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File: 175 KB, 352x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18095341 No.18095341 [Reply] [Original]

I highhhhhllllyyyyyy recommend this book. It's basically Evola's Table Talk and he touches on every subject imaginable.

>> No.18095362

Is Evola worth it if I'm not really a right winger? I like to have my views challenged but preferably by intelligent people with good arguments

>> No.18095366

Yeah I've been meaning to get this ever since Keith did a review of it

>> No.18095396

what's great about Evola is that he was well versed in many areas. surely, there will be something of interest to you.
yeah that's why I got it, thanks to /ourpaddy/
it's really good. the author was part of the youth circle in Italy where Evola served as a mentor. This guy somehow crept into his inner circle and had many depe conversations with him. Each subject is a page or two long but it's incredibly redpilling.

>> No.18095482

Yes it depends what topics you're interested in, he wrote about many topics besides politics
What was your favourite subject/take away?

>> No.18095486
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I saw Keef's review of this and caught my interest

>> No.18095504

it's tough to pin it down to a single subject because he talks about so many. His dislike of Ataturk was interesting. He said that secular Turkey will eventually fall and an anti-Ataturk who will fully embrace Islam, will take the country to greater heights. We are kind of seeing that with Erdogan today.
I kek'd pretty hard though about St. Thomas Aquinas
>I observed that the crusades had not met with success in the end. He shrugged his shoulders: ‘So what? Victory lies in the fighting itself, not in the end result. That is at best a contingent fact. St Thomas Aquinas’ teleological mania deceived him when he wrote that war for its own sake would be stupid. That dumb ox! He was so obese, I wonder whether the fat got to his brain, occasionally. The truth is quite opposite.

>> No.18095507

chief keef?

>> No.18095513

You want them to read it because you want them to think he was a Muslim, which is just implied baselessly in the book

>> No.18095525

the title itself is bait. the subject of Evola being a secret Sufi is an insignificant part of the book.

>> No.18095590
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Evola on China

>> No.18095621

Can you read it if you haven't read Evola?

>> No.18095626


>> No.18095633
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>> No.18095655


>> No.18095658

>Lama is a brave man
In selling bullshite fad of le pursuit of happiness to western retards?

>> No.18095666

woah, no hating on the Dalai Lama in /lit/ buddy
check out the Martin Scorsese film, Kundun, and report back after (and apologize).
this book actually is a great starting point

>> No.18095675
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>> No.18095692

Fuck of you dumb retard
Anyone who sells fad of happiness is a hack.

>> No.18095695

how is he selling fads, retard

>> No.18095702

he's just a pessimist cuck ignore him

>> No.18095718
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>> No.18095719

Alright you've convinced me, I'm getting this book
>That dumb ox! He was so obese, I wonder whether the fat got to his brain, occasionally.

>> No.18095725

enjoy! it's a light and easy read too

>> No.18095751

i'll read it too, looks interesting

>> No.18095793
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>> No.18095804
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>> No.18095825
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>> No.18095974

You have so far to travel

>> No.18096277
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good thread in so far
is (pic rel) accurate?

>> No.18096307

I don't think so, Mystery of the Grail is a good book but was written as a "sequel" to Rvolt so I don't understand why the chart starts there. Snd then to follow up with Hermetic Tradition makes no sense since that's one of his densest books.
I'd suggest starting with Revolt, or Metaphysics of War if you just want to dip your toes in.

>> No.18096319
File: 3.81 MB, 6161x5009, Guenon_recc_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's good enough, I would start with Metaphysics of War first, as it is a light read. then you can kind of hop around depending on your interests, so long as you end with Path of Cinnabar

I would try to familiarize myself with Guenon, before you dive in too deep.

maybe start with Against the Modern World by Mark Sedgwick, as it is a an overview of the entire Traditional school.

>> No.18096342

How am I supposed to pronounce this? Like high-lllllll-eeeeeeee? It's supposed to be hiiiiiiiiiighly imo

>> No.18096364

>maybe start with Against the Modern World by Mark Sedgwick, as it is a an overview of the entire Traditional school.
But not a good one so I wouldn't recommend this book. But otherwise fine advice.
As for Guenon, not quite necessary to understand Evola if you read Revolt (since it is directly based on Guenon's writings), but on the other hand Guenon did write some excellent books so no reason not to.

>> No.18096427

Allow me to break it down for you:

>> No.18096448


>> No.18096449
File: 293 KB, 1280x868, Cole Thomas - The Course of the Empire; The Consummation (1836) 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Revolt it is.
>>maybe start with Against the Modern World by Mark Sedgwick, as it is a an overview of the entire Traditional school.
>But not a good one so I wouldn't recommend this book. But otherwise fine advice.
Why not?

>> No.18096470

the OP book may not be a bad starting place either, as it will allow you to see how Evola-chan thinks and views various subjects.
good luck though, I got filtered the first time reading him

>> No.18096482

if you're familiar with the Third Reich or Fascist thought, Notes on the Third Reich or Fascism Viewed from the Right may be your best bet

>> No.18096544

>dems are the real racists

>> No.18096641

ok thank you
I think I'll read all of him, but they are topics that interest me so I might check it out earlier

>> No.18096674

Doctrine of Awakening is another great one. I never gave Buddhism much thought until reading the book.

>> No.18096870

Honestly Evola hasn't written a single bad book.

>> No.18096905

My guy just roasted Aquinas like it was nothing
Mega based

>> No.18096909

you can probably get away with reading "The Essential Rene Guenon" or something. But consider checking him out because Evola was influenced by him more than anyone else.

