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18104790 No.18104790 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: share a journal entry from a random day

>> No.18105522

ITT: You start

>> No.18105564

god, imagine the carpel tunnel and wrist strain.

>> No.18105595

today I tried to aproach my crush, I ended up locked up in a police station and my dad got my out with a fee, I tried to give her flowers but I had a raging boner poking out of my pants, she said ew and ran away but I ran after her, I chased her with a raging boner tell she started screaming manically, last thing I remember was the police questioning me and cuffing me up, today I embarrassed myself miserably.

>> No.18105619

just converted op's mom to islam in secret. we're planning on running away to saudi arabia where she'll live with me on my farm

>> No.18106012

Rubik's cube
True random number generator

I do my diarying weird.

>> No.18106233

[ ] write 300 words
[ ] work on campaigns
[ ] In bed by 12:00
[ ] Run 3 miles
[ ] Put books away
Yeah, I don’t know what happened here... I gotta work more, not less
None. Nada. Zilch.
I just uninstalled byond. Gobbles up all my fucking time.
McMurtry died today. I didn’t want to, but when I did cry I cried so hard my head still hurts. First time I’ve cried like that in years. And I think so much of that was because I realized how much I’ve lost to the years. Friends, now family, time, youth, money.
It’s not fair to all the people who had faith in me to waste my fucking time like how I’ve been doing so far. Living a checkless, boxless life- one where I return to this notebook day after day resigned and unrepentantly underachieving- it’s no life at all. I barely exist. If I don’t get any boxes tomorrow, I’m gonna read this again and think about the choices I made.

>> No.18106984
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>> No.18108150

>Saw a nigger today. He sat next to me on the bus and smelled like he hadn’t bathed in months. He couldn’t even sit properly, kept shuffling around. Can’t understand how the Americans live alongside them, it’s absurd. I hate niggers.

>> No.18108261
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if i wrote a journal about my waking life it would just be a content loop of "wake up, 4channel, work out, read, shower, go to sleep" so instead ill share an entry from my dream journal

my cat had given birth to three healthy kittens, one had a Calico coat just like its mother, the second was snow white apart from a tuft of black fur bellow its nose, resembling Hitlers toothbrush mustache, and the third was white apart from a large black patch on its head, resembling Hitlers haircut
After laying out milk and food for the kittens and their mother, i decided to walk to the nearest park as it was a beautiful midsummers day
In the center of the park there was 4 parallel flower beds and a tarmac path that flowed around said flower beds. Following this path eventually led you to a small set of stairs, and at the top of those stairs was an old Victorian era house that had been converted into a cafe that served cold drinks and ice-cream on days like these. Stood at the window, waiting to be served, there was a small, deeply tanned, girl. She was no older than 12 and wearing a white sun dress that stretched down to her ankles. She also wore a straw hat that sat atop her flowing black hair
her shadow seemed to extend for miles under the harsh summer sun. I walked along that shadow until i loomed beside her and as i opened my mouth to offer to pay for her Cornetto, i woke up

>> No.18108772

Ate too much. liver
Head hurts
Stip eatng liver.in future

>> No.18108875


>> No.18109006

I love you, anon. I know all about the life of boxes unchecked. Just stick with it, brother

>> No.18109287

Are you a character from a Douglas Coupland novel?

>> No.18110151

You too man keep with it

>> No.18110348

woke up around 3 again or at like 11ish first then back to bed and had some crazy dreams where i was doing coke in a big white walled shining-esque beach resort with a- in my bed. in back of my mind i was thinking “i woke up and took caffeine pills then fell back asleep and just had coke dreams because of it” and this was funny to me - but when i actually woke up woke up the caffeine pill was still sitting there so i never even took it. anyway. i had a real sense of dread and self hatred this morning but paid my phone bill and got my insurance renewed another 3 months.

gotta get myself mentally prepared for the party tonight. think i’m going to drive, and tell everyone i’m only gonna have the one drink so i can make it back alive. i know the temptation is there to get loaded and go crazy - but think of the situation. you are a gracious guest tonight. be meek and mild and let things just be. you are allowed to be awkward. you don’t have to try to be the man all the time. pretty nice looking bottle of wine too. shit yeah it’s gonna be a fine time. i think it will be fun and it should be fine. you can be the sober one just this once. it might be kind of cool in its own way to be. but really you don’t know these people a lot. in the days of yore that meant get as hammered as possible and puke all over them and expel their judgement from your mind. now it means… it means be gentle. don’t be a fucking asshole. you have been graciously invited to a small get together. try to get to know them.

