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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 135 KB, 682x1024, 1619289432_Franz_Kafka_joven-682x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18102772 No.18102772 [Reply] [Original]

Antisemites of /lit/, what do you think of franz kafka? I ask because I'm (ethnically) jewish myself, and I've seen a lot of people on /lit/ vaguely accuse jews of being at fault for all the issues of modernity. I was wondering whether you extend this critique to Jewish writers and artists.
Do you hate Kafka as a Jew, or is he "one of the good ones" so to speak?
Do you believe "The Trial" can be interpreted as a critique of antisemitism?
What is your opinion on Jews in literature more broadly?

t. interested party

>> No.18102793

Antisemitism is just the latest fashion in a vague fear of wizards controlling society. It is more manly to say "jews" than "wizards" so they would rather seem hateful than insane

>> No.18102829

I agree, just curious what the cognitive dissonance was on this.

>> No.18102879

I hate kikes and love Kafka. He and Döblin are my favorite authors and they are both jews.
BUT unlike too many jews Kafka was a self loathing jew (who had the most pathetic return to judaism cope later in his life) and Döblin just ignored his jewish ethnicity and loved Germany so much that immediately after the war he returned.
Kafka is great because he was a neurotic, weak, pathetic guy and this is prevalent in every main character of his works (thinly veiled autobiographies). Non jews would have failed to write such frail and weak literature, so Kafkas accomplishment is sublime and actually very representative of how living in a bureaucratic technological society feels to those skeptical of their power to oppose this beast.
Reading Kafka as analysing anti-semitism is the typical kike shit everyone hates about kikes. Such an approach makes me want to kill all your relatives; reading Kafka’s work makes me pity this pathetic jew but tolerate his existence as I admire his creative work.
Kafka certainly was subhuman and a pathetic excuse of a man, but his works are great and needed such a unique author to create.

>> No.18102896

forgot to post my post theme tune

>> No.18102914

I dislike Kafka as a a writer and I dislike his greedy friend for releasing his work even though Kafka explicitly stated to burn all his manuscripts

>> No.18102921

Any particular reason?

>> No.18102934

>/lit/ vaguely accuse jews of being at fault for all the issues of modernity

It's less that than jews being modernity itself. To be modern is to be deracinated. To be modern is to be make oneself a spiritual semite. It's cultural inceldom.


>> No.18102955

I can't really put it in words, but his books to me are unsettling, because somehow it feels that a person without a soul has written them. Something sinister about them.

>> No.18102963

wow, his ears are kind of jewish!

>> No.18102965

>unlike too many jews Kafka was a self loathing jew
Kek, clearly you haven't met very many of us
>Reading Kafka as analysing anti-semitism is the typical kike shit everyone hates about kikes.
Even 'The Trial'? I always thought that was a surface level metaphor he was going for. I mean I certainly feel a bit "accused of crimes I barely understand" whenever I interact with you guys.
>Non jews would have failed to write such frail and weak literature
Why? Are jews inherently weak and frail? I thought we secretly ruled the world and kept da wypipo down.

>> No.18103014

Counter-semite here. I enjoy Kefka very much, but I think he went too far in poisoning Doma.

>> No.18103036

do a Wittgenstein thread for me, jew
I want to contemplate aristocratic baubles.

>> No.18103048

Also Kafka is just a typical schizo jew writing schizo shit. No he wasn't writing about antisemitism, it was just Jewish art like Tristan Tzara / dadaism.
I do have sympathy for self-hating Jews though because I'd be the same if I was born Jewish.

>> No.18103053

I love jews.

>> No.18103055

Proust too

>> No.18103116

Why would you hate yourself if you were born jewish? Assuming you believe jews rule the world, wouldn't you want to be part of the aristocracy?

>> No.18103156

They don't rule the world and they're not part of aristocracy. They're just mentally ill.

>> No.18103163

You did not come here to ask about Kafka but to smugly and indirectly (and cowardly) confront people here on "anti-semitism".
If you truly want to understand "antisemitism" and not build a straw man that you can attack then understand that the term isn't really real, it's on par with "islamophobia" and all other phobias of the Culture of Critique™. It's just a response to jewish behavior
And btw i found Kafka good but not an elite of the literary world as he's described

>> No.18103167

Jews don't rule the world? Then what are all those /pol/ infographics of powerful jews about?

>> No.18103182

There are multiple proofs of him being a pedophile.

>> No.18103192

I started reading the Castle and just couldn't finish it. Maybe Kafka doesn't translate well into English.