>> No.18097190

I thought the handbook for rightwing youth would be a good intro to evola and I fucking hated it and put it down
Any good intro recs?
He's too influential at the moment to not learn more about

>> No.18097227


>> No.18097231

Read Metaphysics of War instead

>> No.18097546

I've had the 13 yo grade idea that the only way for civilized nations to remain stable is to start friendly wars routinely for some time
Seems interesting thanks

>> No.18097605
File: 700 KB, 3664x2776, Hitlers Green Party_021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On the subject of of Fascist beliefs, I'd once again like to plug my work-in-progress attempt at renovating and reprinting Anna Bramwell's 'Walther Darre and Hitler's Green Party'. I'm roughly halfway through typesetting and correcting issues. Hoping to have a proof copy in the next week or two. For anyone interested in green/eco-fasc, this is an honest-to-god tour de force with information I haven't seen in ANY other book on the Third Reich.

Such a rich field and people only focus on military tactics and two or three guys. What a shame.

>> No.18097622

Let's gooooooooooooooo
Finding Darré's works or /lit/ about him in English is impossible. Very based.

>> No.18097638
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Originally, when I saw Bramwell's book was going for $300+ I was demoralized, but then I found that a man named Dr. von Peters on Lulu had typeset David L. Hoggan's 'The Forced War' and it was only $40. It was like a come-to-Jesus moment and I knew that instead of bemoaning the unavailability of Bramwell's book that I was the one who had to fix it.

It's a labor of love and I am enjoying the hell out of it.

>> No.18097710

good stuff brah. What were the most interesting tidbits about Darré that you picked up from the reading?

>> No.18097742


Generally his adamant and philosophical opposition to Junkerism and dedication to a sort of Neo-pagan germanic yeomanry. This is a guy who did his best because he truly believed in what he was doing. Not a party lackey and he was ousted for it.

I'm going to release the revised PDF for free soon, and the book will be available at cost from Lulu in paperback when it's ready. I'm hoping they won't charge too much, but whatever their baseline price is will be the final cost -- I'm not looking for any royalties.

>> No.18097772

Darré was a unique guy that gets underlooked too often within nazi /lit/ circles. I look forward to your PDF and I will definitely be reading it :)

>> No.18097788
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I really appreciate your interest. If I get 5-10 sales/downloads I will feel like I've made an impact by helping this forgotten knowledge return to life.

>> No.18098068

should one read plato/aristotle before evola?

>> No.18098120


>> No.18098151

what else

>> No.18098155

Nietzsche and especially Guenon

>> No.18098166
File: 120 KB, 780x1200, Get_Your_Shit_Straight_Starter_Kit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i read some comparative mythology too? like pic related

>> No.18098179

no, but he does talk about Greek and Roman paganism a lot

>> No.18098190

ok, i have a long reading list then.

>> No.18098205

You don't have to read all that before, but you will get filtered if you don't understand Evola's concept of Tradition.

>> No.18098208
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opinions on Miguel Serrano Fernandez?

>> No.18098220

If you can help, I'm looking for his memoirs so I can translate them into English and release them for the first time.

Memorias de Él y Yo, v. I, II, III, IV

>> No.18098222

You're fine to jump straight into Evola.

>> No.18098272

Literally prophecy-tier on every dimension.
What the hell is this?
Did Evola really say all this?

>> No.18098277


>> No.18098314

Excellent, I have added this to the backlog. Thank you.

>> No.18098417

I'm halfway through Grail and it's interesting. But... uh... how do I say this...
Do you guys actually believe this?

>> No.18098423
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>> No.18098442

ask specific questions
based, I love reading about the SS connections with Tibetan Buddhism

>> No.18098444

What he talks about, yes.
How he talks about it, not quite everything.

>> No.18098519

Yes but the order of those books doesn’t totally matter

>> No.18098554
File: 58 KB, 840x692, EvolaOnDoriangray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a enjoyer of both Wilde and Evola, and someone who tried to synthesize there views though paradoxically in my own writings, this fascinates me. Evola understood the concept of tyrannical beauty.

>> No.18098573

I ordered the Picture of Dorian Gray immediately after I read that bit. Great catch

>> No.18098587
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He really was magical, wasn't he.

>> No.18098588

>Dorian Gray joins the SS
Let's make this movie bros...

>> No.18098595

Definitely some Dorian Gray vibes

>> No.18098618
File: 243 KB, 900x1264, the_picture_of_dorian_gray_by_shiita_d2dz061-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's a beautiful book. The funny thing is DG had a huge influence on my the writing style of one of my short stories and it's characters, but I took them themes of RATM. I'm not sure if Evola would like what I did with his ideas, I just reengineered them for my own "purposes."

>> No.18098631
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Yeah it's understated how good looking he was, good hair and strong face, he really did the baron look well.

>> No.18098671

Accurate, to say nothing of Inner Mongolia holding the bulk of the Mongol ethnos — Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires, and the Red Han will see his Belt & Road languish in its clutches— Russia in particular will see to this; they are next on the demographic Lebensraum menu, should their ‘strategic partner’ succeed in their bioweapon mediated denuding of the Pacific Rim

>> No.18098839
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Very nice anon. Is that drawing yours?

>> No.18098852
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>‘So what? Victory lies in the fighting itself, not in the end result. That is at best a contingent fact. St Thomas Aquinas’ teleological mania deceived him when he wrote that war for its own sake would be stupid. That dumb ox! He was so obese, I wonder whether the fat got to his brain, occasionally. The truth is quite opposite.

>> No.18098876

I wish lol, I can't draw for nothing, I just write about pretty things.

>> No.18098888

Gonna need a source on that please

>> No.18098905
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>> No.18098915
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checked. it's from the OP book

>> No.18099820

I shall call her Mirella. We had met during a debate at Rome University. Mirella was a petite brunette, with an infectious laughter and a turned-up nose. Of course, we were hardly on the same ideological wavelength but just looking at her made me quite crazy. I could not get her out of my mind. I knew I had to go to bed with her but it looked like a hopeless, impossible endevour. And yet, Mirella dominated my thoughts day and night. I confided in Evola, feeling quite stupid about it. He was not one for romantic attachments, I knew. Still, he listened to me and then said: ‘Well, there may be a way...’ What? Was the magus going to suggest a magical incantation, a love potion? I shuddered inwardly at the thought. I was not going to buy that! I should not have worried. Evola coul be quite earthy, pragmatic: ‘You could tell her you want to become Marxist-Leninist. Ask her to help you in that...’ It sounded implausible. Would Mirella really be as naive as that? ‘Well, it depends’, he observed, shrewdly. ‘If she fancies you, she will be glad of an excuse to go to bed with you. If she doesn’t, you will at least realise there is no point in going on hurting yourself over her.’

