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18102084 No.18102084 [Reply] [Original]

From someone who claims to have read thousands of classics and philosophical books this sounds pretty shallow and pathetic desu

>> No.18102087

Cash n pussy nigga

>> No.18102088

Did he actually say that? That's pretty brainlet. Some want money/power, some want other stuff and we all make the shitshow that exists today

>> No.18102089

This is the kind of thinking that territorialised the German-oh sorry I mean definitely Polish mind Nietzsche

>> No.18102142

For someone who conquered the entirety of Europe, it seems like he put his philosophy to action. The quote is referring to ambition and anyone that is motivated by a desire for greatness instead of happiness can confirm the mindset.

>> No.18102149

What do you expect? To be a leader at that level is to be a brute no matter who you are.

>> No.18102163
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>someone who claims to have read thousands of classics and philosophical books
Ah yes, the emperor of half Europe embarked on a political career since the age of 15 had time to read classics and philosophical books. Good one.

>> No.18102166

Considering Napoleon's life it could not have been shallow. It was a deep truth for him and pathetic only because he lost it in the end.

>> No.18102173

He read the ancients, specifically Romans, and the enlightenment thinkers like Rousseau. He had a good understanding of Roman political propaganda and would use it frequently.

>> No.18102184

Having read 12 books doesn't mean being well-read.

>> No.18102187

Well its enough if you have natural talent

>> No.18102209

All of this irrelevant. What Napoleon did is irrelevant. Nobodies living together. Occasionally the mob will proclaim a nobody a great nobody because the mob judges influence greater than no influence. We hate the mob, but the mob dictates what is good, what is noble, what is great and what is low. We are the mob, in and for itself. Napoleon is relevant and great

>> No.18102221

napoleon got promoted to head of the army by massacring a mob of his own citizens in the capital of paris fyi

>> No.18102231

and the mob allowed it

>> No.18102244

People still think of him as a manlet who got cucked by someone who he so desperately loved and simped for and lost it all in the end, so in retrospect he may still be relevant but he isn’t remember as Great

>> No.18102249

Everyone wants power. The problem is that "everyone" is a gross generalization — each individual is a unique configuration of genetic and psychological impulses and characteristics, so how power is attained and felt is unique to each individual.

>> No.18102274

Napoleon and his works are relevant. We don't call him Great with an epithet no, at least not the whole mob, but the greater mob led by Robertson does and soon the whole mob will. Regardless, we might not yet call him Great, but we treat him and his legacy as Great. Even though he ultimately failed, the mob basks in the radiance of his shadow. Napoleon is irrelevant. All of this is relevant.

>> No.18102330

>*holds up spork*

>> No.18102371

Did you know that Napoleon was not as small as everyone says? He was quite normal. In the past, everyone was as small as Napoleon because there were no vegetables.

>> No.18102376

this is a seriously, seriously poor attempt of philosophizing and macrohistory in general. Napoleon's actions had political repercussions throughout the entirety of the long nineteenth century, from the independence of Spanish America to Russia's retreat from Europe directly after the Napoleonic wars. Your assertions in this post are trite, foolish, near-sighted, and retarded.

>> No.18102405


>> No.18102422

his actions are only influential bc the mob says so and only influential for the mob, in and for itself. If you can't see this, that's fine. The mob is obscure because it is the only light

>> No.18102435
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>> No.18102448

this is true and so are you. You and your, opinions, your philosophy and your macrohistory, are irrelevant. In the beginning was the mob. The End.

>> No.18102458
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>> No.18102462

We've got a schizo

>> No.18102467

Individuals are not unique. Get your head out of your ass ivory tower bohemian, everyone that actually participates in society shares values and common meaning as to what defines power and money.

>> No.18102473


>> No.18102475

Very based. Glad there is someone else on this board standing against special snowflake British metaphysics

>> No.18102477
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>> No.18102478

you really think the mob is a spontaneous phenomenon? Nobody pulling the strings..

>> No.18102487

It’s an emergent property, not “spontaneous”. Social movements are not reducible to “individuals” any more than waves are reducible to particles.

>> No.18102496

How do you know that you don’t come full circle after reaching a certain level of enlightenment?

>> No.18102504

You literally do. All these ivory tower Analytitards are just doing a mating ritual to pretend they’re above common sense. After you escape analytitardation you literally come full circle. Intellectualism is a scam.

>> No.18102511

Remember when this used to be the smart board?

>> No.18102525

>It’s an emergent property, not “spontaneous”.
this is pedantry
How do you reconcile this with the effects of eg mass media on the mob? Mass media is owned by a tiny group of people and they rile up the mob into all sorts of actions

>> No.18102527
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ahhh shiitttt dawg

>> No.18102536

I don't need to remember bc I am always a member of the mob

>> No.18102560

there is only the mob, in and for itself, playing for and with itself. It legislates, with and for itself and can only manipulate what it is in itself. There is only mob. Tiny group relishes in power bc the mob says power is good and the mob says power, more power. What is power? What the mob says power is. Power is the enunciation of the mob. Mass media is the mob, against the mob for the mob by the mob

>> No.18102575

>Individuals are not unique
They are by definition, retard.

>> No.18102580

Was France a mob and Russia a different mob, or were they the same mob?

>> No.18102581

The mob's opinions are literally given to it by the education system and the press, the mob is nothing but a tool for those in power.

>> No.18102588

the mob is retarded, the individual is the mob and the mob is unique, retard

>> No.18102595

He is 100% right. All this cope about the elites doing shit to summon Satan or bring about the end of the world is pure cope from people who want the world to be more exciting. Rich people only care about one (1) thing: Living the good life

>> No.18102597

the mob
this is what the mob wants you to believe

>> No.18102598

mob: a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.

Is this the definition we're using?

>> No.18102607

if this is what the mob says the mob is, then this is the mob

>> No.18102612

mob mob mob mob mob, mob mob mob mob, mob mob mob mob mob mob. Mob mobs, mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob. Mob mob mob mob. Mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob, mob mob. Mob mob mob? Mob mob mob mob mob mob. Mob mob mob mob mob mob. Mob mob mob mob mob, mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob

>> No.18102614

He read since his childhood (his mother used to say that while other kids were playing outside, he was reading in his room), and used his free time during Military School to read. He even didn't eat more than once a day just to save money so that he could afford books, and was known to carry a personal library during his campaings.
He even wrote novels and essays, like a romantic novel inspired in Werther after Desireé rejected him, an essay on suicide, essay justifying the actions of the Jacobins, etc.

>> No.18102626

This goes to show BVLLANGER was the better populist Frenchman.

>> No.18102632

Napoleon has ever written books brainlet anon. They're not very good though.

>> No.18102674
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>> No.18102682

mobmobmobmob. BOM

>> No.18102729

Can you not understand context? If he meant power in general then what's the point of also including money when that's included in power in general

>> No.18102734 [DELETED] 

Out mob, who mob in mob, hallowed mob thy mob, thy mob mob, thy mob mob mob on mob, as it mob in mob, give mob this mob, mob daily mob, and forgive mob mob trespasses, as mob forgives mob mob trespass against mob, and lead mob not into mob, but deliver mob from mob, for mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob

>> No.18102735

this is an inauthentic quote source andrew roberts

>> No.18102743

Mob mob, who mob in mob, hallowed mob thy mob, thy mob mob, thy mob mob mob on mob, as it mob in mob, give mob this mob, mob daily mob, and forgive mob mob trespasses, as mob forgives mob mob trespass against mob, and lead mob not into mob, but deliver mob from mob, for mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob mob