>> No.18103195

They're overrepresented because of their mental illness. When shit hits the fan they'll take all the blame like it always happens and rich whites will get away. Jews are used and always second class citizens in the West regardless how much money they have their children will never be safe nor have a home.

>> No.18103210

>then understand that the term isn't really real
Incredibly silly way to think. Just because you believe antisemitism is justified doesn't mean it "doesn't exist". Antisemitism is just a description of a set of beliefs. Clearly that set of beliefs exist whether you consider them correct or false.

>> No.18103227


Kafka is based and I hope you don't take antisemites serious or anything they say to heart.

>> No.18103240

Mexican anti-semite here
He's a good writer but the way I see it, no jew is a "good jew"
You ask if the trial is a critique of antisemitism
I don't know to be honest, you could say all his books are a critique of antisemitism because they are very am-big-u-ous.
That the metamorphosis represents how jews felt about being persecuted (Gregor dad representing anti-semites). Or that the penal colony is a metaphor for the holocaust.
Kafka's work is very open for interpretation, for me the metamorphosis is about depression and how mental issues affect blah blah blah blah.
And in almost everything else he wrote you can see how it was influenced by the trauma his dad caused him by forcing him to study law.
I like some of his short writings, "A hunger artist" and the little comment he wrote on Don Quixote are very good.
What do I think about jews in literature? I don't know because the only jewish writers I have read are Kafka and Anne Frank
>Implying she wrote her diary, heh

>> No.18103251

What is their mental illness. And is it inherent or is it cultural?

>> No.18103270

Heavy neuroticism or schizophrenia. It's both biological and cultural, imposed usually by their power hungry ambitious mothers.

>> No.18103272

It's genetic and it's a mix of paranoia/schizophrenia and it manifests with comorbidities like depression/anxiety. It results in a different understanding of the world but it doesn't need a name, it's obvious to some people. Also of course not literally all jews have it and it is present in various degrees.

>> No.18103287
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>> No.18103288

We can pilpul all day my friend but the bottom line is that antisemitism is a boogeyman created to silence criticism

>> No.18103310
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I'd hate to be so hateful and have no cognitive ability to understand nationalism. I understand not being a nationalist, but not understanding nationalism and love of your homeland is just sad and you can never understand the world

>> No.18103319

guys... uh... nevermind. Keep fighting those dirty jews :)

>> No.18103322

Not that guy but i believe the jewish neurotic psyche stems from having to constantly BE two different people at the same time. Jews have a very clear cut way of understanding the world- its in terms of the duality of God's chosen holy people and the goyim that are there to torment them and finally serve them. This is quintessential Judaism and this is what they talk about in the extended family gatherings on passover. How persecuted they are. But they also have to present a nice face to the goyim because they depend on them since thy are living in their countries and are parasitizing on their economies.

>> No.18103330

We don't have to because they get themselves killed anyway

>> No.18103333
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I'm sometimes wondering if jews are even reading jewish authors

>> No.18103334

>passive aggressive little bitch
Yep its a jew

>> No.18103341

It's not too hard for a Jew hater to love Kafka because Kafka didn't have that "God's Chosen, fuck the gentiles" outlook that typical Jews have

>> No.18103346

3/5 symptoms.

>> No.18103401

>parasitizing on their economies.
This. Jews start successful businesses to hoard our gold (money) while blacks steal it via welfare. We are being attacked from both sides. This is why so many white men are anxious and depressed.

>> No.18103418

And still it's white people who let them in to begin with

>> No.18103435

>I'm interested in the minds of anti-semites why do they think this way
>wtf you guys are retarded who believes this shit lol
quit pretending to care, I don't pretend to care what jews think

>> No.18103436

>Do you believe "The Trial" can be interpreted as a critique of antisemitism?
You should kill yourself for merely suggesting this woke nonsense

>> No.18103438

Are other guys feeling as depressed as me these days? I'm worried about the future.

>> No.18103451

Don't be too harsh on them anon, they act like women not people

>> No.18103485

I think that attitude is much more prevalent in the minds of /pol/ than in reality. There are supremacist jews, same as any other group of people, but 90% of jews aren't obsessed with this sort of thing.
If you don't believe me look at the statistics for inter-ethnic marriage between jews and non-jews. In a few generations there will barely be a jewish ethnicity outside israel. (thank goodness)

>> No.18103497

>In a few generations there will barely be a jewish ethnicity outside israel
Yeah but for other reasons than fake statistics lmao

>> No.18103505

>x race is going to go extinct thanks to inter-marriage and thank goodness (and that's a good thing)
people like you are spiritual semites

>> No.18103513


>> No.18103519

Why do a lot of Jews hate themselves and their ethnicity so much? I have meet people from all around the world who dislike and sometimes denounce their roots but never to the extent that Jews do

>> No.18103526

I have a friend who became a flat-earther. He is completely convinced and no one can change his mind. Now everyone when the topic comes up we all steer the conversation away out of embarrassment.