>> No.18100068
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Dam this thread comfy

>> No.18100366


>> No.18100708

What Evola is to normies, Serrano is to Evolians

>> No.18100768

>Victory lies in the fighting itself, not in the end result. That is at best a contingent fact.
Imagine actually thinking this. It means quite literally everything you fight for is just some ideological virtue signaling. It's as bad as saying knowledge for the sake of knowledge is a worth while pursuit. Instead of what deeds you can accomplish with that knowledge. Thanks for posting that quote of him. I know now that as soon as someone mentions evola I can confirm he is a pseud.

>> No.18100785

Except that's not at all what he meant by that. Again Evola filters the brainlets.

>> No.18100810

You sound like a pseud yourself

>> No.18101475

>t. dumb ox and so obese
Is that fat getting to your brain again?

>> No.18101530
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>> No.18101657

Where would you guys put the new book Arktos released? I believe it was called metaphysics of power

>> No.18101666

If you've read Revolt you can move on to most of his work but it's probably a good thing to read Metaphysics of War and/or Men Among the Ruins first.

>> No.18101696

>metaphysics of power
I haven't read it but probably after metaphysics of war??

>> No.18101753
File: 1.48 MB, 2205x2289, EvolaWiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thread
also reminder that normies still try to portray him in the "worst light" possible

>> No.18101776
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>also reminder that normies still try to portray him in the "worst light" possible
You know it's bullshit when they use like 6 citations for a single bit. Here's a good example of Molymeme in the first sentence: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stefan_Molyneux

>> No.18101873

wich authors should one read before starting with Evola

>> No.18101883
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>> No.18101889

and before Guenon

>> No.18101894

Familiarity with (Indo-)European mythology and history helps. Also Guenon but it's not absolutely necessary if you start with Revolt, you can read him after Evola as well.
Why are zoomers so retarded?

>> No.18101902

Guenon is the only prereq. But you don't have to do a full dive of Guenon either, just familiarize yourself with Tradition.

>> No.18101906

yeah this

>> No.18101921

haha, I'll start addresing him like that

And any reactionary author (de Maistre, Thomas Carlyle, etc.)

>> No.18101926

any general indoeuropean mythology book, i'm only familiarized with Greek and Nordic mythos

>> No.18101944
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>> No.18101955

No need to go overboard with prerequisites. As others have said here, studying Guenon and Traditionalism first will ensure you won't get filtered by Evola.
>Guenon is the great master of the 20th century

>> No.18101987

Yeah, the Muslims really are a spanner in the works with how their women are getting mandatory Han husbands and their men are working in concentration camps.

>> No.18102011

Literally incredible. Unbelievable
Something this accurate has to be corroborated by an additional source. It's impossible to currently put one's faith in

>> No.18102014

Well the west getting involed is kind of annoying to them.

>> No.18102076

I haven't found a good one that covers it all, but if you just read up on Roman mythology a bit you'll probably be fine.

>> No.18102162

On the topic that is Evola, they aren't obligatory.
Though they are very much needed overall in philosophy.

>> No.18102262

>‘Never mind. Plato gives a hint towards the end of his Republic . People had said that his ideal society was utopian, unrealisable but he did not let their criticisms bother him unduly. His ideal state, he countered, was “a pattern laid up in h eaven . Anyone who wishes it can see it and found it in his own heart.” The vision is what matters. It could be a suitable epitaph for my own life...As I look back on it, I have to conclude that, in the pragmatic sense, I have had no success whatever. But, like Plato, I have bequeathed a vision on kindred souls who will study me in future . That suffices me.’
yfw the author is literally addressing you

>> No.18102367

>‘Ataturk, however, is bound to lose out in the end. You cannot totally sever the connection between a people worth his name and its ancestral roots. The day will come when Ataturk too will be knocked off his throne...What is repressed invariably returns. But the true father of the Turkish nation is Islam. Muhammad, if you like. Never mind how repressed such heritage may be in today’s secular Turkey, within your lifetime things will change radically. Remember what I am telling you. I t will be so.’
There's no way this guy is real. How did he predict such things?

>> No.18102392

Perhaps he had incredible foresight into human nature in relation to politics and religion

>> No.18102395
File: 2 KB, 125x112, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros, he's literally a prophet...
how did he do it....

>> No.18102417

I am seriously wondering whether these were actually Evola's words.

>> No.18102431
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Would an Anglican priest lie to you?

>> No.18102438

Interesting bit

>> No.18102455

Mother fucker just can’t stop being right
He can’t keep getting away with this

>> No.18102485

Please spam the shit out of /lit/ with this when you finish so I don’t miss it

>> No.18102507

The Uyghurs are literally being destroyed right now.

>> No.18102523

They read Evola in China

>> No.18102529
File: 559 KB, 3224x2772, comparison_He_and_I_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will. Miguel Serrano's 'He and I'/'Him and Me' Volume I, in English for the first time, also COMING SOON™ to a shitty self-publishing company near you!

>> No.18102537

very nice anon, there is so much untranslated Serrano /lit/ out there. glad to see people like you taking action.

>> No.18102548
File: 54 KB, 400x584, Bundesarchiv_Bild_119-2179,_Walter_Richard_Darré.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the old masters like to say, "If it was easy, somebody would already have done it."

>> No.18102559

>seriously...why do so many people automatically trust an Englishman? That race takes undue credit for trustworthiness but shiftiness is more to the point .True centres of spiritual initiation in England are rare – their whole famed Empire was a counting house , it says a lot. Accountants running an Empire!

