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18085852 No.18085852[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are we doomed?

>> No.18085861

No. Nobody actually cares about these people and the narrative anyone does is usually perpetuated by people who haven't gone outside in a long time.

>> No.18085870

Those people control the media and the internet

>> No.18085875

These people are in every company and have friends just like them that enable their stupid shit.

>> No.18085877

When they talk about banning writers like this they mean removing the 2 paragraphs from one of their essays that the Cultural Studies teacher photocopied that morning.

>> No.18085885
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>> No.18085887

Those who repeat "cancel culture doesnt exist lol" meme are either those who propagate it or are NPC's who have nothing to fear because they dont even think about controversial things. You keep repeating they dont matter, but they keep seeping into the ideological state apparatuses without any retort.

>> No.18085898

Stop this gaslighting or you're one of these faggot.

>> No.18085904

yep. behavioral sink. all people do now is cancel someone.

>> No.18085905

>cancel culture doesnt exist lo
There’s always been an implied “but it should” after every time this has ever been said.

>> No.18085915

Cancel culture exists but Nietzsche and Kant's influence on philosophy is far too ingrained for anyone to campaign into obscurity. Said campaigns also tend to last a week because there's always something new and more interesting to be outraged at. Cancel culture mostly affects very small names and any big name that's been targeted rode out the storm with little to no real damage done to their name. This is especially true for corpses. Someone tried to cancel Homer a few months ago because the ancient Greeks were all kid diddlers and Achilles was problematic and they got laughed off Twitter.

>> No.18085924

>Cancel culture mostly affects very small names and any big name that's been targeted rode out the storm with little to no real damage done to their name

Dawkins just had an award stripped due to an anti-trans comment, for example.

Cancel culture is cancer and needs to be fought at every step on the way, regardless of the name that is being canceled.

>> No.18085930

Cancel the Greeks please

>> No.18085935

Of course its harmless when retards try to cancel big names. But sometimes it has real world consequences. You cancel "problematic old white males" and the university has to close the classical philosophy departments (happened in my country).

>> No.18085954

James Watson got cancelled for being right.
>Watson has repeatedly asserted that differences in average measured IQ between blacks and whites are due to genetics.[98][99][100] In early October 2007, he was interviewed by Charlotte Hunt-Grubbe at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL). He discussed his view that Africans are less intelligent than Westerners.[101][102][103] Watson said his intention was to promote science, not racism, but some UK venues canceled his appearances,[104] and he canceled the rest of his tour.[105][106][107][108] An editorial in Nature said that his remarks were "beyond the pale" but expressed a wish that the tour had not been canceled so that Watson would have had to face his critics in person, encouraging scientific discussion on the matter.[109] Because of the controversy, the Board of Trustees at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory suspended Watson's administrative responsibilities.[110] Watson issued an apology,[111] then retired at the age of 79 from CSHL from what the lab called "nearly 40 years of distinguished service".[63][112] Watson attributed his retirement to his age and to circumstances that he could never have anticipated or desired.[113][114][115]

>> No.18085974

Yes, we are doomed! Oh, poor us. Humiliated and castrated by a bunch of neurotic, overweight women in academia. They destroyed everything we hold dear without any effort and any resistance from us. Woe is us.

Lmao fucking anglos.

>> No.18085979

Stop being so melodramatic you massive faggot

>> No.18085981

cancel culture has been around a long time, it used to be books were banned for religious reasons. Descartes, Spinoza, Locke, Hume were all cancelled at one time and now people laugh at such stupidity. Machiavelli's Prince was banned by everyone at one time or another and yet survived to become practically a meme.
yes it exists but it wont work

>> No.18085984

Shut the fuck up they took the Odyssey out of the curriculum and Edinburgh university renamed Hume Tower because of racism. No one believes your gaslighting anymore

>> No.18086026

The service economy empowers those type of women in a way that makes them almost unstoppable, and it’s likely happening in your country too.

>> No.18086036

This is nearly entirely what it comes down to all on these matters of free speech and cancel culture in public discourse. It is also why science is simultaneously promoted heavily, yet subject to admonishments about not doing more to be progressive and inclusive, and why a cancel culture is being pushed within the scientific community. The entire narrative of the progressive movement hinges on the ideal of innate equality among all people, with all unequal outcomes being the result of some malevolent interference.

>> No.18086044

reddit word
and secondly who gives a fuck if retarded Anglos aren't reading the odyssey anymore. It wasn't theirs to begin with it and will continue to be read and cherished in Greece and in many European countries.

>> No.18086045

>listening to women and/or journalists
You get what you deserve

>> No.18086048
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>Not me, not ever. It ain't happening. Nope.

>> No.18086053

Fuck off

>> No.18086061

t. doesn't go outside

My place of work employs 9 people. I live in rural USA. 3 of them are cancel culture types. This shit is pervasive beyond belief.

>> No.18086088

why do you think cancel culture is anglo phenomena? Germans are even creating independent research associations against cancel culture. https://www.netzwerk-wissenschaftsfreiheit.de/en/home-2/

>> No.18086117
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How do we cancel the cancellers?

>> No.18086122

The physic professor at my uni (Italy) almost got fired for saying that there's no bias against women in science

>> No.18086134

This is simply not true anymore.