>> No.18103540

No one gives a shit about your epic memes brainlet

>> No.18103546

That wasn't a meme

>> No.18103555

You have the humor of a 12 year old and the mentality of a child. Some people don't like jews get over it

>> No.18103575

Again, not a joke.

>> No.18103578

Muslim here. I don't have a problem with Jews and I think most of them are cool. Just stop killing Palestinian children OK?

>> No.18103585

We'll think about it

>> No.18103589

They love feeling like victims.

>> No.18103591

12 year olds are children

>> No.18103651

Are there any modern jew-haters (not antisemites!) who aren't
Unironically, who is the modern Hitler championing this stuff? Who is the emotionally grounded leader who can explain their stance without sounding like a fat retard?

>> No.18103667

then show them

>> No.18103675

Fuck off already kike

>> No.18103697

Not a jew. Legit want to hear the strongest argument possible from someone not hiding behind a computer.

>> No.18103702
File: 87 KB, 566x843, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to understand anti-semitism, read this book. It comes down to many jews either knowingly or unknowningly destroying (European) culture from within.
Some jews like Weininger are okay though.

>> No.18103708

Read >>18103702

>> No.18103722

Mel Gibson is the most prominent anti-semite, >>18103702 Norm Macdonald is probably the most prominent actual argument about jews

>> No.18103751

>Mel Gibson
This is the best guy?

>> No.18103759

No, the most prominent. Can you read?

>> No.18103761

He doesn't want to understand antisemitism, he's a retarded kike

>> No.18103771

>want to hear the strongest argument possible from someone not hiding behind a computer.
>strongest argument possible
>Mel Gibson is the most prominent anti-semite

>> No.18103779

Fuck off smartypants, just read >>18103702

>> No.18103782

>Norm Macdonald
*kevin macdonald although norm may also be an antisemite

>> No.18103809
File: 30 KB, 508x350, KevMac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys, will read. Culture of Critique is the best start?

>> No.18103854

If you want to get to like the root of antisemitism than probably on the jews and their lies by Martin Luther or just the bible but if you want a modern argument for why jew bad then yeah culture of critique is probably one of the best

>> No.18103888

Indeed. Their psyche's core is the wandering persecuted jew. Their cope: "domination" through intellectual pursuit or money
Of course that makes them even more hated and the cycle never ends

>> No.18103917

If you want to understand the current world yes. His other books are also interesting but deal with the historical.

>> No.18103965

I'm a Jew and I already read this. It's retarded pseudo-science, cherry picked data, and antisemitic tropes. Antisemites are always hateful primitive /pol/cels frustrated because they're eternal virgins.

>> No.18104007

I really hope this is bait lmao.

>> No.18104015

that image just shows cherrypicked shit

>> No.18104019
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>> No.18104032

Like pottery /pol/trash reveal themselves.

>> No.18104039

Alright I fell for the bait, well done

>> No.18104048

We're frustrated because we want money, power, community, and a family that loves us. All the things your people stole from us, the superior race. And you stole it by cheating not because you're better than us, kike.

>> No.18104056
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>this post

>> No.18104068

Literally just leave for Israel and never come back, and I will never care at all. You stole your “homeland” back again, go live there and stop bugging the rest of the world. Oh btw first girl I ever had sex with was jewish so spare me the incel insults and come up with something better.

>> No.18104075

God you're stupid

>> No.18104077

Poe's Law, the thread.

>> No.18104079

Kafka is JOOISH? HUH? Whoa I never knew that. Never even looked at him. Just knew the bug man story and Jesse Pinkman saying, "that's kafkaesque yo"
Makes sense that his sentiment is in the emotional ballpark of the conflict between our tribes.

>> No.18104082

Fuck you. I'd rather be a nigger than a kike.

>> No.18104083

The nazis didn't either, I guess that was fine too then?

>> No.18104084

>Book about art and literature
How many X squareds does it take to paint a canvas of a lightbulb, Rabbi?

>> No.18104091

>>Book about art and literature
You didn't read the book.