>> No.18102622

I'm very exited
I had already responded to one of your threads, a few days ago, where you asked for more books to translate; at the time I responded I couldn't remember any. But now I would ask you if you could do a quick edition of "Essay on the Generative Principle of Political Constitutions and other Human Institutions" by Joseph de Maistre.
I can't find any books other than this link (which isn't a physical edition, or even a good digital one for that matter)

>> No.18102684

Is English your native tongue?
How much does doing translation work help you with foreign languages?

>> No.18102723
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Not quite, if anything it's a little backwards. It would be better to start with one of his more "individualist" works: Doctrine of Awakening, Yoga of Power, Intro to Magic, etc. These give you a good taste of what Tradition looks like for *you*, the reader. The political stuff might be a bit dazzling, but it's putting the cart before the horse. It's also kind of a waste, since of course you, sitting at your desk reading this stuff, have no hope of reviving le Imperium in your lifetime (something his later book Ride the Tiger acknowledges). But the paths of Buddhism, Tantrism, Mithraism, Hermeticism, etc. are all accessible to you. Supposing that you really do still want to read his political works later, you'll go into them with a much better background for his methodology than you'd have from Mystery of the Grail or Metaphysics of War.

>> No.18102732

What was Evola's view on prostitution?

>> No.18102739
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Good question, idk. But the author from the OP book said that pic related was Evola's best book.

>> No.18102811

It is, and quite a bit. I'm leaning on mechanical translation and assistance from Spanish-speaking friends, and I feel like this kind of immersive learning is key to going beyond the middle-school-level rote translation. I think the preservation of meaning is more important than preservation of prose when it comes to works of history.

I saved that page. I think since that source is not typeset like a book would be it might be hard to assemble it into one, but I could certainly try. There's already a decent amount of stuff in the backlog, so don't expect anything too soon.

>> No.18102859

Spengler and Tocqueville do the same thing, and they had some accurate predictions. It seems if you know enough about a people people groups and their culture, you can do somewhat accurate prediction how things will pass.

>> No.18102871
File: 942 KB, 1744x1163, Ivan Aivazovsky - Embankment of Orient city (1851).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I saved that page. I think since that source is not typeset like a book would be it might be hard to assemble it into one, but I could certainly try. There's already a decent amount of stuff in the backlog, so don't expect anything too soon.
Alright, thank you anon! Spam the Walther Darré book when it comes out!

>> No.18102894

Will do. I hope it stays up for a while. The Kensal Press no longer exists and I expect that the rights for the book are floating somewhere in the aether. I'm not even so sure that Mrs. Bramwell is still with us.

>> No.18103241

We need an alternative wikipedia

>> No.18103313

>communism is contrary to human nature and wont last
>people who dont destroy their own cultures will perform better than those who do
Whoa so deep

>> No.18103340

Which would still be brigaded by paid shills and commie autists.

>> No.18103383

>justified rape
>demanded absolute submission from women
>admired SS head Heinrich Himmler
>referred to himself as a superfascist

This is a pretty hilariously inaccurate summation of his views, but imagine thinking any of these things are negatives.

>> No.18103455

That's quite true, unfortunately...
>but imagine thinking any of these things are negatives
haha yeah

>> No.18103701

>‘ In Germany, a certain history professor I met at the Herrenclub told me there was a bizarre story going around. It regarded Hitler’s schooldays in Linz. Apparently he was a contemporary there with another boy, a Jew. There is a reference to that lad in Mein Kampf , but no name is given . Hitler and that boy detested and fought each other like wildcats . It was not the kind of ordinary dislike, even hatred, that children are prone too. There was more to it. Secretly, each admired , each was envious of the other. Each obscurely felt the other was destined to great things, to make a unique impact on the world. Each found that thought unbearable. At last they swore a strange pact. Each vowed to the other that his achievements were going to be the greater , superior ones. From that moment they stopped fighting openly but the struggle went on in their minds, in their hearts.’ Evola paused, looked at me sharply. I was han ging on his lips. I wondered what he was leading up to: “Which boy outdid the other, then?” He smiled o ne of his thin , taut smile s . ‘ Well, we know what Hitler did. What he tried to do. We also know how he failed dismally. The other boy, however, no one knows anything about. My professor said there were rumours...apparently he became a philosopher. His name and putative accomplishments have remained obscure, however. No one seemed to know. Presumably, he failed, too. It leaves plenty of space for speculations but...rather unsatisfactory, don’t you think?’
The name of that boy? Ludwig Wittgenstein.

>> No.18103709
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that's some Marvel origin story shit

>> No.18103746
File: 228 KB, 387x409, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh... christ

>> No.18104000

Falsehood. ENd of

>> No.18104040

Deputy Keef

>> No.18104261

finally a quality thread
please continue

>> No.18104289
File: 664 KB, 600x900, magic3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this will be published this year

>> No.18104325
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>Hitler had to re-sit his mathematics exam before being allowed into a higher class, while Wittgenstein was moved forward by one, so they ended up two grades apart at the Realschule.
I'm losing my fucking mind how did I not know about this

>> No.18104958


>> No.18104997

High IQ Jew vs low IQ g*rmling.

>> No.18105501

Let's have some deep discussions on Evola's ideas late night /lit/
In your opinion, what is the best path for a Traditional Imperium in America? What does this state look like? How do we get there?

>> No.18105621

Im so fucking drunk boys
I've been drinking all night and now it's 4:48, how do I reconcile Evola with this

>> No.18105634

what's up Europoor, Evola would approve of your Dionysian attempt to alter your consciousness, so long as you are doing it in a TRADITIONAL manner. What are you drinking?

>> No.18105660

everything, whiskey bailey vodka beer but nothing atm, I just want to go home

>> No.18105895

field party?

>> No.18105906

First we need to take make distinctions between homo sapiens, humans, demons, and anarchs. Then we take political power away from everyone except anarchs. A monastic jail system is created for demon control. Mandatory service for youths, which is extremely important. I wrote short essays on these things if you're interested.

