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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 910 KB, 1920x1080, racism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18099897 No.18099897[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The only race incapable of appreciating literature, all their literature is is complaining trying to pull a fast one. This isn't a cucked onions board is it? Of course mulattos who turn out white can, but you can't find any good nigger novels, and most certainly full blooded monkeys can barely superficially understand sentences. How fucking stupid are some of you people? Also in minecraft haha I wasn't being serious. Lots of you people are stupid but at least you can appreciate entry-tier lit

>> No.18099901

wow racism? really? I come here for intellectual discussion, not bigotry. take this hateful garbage to /pol/.

>> No.18099902

..oh it's not a school night.

>> No.18099909
File: 76 KB, 555x631, soi19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's he being racist? Seems like he's just making some observations.
>wow racism? really? I come here for intellectual discussion, not bigotry. take this hateful garbage to /pol/.

>> No.18099910

yeah lots of people here are racist but like seriously who gives a shit it's not the point of the board

>> No.18099920

making phenomenal observations=racism
wrong. I (OP) am not racist. In fact I wish Africans were intelligent but they're barely more human than monkeys.

>> No.18099923

don't you have homework to do

>> No.18099931

>I wish Africans were intelligent
even if they were smart and well-mannered they'd be black and black is an ugly color
i think evolution is as much an aesthetic continuum as it is a mental one
that is, the uglier you are, the dumber you are
keats was cute af and niggers have poop-colored skin
not an argument and seethe

>> No.18099940

I completely agree. I'll just say 160 iq

>> No.18099945
File: 172 KB, 728x1024, 1605714207639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of them are based but most of them (especially the "african-american" type) are trash and the only thing they deserve is a nuclear holocaust

>> No.18099965

it's odd that only nigerians seem to be able to think
i mean, the country is still shit, but i've never seen any writing from any other african country with eloquence even close to that of nigeria
i wonder if nigeria has a specific ethnicity
are they khoisan? bantu?

>> No.18099979

Google Igbo.

I believe their average IQ is 105 or so.

>> No.18099996
File: 28 KB, 588x490, lemoji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was like 126 or something. Wasn't Feynman lgbo?

>> No.18100007

feynman was a jew
also his iq was like 120 i think

>> No.18100015

No? Igbo is an ethnic group, like Sephardic Jews or Black Americans.

The average denotes the score relative to white Europeans who are the centre of the distribution:100.

>> No.18100033

I'm being sarcastic, thats why i put the :l face
You IQ tards are retarded. Feynman's IQ was more than 120, and Freud's IQ was less than 180. IQ tests aren't always accurate. The niggers you're talking about probably got extra ez iq tests for children, I'd get 180

>> No.18100047

Will the FBI or some intelligence agency that keeps the ip addresses for all the 4channel traffic put me on a list for this? Will they make me have to solve more captchas? I'm pretty sure the CIA knows about niggers just as well as anyone else with a brain

>> No.18100054

ok i looked it up feynman had a 124 iq
did freud ever take an iq test?
i've seen lots of historical figures' "IQs" but they're always estimates
they "estimated" that goethe had a 200 iq, for instance
but do we have any real iq results from anyone?
the only one i can think of is juden peterstein having a 150 iq
no shit the cia knows niggers are retarded
why do you think they use them so much in their psychological warfare schemes?
anytime you see a nigger on an ad or the TV or online or in a position of power it's because a CIA jew operation put them there
it's called "psycho-racial warfare" and "keeping the white man down"

>> No.18100055

Same thing if incels wrote books, who cares

>> No.18100065

No I mean Feynman had a 160 iq, not just 4 more than 120. Obviously he didnt give a shit about an IQ test, he's a scientist. I swear to fucking god people that can't understand that he is 140 iq or more are don't know shit about him. You think 124 iq people teach themselves calculus at 13 for fun and pass the princeton entry exams with perfect scores and ease? I'm not so sure how difficult those are but I'm assuming it matters if it's mentioned beside the fact that he was an the alamo project or whatever. If he is 124 iq what is IQ when the smartest people have lower iqs than "I have a 200 iq, i took a test that said so, and so am the smartest person ever and contribute nothing to anything". Life is the real IQ test. I believe in IQ and that I have a high one, but If Feynman is only 124 IQ then there is far more lacking in testing than ...

>> No.18100069

What books do you think are good?

>> No.18100072
File: 539 KB, 1639x1323, 1565142311806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Literally not a single worthwhile piece of literature written by the incels, the supposed paragons of intellect in our decaying society!

>> No.18100076

>The only race incapable of appreciating literature
/lit/ confirmed for niggers

>> No.18100082

African Americans and Jews are oppressed.

>> No.18100085

My favorite novel is Ulysses, and I feel my superiority of soul for that fact. My favorite people are people like John Milton, James Joyce, or Dante Alghiera who were exiles, above the hundred headed rabble or some shit, and I like Feynman even though I have to force myself to do math, hence am not a mathematician though I am capable of it.
well yeah incels are stupid.

>> No.18100110

quality bait anon

>> No.18100123

I mean, I only speak so obnoxiously because that's the point of anonymous boards, and if you are like-minded you sense that, though general people are filtered. THe 3 figures I named are all very related and if you've read Ulysses you know the major influence the other 2 have on it. But even people that appreciate entry lit are fine, I am not normal(am above) but if people are nice I don't mind tham

>> No.18100145

I feel like BLM is almost a scheme to generate hate against black people or something. It really came out of nowhere, and their martyrs all deserved to die, Derek chauvin was betrayed by his people, it's all very bizarre though as it seems all the soi whites are brainwashed. What is the goal?

>> No.18100156

above what?