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File: 749 KB, 880x1445, blindpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18082937 No.18082937 [Reply] [Original]

Books you would add or remove from this list?

>> No.18083064

Propaganda by Ellul should be on there imo

>> No.18083132

Capital is just really out of place there. 1844 Manuscripts or just not Marx at all. Marcuse would be a more fitting inclusion

>> No.18083152

so the blindpill will give me the moral high ground to condemn society while absolving me of any obligation to do anything about it, or anything at all for that matter? sounds just great

>> No.18083161

Technological society too.

>> No.18083652

remove all add shakespeare

>> No.18083660
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Try this one

>> No.18083684


>> No.18083710
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Better yet combine the original blindpill chart with this

>> No.18083715

>Question Concerning Technology
Are Blindpill all the essays in that collection or just the title essay?

>> No.18083728

Heidegger in general is pretty blindpillish, specially in Being and Time. But in that particular collection only the title essay touches directly on this matter.

>> No.18083735

Thanks! That saves me the money of buying the book physically. I prefer reading on paper, but short stories and essays I can read electronically.

>> No.18083741

the rest of it is good too you know, you dhould read heidegger

>> No.18083743

where do I get a blindpil?

>> No.18083752

Give this essay a try and take some notes, Heidegger is unbelievably clunky and writes in a roundabout way.

>> No.18083778

heidegger is my negger

>> No.18083799

Glad to know my main mantra in life has a memename, heu heu heu

Someone give me the essential essential

Read IJ, Society of Spectacle, Walden, Ad Nauseum, Adbusters

Check it, misheard some radiohead lyrics while on acid at bonnaroo and I find they fit well here:
"stand in the shadows until the end of progress"

>> No.18085427
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too true

>> No.18085577

> Heidegger is the petit-bourgeois of German philosophy, the man who has placed on German philosophy his kitschy nightcaps, that kitschy black night-cap which Heidegger always wore, on all occasions. Heidegger is the carpet-slipper and night-cap philosopher of the Germans, nothing else.

>> No.18085789

Jesus Christ, what a cringe lefty shitshow.

>> No.18085832

Please enlighten us with good readings about this that come from a right wing perspective. Oh wait, you can't, because rightoids still think the problem with the world is "cultural marxism".

>> No.18085845

Let me get my phone and walk down to my library, faggot. brb

>> No.18085891
File: 795 KB, 5080x1716, IMAG1239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a selection on topic. As you can see, I have a couple of those chart books and can judge them rightfully.

>> No.18085895
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>> No.18085896

I always kek when I remember Verso published Bin Laden's speeches. What the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.18085971

Back in time, before 9/11 most lefties were pretty redpilled and wouldn't think twice about publilshing it. I still remember the massiv amounts of anti-Israel apartheid state and general anti-globalism literatur my punk publisher listed back in the day.

Nowadays most lefties get their jimmies rustled when you mentioning such basic facts or the fact that it's not muh evil crackers but megacooperations, technology and the desire of certain people to form a hivemind, eliminating all diverting ideas. But instead of standing up against "the man" they kvetch about letting kids get sterilized, niggers getting what they ask for and values which allowed them society to prevail for that long at all.

>> No.18086082

Nazi language

>> No.18086086
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Who even makes those thrash charts? Maybe I should make one too. I would at least make you spend you money on funny shit instead of such garbage.

>> No.18086095

Make then

>> No.18086096
File: 52 KB, 960x926, 1602948447812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18086104

Try harder

>> No.18086131

it's even more weird that only volume 1 is in there.
unless it's just there to get familiarized with concepts like use and exchange value which are referenced in other books here

>> No.18086132
File: 185 KB, 2518x1027, 1603519663228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You like it, don't you? Get a nice stripped pyjama and we can play.

>> No.18086153

Lol Junger was a crypto-Nazi. His "criticisms" of Nazis mean shit.

>> No.18086159

so could you list some of these books? im not gonna break my neck trying to get what these are, and also i dont know german

>> No.18086171

Ah yes, someone who actively spoke against Hitler under threat of being treated as a Volksfeind and NEVER JOINED THE NSDAP is a crypto nazi. Delusional faggot.

>> No.18086173

Add Debord's Comments on the Society of the Spectacle

>> No.18086178

If you're to lazy to move your neck to read the titles or translate them, I'm not gonna waste my time to spoonfeed you.

>> No.18086189

Lol you don't need to join the NSDAP to NOT be a Nazi. Real opponents were either in exile or imprisoned. Junger went to France as an officer for the Nazis when theh invaded France.

>> No.18086223

>actively not part of the NationalSozialistisch Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
You are delusional. But whatever makes you cowards sleep at night.

>> No.18086238

I like how you have zero argument against my point.

>> No.18086270

Your didn't make a point, you made up some ridiculous claim actively ignoring the facts. It's like me saying that you don't need to like sucking dicks to be gay, just because I have the feeling that you're a faggot.
Same argumentative weight. You clearly know nothing about Junger, how the joining of the NDSAP worked or any of his works outside Storm of Steel. Otherwise you would know that he also wrote about topic of industrialization, globalization and the dangers of technology imilarly to Ted.

So just stop pestering me with your brainlet takes.

>> No.18086298

Didn't know being dissident entails being part of the Nazi apparatus lmoa

Some """"""""dissident""""""""

>> No.18086321

He was a soldier and under the prussian understanding he fought for his people not for politics. This mindset is obviously copletely foreign to cowards which only like to bitch from a safe distance. But as I said, I don't expect someone with the obvious mind of a child to get such a multilayered persona.

Keep kvetching about "Juger Nazi Bad" you might also like "John Raabe Nazi Bad".

>> No.18086340

Lmfao MUH DISSIDENT. Who? Oh, that Wehrmacht officer.


>> No.18086417

du scheinst eher rechts-libertär zu sein. oder wie würdest du deine position beschreiben?

>> No.18086422

wtf is the blindpill

>> No.18086469

Bin kein Freund von solchen Worthülsen, zumal ich auch denke, dass ich mir noch kein Urteil erlauben kann. Ich bin nicht libertär, weil ich nicht glaube, dass dies die Freiheiten bezeichnet die dem Menschen gut tun. Ich bin bin nicht konservativ, weil wir schon lange nichts mehr zu erhalten haben. Und rechts hat immer noch den Geschmack des Diederich Heßling der blind den Staat unterstützt.
Andererseits unterstütze ich definitiv Ethnonationalismus und Souveränität der Völker statt einen Megastaat schaffen zu wollen, der nur dem Neo-Feudalismus profitiert. Auch schließe ich mich MacDonald und EM Jones an und lehne Transhumanismus in jeglicher Couleur ab.

>> No.18086583

Some Ballard wouldn't go amiss

>> No.18086666

Can't you read?

>> No.18087984
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Illiteracy get

>> No.18087998

What is all this bellyaching about who was and wasn't a Nazi? It shouldn't matter because the Nazis were the good guys.

>> No.18088143

You're embarrassing yourself

>> No.18088201
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A number of those texts encourage action by the reader and not just passive analysis.

>> No.18088317

It degrades the term when every dude gets called Nazi.