1F9-D46BCAA3C9D8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”Look at the monomania of Newton, or character of people like Balzac or Baudelaire. Violent spergout and obsessives. Our diddlers are diddlers because they lack all intensity and all faith in themselves and what they do. They’re not even nihilists, they lack all conviction in nihilism too: they lack intensity, they’re pissed dry.
>This is why [...] I don’t promote for you the life of the scientist, or artist, or writer, because in our age these degenerate to hobbies and ways to pass the time, and there’s no value in this. People who promote these things [...] are just doing this to make you harmless and to advertise to others in media or elsewhere, they too, are harmless.”

>> No.18120162

Jeffers bore the Leaves of Grass torch into the 29th century


>> No.18120185

What's this from?

>> No.18120192

War isn't poetic. Most of the most fucked up shit McCarthy talks about has actually happened (not counting The Road obviously)

>> No.18120204
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>> No.18120232
File: 903 KB, 1024x576, f408f23b6de539f7ef15688ca133423f_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oops I accidently shot a bunch of fascists while reporting on the Spanish Civil War
>Oops I got into bullfighting during the aforementioned
>Oops I accidently shot a bunch of Nazis while reporting on World War II
>Oops I got caught on the second one, sorry I was a military advisor
>Oops I was involved in espionage during the Cold War
>Oops I went on a fuckton of safaris and became a big game hunter
Yeah I he did a bunch of shit on accident that would be fucking based if he wasn't such a queer or had actually meant to do them.

>> No.18120338

Holy shit, what a pretentious embarrassment of a human being. Figures he died because of injuries related to a barfight only a year later (he was asking to get his ass kicked)

Don't you know how to search on Youtube? He said "Firing Line" and you know it's Kerouac.


(Timestamp is intentional. Rewind it you lazy fuck).

>> No.18120430

Not him but I don't think he'd disagree with you. The fact that that is the case is in itself an argument for why we should be having more wars.

>> No.18120447

English speaking people don’t talk about Tolstoy as much as Hemingway because he didn’t write his novels in English and he wrote them decades earlier.

The Millennial and Zoomer resistance against Hemingway for allegedly affected manhood stinks in the same way that Gen Xers complaints about John Wayne do because he was the archetype for their fathers’ generation, and made them feel (justifiably) small.

>> No.18120462

English-speaking people don't really talk about either. People who are into lit will know both; Hemingway will be better known because his bangers are shorter and his short stories are more well known. When people think of Hemingway, they think of novellas, novels of a few hundred pages, and short stories. When people think of Tolstoy they think doorstopper.

>> No.18120475

English people prefer Warren Peace.

>> No.18120500

The action is what matters, not the motives. If a wealthy person donates a lot of money for tax purposes and good publicity, they are still charitable

>> No.18120535

Hemingway, Nabokov, Twain, Melville, London the list goes on

>> No.18120542

I know you're joking but there are retards who don't realize breeching was what every family did once

>> No.18120557

he wrote genre fiction

>> No.18120614

All but the Rusky and don't forget Cormac

>> No.18120717

nabokov was manly he did boxing and disliked women

>> No.18120750

By that logic Billy Joel is manly

>> No.18120791

Lmao. The fucker only knew how to run from problems.

>> No.18120913

You're beyond a brainlet if you don't think McCarthy aestheticizes war and violence in BM

>> No.18121134

>being an hedonist catering to whores by writing crime and smut is alpha

yeah i think democracy is a blunder

>> No.18121352

That's great, but when you lose your legs on a mine at 26 years of age, where will you fight then, life will not be worth living.

>> No.18121430
File: 57 KB, 604x590, 3E8DFF76-1B25-4A07-8C5A-D0AEB75566BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ezra Pound, James Joyce, Wyndham Lewis.

>> No.18122125

>going on safaris and bullfighting
What a fucking faggot

>> No.18122206

Hunter S thompson

>> No.18122958

>if he wasn't such a queer
>gays can't be masculine
The closet must be rough, huh?

>> No.18123289

still can't believe Nabokov's dad got killed by a schizophrenic monarchist

>> No.18123555

>le you would die first meme
I'd rather die than live to be a projecting soibôy like (you)

>> No.18124712

How was James Joyce alpha? I like the guy, but getting drunk and annoy some drunkards and hide behind Hemmingway's back is not manly

>> No.18125330
File: 27 KB, 258x256, 52D9636C-8CA5-497F-B3E6-02D7892F687B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something inherently Chad about a lost soul who understands and accepts his condition. For every one of these these there are a thousand who are lost and don't know. Or even know they have a soul to _be_ lost.

Pic related.

>> No.18125344

ouch desu f@m.

>> No.18125544

He met Trudeau's father?

>> No.18126431

>Of course, you could be neither (strong values, but not brainwashed by advertising).
Always been the case. You're favourite manly writers were all consumers of the highest order and also pumped out plenty of shill text in good order. You just don't hear about it. Do your research.

>> No.18126518

This is the man right here. Fuck Hem.

>> No.18127868
File: 365 KB, 400x769, KempAlbania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real alphas pick the right side of the civil war

>> No.18128628
File: 621 KB, 2535x1890, 2018_18_hunter_s_thompson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18129847

Hemingway seems pretty beta to me. Commie, alcoholic, adulterer, fornicator, transvestism running in his family, etc. Seems more degenerate and beta than alpha.

>> No.18129858

Oh yeah, and also suicide. That is the ultimate beta act but Lord have mercy.

>> No.18129861

he was gay

>> No.18129867

>look at me, I am American and I have a gun!

>> No.18130461

Everyone has insecurities to some degree m8y. For example, I often fear that my dick is far too large and is showing through my pants.

>> No.18130712

Why do Moustaches look so awesome on manly men?

They look awful on Hipsters, but back in the day they looked really cool.

>> No.18130751

Where to begin with Celine?

>> No.18130979

Think about who the audience is for contemporary fiction. Why would publishers want to sell fiction by manly men? Who would buy them?

>> No.18131039

Stephen King was alpha 50 years ago, now he's an old man

>> No.18131264

Yeah I always thought HST was a ridiculous individual.

>> No.18131333

Yeah. That actually helps me understand the people who think that about Hemingway more now; they view H. as someone like T. That's wrong but I sort of get it now.