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/lit/ - Literature

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18094238 No.18094238 [Reply] [Original]


my oppression points:
Im a young woman
immigrant parents
bi(curious) lmaooo

How do i use the racial climate today in the US to help publish my poetry and romantic fiction? Should i start posting on social media? What would you do if you were me? I know it’s exploitative to use my race but black people are benefitting off of white guilt rn and i have wanted to be published for yearssss

>> No.18094243

will you give me money

>> No.18094249

>Im a young woman
post hands or else we're not answering your question

>> No.18094285

My nails aren’t done :/

>> No.18094293

>My nails aren’t done :/
doesn't matter, why would you be concerned about your nails? At least we're not asking for feet or tits

>> No.18094298

Do you like white cock or only black bulls

>> No.18094333

Can i send one finger

>> No.18094380

the whole point of you sending a picture in the first place is so that we can determine if you are a woman (or black) or not; if you are not both of those things, we ignore you due to your dishonesty and your thread dies for nothing. If you are being genuine, we give some recs and wish you good luck

>> No.18094392
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There’s my blurry finger
I’m scared of getting doxxed so sorry for the low quality pic

Give advice!!!

>> No.18094442

not that anon but
>read some Zadie Smith and Ralph Ellison, study how they approach racial matters without being too obvious about it
>integrate racial matters into your own work but don't make it the primary focus of your novel
>casually mention that you're a black woman when talking to literary agents and publishers, again don't make it too obvious

>> No.18094553

Thank you for the help!

My other question is if published poetry is even possible? I want to write about my life experiences but idk no agents represent poets

>> No.18094711

I would be a nobody and publish an audiobook on Amazon and sell kindle edition books. It's one and done and you shouldn't have to pay any recurring costs. Simply avoid social polemics and daintily address one public elephant in the room at a time in decisive measure. After that share excerpts with prospects that could be interested in. Eventually you become a better promoter of your stuff.

>> No.18094723

>romantic fiction
Should have no trouble with this. Just keep the love interest a whiteboi.

>> No.18095591

You're scum. Begone.

>> No.18095650
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you get into art for the coolness of it...not the money. good luck

>> No.18095684


>> No.18095764

Look for some online agents. Find the most liberal ones. I have seen screenshots where the have many preferences(obviously drenched in idpol bullshit). But if you are going to get published then at least put the elitist 4chan autism into it.

>> No.18095778


>> No.18095858

Play to the end Asian hate angle and write a bunch of poetry about how you lust for Asian male penis

>> No.18095902

You don’t think a Black or other POC interest would work? My own bf is hispanic so that would be the most natural for me to write...
I want to have my books read though... poetry isn’t sought after by agents
Okay. I’ll look for the lgbtq+ BIPOC ra ra rah types!!

>> No.18095938

I'm with u. If the work is good or easily appreciated by others then there is chance that you will be heard. If you're not, you have the fulfillment of making something you can call your own and say hey I am having fun doing this. Personally, if the stuff is good you will not need to please culture vultures like the fake woke progressives who really just want to make money off whoever they can...shine on your own merit, and if you don't you have a hobby, and hell who knows, you might discover a passion and that is more than what most people have certainty of. You go girl.

>> No.18095945

Leaving all the race shit aside, is your writing good? Are you writing things publishers would see an audience for?

The fact that you’re looking for some gimmick makes me worry you’re hoping someone will publish something not great b/c race. I doubt it.

If, however, you truly feel you’re as talented as many of the other published authors then it’s just a matter of luck and exposure (and that’s where social media etc could help).

Sci-fi and fantasy is a genre that was white dudes for the longest time, so they’ve intentionally been trying to find talent among new voices and perspectives. Idk what genre you write in, but if you’re a pioneer in a white dude dominated space, that may get traction.

Westerns? Historical fiction? Military history?