>> No.18105976

post em

>> No.18105983

>A monastic jail system
isn't this what Joseph Smith advocated for?

>> No.18106013

I don't know much about Joseph Smith

>There is a difference between human and homo sapien, just as there are layers to development and mode of being. One is born a homo sapien by default. Our choices and behavior have no bearing on it. It is pure animal form, a descriptor of an evolutionary state. A homo sapien can be a cannibal, running wild through the forest, twitching and scratching at trees. A homo sapien can be without language or custom. A homo sapien is born; a human is learned.

>We are all homo sapien. We are not all human. The standard to be human is relatively low. It includes deceit, treachery, and every kind of vice—but also language and social etiquette requirements that even psychopaths follow, because they would not be able to manipulate without them. Think of yin and yang. Mesopotamians believed that homo sapiens were made from the blood of a demon—the Old Testament has original sin. This means that we have the potential for malevolence and majesty. Human is a purgatory of low virility: stable enough to be a slave; clever enough to tread water.

Skipping ahead...

>Every garden will have a snake eventually—a holy society must know how to control demons when they slip through the cracks. Exorcism is sensitive, dangerous, sympathetic, and highly complex. Any exorcist order is ripe for corruption. If a society is not responsible enough to have one, then its warriors must kill demons swiftly and mercilessly. They appear to be human but are not. Let them run free and suffering will abound. Imprisoning them in a horrid space and hoping that the host, with no tools or outside aid, will vanquish the demon is an absurd plan.

>There must be a monastic order dedicated to exorcising demons and rehabilitating humans. It must be a beautiful, secluded fortress, full of light and holy objects that function, as one force among many, to remind the host of the transcendent and burn the demon away. Demons crave darkness, silence, and hiding. They are destroyed by physical, mental, and spiritual beauty. Physical beauty is cleanliness, ordered appearance, proper diet, noble animals, majestic architecture, art, and music that causes the mind to worship burning virility and look above. Mental beauty is honourable thought. Spiritual beauty is honourable action. Wrap the demon in a gauze of beauty. Every angle of the majestic monastery provides a mirror—the host can see what they are if they were strong enough to allow it. Show the mantle of godhood. Provide the weight of expectation and the means to accept it. No matter if the demon damages these beautiful works: it is another data point for assessment and good reason to craft something beautiful—the attack causes an outpouring of holy virility as certain as the sun. In this way, demons are defeated by healing, growing, enhancing, facilitating the host’s virility, their natural immune system.

The rest of it https://woland.substack.com/p/demon-control

>> No.18106023

>Rehabilitated humans are introduced back into society by degrees through a series of beautiful monastic orders until they transcend human, re-enter the moral center, and their virility aligns with the holy society, at which time they are celebrated as a new birth or a warrior triumphant after years of weary war. Their virility is assessed by gradually giving them more responsibility: plants to tend; growing food; animals to care for; physical fitness; craftsmanship, and so on. Youths may witness but not work in these places. The monasteries must have abundant food and gymnasiums. They may be used by people who feel a demon scratching at their door and find it dangerously seductive. But as always, and not infrequently, some demons must be killed. The fine details of this custom may or may not be addressed later (it is not all that interesting.)

>> No.18106040
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yeah bro, you're basically Joseph Smith lol
you sure you are LDS?

>> No.18106047


>> No.18106062

I know almost nothing about them. They aren't active in my area.

>> No.18106076

>Smith advocated reforming the penal system by mostly abolishing prisons, including debtor's prisons, and using the buildings for "seminaries of learning" so that intelligence would banish barbarism. Smith suggested reforming criminals through "reason and friendship" and wrote, "Petition your State legislatures to pardon every convict in their several penitentiaries, blessing them as they go, and saying to them, in the name of the Lord, Go thy way, and sin no more. Advise your legislators, when they make laws for larceny, burglary, or any felony, to make the penalty applicable to work upon roads, public works, or any place where the culprit can be taught more wisdom and more virtue, and become more enlightened." Smith advocated elimination of courts martial, proposing that deserters instead be given their pay and dishonorably discharged, never again to merit the nation's trust.

>> No.18106172

You should read Plato anyway.

>> No.18106173

That’s similar. It might have many variations in different religious orders and cultures. But I can’t say for sure.

>> No.18106703

Where? What publisher?

>> No.18106865

Inner Traditions, same publisher who does most of his esoteric books.

>> No.18106917

Thank you!

>> No.18107154
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>> No.18107162

>what is the best path for a Traditional Imperium in America
impossible it has no deep tradition infact it is almost inherently Marxist in that it only formed its identity on rebellion from a monarch

>> No.18107719

last bump

>> No.18107786

Opinions on philosophicat's revolt against the modern world series?

>> No.18107804

I still think it's weird a woman would be ok talking about Evola

>> No.18107834

Some woman actually prefer traditional lifestyle. For example, my aunt, is a biology phd and she had a job at a lab, she was supposed to be the next manager. In the end she decided to care for her two childs instead of a career

>> No.18107838

Sometimes a bit cringy but overall a good exposition of the ideas in the book
Such is the state of the world, if men are too pussy to do it it's up to people like her.

>> No.18107848

Evola loved women and treated them well.
Everything you hear about him in 2021 is mostly slander

>> No.18107854

>Some woman actually prefer traditional lifestyle.
Yes, yes. I have both my grandmothers as an example.
But there's a big difference between traditional and Traditionalist (or Perennialist). The latter advocating (to some extent) a warrior cast which subbordinates women. Thankfully these women exist - more patriarchal focused.

>> No.18107867

Unfortunately so. Tell me what you think of my (pic)
>Evola loved women and treated them well.
Never really argued the contrary.
Did he have kids? I never found out.

>> No.18107870

I don't know, I don't have much of an opinion. It just seems odd, although her enthusiasm and effort is at least commendable. I haven't watched enough of her videos to know what her overall understanding is. The only criticism I remember having was that parts, at least the introduction, of one of her videos seemed to be approaching the topic via romanticism of the past, which isn't what Evola or any of the Traditionalists condoned.