>> No.18086136


>> No.18086180

Tons of school across the US have cut fucking homer from their curriculum. If it becomes part of being woke, you could easily see it campaigned to have Nietsche and Kant completely removes from us at the university level. This would uproot their future with us to say the least.

>> No.18086182

Who's "we"?

>> No.18086194

ngl cancelling Nietzsche may be the best thing these creatures could do, but it's not gonna happen cause he was a philosemite

>> No.18086250
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this shit has happened before
buy hard copies of Kant and Nietzsche

>> No.18086280

Someone paste the actual article, it's behind a paywall.

>> No.18086285

based bomberguy

>> No.18086337
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since the article is behind a paywall

>> No.18086341
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>> No.18086348
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>> No.18086357
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yeah, lets cancel Nietzsche. Then lets cancel every single fucking pop song that includes the lyrics "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

>> No.18086360

Seems like it's just a shitty puff piece for some nobody and the title is mostly baiting for more clicks.

>> No.18086376

She is a philosophy lecturer and she is a woman. Her opinions on this are extremely impactful

>> No.18086379

Progressivism has become the dominant religion of the west, their marxist dogma is evrywhere

>> No.18086380

>Should we cancel Immanuel Kant and Friedrich Nietzsche
Of course! They were atheists and secularists

>> No.18086382

No no no this article is definitely going to be the catalyst that get Nietzsche banned for all time. Please be super outraged guys that's the best way to stick it to man. Make sure to share this article with everyone so they can also be pissed off for no reason.

>> No.18086420

Only america.
Euros aren't as insane as this.

>> No.18086430

This is Europe, she is a philosophy lecturer in the United Kingdom. That said, the title is bait, the interview is not really about cancelling Nietzsche or Kant

>> No.18086434

It's not just America, every English speaking country is going to get hit hard because language is the attack vector.
They'll fare noticeably less well in continental Europe though, it'll be trend for a while and then die.

>> No.18086462


>> No.18086471

The UK is even more cucked than America

>> No.18086480

Would you happen to have heard of Harry Elmer Barnes, Charles Beard, or Charles Tansill?
If not, then you must acknowledge that it works.

>> No.18086485

>reddit word
>and secondly who gives a fuck if retarded Anglos aren't reading the odyssey anymore. It wasn't theirs to begin with it and will continue to be read and cherished in Greece and in many European countries.

>> No.18086535
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>Suki Finn, philosopher and editor of Women of Ideas: “The metaphysics of pregnancy is of great importance, not only to pregnant metaphysicians, but to all of us, given that we are all the result of a pregnancy
There is nothing to worry about.

>> No.18086536

lol at this point it's just the task of the rest of the world to tell these anglos to shut the fuck up tho.
If shit goes down it'll only prove that americans and the bongs that are insane, your culture and its products have already been decentralized, so rest assured, to some extent it's already in someone else's hand that aren't yours, they will preserve this and be glad that someone does that.

Also Nietzsche and Kant are germans (Prussians but you get my point), they don't need that English recognition to survive. If you people want to ditch them just do it, they're not english to begin with. You americans aren't the whole world so rejoice :)

Death to america

>> No.18086594

>Euros aren't as insane as this.
They absolutely are.

>> No.18086601

Marxism is reactionary you fool

>> No.18086608

Marxists are anti-reactionary

>> No.18086615

>and in many European countries.
Not for long

>> No.18086616

>some obscure twitter post or headline

so fucking tired of rightoids and chuds. NO one fucking cares dude oh my god. No one is actually implementing 99% of these random ideas. Kant and Nietzche will still be in college ciriculum next fall.

>> No.18086624

Cancel white women from existence. They are a cancer to feminity and mankind

>> No.18086636

It would be ridiculous if that actually happened. Both Nietzsche and Kant are quite popular among many modern leftists with the doomer mindset, and their influence is too great to be abolished in one single hit.
They are cross referenced everywhere, and most kids these days know about them. Almost all schools and university libraries still have their works.
The ones that are so obsessed with cancelling others works are not even real scholars but some insecure middlemen journalists working for ancient mentally ill boomers. Their influence will not prevail.
Stop checking mainstream media from your (Insert straw-man platform name) feed, and read real academic magazines, real scientific papers. Not the fake memey mainstream "pop-science" shit and not the conspiracy-tier faggatory that /pol/ is referencing.
Lurk and research, be critical and you will find real wisdom.

>> No.18086637


>> No.18086642

>Also Nietzsche and Kant are germans (Prussians but you get my point)
Everybody “gets your point”. You can safely call Prussians Germans. But you shouldn’t call Nietzsche a Prussian (I don’t think?), so you’re going overboard by trying to be so specific

>> No.18086667

>reddit word
You've lost me.

>> No.18086670

No, we’re not doomed. If anything it’ll make the classical, traditionalist (lowercase t) reaction that much stronger. You can’t chain the pendulum of public opinion to one side. People will still care about “problematic, dead, white males” and revive their standing.

>> No.18086674

>a philosophy lecturer and she is a woman. Her opinions on this are extremely impactful

>> No.18086690

>award stripped
That's stupid, but it doesn't amount to much, does it?

This. I've seen plenty of outrage regarding the inane excesses of cancel culture.