>> No.18104093

ANTISEMITIC as fuck. Reported

>> No.18104094

Nah I'm fine here and you'll have to deal with it :) my first bitch was also white but she was a week adjusted human who didn't give a fuck about my ethnicity because it literally doesn't matter

>> No.18104102

Sounds comfy over how goys NEVER entertain the idea of a tribal existential threat looming and couldn't be organized to fast on a day together in rememberable of any memory whatsoever let alone the preservation of heritage and the supermind of the tribe or your eternal destiny. Being a goy fucking sucks.

>> No.18104103

>hates jews
>finds out there's a book hating jews
>doesn't read book
>uses book as evidence to hate jews

>> No.18104104

So you're fine with Palestinians taking back Israel then? I mean it's theirs anyway.
>it literally doesn't matter
Wait jews saying Hitler did nothing wrong? That's a new one.

>> No.18104109
File: 48 KB, 300x424, hasbara-handbook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like there's a few triggered jews here

>> No.18104115

Only the Nazis lost /pol/cel

>> No.18104122

Okay I will make sure all my funds upon death are donated to the palestinian authority and continue to call Israel a racist colonial state that should not exist

>> No.18104126

So? Does that mean you'll stop crying about muh holohoax?

>> No.18104135

u mad?

>> No.18104140

Israel is one of the most powerful states in the world. Palestinians are free to try their luck.

>> No.18104147

only if you go back to /pol/

>> No.18104150

So long as you won't cry about it when it happens then
So you'll stop crying about muh holohoax? Good.

>> No.18104155

/lit/ loves jews! I will protect them from the filthy /pol/ posters!
No but seriously this thread is embarrassing. I hope most of you are either children or have been abused as children.

>> No.18104158

I'm not from there so no reason to go back, you have reason enough to go back to israel though

>> No.18104165
File: 806 KB, 1075x927, ebd66b27b124b0ab09c9992dd326484f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entire thread was built on a dishonest premise of op pretending to care about what anti-semites think and then revealing he doesn't care at all and just wants to deride them.
>what do antisemites think about kafka, as a jew I am interested
>it doesn't matter/I think his jewishness is what allowed him to create such interesting neurotic literature so I don't mind it or appreciate it
>okay now why are you anti-semitic
>because x
>wtf that's bullshit though, it's equal to flat earthers
>why do you pretend to care what anti-semites think if you refuse to even consider our answers
>haha the /pol/cel reveals himself

>> No.18104172

Alright for that guy
Quick Run Down:
Franz Boas
Human Biodiversity
Frankfurt School: replaced all science with shitty art and literature and culture ENVIRONMENT being the end all be all
So yeah thanks for making that clear.
Tunnel vision Anon making us look bad

>> No.18104184

Not particularly, Ive seen this happen dozens of times. Every time jews try and ask “why are you anti semitic” to various people, you are given a list of reasons as to why people dislike your behavior. You then proceed to start trying to shift blame, and eventually you transition to what you actually think about everyone else in society. Its really something that an entire ethnicity can have such blinders about their own behavior towards other and be utterly incapable of understand why the entire arab world can’t stand you and why many in the west (which will be majority muslim in due time) are really starting to dislike you. Ironically for the ethnicity that came up with psychoanalysis you’re completely incapable of self reflection. As its said, if someone you meet is an asshole then you met an asshole. If everyone you meet is an asshole, then you’re the asshole.

>> No.18104185

take your meds

>> No.18104187

The question presumably was directed to /lit/ not to /pol/ migrants who think le ebil joos control the world

>> No.18104190

Actual jews don't care. They're busy controlling the world. They only people participating in this thread are so low on the social ladder that they're participating in this thread.

>> No.18104201

haha so mad

>> No.18104209
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>> No.18104212

the vast majority of 'actual jews' have no power and control nothing like the vast majority of every other ethnicity

>> No.18104216

What would you consider to distinguish a /pol/ migrant versus a /lit/ anti-semite

>> No.18104222

Interesting how your kind only exists among virgin 4chan posters and no normal person in the real world shares your view... talk about blinders and incapacity for self reflection

>> No.18104227

crying? hahaha

>> No.18104231

Do you know the ethnicity of the people who control most of the institutions that would disseminate such knowledge? Have a guess.
Sure, but the percentage of elite jews out of all jews is far far greater than for any other ethnic group.

>> No.18104233

It's the right's version of a pink haired SJW. Completely removed from reality. At least they stay indoors.

>> No.18104236
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>> No.18104239

I’ll take this as a sign I’ve hit the point where your cultural conditioning kicks in and you genuinely can’t engage with anything I say. I feel bad for you. I’ve met some kind jews, but many of you really do have that narcissistic strain that stops you from ever questioning your own behavior.