>> No.18095982
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One more thing...dignity ends where necessity begins, you know when that is for you and only you know the lengths that you will go to have your art exposed, how bad you need fame and fortune, I'm just warning you that there are MILLIONS like you. I can see you're earnest about your writing I just don't want another aspiring artist to be misled by the commentary of ideologues who have never done anything to help anyone or impact them in any meaningful way. Watch out for that.

I'm this guy btw >>18095650

Once more, I wish you the best :)

Pic related is the life of the average writer...Good or bad, that's reality. Don't sell out

>> No.18096029
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>> No.18096086
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This guy makes a good point...I sort of make this analogy:

I think that there are more women in the world that I would NOT want to ever even go on a first date with than women I would want to marry. Acting like this isn't the case is not affirming anything or making me seem like more of a man, it'd be overkill to go on with labels. Think that there are great musicians, dancers, chefs, writers, etc. everywhere, don't worry about labels and don't expect people to give you things.

>> No.18096151

Idk. Try reaching out to F. Gardner.

>> No.18096180

(Different anon) re whiteboi.
You can grift on protagonist feeling guilty about dating a white guy. Shit writes itself.

>> No.18096191

Thank you for the encouragement. It’s very motivating.
I believe the poetry is good and relatable and I just want others like me to read it... people who have had experiences like me. I listed all my oppression points because they really are part of what i write... not in some woke progressive lgbt bs way but it’s like real life IDK

The fiction book is a good idea but my prose isn’t the best. I really like my idea but i need to write more so i can have it written the way i want

unfortunately it’s not sci-fi... it has to do with african diaspora magic (the book) and girls discovering powers and whatnot... something i grew up wanting to see :(

i also wanted to write a vampire romance but LOL
I’m not trying to be JK Rowling a billionaire. Of course it would be a dream to live off of my writing but mostly it would just be a source of pride since 99% of writers are rejected by publishers...
You know how people grow up wanting to be popstars and basketball players? I wanted to be a published author lol

Aren’t beta readers editors kinda?

>> No.18096217
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>waah I want attention how do I be worthwhile
you can't be
you are genetic trash, you are not evolved to participate in civilization, you're evolved and bred to be a manual labor slave.
IQ studies prove what common sense always knew:

you will never be human and your pursuit to steal humanity will result in your annihilation

fucking nigger retard

>> No.18096222


>> No.18096228

yeah if i was so low iq i doubt I would have been accepted to medical school so try again. go away

>> No.18096234

I want to murder you for posting that pic. Post address in minecraft.

>> No.18096272
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>> No.18096288

Blacks get accepted with grades that whites and asians wouldn't stand a chance with.

>> No.18096308

lol you fucking retarded nigger

>> No.18096366

I think you made her sad, /lit/.
Hopefully she is strong enough to look past all the mean posts and educate herself to learn how useless she really is.

>> No.18096380

No, I’m not sad. I just got into medical school while anonymous posters are trying to make me sad. I was just waiting for more helpful posts.

>> No.18096413

You got a lot of helpful posts showing you statistics about how you likely didn't deserve to go to medical school.
If you weren't black you wouldn't have been accepted.

You are a leech on society and if you manage to graduate you will be a danger to society. You will likely not be as prepared as your peers because of the lower demands put on you by the school and by society because of your skin color.

>> No.18096437

What do those posts have to do with my original post regarding poetry and publishing? I have plenty of successful doctors in my family and I will be one as well. I hope you’re contributing to society and not just wasting your days online trying to trigger people like me! I’m ignoring anything regarding this going forward. Have a good day!

>> No.18096465

Bait topic.
Black people are too dumb to write without their Jewish backers.

>> No.18096468
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Well since you've been able to sort out that part of your life such that you are a doctor, congratulations. Art is a commitment, it's like going to the gym or practicing your analytical skills. There was a time in ancient Rome when they thought of people with blond hair and clear eyes to be uncoachable savages. I have faith that there will be more Black people joining the list of great people in history, you have shot with this life God gave you. Use it.