>> No.18107873
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dammit, forgot the pic
not evola, but it's still on topic

>> No.18108189
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we have freemasonry though
I know Evola doesn't approve of it, but Guenon kind of does

>> No.18108363

Kek, leaving a labcoat job and becoming a mother is not the same as being a Traditionalist mystic based kabbalah inspired quasi crowleyian wiccan nigga hermenutic pilled alpha wife

>> No.18108421
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Lord, I wish my design skills weren't tragic and I could make a book cover.

>> No.18108431

are you this anon >>18097605 ?

>> No.18108444
File: 687 KB, 1146x1737, 0aaf7cf1d630fa7c40cf324e3f11197a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one and only.

>> No.18108596

I think the cover's pretty good
I especially like the soft swastika

>> No.18108611


It was something I did last night at 1am when I couldn't sleep. My idea was a sort-of inversion of the Reich flag, with a green forest backdrop. I might try to rework it.

>> No.18108634

I would get rid of the swastika over his face and put it somewhere in the red space. nothing catches a reader's eye than a swastika! old publishing trick.

>> No.18108753

He had a few illigetimate ones in Argentina

>> No.18108791
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Here's another variation on the theme.

>> No.18108837
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Another potential variant on that same theme. Less clashing, I think.

>> No.18108864
File: 149 KB, 500x755, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the first one the best. Darré isn't one of the recognizable faces, so I like version 1 over 3 - when it comes to face size.
I just think having a swastika on the red part will catch the reader's eye. like pic related

>> No.18108877
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>Darré isn't one of the recognizable faces
If only I could go back and change history...

>> No.18108970
File: 82 KB, 957x710, EvolaUighurs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sad. As if the CCP read Evola and saw it as a warning. Where first they only suppressed Uyghur culture, they are currently trying to completely destroy the Uyghurs' Islamic spirit with their concentration camps, separating families and complete control over Uyghur youth.

>> No.18108971

This one feels most appropriate for a book about nature to me. Red and green together I associate with Christmas. Nice idea to republish it, anyway. One of very few books in English to mention Johann von Leers.

>> No.18108975

I like this one best
Also this >>18108971

>> No.18109092

It really is a great book, and there has been much kvetching since its release, which is how you KNOW it's good.

>> No.18109474

From what I've seen her understanding is good enough, but yeah some of the "aesthetics" are somewhat off

>> No.18110291

I guess we'll have to get behind the Dalai Lama now instead

>> No.18110496
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He has my sword

>> No.18110509

check this out

>> No.18110543

Yeah, I watched that film with Brad Pitt

>> No.18110694
File: 223 KB, 1079x1351, 8e55732a40deb95bea6db0c90c03d37f39f098e38ac595fc4326035e5824c8fd_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18110730


>> No.18111215

I appreciate your interest in the project. It really gives me the drive & enthusiasm to continue this work.

>> No.18111225

make sure to spam it in /nsg/ on /pol/ too

>> No.18111263

I want to, but people on /pol/ do not really seem to be readers. I pitched the Bramwell project there as well and the reception was lukewarm, at best. People really need to understand that the green revolution is not merely a leftoid bugman invention.

>> No.18111277

>people on /pol/ do not really seem to be readers
correct, but you'll find an enclave of readers on /nsg/ who will be interested in your work.
that said, nu-/pol/ will be unfamiliar with Darré, but it's worth a shot and your work could be added to many of the MEGA folders

>> No.18111365

Godspeed anon. I really would like to give to the community but with college I am overwhelm. I hope to be around when you will finish so I can consult your work and if decent and the physical copy is esthetic I will consider acquiring/purchasing it.
How will you share with us when you have completed what you want to do; and how ought we know when it is available? By threads on /lit/ or a website or a video?

>> No.18111372

>How will you share with us when you have completed what you want to do; and how ought we know when it is available? By threads on /lit/ or a website or a video?

I'll make a thread on /lit/. I'm going to upload the PDF to libgen for free, and the physical copies of the books will be available from Lulu at cost, zero royalties.

>> No.18111758

an actual decent Evola thread without shills. a rarity.

>> No.18113058 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 220x326, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-2004-0825-502,_Dr._Johann_von_Leers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Von Leers
Dysgenic physiognomy

>> No.18113412


>> No.18113454

Can someone post the jung one? I can't find it.

>> No.18113571

At what age is it too late to try and initiate myself into this intellectual world. Should I just succumb to normie retardation?

>> No.18114004


>> No.18114184
File: 347 KB, 500x750, 5467890[.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use something floral

>> No.18114626

Walther Darré is generally unkown and his message can be very appealing to anyone who isnt a liberal progressive, therefore i would try not to scare normies away with a swastika, maybe use a life rune or a black sun instead?

>> No.18114633

Yes, hes also an identitarian.

>> No.18114640


>> No.18114701

Welp, so much for the wiggers.

>> No.18114885

That's not such a bad idea. I'll toy with some other cover ideas and see what works best in the format.

That said, that'll only get them past the cover. They'll find out pretty quickly that Darre was a member of the NSDAP.

>> No.18114946

That's not a question that a warrior would ask. Too late I guess.

>> No.18115193

try Raido's World of Tradition

>> No.18115239

Based and floralpilled

>> No.18116425

QRD on that book?

>> No.18116449


>> No.18116640

That's definitely an option. I could also possibly come up with a generic theme to release my books under, so that they'd go together on the shelf like Penguins.

>> No.18116676

Hitler had a fucking shounen rival...

>> No.18117235

I think he meant Raido's Handbook of Traditional Living, the first half is a summary of Evola's Traditionalism (Revolt Against the Modern World), the second half is how to apply it to your practical life. Decent little book.