>> No.18104241

One has a functioning brain and doesn't take their entire world view from bitchute videos and pseudo scientific grifters appealing to angry incels

>> No.18104245

gonna cry?

>> No.18104249

>Sure, but the percentage of elite jews out of all jews is far far greater than for any other ethnic group.
yeah but so what?

>> No.18104253

>pseudo scientific grifters appealing to angry incels
You can disagree with MacDonald but now you're showing you're no better than the people you like to criticize. Weak.

>> No.18104260

Can you now point out for me any posts in this thread you believe to be anti /lit/ites and ones you believe to be /pol/ migrants?

>> No.18104262

Read Culture of Critique. It answers why it happens and why it's a problem. Very interesting stuff.

>> No.18104268
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>> No.18104270

anti-Semitic gentile here. thanks for entertaining our views.

1st question. i don't hate kafka because of his ethnicity, i just don't like his plots. as i get older, overly depressing stories just don't really resonate with me.

2. it definitely can be.

3. have no problem with jews in literature or any other field. i'd much rather read Saul Bellow than countless other gentile writers.

that being said, when people like me talk about (((them))) we are mainly referring to jews in the media and politics who are blatantly trying to gaslight my people into having "white guilt" and push immigration and pro-israel policies that do not benefit us.

>> No.18104274

>le epic global conspiracy is at fault not me!!!
Forgot your infographics with the happy merchant /pol/tard

>> No.18104280

gonna go to your little picture file and post more pictures now? haha loser

>> No.18104282

Are you claiming it's not true then? How do you suggest someone in China disseminates knowledge of the corruption of the CCP so it's widely known?

>> No.18104286
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>> No.18104290

i knew it haha

>> No.18104324

>when people like me talk about (((them))) we are mainly referring to jews in the media and politics who are blatantly trying to gaslight my people into having "white guilt" and push immigration and pro-israel policies that do not benefit us.
People like you meaning /pol/tards or just conspiracy theorists in general?

>> No.18104331

I take it you’ve been living under a rock? People in the west don’t exactly like you. Did you forget just how many black people in the US are blatantly anti semitic? Are you unaware of that deli that got shot to shit in Northern NJ and the racial hostility in places like Brooklyn and Lakewood NJ between the Orthodox and literally everyone else? Dislike of jewish people is much more common than you seem to realize among hispanics, blacks, arabs, asians etc. Naturally they won’t say it around you, but its certainly there.

>> No.18104335

>anti-Semitic gentile here
>people like me
It's not a theory though, it's just a conspiracy

>> No.18104343

Tucker Carlson acknowledged white replacement theory on television, was denounced by the ADL and then your own rabbis admitted he was right, it's no longer a "theory" it is mainstream now and supported by Fox News, a mainstream media channel.

>> No.18104354

You know what blacks and about everyone in the world hate more? White racists

>> No.18104359

No not really, just look at Nation of Islam.
And secondly, why do you imply white racists are worse than black racists or jewish racists?

>> No.18104379

>joos control the world and media
>can't get a retarded conspiracy theorist fired
Pick a narrative already to justify your bigotism

>> No.18104395

Realize they are the right wing's SJW and everything makes sense.

>> No.18104397

The narrative is whatever I want it to be until it is no longer convenient.

>> No.18104403

Nice whataboutism, I’ll humor you though. As I said this is a global issue, and for a large portion of the ME the actual existence of Israel is something to be eliminated. Can you say the same of Germany or other european nations? We’re not discussing fundamentalists like Al Qaeda, this is an opinion the average guy on the street there has. Hell, the main reason the US’ relations soured with the ME in the first place during the 1960s was supporting Israel.

>> No.18104413

Whites fuel racism everywhere. Jews, blacks, Asians wouldn't hate any ethnicity if white supremacy didn't exist. There's a reason every ethnicity complains about whites, but you probably don't notice that when all your information is from /pol/ infographics

>> No.18104423

You see how stupid this guy sounds, /pol/tards? That's how you sound.

>> No.18104426
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>> No.18104427

lmao you have no idea what you're talking about even vaguely. Races all over the earth hate other races for a million reasons

>> No.18104437

>Jews fuel racism everywhere. Whites, blacks, Asians wouldn't hate any ethnicity if jewish supremacy didn't exist. There's a reason every ethnicity complains about jews, but you probably don't notice that when all your information is from the MSM
Fixed it for you. Whites weren't kicked out 109 countries.

