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18102253 No.18102253 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18102265
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Anyone read pic rel?

>> No.18102280

When do you guys finally start to learn German. It's not that hard, you're missing out on so much

>> No.18102556

I doubt that I could even understand Jung in English with his esotericism mysticism.
.t Dutch

>> No.18102906


>> No.18103069

is there anything you should read before Jung?

>> No.18103083


>> No.18103157

There’s no harm in reading Freud but Jung will go into detail on why he doesn’t agree with Freud in a few of his books, so it’s up to you if you want more context into that aspect, but I wouldn’t say it’s mandatory.

>> No.18103507

got a freud chart?

>> No.18104902

Yeah, this post right here telling you not to waste your time with that crap.

>> No.18104906

Interpretation of dreams

>> No.18105416
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>> No.18105783

What's your favorite idea from Jung bros?

>> No.18105916

Synchronicity and his psyche map are among my top favorites.

>> No.18106542

I've read man and his symbols, what do I read now?

>> No.18106648

Is anyone here familiar with his types? I don't know anybody who knows them very well, in a way that seems to be accurate.

>> No.18106837

Just refer to https://www.jungiananalysts.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/C.-G.-Jung-Collected-Works-Volume-6_-Psychological-Types.pdf

>> No.18106933

Where should I begin with this man's work?

>> No.18106978
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>pic related

>> No.18107000


>> No.18107687

op's chart is better

>> No.18108982

Eric Fromm is good. The Forgotten Language is recommended in the Jung chart on the /lit/ rec wiki, and being about halfway through I can vouch for it. Fromm has his own opinions gleaned from research and studying under Jung, so it’s not just an exercise is covering Jung’s basic-of-basic ideas, and thus serves as a very good entry point to the entire topic of symbolism, mythology, and the unconscious in which Jung thrives.

>> No.18109435

Jung is mysticism. Go study neuroscience, midwits

>> No.18109586

You say that as if mysticism is a bad thing. You're compensating for your fear of reality.

>> No.18109694


>> No.18110970

A few paragraphs on the Anima from 2 Essays on Analytical Psychology:

>“So long as the anima is unconscious she is always projected, for everything unconscious is projected. The first bearer of the soul-image is always the mother; later it is borne by those women who arouse the man’s feelings, whether in a positive or a negative sense. Because the mother is the first bearer of the soul-image, separation from her is a delicate and important matter of the greatest educational significance. Accordingly among primitives we find a large number of rites designed to organize this separation. The mere fact of becoming adult, and of outward separation, is not enough; impressive initiations into the “men’s house” and ceremonies of rebirth are still needed in order to make the separation from the mother (and hence from childhood) entirely effective.”

>"Just as the father acts as a protection against the dangers of the external world and thus serves his son as a model persona, so the mother protects him against the dangers that threaten from the darkness of his psyche. In the puberty rites, therefore, the initiate receives instruction about these things of “the other side,” so that he is put in a position to dispense with his mother’s protection.”

>"The modern civilized man has to forgo this primitive but nonetheless admirable system of education. The consequence is that the anima, in the form of the mother-imago, is transferred to the wife; and the man, as soon as he marries, becomes childish, sentimental, dependent, and subservient, or else truculent, tyrannical, hypersensitive, always thinking about the prestige of his superior masculinity. “The last is of course merely the reverse of the first. The safeguard against the unconscious, which is what his mother meant to him, is not replaced by anything in the modern man’s education; unconsciously, therefore, his ideal of marriage is so arranged that his wife has to take over the magical role of the mother. Under the cloak of the ideally exclusive marriage he is really seeking his mother’s protection, and thus he plays into the hands of his wife’s possessive instincts".

>"His fear of the dark incalculable power of the unconscious gives his wife an illegitimate authority over him, and forges such a dangerously close union that the marriage is permanently on the brink of explosion from internal tension—or else, out of protest, he flies to the other extreme, with the same results.”

>> No.18111073

ok ok, what if your mother was a narcissistic bitch who always tortured you in a physical and psycological way?, how does the anima cope with that?

>> No.18111548
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>He thinks the answers lie on the material plane.
Pls tell me more about neuroscience, surely this field is full of new discoveries and it isn't totally stagnant.

>> No.18111564 [DELETED] 

You either hate women and want to punish or avoid them, worship them with subservient fear, or both