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/lit/ - Literature

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18092791 No.18092791[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i enjoy reading answers will not be accepted

>> No.18092800

Because I am depressed and it's an escape to get my mind off the dystopian clown world nightmare we are living in. Sometimes I'll read non fiction to expand or mold my views, or attempt to find answers to questions I have about life, morality and other topics.

>> No.18092802

I have no ambitions whatsoever, no real interests. To say that I am waiting for death, however, would not be accurate either. So what can I do but observe? I am a pair of eyes and ears and soak up what I can. Books are an ideal and nigh inexhaustible fountain. The other one is movies.

>> No.18092810

ok since no one replied i will start, sole purpose for me to read is to get insight on life and be better at analyzing situatios to get better understanding of life. i have never ever enjoyed reading a book

>> No.18092836

Cuz it's fun and good prose can feel more real than a movie, also cheap and low effort and it improves your communication skills

>> No.18092847

Because I will singlehandedly bring the rebirth of philosophy but for that I first need to read the entire canon.

>> No.18092851

Securing salvation

>> No.18092877

Because i want to formulate a political theory of solipsist natalist communist hyperfascism.

>> No.18092931

1. Writefag who enjoys the flash fiction and image prompt threads

2. A pseud who (rather than learning by listening or doing) learns by teaching and answering questions. Even if i have no knowledge on the topic, ill try to research it and write what i think to be good advice. So when you get some shit advice, confidently delivered, rest knowing that i’m doing it for my own growth, and that i genuinely thought i was being helpful.

>> No.18092974

I enjoy reading

>> No.18092985
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I fucking love a good story, and getting lost in a good book is downright very pleasurable.

>> No.18092987

Can never know enough people to sufficiently enjoy life

>> No.18092991

Reading is fun :3

>> No.18093039
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i dont
i used to, growing up
i stopped a handful of years ago
i no longer feel motivated to read

>> No.18093143
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To coom. I'm addicted to erotic literature. I can't stop. Those shitty normie porn videos just can't hold a candle compared to masterpieces like "The 120 Days of Sodom", "The Necrophiliac" and "Confirmation".

>> No.18093167

To cope

>> No.18093175

to show off on /lit/ about the books i've read (that no one actually cares about) of course

>> No.18093197

I'm afraid to live so I let myself think reading is experiencing this world

>> No.18093221

I read mostly for the ideas. Books are an excellent format to present a lot of information in an interesting way. I also read a little bit of adventure-y books for the motivation and inspiration, and they’re fun

>> No.18093427
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Reading is fun and I enjoy it.

>> No.18093446
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this anon basically sums it up

>> No.18093451

1. Gives me a solid intellectual grounding and better understanding of the world.
2. Reading philosophy surprisingly helped my mental health
3. Reading pulp is fun and relaxing

>> No.18093456

I get giddy when I see how a writer is creating an aesthetic piece by piece, it feels as though I'm creating the image with them

>> No.18093682

It's so expensive where I live man. Stuff like videogames is so much cheaper as well. Sucks.

>> No.18093780

If you don't mind reading with a tablet or e-reader, just embrace piracy.

>> No.18093816

It's a good idea. It's just that a) My e-reader kinda sucks (and it's expensive to upgrade) and b) I just get more invested in things if I buy them. I read a lot more now that I go thrift hunting or find something neat somewhere.

What I will start doing for sure however is using the library more.

>> No.18093959
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1. I want to make my own work(whether that be movies, books, music, paintings etc.) and I feel that reading books could give me a lot of inspiration.
2. they help me make sense of the world and articulate my ideas
3. I find a lot of postmodern philosophy to be very insightful and fun to explore, even if they're "word salads" or whatever.
4. Some books have that almost mystical atmosphere, or rather "aura", that I'm so drawn to, kind of like how certain paintings just "click" on their own, they stick with you and you can't help but admire their workmanship. It almost feels like they were made just for you to cling to
4. it lowers my time on cyberspace. I feel a sense of accomplishment when I finish a book that I do not really get from any other medium
5. it's a nice and appreciated hobby, unlike vidya for example

>> No.18094101

Invest in an ebook, use libgen, never pay for a book again.

>> No.18094266
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This, this, and this.

>> No.18094270


>> No.18094432

Because I can

>> No.18095113

Because I need to for class.
I haven't read any fiction for fun since the start of this semester.

>> No.18095117

sounds based
put your manifesto in this board when you get around to do it

>> No.18095149

Reading is the closest thing to being inside someone else’s mind one can possibly do. Ans by reading I mean novels and treatises. Not just shitposts. Not hour long lectures. Not a tv series. Books. Books get you into the mind of another for long enough to really get it, whatever “it” is. We are beings that are so utterly alone and isolated no matter how much we talk with another person. There are so many little social and emotional issues with talking to someone that you can’t really get anywhere with it. But if that person wrote a book and handed it to me and I read it, I would know the thing better and I’d know them better than if we had an 8 hour long meeting. There are modes on intent and clarity in writing that speaking just doesn’t cover. Writing is the person that person wants to be, not who they are.

>> No.18095188

I want to know more. It’s also fun

>> No.18095931

I just started and never stopped. A faggier excuse is that I read in order to write better.

>> No.18096064

To increase the chances of being able to predict and prepare for what the next 50 years will bring us.

And to find a political organization that both shares my values and views and has the ability to implement them on a nation stage.

>> No.18096077

It's how you update your brain's software.

>> No.18096079

because it's fun

>> No.18096104

Trying to forge my way as a writer.
Also when I spend a day watching netflix and yourube I feel like shit about it, whereas 60 pages read makes me feel alright.

>> No.18096115

Inexpensive hobby, essentially free, which sharpens the blade

>> No.18096649

>Also when I spend a day watching netflix and yourube I feel like shit about it, whereas 60 pages read makes me feel alright.
Also a book usually has more natural stop points. That is to say it has one at all, youtube and such are endless timesinks

>> No.18096651

It's better than watching movies or browsing imageboards all day. Plus it helps with my obsessive thoughts.

>> No.18096770

the right book actually boosts my mental health, its also an excuse to stay inside and be left alone

>> No.18096781


To get pussy. Hasn't worked so far.

>> No.18096794
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this is why

>> No.18096825

read Purgatorio, it works

>> No.18097007
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On jah it will, you free your mind and you can accomplish anything.

>> No.18097179

How do i care about stuff like morality and questions about life? I feel like a NPC sometimes who just follow the rules my government tells me to follow and views my old religion told me to

>> No.18097211

I've tried to get into more productive hobbies but I really just like being stuck inside my own head and thinking.

>> No.18097216

Because it's fun.

>> No.18097454

i'm out of touch with my own emotions, so i read to feel emotions from the character in the books. Even so, the book I like the most are sui-core. one day my friends.

>> No.18097484


>> No.18098136

I don't have friends so I have a lot of free time after work.

>> No.18099598

To appear cultured.

>> No.18099826

As a brown person would I want to write under a pseudonym so that there aren’t any expectations that my writing has to be about being oppressed or some shit?

>> No.18099829

Essentially these >>18092800 >>18092802 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCF9KTzjWcM coupled with the fact that I can't get laid

>> No.18099833

If you want to get pussy, you should've learned to skateboard or play guitar. Most women don't read

>> No.18099838

I enjoy reading
I desire knowledge

>> No.18099842


>> No.18099844

Hey MODS this loser POS thread should be deleted too. It's a bunch of SORRY SACKS OF SHIT BEING SAD ABOUT THEMSELVES.


>> No.18099857

Words together good.