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/lit/ - Literature

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18081880 No.18081880 [Reply] [Original]

>he fell for the academia game
>he fell for those BIG, looooonnnnggg complicated useless words
>he fell for those PhD titles and hundred pages research papers
>he actually thinks he has to read and make a long list of references with lots of book titles, authors and their research papers
>he unironically believes in those data, number, percentage signs, the '--%' stuff, the '80%-20%' meme, the '1%-99%' meme stuff, all the statistical stuff
>he fell for those '-ism', the long abstract words that give him the feeling of knowing a lot about the world, other people's worldviews and...
>...he actually thinks he can read minds and know others' personalites by reading their word games
>he actually looks up a dictionary for those obscure, strange, academic, long, complex, rarely-used words, jargons in those novels, philosophy papers for the sake of art and (((knowledge))), without realizing the authors had thesaurus for their pretentious intellectual word game
>he actually thinks he has to read all those 'philosophy of X' to understand and succeed in life, without realizing those authors didn't even know what they were talking about, they just copied it from the other authors and called it their cakes
>he actually thinks he has to read a lot of books, maybe a library, to succeed in life
>he is unable to escape the 'more book, more knowledge, more intellectualism, more respect, more success' meme
>he fell for the 'a great artist has to be depressed and drown in sadness to reach the epitome' meme and try to find ways to make himself depressed
>he thought he is going on a bright road, until Minotaur appeared
>he actually thinks suicide can solve all his life problems and suffering, without realizing it only makes it worse and creates horrible Karma
>he refuses to believe in Karma, doesn't believe the Universe has Justice and has analyzed and judged all his actions and thoughts even in his past lives, he doesn't believe the Universe can even know his exact events in the future
>he thought /lit/ is the smartest board, finds new interesting words everyday, every thread, even remember the whole /lit/ meme chart
>he just fell for it all

>> No.18081896

Not even an academic, cope harder you sperg. I've never seen this level of butthurt before

>> No.18081902

literally me

>> No.18081903

What are you talking about?

>> No.18081914

A bit too /x/ at the end. Schizo detected.

>> No.18081975

okay, i'll 'cope' with my happy life and facts of the true reality, keep living in your (((realistic))) word-buiding thousand pages long philosophical novel
it doesn't has to belong to /x/ or any specific place to be written here. facts are universal. they are just real facts, why do i have to feel hesitant and build boundaries around it?

>> No.18082004

brainlet detected

>> No.18082016

Karma is not a fact.

>> No.18082045

'succeed' is the verb of 'success'. it's a widely used word, give yourself a translator and a dictionary. everybody who is reading this post, look at this brainlet. this is just the lazy brainlet who doesn't read and think everybody is dumber than him. still trapped in simple word games, how can you judge me? huh?

>> No.18082053

define success because it means different things to different people

>> No.18082062

didn't read cause you sound retarded

>> No.18082094

absolutely seething LOL

>> No.18082105

it's a fact, but to many people, it's just a belief. they created so many bad Karma that their own reality is filled with so much 'science', 'moral relativism' and 'hedonism', they don't even think that all their micro-movements have been watched, measured and judged from above, by many invisible entities they can't see by their vulgar flesh eyes. morality is a real important thing fyi

>> No.18082108

Lmfao based as fuck

>> No.18082113

GOAT thread

>> No.18082141

>he is still trapped in the 'definition' game
look, you don't have to look up to all the definitions in the dictionary. dictionaries change their definitions many times, for even a single word. so how do you know what's the word's meaning? well, you can define it yourself without looking up to the dictionary. even a kid in kindergarten knows the feeling and meaning of success. you have already known it, you've known it inherently, so don't make it too complex.

>> No.18082153

OP seems like a schizo but is somehow still kinda based

>> No.18082155
File: 38 KB, 500x425, 242342342342432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he believes in poo poo fairy tales

>> No.18082156
File: 77 KB, 1005x1005, 55k8q5g7fpg51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virgins on suicide watch

>> No.18082162

I really don't know it, man. Help me out here. What is success?

