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File: 112 KB, 730x486, menciusmoldbug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18084748 No.18084748 [Reply] [Original]

>destroys The Enlightenment forever
Heh, nothing personal, kid

>> No.18084908

Is that why virtually no one takes neo-reactionaries seriously?

>> No.18084934

Is that why everyone and their grandma an accelfag nowadays? Or is it the fact that """academia""" is too busy reading Sally Rooney and Ibram Kendi to read nrx types that renders them unoworthwhile?

>> No.18084942

>everyone is an accelfag
you live in a fantasy

>> No.18084945

try writing that again without embarrassing yourself

>> No.18084985

>t. I'm 14 and got introduced to Thomas Carlyle and Evola for the first time

Tell me how the tradcath/hyperborea shit works out for you in a few years.

>> No.18084994

>he hasn't already RETVRNED to HYPERB0REA
lmao ngmi

>> No.18085043

>everyone and their grandma
No, you just only spend time in online circlejerks.

Most Trump supporters are just god fearing people with a few extra chromosomes, they don't know what accelerationism is.

>> No.18085099

>pleb kantianism
>not enlightenment
Can we ban this shill please?

>> No.18085165

>you say x? haha my sweat child.... its actually not-x! how naive can you be....

>> No.18085191

why did we to this date not get a single conversation between Yarvin and Nick Land bros? It feels that they could have such an interesting conversation. Interviewers and podcaster suck for not bringing them together.

>> No.18085208

>*re-reads the Pantsuit and the Pumpkin followed by Anti-Racist Baby*
>damn...the centre left is truly the intellectual powerhouse of my era!

>> No.18085237

No more than your circlejerk of cringelords who tip their fedoras at m’lady to attract ‘the females’ into becoming a tradwife, and go to church on Sunday to utterly confuse the old ladies there with conversations on how ‘based’ and ‘redpilled’ their lord and savior is

>> No.18085287


>> No.18085518

Fuck off, tranny.

>> No.18085538

What are even his ideas? Could someone summarize? I only read one short essay of his about how autocracy is better for everyone, and the only thing I got from it was that his perfect country would like like Congo Free State.

>> No.18085677

The only thing this nigger destroying is the half off section at the Gap XDDD Corny ass nigger fo sho

>> No.18086008

He uses the term "cathedral" to describe the western political establishment and outlines where power is located (and how the most powerful institutions are academia followed by the media, amongst others). Says history has been moving left after the enlightenment...he critiques democracy blah blah blah...just know he takes simple ideas and writes a godawful amount of words to make it seem like it's a revelation when really, it's some form of "intellectual" masturbation. His solution to everything is to not vote and return to monarchy...lol.

>> No.18086125

hes a 4chan tier contrarian but in genx form

>> No.18086165

The enlightenment is self refuting. Moldbug is just annoying and I’m sick of seeing NRX YouTube channels crop up after all the 3P/ethnonat types got banned. Read some of his essays and they’re pretty boring too. Just a ton of random historical references that add nothing but make him look erudite.

>> No.18086176

Interesting how people choose to invent their own critiques of democracy instead of copypasting from Plato and Aristotle. At least these two lived in the age when democracy was still a thing.

>> No.18086212

every day for the past decade accelerationism only continues to see relevance. the reason the current establishment doesn’t take it seriously is because accelerationists perpetuate
a contrary mode of thought to the elites and the establishment. imagine being so bogged down by the mainstream that you think philosophy is a popularity contest, especially in an age where philosophy has nearly no presence in pop culture anymore in the first place.

>> No.18086224

>go to church on Sunday to utterly confuse the old ladies there with conversations on how ‘based’ and ‘redpilled’ their lord and savior is
Wow someone is really bitter about church aren't they

>> No.18086225

so is accelerationism ahistorical or nothing but trite historical references? which is it?

>> No.18086335

What are you replying to me for? I didn’t even mention accelerationism.

>> No.18086352

why do you insist on typing random words? Traditional Catholicism has nothing to do with Carlyle, Evola, or hyperboreanism. You are an addlepate

>> No.18086358

are you retarded

>> No.18086693
File: 178 KB, 720x704, Moldbug kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's controlled opposition.
He wants the status quo but worse and his tribesmen to give him a position as part of the priestly caste of the "Cathedral" instead of having to write faux-redpill articles for goyim.
Stop posting this grifter.

>> No.18086705

This he’s just the endgame of gatekeepers.

>> No.18086738

I like his newer writings (blog Gray Mirror) than his older stuff. He is a lot more grounded and less idealistic than before. His stuff (newer stuff at least) is very much US specific though, I can't see it that relevant for the rest of the world.