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/lit/ - Literature

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18090414 No.18090414 [Reply] [Original]

Also looking for book recs for my 11 yr old sister. She read through the Maze Runner, Percy Jackson, and Harry Potter series last year. I believe she's on YA romance books now lol. She's smart, so I'm looking for some books that inspire some insight. Any recommendations? Thanks

>> No.18090481

Idk. Is she old enough for those Donna Tartt books?

>> No.18090504 [DELETED] 

even though they're canadian, something about that band always makes me think of being young and new to the city

>> No.18090523
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>> No.18090534

tamora pierce

>> No.18090543

Probably, but I think ill wait 1 or 2 more yrs before I suggest them to make sure shes mature enough

>> No.18090547

First nonfiction she read--loved it

>> No.18090548

Ill check her out, thanks

>> No.18090738

Alice in Wonderland

>> No.18090759

I loved the Tapestry series which is similar to harry potter but imo far better and rangers apprentice when i was her age

>> No.18090766

Where can I read it without being on a list?

>> No.18090799
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>> No.18090828

Get her a nice copy of Little Women. Something real fancy to help spark interest in more literary books. And when she's done you can watch the movie with her. :)

>> No.18090915

Peter Pan.
And anything from high school lists which are good, 11 year old smart girls are more like 17 year old lads in reading capacity and capability and she can do better than YA

>> No.18091111

Buy wonderfully beautiful hardcover atlases, illustrated encyclopedias of particular fields of study, wildlife field guides, etc... Combine this with immersion in the woods, gardening, and if possible the ocean or other bodies of water (snorkeling, swimming, freediving, very good skills) and she’ll hopefully have developed to appreciate and learn about the Book of Nature by using the Books of Men which would naturally lead to a more profound interest in literature and perhaps philosophy. Like how an illustrated Aristotle will have one pondering diagrams of marine shrimp into eventually contemplating philosophical categories and ethics and the like. A developed interest in nature, in reality, that will create a literary fascination—otherwise literature would just be insipid with time. What does one find in children’s libraries? Large sections of atlases, illustrated works of natural science, encyclopedia of whales, etc....I mean it wasn’t that much a jump to go from there to the Great Books and Augustine. Oh and show her the wonders of the microscope and telescope. If she becomes conscious that there are realities beyond observation she will be spiritual in no time

>> No.18091253

Blessed quads.