>> No.18082171

OP must have got a bad grade back on an essay

>> No.18082217

well, giving you a concrete definition is not my problem. in fact, it's really easy.
but the problem is, you've already lost in the word game, the game of words and their complex multi-dimensional meanings. you've read too much and all your concrete definitions, all your opinions and worldviews have been bended, and you think everything is 'relative', 'no good and no bad', 'no black and no white, everything is grey'.
well, NO. when you're strong enough, you will have your own opinion, your own moral set of rules, your own concrete worldview. experience life more and you'll see

>> No.18082238

not reading that

>> No.18082242

I'm not talking about concrete definitions. I just what to know what success is. That is, I'm asking for your worldview where success a thing, your opinion in what success is. Can it be many things? Can it be one thing?

>> No.18082243

>>he fell for the academia game
>>he fell for those BIG, looooonnnnggg complicated useless words
>>he fell for those PhD titles and hundred pages research papers
>>he actually thinks he has to read and make a long list of references with lots of book titles, authors and their research papers
>>he unironically believes in those data, number, percentage signs, the '--%' stuff, the '80%-20%' meme, the '1%-99%' meme stuff, all the statistical stuff
>>he fell for those '-ism', the long abstract words that give him the feeling of knowing a lot about the world, other people's worldviews and...
>>...he actually thinks he can read minds and know others' personalites by reading their word games
>>he actually looks up a dictionary for those obscure, strange, academic, long, complex, rarely-used words, jargons in those novels, philosophy papers for the sake of art and (((knowledge))), without realizing the authors had thesaurus for their pretentious intellectual word game
>>he actually thinks he has to read all those 'philosophy of X' to understand and succeed in life, without realizing those authors didn't even know what they were talking about, they just copied it from the other authors and called it their cakes
>>he actually thinks he has to read a lot of books, maybe a library, to succeed in life
>>he is unable to escape the 'more book, more knowledge, more intellectualism, more respect, more success' meme
>>he fell for the 'a great artist has to be depressed and drown in sadness to reach the epitome' meme and try to find ways to make himself depressed
>>he thought he is going on a bright road, until Minotaur appeared
>>he actually thinks suicide can solve all his life problems and suffering, without realizing it only makes it worse and creates horrible Karma
>>he refuses to believe in Karma, doesn't believe the Universe has Justice and has analyzed and judged all his actions and thoughts even in his past lives, he doesn't believe the Universe can even know his exact events in the future
>>he thought /lit/ is the smartest board, finds new interesting words everyday, every thread, even remember the whole /lit/ meme chart
>>he just fell for it all

Lmao nigga not gonna read all that. Keep it under 250 characters.

>> No.18082254

haha, keep living in your edgy stereotype game, you're still trapped in the 'LOOK! I JUST SHIT AND REJECT SOMEONE'S OPINION, HOW TOUGH AND BASED I AM!!!' meme. try harder to live a good life, no-friender

>> No.18082262

Careful, you might bite your tongue.

>> No.18082271

>proceeds to blindly believe dumbass bullshit like karma and "the universe man..."
Yeah no wonder you cant read. Why are the most ignorant people the most confident?

>> No.18082313

well, answer this first:
1. is water liquid, solid, or vapour?
2. is water only liquid? or only solid? or only vapour?
3. is water both liquid, solid and vapour at the same time?
4. or is water not liquid, not solid and neither vapour?
well, how do you think?
next question:
1. are men and women are two?
2. are men and women are one?
3. are men and women both one and two at the same time?
4. are men and women neither one or two?
5. are men only ever be men, women only ever be women?
6. so what are they?

well, the word game is indeed extremely complex. it's not like you're able to escape this matrix in one lifetime. think on your own and give yourself your own definition by observing and living life. in school, you learn to think, in life, you learn how to not think and how to make your mind empty. meditation helps with that. good luck on your journey. i'm glad you're engaged in this discussion, really appreciated

>> No.18082354

I don't know man, I think you're the one pushing for these word games yet you can't explain what in your words means "succeed in life" (like you said in the OP). You already implied a finite goal, not all these everchaning states that you propose. Also, trannies are not women.