>> No.18110385

It’s very easy to lose sight of what it is you’re doing. But this is the right path, has to be, this is what for so long you have dreamed of doing. When you’re in it, you can’t see it. That’s natural. And keep in mind these have been the first articles you’ve ever really written - yes articles, not blogposts or essays or stories - this is something else - and you are learning. So it is involved? That makes sense. That is normal. So it makes up your days? Then a man defined by action you are a writer at last. True, you need to allow yourself breaks so as not to burn out. But basically you are in it man, basically this is it. Small fish big pond finally getting to you. Always considered yourself an outsider artist. You are both late to launch (24!!!) and still extremely early on. (24!!!) Can this be who I am? Is it who I want to be? Can I realistically maintain? Yes. And maybe. And no. See for yourself. Prove it. You are becoming removed from this article because you are coming so close to finishing.

>> No.18110430

imagine getting knifed by a guy hanging on a steal beam

>> No.18110446

Went out for a gyro and almost got hit by a car in the crosswalk, guy comes flying around the corner honking and I yell “WHAT THE FUCK MAN!? JESUS!!!” and walk quietly into the gyro place whose door was propped open a little embarrassed carrying that with me. I went down to that park across the way to eat it and saw the lady from behind me in line and her kid pass by with their gyro and then the guy who was behind them come walking just a moment later down another path eating his gyro and recognizing me. I liked this, seeing these strangers again 10 minutes later when I might never have seen them again ever. Walking home along 10th I ‘noticed’ all the people of different ages, ethnicities, and places in life walking up and down the street or riding bikes or skateboards in the late afternoon sun. It was a dense cross section and felt microcosmic. Like every age was represented there, even a kind of on-the-nose allegory thing. A young professional looking man was running uphill to stay fit. A preteen girl sat concerned looking on her bike by the intersection. A middle aged father biked up the hill with his toddler son. An older hipsterish guy made discerning facial expressions and refused to cross the street until the light changed and seemed annoyed noone else did except that preteen girl. A teenage boy rode down the hill on his skateboard looking ‘chilled out’ and yet completely naive and clueless. Two female friends or coworkers or maybe sisters in their thirties walked side by side confidently conversing. One looked ‘rebellious’ and one looked ‘straight’ but they were obviously very close. I don’t think they were lovers. And ok there was maybe not an old old person but it feels as if that would be the next logical step. I felt good and thought the word ‘ecosystem’ and felt good to live where I do, and noticed a redhaired glasses wearing girl about my age across the street eyeing me, and realized me in my white t-shirt and jeans and hoodie slung over my back for the sun was part of this ecosystem too and represented my own set of archetypal associations.

>> No.18110450

like, while you're there just playing vidya?

>> No.18110459

Nice and based

>> No.18110461

I was naive, I believed in the collective good. I now know there is no good. But it's such a lonely way to live. And there is no respite. Only paranoia and devaluation and cynicism about popular "moral trends". I am terrified of others. I cannot trust or be intimate with anyone. The only thing keeping me from giving up is thinking how many others would love it if I did just that, that I'd be playing into their hand. I stay alive out of spite. In protest.

>> No.18110475

What grade were you in when you wrote this?

>> No.18110479

/< € /<

>> No.18110571

2 yrs out of post-secondary

>> No.18110607

i only write journals by hand, but here's mine today.

>9.00- wakeup
>Write for an hour- nothing special.
>Read Being and Nothingness by Sartre f
>Go for a short run
>meditate 40min
>Cook dinner & watch ep1 of Shigofumi
>Play NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139 for about 3 hours
>Waste time on internet
>Read In search of lost time- proust.
>Pay bills
>Now write a blog

>> No.18110984
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I'm also not very fond of them, anon

>> No.18112044

>...when I went back upstairs I watched the music video for Can't Get You Out of My Head and it triggered a memory. In primary school, when Tenpin Bowling was called something else, everybody had to go bowling on their birthday. I have never been a big fan of bowling. At this one party [name] was on the sidelines. That became a running theme, he wound up dropping out of high school early on. He says to me as I walk past, "Anon! Anon! Look at this! The woman in this video is almost naked!" So I looked up at the TV hanging from the ceiling. They were still CRTs then. One for the scoreboard, one for the weird 3D animations of bowling pins and one for the music videos. The moment had passed, but I swear they were playing that video and [name] had seen the scene with Kylie in nothing but that white robe/cloth type of deal in the plain white room. The moment had passed, like I said, and everyone was hurrying me to bowl. I said to give me a shout if it came on again, but it didn't. I don't think I ever spoke to [name] again.