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/lit/ - Literature

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18107650 No.18107650 [Reply] [Original]

What should I pick up?

>> No.18107657

Those aren't a thing anymore, where are you really going anon?

>> No.18107658

A qt

>> No.18107663

Have you ever read anything by Hauk?

>> No.18107664


>> No.18107668

Nothing, if you have to ask then reading isn't for you.

>> No.18107670
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Which Waterstones anon? I'm gonna phone in and warn them about a grubby wee bastard coming in passing by all the cooking and lifestyle books and jigsaw puzzles and shit, and heading straight for the two shelves of adult books

>> No.18107673

I’ve got some ideas of what I want to read. Just want some recs for what good books my fellow anons have been reading.

>> No.18107683

sorry anon my last post was a bit rude

I'd recommend 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia-Marquez if you haven't read it (has been on /lit/ top 100 for ages), read it last month and loved it, great bizarre and touching novel about this Colombian family through several generations, comfy read all the way

>> No.18107684

Well I’m going to two bookstores, one is a Waterstones. The other is identifiable, and I don’t want you faggots knowing where I’m from.

>> No.18107685

Sum bitches on yo dicc

>> No.18107705

Thanks anon, if it’s there I might give it a bit of read and buy it

>> No.18107724

Anyone read Wind, Sand and Stars?

>> No.18107732

Just finished reading the Myth of Sisyphus. Also read The Stranger by Camus. Albert mentioned Franz Kafka, Ive seen him mentioned a few times. So I’m gonna buy one of his books, which one should I get?

>> No.18107740

I once asked the clerc to recommend a book for me, he told me to get a book by Daniel Silva. I knew it would be trash, but it was a second hand store, and who doesn't like some trash from time to time?

>> No.18107767

Imagine reading something contemporary

>> No.18107773

Yes, only in English, but it was great.

>> No.18107781

The Trial
The Complete Stories

start with these. both published by shocken.

Go to Complete Stories. Read A Hunger Artist. Love that one. Was Kafka criticizing the hunger artist for his pride or was he criticizing the audience for being so entertained and then so not obviously caring for the human being that is the artist?

He also has another short story, it's not even a page long, that is hilarious of Poseidon, THE King of the Oceans Poseidon getting bogged down in paperwork, never able to enjoy the beauty that is the ocean and sea at large, ha.

Also, If you like both Camus and Kafka, from there, read Vonnegut, although I recommend not starting with Slaughterhouse-Five and reading Cat's Cradle instead, which is absolutely brilliant. Vonnegut loved Kafka.

>> No.18107795

OP. What type of books do you like? What was the last good book you've read? Name three titles you like or sumn, bruh

>> No.18107890

>What type of books do you like?
Anything that interests me, and is considered classic lit, I’m not averse to fiction.
> What was the last good book you've read?
Last book I read was Post Office by Bukowski.
> Name three titles you like
3 fav books of top of head
1. On the Road Jack Kerouac
2. The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway
3. Trainspotting Irvine Welsh

>> No.18107907

John dos passos's usa trilogy. Fantastic books, fantastic style.

>> No.18107972

What did you take away from it?
Will start with The Trial
> Vonnegut
Haven’t heard of him, I’ll look into him after I’ve read some Kafka

>> No.18108031

Try some thomas pynchon, he was pretty influenced by the beat gen writers. Its a little more complex but if you start in the right place you can get into it better. Start with inherent vice - its pretty great, druggy and easy.
Or try a brautigan book like trout fishing in america. Huge influence from hemingway but much more postmodern, funny, kinda nonsensical, less plot, and he was seen as in league with the beats a little bit, even though they thought he was goofy. I like him more than kerouac.

>> No.18108114

Thanks for these recommendations, they look great, I will read Thomas Pynchon. Richard Brautigan looks great as well.

>> No.18108165

Hope u find some heat

>> No.18108216

>2. The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway

>> No.18108228
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something happy and uplifting

>> No.18108246

Be prepared to see shelf after shelf of anti racist garbage.

>> No.18108296

The St Ex? My favourite passages are about the difference between witnessing nature in living in/from it. He talks about tribes and how they understand the desert and relate to water, and how his reliance on weather for survival when flying sharpens his senses. Although he died flying in the war, the sheer dangerousness of his earlier flying brings to mind a sense of the death-wish.

>> No.18108331

Symbolic Exchange and Death.

>> No.18108339


>> No.18108414

Yeah I’ll avoid all that shit, don’t worry, that’s every bookstore today, your comment reminds me of this video I was watching yesterday

>> No.18108419

Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde

>> No.18108423
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hmm hmm

>> No.18108457

Yeah, very accurate video.

>> No.18108546

Shut up pussy
How scary, a disease that kills 0.005% of people that contract it. The majority of which are over 65. Fuck off.

>> No.18108550

My diary desu

>> No.18108573

Go back to >>>/r/eddit you faggot.

>> No.18108624
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>> No.18108773

Bullshit stats

>> No.18108783
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>> No.18108798
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Looks gay