>> No.18104438

and Japanese hate the Chinese, and Romanians hate Hungarians, and Poland hates Russia, and Greeks hate Turks, and so on. You discovered geopolitics and propaganda well done

>> No.18104480

You think so? It's the same author.

>> No.18104501

They hate each other because of propaganda from their leaders. No, not everyone is a bigot like people ITT. I never met an antisemite in my life, they only exist online in the most deplorable parts of the internet. You'll always be the scum of the earth despised by all normal people. Try having sex one day and you'll see how you suddenly don't care about muh joos anymore.

>> No.18104503

>Do you believe "The Trial" can be interpreted as a critique of antisemitism?
How did you walk away with that?

>> No.18104515

I just had sex and I still care about muh joos, now what?

>> No.18104521

>There is no merit to any antisemitic whatsoever. It's all based in fantasy. It's like hating wizards LOL
brainlet moment

>> No.18104526

You are incredibly bad at your job lel. Go visit a Muslim country

>> No.18104532

Get a higher iq

>> No.18104534

It's already above the average of jewish iq, now what?

>> No.18104563

Now grow up and stop spreading hateful racist tropes

>> No.18104575

You mean like you just did? >>18104413
>Whites fuel racism everywhere. Jews, blacks, Asians wouldn't hate any ethnicity if white supremacy didn't exist. There's a reason every ethnicity complains about whites, but you probably don't notice that when all your information is from /pol/ infographics

>> No.18104576

Stop hating goyim

>> No.18104582

What's interesting about this post is the lack of rage, or resentment, or frustration. We just accept the constant antisemitic undertone to everything on this board. What you feel is not anger, but acceptance, and then dispassionate interest. Why do they feel this way? Why do they hate us? Why is it that there are substantial numbers of people who, given the opportunity, would see us brutally murdered? How do they balance their hatred of an entire People with a love for the Art that People have created? How do they rationalise the destruction of our civilisation, while living in a society that has grown from the seeds of our religious tradition?

>> No.18104598

if you want a specific example, the double standard the ADL has for Israeli and US immigration policy

>> No.18104599

Win Nobel prizes in 3 different categories

>> No.18104604

Read Culture of Critique.

>> No.18104631

White supremacy is very well documented. Antisemitism is very well refuted. I'm sorry trump lost but you'll have to get over it and grow up.

>> No.18104632


>> No.18104656

the idea that nobody would hate each other if whites hadn't made them is so laughably fucking retarded Im starting to assume you're just trolling. It's also extremely racist and basically implies retribution against whites is justified.

>> No.18104657

>White supremacy is very well documented
By anti-white jews.
> Antisemitism is very well refuted
No it's not, the only "refutation" is screeching anti-semite and not addressing the points made. See Culture of Critique.
> I'm sorry trump lost but you'll have to get over it and grow up.
I'm not a trump supporter, and trump has jewish children anyway. Not sure what your point is here.
Fact is you blaming whites for racism is no different than what you're accusing antisemites of.

>> No.18104660

Sounds like a reputable individual
>Kevin B. MacDonald (born January 24, 1944) is an American anti-semitic conspiracy theorist, white supremacist, neo-Nazi, and a retired professor of evolutionary psychology at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB). In 2008, the CSULB academic senate voted to disassociate itself from MacDonald's work.


>> No.18104663

That's basically an endorsement at this point, if he ruffles so many feathers he must be doing something right.
Just read the book, don't have other people think for you.

>> No.18104674

I doubt Asians or blacks would hate Jews. Most antisemitism in history has been done by white people, it's a historical fact. And no one is talking about retribution, people just need to be better educated to learn to avoid baseless conspiracy theories.

>> No.18104686

>Most antisemitism in history has been done by white people, it's a historical fact.
No, that's a blatant lie. Jews have been ousted from more non-white countries than white countries, and most anti-semitism is found in muslims countries (for obvious reasons). Don't be disingenuous.
Look up Nation of islam
> people just need to be better educated to learn to avoid baseless conspiracy theories.
Correct, now read Culture of Critique and educate yourself.

>> No.18104690

I wonder if shills understand that shilling here literally increases the type of posting they are trying to silence, because arguments provoke more energy and quantity of posting than agreement, and the quality of their posts is so bad that it makes their opponents look better.

There are two possible ways to shut it down, spam threads with so much content it drowns out conversation, or get it censored.

>> No.18104692

Check the Criticism section.
>inb4 everyone in the world is on the conspiracy aside from /pol/ migrants

>> No.18104695

I have nothing to do with the ADL. I'm not an American. Nor am I Israeli.

