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/lit/ - Literature

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1808755 No.1808755 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I accidentally click on /lit/ instead of /mu/

>> No.1808765

/lit/ is where all the intelligent /mu/tants hang out and actually receive well thought criticism for their elitist attitudes as opposed to /mu/ where they get yelled at

>> No.1808779


Elitists are assholes, the smartest people on /lit/ are Marxists and completely unpretentious.

Deal with it.

>> No.1808780

I just don't see how /lit/ would be significantly more intelligent compared to most other sub-boards. Or is this a running joke on /lit/? I'd guess it is at least partly.
/sci/ is probably the only board in which there are users with actually some interesting knowledge of various subjects.

>> No.1808783

One of the first words I read was "hipster".

That was just too much to take in all at once.

>> No.1808785

>implying you can't be an elitist Marxist

>> No.1808786

today i read 250 pages of the ambassadors and then i stayed in and had a couple of beers and put on the lady gaga hbo concert and i'm enjoying this so much more

>> No.1808787

No, /lit/ is the smartest board. It has been confirmed time and time again.

I just finished a 100 page dada piece that would have been interpreted as complete nonsense by posters on any other board. I however managed to understand it enough to actually enjoy the read and draw some interesting concepts from it about early 20th century society.

>> No.1808789


You can be, you're not supposed to be.

Most intelligent Marxists aren't, only undergrad fags who don't even understand the theory of surplus labour are pretentious asshats.

>> No.1808791

Do you guys also use the phrase "2deep4u"?

>> No.1808792



>> No.1808795


>> No.1808798

/lit/ is definitely one of the smartest boards, but also one of the most stale.

I only trip on here when I'm making gratuitously stupid threads, just to run down /mu/'s reputation a bit more. Like now =)

>> No.1808811


Don't do that

>> No.1808824


choose two

>> No.1808828




>> No.1808827


Most Marxists on /lit/ are pretty solid.

It's the libtards that piss me off. Oh, and those teenage Trotskyites, hate those faggots.

>> No.1808838

Jesus Christ, you people have to shit up other boards too?

You're useless on /mu/, why come here and bother these people? Just go back to >>>/b/ and stay there.

>> No.1808842


Don't post here you idiot!

You'll attract the gorespammer and ruin yet another thread.
Get lost.

>> No.1808848

His script only works on /mu/.

YOU idiot.

>> No.1808851


>implying he isn't smart enough to change it

Seriously, put your trip back on. Your reputation can't possibly get anymore tarnished.

>> No.1808855
File: 44 KB, 446x400, girls-getty_1376498i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your a marxist...Ohhhhh...

>> No.1808859


>not you're

Yeah, I know it was a slip but whatever.
You act like a dick.

>> No.1808865

Well I just think that a Marxist state couldn't properly exist and function in this day and age, so why bother fantasizing about it?

>> No.1808873


Try reading some actual Marxist literature.

>> No.1808877

That wasn't me, but, okay.

Oh, and I do agree that my "reputation" couldn't get anymore tarnished. But I don't care about an internet "reputation" in the first place.
It's people like you that have given me so much attention that built up this so called "reputation".

inb4 "then why do you post with a trip?"
Because I can. If you don't like it, piss off and stop talking to me.

>> No.1808881

Also... I apologize to the /lit/ regulars.

I'll take my leave now.

>> No.1808886
File: 40 KB, 372x495, 600full-henry-miller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw mutants' sight has atrophied from only using vision to read p4k reviews, spending the majority of their time with eyes closed in a dark room listening to one kind of bullshit or another on headphones and within two generations, if bred selectively to one another, will be like cave animals which lack eyes or at best, bats.

>> No.1808897

honestly can you guys just recommend me a book that'll be as entertaining as lady gaga grabbing her dick and doing the bad romance dance

>> No.1808904

But Lady Gaga has a vagina, I have seen it

>> No.1808907

it's a metaphysical dick

>> No.1808908

I have read the communist manifesto and I don't agree with most of the beliefs laid down in it, perhaps I need to read more of it, but I doubt it