Much love, if you need anything else darling I'll be lurking this board.

>> No.18096490

You act like a nigger yourself too.

>> No.18096531

>Thank you for the encouragement. It’s very motivating.

I'm glad you found the time and courage to ask for help. I have a feeling you'll have something worth saying, otherwise you wouldn't have found this place. Go pursue your goals

>’m not trying to be JK Rowling a billionaire. Of course it would be a dream to live off of my writing but mostly it would just be a source of pride since 99% of writers are rejected by publishers...

But if they're good, they may get discovered sooner or later, that is not dead which eternal lies in shadows.

>You know how people grow up wanting to be popstars and basketball players? I wanted to be a published author lol

And I wanted to be a musician, still got my guitar next to me, it gives me some grounding to play, we live in a dualistic universe where we need to have a healthy mind to carry out our existence here the best we can, it doesn't have to be empirically defined.

>Aren’t beta readers editors kinda?

I am not sure what you mean by this. I think an editor is someone who is employed to read and make notes and corrections to a draft. If you didn't do it in college, I would suggest you look at some sample philosophy or English essays and how they are graded.

>> No.18096558

Imagine posting a racebaity image and OP, knowing full well what responses you would get, and pretending to have any sort of moral high ground here.

More seriously however, the low-tier trash black authors that get published do exist however there are tens of thousands trying to do the same and it's not a good idea to push for that unless you are truly a talented writer on top of being black. As you are trying to get published with romantic fiction and poetry that you admit yourself isn't that special, it's really not worth trying. Maybe a few no-name competitions or magazines will take you.
Also, what is the point of flexing your acceptance into medical school? This is /lit/, a lot of the people here are well-educated and flexing your "high-IQ" comes off as insecure. Maybe try reddit.

>> No.18096590

Toss in that you're trans or gender-fluid or something, that's a pretty hot topic right now.

Also make all your poetry and romantic fiction circle around those identity issues too, and make sure all antagonists and villains are white or have themes about systemic racism, ect.

Pretty sure at this point it's illegal to turn you down.

>> No.18096601

But would the work be good?

>> No.18096630
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Oh and by the way getting published is not all that hard. Find someone who understands you, forget about race/queer baiting just be and find what calls you.

>> No.18096648

>But would the work be good?

What's your definition of good? Just something that gets printed? Published, makes the NYT best seller list, gets sold a lot?

Good is politically determined. Your writings might be considered excellent, great, good simply because they're written from the heart felt expression of a gender-fluid POC LGBTIAQ person, because criticizing your book in a negative manner is hate speech. So by default very well could be considered 'good' because of the color of your skin and not the content of your writing.

So fuck it, go for it.

>> No.18096723

I think something that manages to avert cliches while being able to encapsulate common critical requisites is what makes a work good or bad...Whether it will be significant in any way is up to history to decide...but first it has to have that first thing I'm saying. Literature is a tradition and an institution.

>> No.18096769

Using ur race as ur selling point? No no noo

>> No.18096792


>> No.18096855

>it has to do with african diaspora magic (the book) and girls discovering powers and whatnot
That sounds kino
Would def be interested in reading something set in that world, and (if written well) has the potential to have a really cool hook.

> something i grew up wanting to see :(
If you were trying to change your writing to get points, i’d say your wasting your time...but if this is a story you’re passionate to tell, then I look forward to seeing it out there some day.

Fantasy is opening up to more authors and perspectives, but it tends to be more escapism (alien worlds, mystical realms) i don't know of many that add magic to a modern or historical africa
One im actually reading now is Forever by Pete Hamill. MC is an irish white dude, but he gets tied up in new-world african magic while assisting a slave revolt in pre-revolutionary new york. Can’t recall many others that touch on the theme...but the idea of immortality and seeing generations pass (tip o the hat to vampires) is also involved, and it adds a character POV to watch a diaspora