I'm not engaged in any kind of 'critique'. I'm a Conservative and I love the traditional culture of my host nation.

>> No.18104698

Just read the book, don't have other people think for you.
>inb4 everyone in the world is on the conspiracy aside from /pol/ migrants
No, but paid wikipedia shills definitely are.

>> No.18104706

>I'm not engaged in any kind of 'critique'. I'm a Conservative and I love the traditional culture of my host nation.
Read it so you understand why people are suspicious of jews other than yourself then.

>> No.18104728

>paid wikipedia shills
How many conspiracy theories do you need to keep in your head to justify your hatred? Anyway, I might check out the book but I'm pretty convinced it's a waste of time

>> No.18104730

Pressure and deficiency of masculinity IMO. Max Nordau was right to call for "Muscular Judaism."

>> No.18104780

It's not a conspiracy theory, just a conspiracy. Many factions are known to employ individuals to keep wikipedia pages the way they want. Not just Israel does this by the way, many countries do, but they're just very effective.
Also it's not hatred, that's your projection. I don't hate jews.
>? Anyway, I might check out the book but I'm pretty convinced it's a waste of time
Even if you disagree, you'll understand where these ideas come from. Not liking what he says does not mean what he says is wrong though.

>> No.18104799

>other than yourself

But that's the point. You are suspicious of all Jews. You think 'Jew' is an intrinsic quality that defines us -- we are not individuals, like you, but exemplars: prototypical, predictable, and predetermined.

>> No.18104805

more a matter of average dispositions really

>> No.18104819

I am suspicious of all yes, but that's only because I recognize patterns. If they prove to be supportive of my people and culture, I have no issue with them, but that seems to be a minority sadly.
Read Culture of Critique. It will explain to you why.

>> No.18104833

such vanity and arrogance. it will be paid backed to you.

>> No.18104842

pot kettle

>> No.18104858

I like the idea of some billionaire mashing his keyboard to tell me how my poorly spelled skim post is retarded

>> No.18104875

this thread is like a sponge, drawing all the filthy most disgusting humans to it all in one spot. knowing that such evil people exist feels me with sadnesses. humans have lost their morality, there is no saving us. if a astroid will strike us now how happy i will be to die just to cleanse this existence from us. this thread is like a picture into humanity's heart of hearts, we are all evil when given annonimity, and the more atrotious things you say the more you believe your identity is safe. "this is also vanity and as striving after the wind"

the fool will forever walk in darkness.

>> No.18104884

>this thread is like a sponge, drawing all the filthy most disgusting humans to it all in one spot. knowing that such evil people exist feels me with sadnesses.
That's antisemitic

>> No.18104896

I practice casual anti-semitism on a reflex level. It's not a core element of my existence or politics, I just do it sometimes because it's funny and I like pointing out stereotypes.
Doesn't stop me from reading a Jewish author or enjoy something created by a Jew. Kafka is very good.

>> No.18104899

>people criticize your ethnicity
>have melodramatic freakout about the evil of humanity
You guys openly criticize whites all day long ffs, Susan Sontag called the white race a fucking cancer and she's a respected author.

>> No.18105036

Nigga u gay

>> No.18105041

>nooooo muh jews
i don't fucking care
the impulse that leads you to worship strangers is even worse than the one that leads people to hate them

>> No.18105045

I’m ashamed to admit it but I just can’t get into Kafka. I want to and i’ve tried multiple times with multiple books but I end up losing momentum. I’ll give him another shot in a year or two. There are a few writers I didn’t like at first who I ended up loving after rereading them when I’m in a different mindset

>> No.18105105

kek such a great takedown

>> No.18105204

>humans have lost their morality, there is no saving us. if a astroid will strike us now how happy i will be to die just to cleanse this existence from us.
this literally the type of thinking that leads to that behavior

>> No.18105255

>the latest fashion
More like a 4000 year old tradition

>> No.18105258

>if a astroid will strike us now how happy I will be to die just to cleanse this existence from us
antisemitic, why do jews need to die?

>> No.18105282

Yeah stop worshipping strangers!

