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/lit/ - Literature

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18098175 No.18098175 [Reply] [Original]

Post your hottest /lit/erary takes.
Good taste only, 300 words minimum because this thread isn't for pseuds.

>> No.18098194

There is an immense fucking irony in creating an image that lists those traits and then posting it online for other people to see

>> No.18098227

insanely gay and stupid

>> No.18098233

>300 words minimum because this thread isn't for pseuds.
Your post doesn't even have 20 words, lmao.

>> No.18098235

>wow, just like me!
>hey wait a minute...

>> No.18098240

Sounds like an unbearable faggot to me.

>> No.18098269

> "another meme poster, what a waste of space, hopefully I'll have a good laugh desu"
> realize I tick every box with no exception
Fuck this

>> No.18098344


What about psycho man

Where the nihilism transitions from an apathy borne from not having a legitimate cause into an absolute license to do and to stomach anything. Something that is everything is nothing

>> No.18098446
File: 29 KB, 328x499, 41XMaCHkrgL._SX326_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is hot garbage. I'd rather try to read my blood-covered feces than bore myself with this drivel again. I genuinely cannot understand why this book is so popular and well-received. The characters are all unlikable, the story is uninteresting, and the prose is schlock. Perhaps my view is a bit tainted since I had to read it in high school and also read it alongside one of the best books of all time (The Catcher In The Rye), but I still highly doubt I would think any higher of it otherwise.

>> No.18098561

It shows what this country is at heart. It's supposed to prepare you for this world

>> No.18098592

No, it doesn't.

>> No.18098608

You assume whoever made it identifies with the archetype.

>> No.18098875
File: 434 KB, 1920x1440, tarim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find myself on the edge of the desert. Umbre bricks and ochre bricks punctuate the sand before me. In this place of things lost and forgotten the city that once dwelled here at the feet of the dunes yet lingers in the memory. But time gives no quarter and these bricks are as doomed as the people who laid them to become grains aloft on the swirling wind.

And yet the antiquity of this place excites me. Among the scattered rubble a cluster of bricks huddle together implausibly, and I could believe that in some far distant time they formed a sturdy chimney breast or hasty buttress. I stoop; I kneel. In the manner of a child scouring grand canals in the surf I scoop at the base of the tumbledown pile. The sand shimmers as it resists my excavation but my eager hands overwhelm its ability to refill the hollow.

A brick below a brick below the level of the sand belies my expectations. It does not rest upon another brick itself, but instead - I realise as I dig - serves as a capstone to a meagre hollow, into which I delve. From this cranny my chapped hands produce at first just more infernal sand, but then, to my slight alarm, knock against a hard surface with a sound quite distinct from that of wind-harried brick. I grasp and retrieve the object I have struck and gasp and blink as I bring it to the light.

A wooden board, nearly cracked right through - I hope not by fault of my scrabbling - such as may have once been the lid to a small cask of good liquor. Yet it was not the material that made me gasp as the sun scalded this sheltered relic, but rather the whisper-faint scratchings of an ancient hand scored across its face. I marvel at my luck in finding such an artifact, and lavish in my triumph at saving these ancient words from the erasing forces of the dunes. I am not scholar enough to read the text but I knew at least the script by eye. Tocharian. I tuck the precious discovery into my coat pocket and turn to begin my weary trudge back to the village. The elation of the find subsides and unease arises again in my mind. Tomorrow I must return to guard the camps.

>> No.18098916

people have completely forgotten that the chad meme was supposed to be “silly or inferior thing is actually cool” and now just put their own opinions next to a chad and go “look this is me”

>> No.18098930

the virgin meme prescriptivist vs the chad meme appropriator

>> No.18098952

/lit/ gets worse by the day but it's better than everywhere else.

No one reads, if you want to discuss certain books, it's nearly impossible.
Not just on this site, everywhere.

>> No.18099051

Name of the wind was shit because Kvothe was an unlikeable Mary Sue.

>> No.18099141

This isn't a chad you retard

>> No.18099991

Fellow adventurer

>> No.18100059
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All this.
All this anger.
No pussy.