>> No.18082362

t. didn't get into a masters program

hating academics is extremely midwit shit.

>> No.18082382

If you lie you're prone to lie again. That's karma.

>> No.18082394

>going into debt and slaving away for years doing unnecessary shit for a piece of paper you will never use

>> No.18082395

That's not karma. That's predictive behavior based on patterns.

>> No.18082410

At least STEM is respectable.

>> No.18082418

Just one of the many examples of karma.

>> No.18082422

Karma doesn't exist.

>> No.18082427

Not OP, but ...
> 1. - 4.
Are you referring to water the compound as in H2O? Or water as commonly referred to in its liquid state?
> 1. are men and women are two?
What the fuck are you talking about? What does this even mean? Is English not your first language or something?

>> No.18082461
File: 44 KB, 800x450, ,mhvikhckhjcjhycdxi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually a study by Dr McShartyFarty shows that 90% ofboo dingalings exist on a pareto distrubition indication teh epistemological validaty of of sir stinky dink bo binky's metaphysical thesis of booo booo goo goo nigga balls

>> No.18082462

>a product of cause doesn't exist

>> No.18082540


>> No.18082546

you don't even need to read a dictionary to know what water is, you don't even have to read chemistry books to know what water is. yea, maybe sometimes looks can be deceptive, people will make illusions and you'll be surprised because anything can go from this state to another state, this form to another form. but i think i don't need to explain to you what water is.

for the second part, what i meant was, 'male and female are two different separate genders or not?'
1. are male and female two different genders?
2. or are they one?
3. or they are both the same gender?
4. or they are neither this or that, non-characteristics?
the majority of earth population is still trapped in word games, looks, concrete states. that's why fights and arguments happen.
>left or right?
>conservative or liberal?
>individualism or collectivism?
>black or white?
>poor or rich?
this applies to countless other things, as long as you're stuck in the 'concrete state' game, your mind is still not free. meditate.

>> No.18082555

That's not karma

>> No.18082566

>he fell for those PhD titties

>> No.18082567

>1. is water liquid, solid, or vapour?
>2. is water only liquid? or only solid? or only vapour?
Depends on which sample of water you are talking about.
>3. is water both liquid, solid and vapour at the same time?
No, there are specific temperatures and pressures for each state of matter which don't overlap
4. or is water not liquid, not solid and neither vapour?
No element can exist without being in some state of matter

>1. are men and women are two?
>2. are men and women are one?
>3. are men and women both one and two at the same time?
>4. are men and women neither one or two?
If by 'two' you mean two different types of things as opposed to 'one' type of thing then yes
>5. are men only ever be men, women only ever be women?
Being either male and female is an essential quality of humans, primates, and even all mammals (except for some physically deformed people we call 'intersex'). Culture specific delusions such as 'being transgender' have no empirical basis and are thus irrelevant to this question.
>6. so what are they?
Us humans? With enough scientific and philosophical investigation we will hopefully find out soon enough.

I do believe words have meaning, even if they can be unclear a lot of the time. Most things most people say are really unclear when you try to pick them apart at the grammatical level, but as long as they get a general meaning across that both parties generally understand then language has succeeded. The whole point of language is to communicate meaning anyway, so we might as well recognize that anyway. By having even a vague idea of what I've just said you've affirmed that. I also think I have a good idea of what you mean by 'making your mind empty', but I would still appreciate it if you could be a bit more precise. Thank you.

>> No.18082576

You use images of cartoon frogs to portray an emotional response

>> No.18082579

Essentially, it is.

>> No.18082663

It's too broad a term.

>> No.18082691

it really is. but you can get more understanding through Buddhist texts, they are very specific with people, name, past, future, country, thoughts, caste, actions and many more detail analysis of Karma and its characteristics

>> No.18083722

didn't read kill yourself