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/lit/ - Literature

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18079819 No.18079819 [Reply] [Original]

Books that explore psychopathy? Its for uh... research

>> No.18079845

American Psycho
Fight Club
We Are the Nerds: The Birth and Tumultuous Life of Reddit, the Internet's Culture Laboratory

>> No.18079859

Killed any more animals recently anon?

>> No.18079886

Aren't you the cat killer? Goddamn if I ever found you I'd literally beat the shit out of you

>> No.18079905

The collector by Fowls. Frederick Clegg is interesting character and you get to see him from his pov and his prisoner's pov. Brilliant book and surprised it's not talked more here.

>> No.18079911

Yes but I moved to countryside with my grandpa and started hunting so its not as weird anymore, I no longer chase stray dogs and cats at night. But the main problem is that theres bigger temptation in country to do something fucked up because theres barely any police force here and lots of people go missing in the woods. All and all, I think I’m closer to accomplishing my goal then I was before. We are all gonna make it.

>> No.18079931

A bit disappointed this time. Given the nature of your previous one, which made me roar in laughter in its innovativeness, I was expecting you to up your game.

Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.18079933


>> No.18079959

>We are all gonna make it
Kek, you're mental lad, enjoy nature like a normal chap. You are aware feds can link your IP to these posts?

>> No.18079986

I wouldn't say things like this if I were you anon, this isn't as anonymous as you might believe. Nishi will rat you out if he has to.

>> No.18080033

Maybe he wants to be caught.

>> No.18080162

he's already blacklisted

>> No.18080199

Idk you're probably a little cringe dyel babby and I could btfo you

>> No.18080252

Your behaviour is already psychopathic so why read up on it?

>> No.18081346

we are all blacklisted just for being here anon

>> No.18081363
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How many times is he gonna make this thread