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18108288 No.18108288 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking hate women so much. Every time I'm forced to interact with a woman all I can think about is how dull and boring she is. Women are incapable of original thought and thus cannot write good poetry, literature, or philosophy. Why men can even bear listening to a woman speak like they have something worthwhile to say is beyond me. Because they want to have sex? Sex is the only thing a woman has to offer and a distraction which prevents men from achieving great things. The world would unironically better without women.

Books for this feel?

>> No.18108294

>Blah blah blah, me angry about problem I don't understand or recognize.

Books for this feel?

>> No.18108295

>Books for this feel?

>> No.18108304

>women bad

>> No.18108303

Please don't forget to sage this shit, anon. We don't need or want these threads on our board.

>> No.18108305

Woman detected

>> No.18108306

In Ancient Greece gay men would have buttbabies with each other all the time. But cringe feminist Christians had to ruin it.

>> No.18108322

As if this board has anything worth reading on it. I'm unironically improving the quality of this board with my posts. Be grateful.

>> No.18108330

I'm not posting my cock, not even for you.
None of that gays in ancient Greece stuff holds up to proper scrutiny, it's bullshit and pro-sodomite propaganda.

>> No.18108337

>mr gets no pussy wants opinions validated

>> No.18108347

You are a piece of shit and you should not be here trying to AstroTurf™ over my board with your bullshit making it unusable.

>> No.18108348

Sex is evil. Imagine practicing anything but semen retention. If you make a habit of ejaculation you will never do anything truly great.

>> No.18108356


>> No.18108365

Shut the fuck up you disgusting anti-natalist. You are the sperm your mother forgot to swallow.

>> No.18108372

>Haha you hate women because you can't get pussy because that's the only reason someone would hate women XD
>t. W*man with nothing to offer but her vagina

>> No.18108377


>> No.18108384

Wait, you're a woman or he is?

>> No.18108387


>> No.18108399

Found the woman