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18099794 No.18099794[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I think that "right-wing socialism" is a good way to describe my politics -- whatever that is worth, which is not a lot.

Are there are any good books in this vein? All I can think of is Spengler's "Decline of The West"

I want to read some political philosophy that is in a sense, right-wing socialist or nationalist and anti-capitalist, but pro-religion and stuff.

>> No.18099803

You have the correct view, OP. I would suggest Game Theory, because the central philosophy of that highly mathematical discipline is essentially that plurality is sustainable.

I would also particularly suggest writers who espouse Austrian Socialism, like Joseph Schumpeter. The Capitalist Manifesto (Kelso, Adler) is a capitalistic book with a redistribution of capital.

>> No.18099814

Catholic social doctrine
George Grant's Red Toryism
Blue Labour
Communitarians like Alasdair Macintyre and Christopher Lasch

Obviously things like fascism and national syndicalism can be described as "right-wing socialism" but they're generally hostile to or ambivalent about religion.

>> No.18099816

So you're a fascist?

>> No.18099875

I don't think so. Much of Nazi-ism, at least, is very much esoteric focused. I'm more interested in a strong, central government economy that governs according to moral values, which I guess is vague, but I don't think there can be a moral system without a religion.

>> No.18099896

just say socialism. leftwing is synonymous with idpol, intersectionality, and other liberal apologetics today so they have no claim on it and consistently bar it.

>> No.18099919

Spengler's prussianism and socialism
Jungers interwar articles
Feder breaking of interest slavery
More revolutionary than conservative but still right wing socialism

>> No.18099934
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The Complete Works of Bettino Craxi

>> No.18099936

People often associate Socialism with Marxism is what I am afraid of in 'identifying' as that.

>> No.18099939
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Right-wing anticapitalism, read these four articles (in order) first:


Goodson's History of Central Banking

>Werner Sombart's German socialism
>Sorel's national syndicalism and Cercle Proudhon
>Ezra Pound's criticism of usury


Othmar Spann

Gottfried Feder
>By Mammonism is to be understood: on the one hand, the overwhelming international money-powers, the supragovernmental financial power enthroned above any right of self-determination of peoples, international big capital, the purely Gold International; on the other hand, a mindset that has taken hold of the broadest circle of peoples; the insatiable lust for gain, the purely worldly-oriented conception of life that has already led to a frightening decline of all moral concepts and can only lead to more.

>This [mammonist] mindset is embodied and reaches its acme in international plutocracy. The chief source of power for Mammonism is the effortless and endless income that is produced through interest.

>The idea of interest on loans is the diabolical invention of big loan-capital; it alone makes possible the lazy drone's life of a minority of tycoons at the expense of the productive peoples and their work-potential.

>The only cure, the radical means to heal suffering humanity is the abolition of enslavement to interest on money. The abolition of enslavement to interest on money signifies the only possible and conclusive liberation of productive labor from the hidden coercive money-powers.

>Our anti-Mammonistic battle, which is ranged above the other two battle-fronts, is directed against the world-encompassing financial power, that is, against the permanent financial and economic bleeding and exploitation of our people through large loan capital. This battle however is, on the other hand, also a powerful intellectual struggle against the soul-destroying materialistic spirit of egoism and avarice with all its concomitant corrupting manifestations in all fields of our public, economic and cultural life.

>> No.18099948

In Italy during the 1980s and 1990s the Socialist Party was explicitly a right-wing nationalist party. The identification of Socialism with Communism exists only in the United States.

>> No.18099950

National socialism isn't fascism. You sound like you're somewhat close to Romanian fascism.

>> No.18099953

Fucking finaly, an ideology I can get behind.

>> No.18099956

If it’s socialism it’s “leftwing”
If it’s “rightwing” it isn’t socialism.

Where do you stand on the major topics is how you/we can tell what you are and what books you’re looking for.

> nationalist and anti-capitalist, but pro-religion and stuff.
Verdict: A nazi that doesn’t like capitalism but will do as he’s told by his “superiors” no matter what.
Still rightwing.

>> No.18100013

I see where you're coming from about the first point, but you're associating all socialism with marxism. And the second part is not an argument, but an anecdote about a separate group.

>> No.18100019


>> No.18100023

Not that anon but for better or worse socialism can’t exist totally separate from Marx

>> No.18100026

Historically,, socialist movements existed before Marx

>> No.18100032

"Leftwing" and "rightwing" are spurious terms; stop using them.

Socialism is not always "leftwing", — as you call it — it can range from being an ethnostate — id est, what you'd call "racist", and "rightwing" — to being Venezuela.

>> No.18100040
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>verdict:a nazi

>> No.18100064

Read most of the authors of my list (especially the third positionists, since that's what you mean by "right-wing socialism")
holy shit, a retard
ever heard of Proudhon?

>> No.18100176

>will do as he’s told by his “superiors” no matter what.
yeah I'm sure communist govts and revolutionary militias lack hierarchies lol

>> No.18100409

>I need an already-existing ideology to define my political views
You were retarded from the very beginning

>> No.18100415

You're illiterate.