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/lit/ - Literature

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18075930 No.18075930 [Reply] [Original]

Why do native speakers think that they're much better than us, ESL, when it comes to literature? What makes you guys think that way? When you guys can only read third rate translations of Russian, German, Spanish and French in English. Why?

>> No.18075947


>> No.18075952

Unfound arrogance and egotism. Many of them don't have a lot of things going for them, so they take any and all opportunities to make themselves feel better about themselves.

>> No.18075959

For the same reason that they think they're better than blacks or jews or whatever. It's a complex.

>> No.18075963

Is this the esl cope thread?
t. ESL

>> No.18075967


>> No.18075986
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So essentially what /lit/ does to read foreign acclaimed novels?

>> No.18075992
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So what if I learn Japanese so that I can read shitty light novels? I can now speak three languages much better than you! Only one!

>> No.18075995

>acclaimed novels

>> No.18076003
File: 191 KB, 1000x532, Legend of the Galatic heroes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't read the classics.

>> No.18076004

Yes, wha'ts your first language?

>> No.18076011
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Why do ESLs spend their time on english-speaking forums complaining about the english-speakers and the english language? Why don't they just stay on their own native-language forums where they don't have to interact with the people that they claim to hate in the language that they claim to hate?

>> No.18076015

>>acclaimed novels
Yes, light novel is. It is ten times much better than your tranny and black author who makes YA that no one gives a shit about

>> No.18076021

> their own native-language forums
Try that in a country with less than 6 million people.

>> No.18076022

>he doesn't know that 4chan is a Mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.18076026

Is there a Russian-language 4chan?

>> No.18076030


You will never be a woman. You have the immaturity of one which is why you read weebshit made for little girls, but you will always be a deranged tranny. Don't delude yourself.

And try speaking proper English next time tranny

>> No.18076032

>own native-language forums
Lol, no one here reads literature because we don't have a reading curriculum even if there is, I doubt it

>> No.18076043

Don't you know any words beside tranny? you fucking illeterate cunt

>> No.18076054

>letting troons live in your head
this is what /pol/ does to a man

>> No.18076064

Honestly I'm always surprised you guys can read at all, it's pretty incredible

>> No.18076069

>You will never be a woman
I bet that you're ass is 30 and has never had sex in his entire pathetic life and that you mostly browse /pol/ and jack off to interracial porn in /gif/. I'm certain that you are a redditor who only came here when the pandemic started and your reddit spacing gave it away.

>> No.18076119

Oh no poor baby! Did I hit too close to home you reddit troon? Are you gonna cry about it on traaa now?

>> No.18076126

lmao it's so easy to detect an ESL samefag. your awkward grammar and diction gives it away. seethe harder

>> No.18076131

this is how you derail a tranime thread ladies and gents. post one comment and the losers will get so mad they'll derail it for you

>> No.18076236


Why do retards ask questions (bait) with retarded assumptions that nobody in the thread proceeds to question, instead treating them as obvious truth?

>> No.18076272

>quoting three different users
You're retarded. Please go back

>> No.18076275

Lmao, getting offended this much.

>> No.18076288

That sucks dude. What country are you from?

>> No.18076312


>> No.18076341

Understood. Best wishes.

>> No.18076344


>> No.18076363

it's just shitposting you silly bitch. as a native english speaker the only kind of person I seriously think I am superior to is tripfags.

>> No.18076366

Don't listen to them. I'm from Britain

>> No.18076387

>native english speaker

>> No.18076407

im trans btw if that matters

>> No.18076417

Fake. Trannies came from America only

>> No.18076426


>> No.18076442

Stop being delusional! LGBT IS WORLDWIDE!

>> No.18076446

Wait until you are told that racism is only coming from America...

>> No.18076461

Wait till someone tells you that racism is only towards black people

>> No.18076462

grammar is made up bullshit, every linguist would attest to that

>> No.18076465

That's true.Yes

>> No.18076478

You fucked it up you were supposed to offer something counter-intuitive and incredulous yet also true.

>> No.18076488

But its true!

>> No.18076495
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Cope n Seethe

If your language wasn't shitty barbarian blabber you wouldn't of learned english.

>> No.18076504

I'm not a barbarian though

>> No.18076513

Nothing wrong with it's

>> No.18076531

>hurr why is english think it special
It's the most widely spoken language in the world, and therefore the best. You're just mad because you can't find good translations in whatever third rate shit hole language you primarily speak.

>> No.18076535

I'm sorry. I live in murica

>> No.18076536

Of course

>> No.18076538

its is, true that you. say there, are no! rules.

>> No.18076792

Blessed thread

>> No.18076826


>> No.18076851

>foreign acclaimed novels
the ESL BTFO by adjective order once again!

>> No.18076859

If English wasn't the superior language you wouldn't be here.

>> No.18076973

It isn't though.

>> No.18077332

You mean Latin?

>> No.18077353

stop he's already dead

>> No.18077535

you are so pathetic

>> No.18078553

It's how they cope.