>> No.18105291


>> No.18105337

I don't hold anti Semitic beliefs, don't understand the hate outside of zionist anti Palestinian stuff. However, as an atheist who spent his teens as an edgelord after being raised catholic, when I've heard my Jewish friend start talking about some old testament shit, it takes a lot to not at minimum roll my eyes.

i read The Trial way too young (13) fucking hated it. When my dad asked what i thought of it after not bringing it up for a couple weeks, i responded with something along the lines of, "Nothing happened the whole book, nothing was explained, it was like torture, and then it ended unexpectedly with no resolution"
to which he gave a knowing dad smile, "exactly! "

I'm also a big fan of Jewish media of the last century. Grew up with my 6'3" dark and handsome ass identifying with woody Allen

>> No.18105354

This but unironically

>> No.18105418

I'm with you anon but don't let it get you down. This is a very, very niche community that attracts a certain type of person. We're all lonely, desperate people here looking for a connection. Truly happy and content people aren't going to come here and even fewer would engage in a thread like this. There's nothing you can post that will fix the damage the world and internet have done to us already.
But c'mon, this isn't a picture of humanity's hearts of hearts, lol. It's just a bunch of angsty and possibly retarded losers who have no power in the real world so they vent there frustration here in their safe place. You know this. I know this. They know this. Everyone knows this. So close the chan, read a book, take a walk, message a friend, and call your mom. If you want to feel bad pity the children these people once were.

>> No.18106566

what a horrible thread. Kafkas jewish heritage is only in so far important that it was hard for him to choose a (ethnic) group to identify with. Raised in german schools, from a jewish family, in czech part of multicultural Austria-Hungary. He was lost in this world and reproduced these feelings in his literary work, what I think makes it important even today as many people feel similar in the modern world.
It has nothing to do with Judaism

>> No.18106632


>> No.18106687

Kek fuck off already brainlets

>> No.18106758
File: 21 KB, 259x400, 3203449 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone interested in the JQ should read this. It's set up before the WW2, and Codreanu elaborates plenty on what's going on. He puts in many quotes from Jewish newspapers, he inserts analyses of Jews from contemporary intellectuals (when it was allowed), etc. If you're brainlet or an average Jew you'll get filtered hard, but if you're not a NPC it's a good book.

>> No.18106788

>humans have lost their morality
We never had any morality to lose.

>> No.18106818

Jesus Christ man, the only schizos I see here in this thread are guys like you, certainly not “the Jews”. Seek therapy ffs

>> No.18106840

>all the issues of modernity
No, just emblematic thereof, its principle figureheads. Insisting on burning his literary estate was cringe. A Dostoevsky-Lovecraft with Proust gloss for Central Europe.

Bait threads that actually generate discussion require finesse

>> No.18106855

I love reading Kafka. His works explore certain aspects of psychological trauma that only few authors touched in such a delicate way.
I think that his works are pretty reminiscent of Kobo Abe's style and many other depressive authors of that time (perhaps even Lovecraft).
Modern meme culture is literally dadaism.

>> No.18106868

I kek’d so hard at this fully deranged post; if it’s ironical, well done anon!

>> No.18106873

This was quite the eye opener. Codreanu was a brave man.
It's obviously bait.

>> No.18106941

How are you going to expect an unbiased and accurate study about the “JQ” by a fully fledged fascist? This is a political pamphlet, pfui Teufel

>> No.18106951

You jew-haters are something else lol

>> No.18106964

He alright.

>> No.18107230

No group is safe from criticism
The fact that Jews even carved out a special anti- word for themselves to police wrongthink is cause enough for backlash and critique
Any group has just cause to vent their frustrations with other groups. If we are never able to ha e difficult discussions about the problems groups have with each other, we can never adapt IF we decide to engage in unity or peace times.

Dominating the market in what you can and can't speak about absolutely infuriates me as a concept and I am without a doubt more inclined to aggressively criticize as a total -fuck you- for trying to police thought, seeing patterns, expressing in-group concern with out-group behavior, even if those groups think they do nothing wrong
It's straight up abusive to prevent any discussion on these topics and label someone as some innate evil boogieman for doing so. That's pure brainwash by controlling the economy of ideas and thought.
It's completely anti intellectual to go around banning all wrongthink.
You cannot invalidate the feelings of other people. Many of them have legitimate experiences with these groups that lead them to their feelings. It's not all internet Nazi bs.

>> No.18107257

So does any anti- sentiment from any out-group that's normalized
Certain behavior that's normal to one culture is blasphemy in another
To deny them their perspective is to deny them their identity is to rob them of their selfhood, humanity, and culture because you don't like to get criticized. Muh slippery slope. The pendulum swings regardless.
Robbing people of their right to criticize only makes things worse.
They banned the sex pistols. Look what happened. There's only so long voices can be muted.

I am making zero comments about what jews do or do not do. But to say groups could not and should not ever have any issue with another group is juvenile at best, but probably more malicious.

>> No.18107360