>> No.18117300


Evola lived until 1974. None of the stuff you're seeing in the news about China and Tibet and the Uyghurs is new at all. They were dealing with the same issues back then, and dealing with them before Evola was even born. But he's Nostradamus.

>> No.18117321

No fucking way lmao. Actually kind of cool.

>> No.18117380

Might buy it. Thank you!

>> No.18117388

Yes perfect, thanks m8

>> No.18117410
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>> No.18117675

Imagine being this much of a fucking larper.

>> No.18117719

Himmler was a daft fucking tool, and Evola should be glad the SS treated him with some amount of suspicion.

>> No.18118176

Anime adaptation when?

>> No.18118244

Not a problem at all. If you'd like to contribute to the project, I am looking for Horst Gies' "Richard Walther Darre: Der 'reichsbauernfuhrer', Die Nationalsozialistische 'blut Und Boden'-Ideologie Und Hitlers Machteroberung" in PDF format.

>> No.18118256

>There is a reference to that lad in Mein Kampf
Found the reference:
>Likewise at school I found no occasion which could have led me to change this inherited picture. At the Realschule, to be sure, I did meet one Jewish boy who was treated by all of us with caution, but only because various experiences had led us to doubt his discretion and we did not particularly trust him; but neither I nor the others had any thoughts on the matter.
Digging deeper I found a book by Kimberley Cornish that postulates that Adolf Hitler's political success was the direct result of applying Wittgenstein's metaphysics of mind (taken from Schopenhauer) to mass media technology. In fact, Wittgenstein played a crucial role in bringing down Hitler.
>Wittgenstein was responsible for the secret of decrypting the German "Enigma" code being passed to Joseph Stalin, which resulted ultimately in the Nazi defeats on the Eastern Front and liberation of the surviving Jews from the camps.
fascinating stuff.

>> No.18118328

>but only because various experiences had led us to doubt his discretion
What if
Guys, hear me out here,
What if the shoah was inspired by Wittgenstein bullying Hitler in school
stick with me-
Wittgenstein's quietism was inspired by Hitler bullying Wittgenstein in school.
It all makes sense.

>> No.18119373

If I want to understand Evolas post war ethos, which books should I read. I find him a fascinating figure but feel like I will lose interest in a guy that is the "fascist intellectual". I unironically want to hear black pilled Evola

>> No.18120558

Men Among the Ruins.

>> No.18121817

That is only really necessary for the spine of the book though. The front and back can be different. Making them in a somewhat common theme however would still help them stand out I think

>> No.18122109

China inadvertently single handedly radicalized them. The Uyghurs were fairly laid back and secular, their conflict with China was nationalist. Now they have a significant jihadist diaspora, especially in ISIS, which is accruing a lot of ideology and training that will inevitably be imported back to China

>> No.18122676
File: 188 KB, 590x469, 1607283731895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's for (You)

>> No.18122683

I'd love an Epub of this.

>> No.18122701

what is the Evola reading order?

>> No.18122896

(Metaphysics of War) -> Revolt Against the Modern World -> Mystery of the Grail -> Men Among the Ruins -> Anything

>> No.18122920

solid order. you might get filtered with Revolt so I suggest you do some preliminary online research before reading it.

>> No.18122922

I hate his endless dick-sucking of Pisslam. I hope Iran goes back to Zoroastrianism and slaughters both the Muslims and Christians out of a revived Sassanian zeal. The possibility always exists.

>> No.18122929

>they are currently trying to completely destroy the Uyghurs' Islamic spirit with their concentration camps, separating families and complete control over Uyghur youth.

>> No.18122933

Yeah that's why I mentioned Metaphysics of War as possible starting point, it does the Revolt schtick but confined to a single topic that seems to appeal to many of the people interested in Evola. Also it's just a really good book.

>> No.18122937

only Sufism. here is an essay against Islam

>> No.18122973
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I could probably export it as an RTF and generate an EPUB from that which would preserve the headings and so on.

I do like the idea of a floral theme, though. There's a few other books on the eco-fasc theme I will likely release and also, flowers are aesthetically pleasing.

I answer the call of duty.

>> No.18122997

Sufism is trash too.

>> No.18123009

Not the heckin' Uyghurinos!

>> No.18123082

Islam > Communism
it's not even close

>> No.18123097

Islam = communism. Pure submission and ressentiment.

>> No.18123113

the ressentiment of communism is 2 orders of magnitude greater though. it's a chandala political religion

>> No.18123126

What race are all of you? This is important.

>> No.18123129

I don't like communism or capitalism either.
I don't know why it's so hard for people to create a new economic system, one that is preferably not connected to World Economic Forum, IMF, or World Bank. Just create a new form of currency, establish new rules or standards, etc.

>> No.18123131
File: 1.31 MB, 1080x743, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the race of masters

>> No.18123141
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x800, roth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's much easier said than done to completely decouple from the world financial system. the world financial system is the 8th wonder of the world. It's Rothschild's world, and we're just living in it.

>> No.18123165

It's not just Rothschilds, but there are other wealthy, powerful families like Rockefellers, Sassoons, Pallavicini, etc. They probably coordinate to some extent.

>> No.18123187

The only upside islam has over communism is that at least islam tries to be anti jew. They fail miserably though. Besides that, they're equally retarded.

>> No.18123203

>They probably coordinate to some extent.
obviously bruh. as cringe as QAnon is, there is some truth in Rothschilds/Rockefellers/House of Saud being at the top of the food chain.

>> No.18123605

how much of a philosophical background do i need to understand his work?

>> No.18123616

as mentioned ITT, you just need to be familiar with Guenon's concept of Tradition. you don't even have to read him beforehand (you probably will after if you like Evola) but just search the archive for Tradition/Guenon threads

>> No.18123619

Basic familiarity with Plato, Aristotle and Nietzsche help. But I'd say mythology is more important to Evola's theses than philosophy proper.
If you read carefully and look up concepts you're unfamiliar with, Evola's pretty readable.