>> No.18100063

>Post your hottest /lit/erary takes.
Hughes or all those late 20th century poets SUCKED.

>> No.18100086

This take on the world lasts for a while, but taste blood once and you're fucked. When you spend alot of time analyzing social situations you get real good at it, once somebody gives in to you the first time you become the most hedonistic man you know. You will love it too.
> t. narcissist

>> No.18100107

I can't escape nihilism. Much like Ted K I think that modern society is either exploiting and redirecting or substituting humanity's truest needs - those of hunter-gatherers - with utterly meaningless things that solely exist to support the system itself. Modernity enslaves every aspect man, his sexual urges, his needs, his desire to have a community, and turns man into a bug-machine with no inherent purpose. But at the same time I can't look back at the hunter-gatherers and see the "wild freedom" that Ted K talked about. I just see helpless animal lives. Without a struggle against nature, for how futile that is, there is no meaning. Animals live in constant suffering, killing and dying, only to be replaced by more animals. There is nothing to achieve for mankind if they go back to a primitive life.
Then I realized somewhere last year that mysticism is the key. I have realized that belief elevates the purpose of man to something beyond this useless cycle. Thanks to mysticism, man manages to truly overcome this material hell and achieve true meaning. But belief in itself needs to be a system, and agreement within the human community. Worship only becomes truth when it forms a bond between people. It is at the same time a social bond and a personal mission. And in today's society I cannot see truly religious people because the truth is that the framework for true religion has been dismantled. I can't be religious myself because the truth is that once a man realizes that there is no God (or was never convinced of a God's existence) it's completely impossible to develop a genuine faith. The truths discovered by science are established, necessary, and developing a religiosity needs to come at the expense of this objective scientific mindset. So it simply cannot be, a rational, scientific framework for belief poisons the soil for religion and worship. Even relatively isolated groups that exist outside the boundaries of the industrial society must have, somewhere in the back of their heads, a creeping realization that their worship stands on a slowly eroding pillar.
I've spent the last year just bitterly thinking that I always choose things that I cannot reach. I could embrace a number of paths, but the only one that I feel would give me some meaning is as always, the one that is unavailable to me. I had decided to become an artist and I've been challenged many times on what art meant, I finally understand that art is an act of mysticism. This is why ancient art still resonates even though it depicts dead gods. This is why cave paintings fill one with wonder, because they were made by a mankind who still had a mystical relationship with the world. I cannot find this in contemporary artwork. Art today has become the opposite of mystical, it doubles down on the worldly and material, it's a toy, a good for consumers. It hurts to think about this.
I only hang on /lit/ lately and this board too is becoming unusable, so I probably posted this for nothing.

>> No.18100305

Chads were originally meant to be a derogatory way of referring to the jocks. Then there was that meme with the 'virgin walk', but to mock people's self-conciousness over the way they walked somebody added in the 'chad stride'. Then there were a load of memes about virgin vs chad, sooner or later the rest of the internet got in on it except they did not understand the meaning. They only saw 'cool vs uncool' and now we have a whole bunch of shitty memes where people just put some retarded opinion with a 'cool' chad face icon next to it as if it stands as its own argument, saying "I know this is true and have to prove nothing."
If anything this has only emboldened the chad-lookalike people in real life and made everyone else seem lamer just because they are not muscly jocks, a strange reversal of previous generations media telling people that jocks were actually assholes. When everyone wants to be a chad, then the concept of the chad has lost all original meaning, instead becoming a sort of memetic ubermensch in people's minds.

>> No.18100322

Memes degrade almost instantly into good thing / bad thing. The soi wojak thing was meant to mock the upper class consumer whore urbanite who is in tears of excitement over a videogame console advertisement, then quickly transformed to mock any non anti-modern take (pro science, etc.), now it just means something you don't like.

>> No.18100904
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>what have i become?

>> No.18101103
File: 31 KB, 600x500, apu_cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sweetest friend... everyone I know goes away... in the end...