>> No.18123717

make a newsletter that we can signup for and get emailed when its done

>> No.18123737
File: 775 KB, 671x803, 1617790639932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is my newsletter :^)

Nonetheless, progress is coming along.

>> No.18123987

This was posted before but this youtube series can help if you watch them while reading along with Revolt, or on their own. The asthetics can be a bit cringy but the content is solid enough.

>> No.18124149
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>> No.18124170
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>> No.18124359

Sorry, I should have added a trigger warning.

>> No.18124489

Get Neetshit out of that image

>> No.18124499

to be fair, Nietzsche did specifically address and criticize Paul for this very thing.

>> No.18124528

Nietzsche liked Greco-Roman heroic values since they allign with the overman, so I don't think there is something wrong with the pic.
>inb4 he wasn't religious

>> No.18124604

good post

>> No.18124744


>> No.18124783

Here's Keith Woods video on Traditionalism. It's a good intro to Guenon

>> No.18124795

Spenglerian Caesarism which becomes something higher than that. Possible only if done by the right Man with proper backing.

If we read in on Evola's views on Fascism he clearly sees a potential for it to be something more. If we reach a Caesarist authoritarian period for the remainder of American history (likely imo, and within our lifetime) then there are a few pre-conditions:
Firstly, that the authoritarianism that takes root is led by and inherently is RW
Secondly, that the elites and esp. man in charge have a deep connection to the divine, to spiritual realities and Higher matters, and are willing to probe this to become worthy, transcend petty politics and establish a righteous Imperium Aeternitas.

TL:DR Charismatic strongman with divine backing leader + evola reading spiritually conscious elites

>> No.18124813

It's a very good project overall. High effort, good result.

>> No.18124900

I'd forgotten about that video, it's pretty good.

>> No.18125109

>In your opinion, what is the best path for a Traditional Imperium in America?
In my opinion, you've completely missed the point.
The anon who said Spenglerian Caesarism is the closest insofar as that's what's most realistically going to happen.
But that doesn't have a shred to do with the goals or ideals of the Traditionalists - and if Evola ever believed, before the war, that he stood a chance of influencing modern politics as a means to meet traditionalist ends, he was sorely mistaken and dispensed with the delusion in short order.
And that's all politics could possibly be. A means to an end, not the end in itself. If you think the Traditionalists were principally concerned with bringing about a certain wordly order then you've missed the point.

>> No.18125339

come on bro, if it isn't a TRADITIONAL IMPERIUM, then it's destined to be a material empire, like commie china. that's pure cringe bro. do you even Evola?

>> No.18125683

You're focusing on entirely the wrong "it"

>> No.18126000

just wanted to say this was a great thread and we need more /trad/ discussions here

>> No.18126036
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>> No.18126040




>> No.18126052

It means I can't contribute to that discussion cause I haven't read Schuon yet. I've read Evola, Guénon, Coomaraswamy and Burckhardt, but not Schuon yet.

>> No.18126066
File: 62 KB, 333x508, 13748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's basically somewhere in between Guenon and Coom. Doesn't say anything new but has nice prose. I recommend Light on the Ancient Worlds.

>> No.18126072
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the Coom man is very underrated, the dude was a genius. I've only read one of his books. I want to dive into Mircea Eliade next out of the Trads.

>> No.18126098

I like Schuon. He's more on the compassionate and merciful end of Traditionalism though still hates progress, whereas Guenon and Evola are more fire and brimstone.

>> No.18126102

Eliade is great but somewhat more of a "regular' scholar than the others mentioned above.

>> No.18126127

>I recommend Light on the Ancient Worlds.
I have "To Have a Center" and "Esoterism as Principle and as Way". I'll see how those two are first, but why particularly Light on the Ancient Worlds?

Yeah, Coom was hella intelligent and erudite and since practically all of his output is in the form of assorted journal articles written in a highly academic fashion, he's kind of dense to get through. Coomaraswamy's pros and cons are practically the same. He was very academic and laser-focused on the study and exposition of very specific and niche subject matters. The downside of that is you can't simply jump into his work with no prior reading, because he doesn't consistently expound the overarching framework in which the subject of a given essay fits. The pro is that he is the most respectable and least kooky of the lot. It's not like people looking up Evola and Eliade and seeing their attempts to influence their respective countries' fascist movements, nor is it like people looking up Schuon and coming across the sexual assault allegations from his weird commune. Coomaraswamy is the sort of guy you can reference (including in an academic and professional capacity) without risking committing career suicide.

As for Eliade, I need to re-read "The Sacred and the Profane" and "The Myth of the Eternal Return". They seemed very similar to one another such that I can't recall what I read in which, although Eliade himself recommended the latter as an introduction to his work.

>> No.18126150
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>why particularly Light on the Ancient Worlds?
I think it's a good entry into his style, but mostly just the diverse subject matter of the essays (christianity vs hellenic, native american shamanism among others). Good stuff.
>"The Sacred and the Profane" and "The Myth of the Eternal Return". They seemed very similar to one another such that I can't recall what I read in which
I ran into the same problem, they do overlap. But iirc the former focuses mostly on the spatial aspect, the latter the temporal. Both good books though.
Pic rel is also recommended, some decent essays by Schuon, Coom & Coom and many others.

>> No.18126177

that reminds me (before we reach bump limit), Nasr. I was looking at getting something by him, but a lot of his work doesn't seem to be all that highly rated. Any opinion on him?

>> No.18126191

No not really, I think all I've read from him was an essay in this book >>18126150 on religion vs science, from what I recall it was decent enough but nothing special.

>> No.18126194

yeah, specifically I want to read Eliade's Yoga book. I heard it's top of the line.

>> No.18126213

Esoterism As Principle and As Way, Logic and Transcendence, and Survey on Metaphysics and Esoterism are his most dense and hardest books to read and I would save them for last.

>> No.18126219

I'll start with To Have a Center then.

>> No.18126233

That's a good start too and it's easy enough to follow.

>> No.18126263

Good discussions, good thread. Thanks lads.