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File: 79 KB, 504x695, F06D601A-7637-46D0-958C-5DBE7CAADA9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18074761 No.18074761 [Reply] [Original]

We just spent a year in a crisis with millions dead, riots erupting all over America, violent election cycles, social justice at an all-time high, and nothing about the system has fundamentally changed at all. How can you deny this man? History is over

>> No.18074771

Nah wait until inflation hits and the Fed gets fucked.

>> No.18074781

any time now

>> No.18074789

Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither did it collapse in a day.
Not much longer now thought.

>> No.18074806

Kek, Americans experience political and social turmoil once and think the world is ending. What a joke.

>> No.18074887

Is there anything more pathetic, servile, and narcissistic that concerning yourself with your relation to history?

>> No.18074925

yes, your post

>> No.18074933

>social jsutice at an all-time high

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.18074939

Trying to be profound on image boards and get affirming (You)s without even caring if the contrived garbage you post makes sense or has any truth.

>> No.18074948
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failed to account for the Chinese century

>> No.18074953

T. Wrong side of history

>> No.18074961

What? People are more progressive and liberal than ever. Everyone under the age of 30 around the world has very liberal views about globalization and diversity. No one has suggested an alternative to liberal capitalism. They only want to make the current system more equal.

>> No.18074968

The west is at an all time low.

>> No.18074982

Yes, I'm sure history books of the future will say nice things about movements you supported while you were alive. I'm sure you're very proud of it.
What makes you think I'm trying to be profound? You don't have to be all that bright to see people being pathetic to the point that it's silly.

>> No.18075010 [DELETED] 

This would get you tarred, feathered, and run off campus nowadays. The new goal is to make things """"equitable"""

>> No.18075016

The west hasn't been a thing since the end of WWI and the popularization of Jazz.

>> No.18075029

You’re right. The morality today is not about equal merit and value, it’s about seeing “oppressed” people as virtuous and the privileged as evil... so slave morality and Nietzsche’s last men, just like Fukuyama predicted we could end up as. Right yet again

>> No.18075041

You're right, it's not like there are similar developments in the rest of the West /s

>> No.18075062

kill yourself dumb pseud. no one thinks you're intelligent.

>> No.18075079

I don't think I'm intelligent either, so no disagreement there I can just smell how pathetic someone is if they seriously make what will be said indirectly about them in history lectures a motivating factor.

>> No.18075100

Adorno lives?

>> No.18075145

I was more inspired by an essay by the pro-jazz poet Philip Larkin.

>> No.18075156


it's hitting

>> No.18075173
File: 580 KB, 680x680, @yknsugar ougi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of this is the real crisis lmao. It's all performance art.
The real crisis is when the oil runs dry

>> No.18075178

> all time low

It's only going to get worse. There will be no salvation for America. I don't see how anyone can look at the current state of America and think there's even a small possibility of redemption.

>> No.18075324

>>The west hasn't been a thing since

>> No.18075405

>It's only going to get worse
That is what is so depressing. We have barely even begun sinking into the abyss that awaits us and it's already suicide inducing.

I don't understand what positivity anyone could possibly see in the future.

>> No.18075556

I think we are on the prelude of serious political, social, and environmental crisis. I do not see how the century moves forward without great violence, both between nations and within nations. I think there is going to be immense killing and death in the years and decades ahead.

>> No.18075580

I don't think so. We're too comfortable and placated. All the political battles of today revolve around the same ideals of liberty, equality, freedom, etc. Most likely we're just going to sit in decadence as things continue to degenerate. Lots of upheaval and nihilism everywhere but no all-out wars. Most people are too homogenized now to have a real diversity of conviction, especially not the world's youth who will inherit the world after being raised on social media.

>> No.18075613

But what happens when people get ambitious? Ambition is always the thing that stirs things up. People who WANT to conquer. People who WANT to upset the way of things. People who actively want upheaval, chaos, destruction. Those people still exist and will always exist, and what happens when they emerge, or if they get into positions of power themselves?

Men like Caesar and Napoleon have not ceased to exist, despite what you've been told.

>> No.18075631

>too placated and comfortable
I don't dispute that we have material abundance but life is becoming less and less comfortable. The cracks are becoming more and more apparent.

>> No.18075709

I think it all depends on material circumstance. Socially, there’s nothing much left to erode. Society is already dead and gone, at least in America. If capitalism fails or if the economy just puts everyone in poverty then the real trouble begins. I agree with Fukuyama that this current world order is designed to be the end of the historical process and to devalue any alternatives, but it’s quite obvious that this only means Liberalism will destroy itself after a while

>> No.18075756

I mean that's what the Deneen book everyone loves to talk about essentially says...

>> No.18075840
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>We hit that iceberg like half an hour ago. The Titanic cannot sink, guys.

>It’s still 1991 guys. Really.

>> No.18075871
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>> No.18075888

Depending on the aspects of location and willpower.

As mentioned in the thread, the average western man is fat and weak. The average asian man is growing towards that trend as well.

China has its climb back to the stage but has the plague of western narcissistic modernity cometh.

Conquering isn't the drive, it's resources and control, conflicts are going to be Hotspot regional and infliction, depending on how it escalates, can and will be telling.

How Russia handles Ukraine will be the first tell of modern conflict. Not some middle eastern expo.

>> No.18075916

lolberg cope

>> No.18075957

Took the words right out of my mouth. >>18075016
This is right too. WWI definitely sealed the Wests fate.

>> No.18076013

Looks like CPI is up too


>> No.18076083

>How Russia handles Ukraine will be the first tell of modern conflict. Not some middle eastern expo.

The South China Sea is another obvious flashpoint. It's too important a body of water, and China wants to claim all of it. Their neighbors don't want them to do that and America won't LET them do that, too much commerce flows through it. I think there is legitimate odds of war between the United States and China. Unlike what was the case with the United States and Great Britain, what we have here is a current superpower and a rising superpower who are, at best, cold towards each other, if not openly antagonistic. If great powers refuse to make nice then war almost always follows.

>> No.18076116

Basically everyone else stands to profit from this so they have my go-ahead.

>> No.18076160

>t. big boss

>> No.18076192
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I'm not sure why he always looks so smug. Originally he thought the end of history was be miserable. Which it is...

Pic related.

>> No.18076210

this is the correct answer

>> No.18076213

>Their neighbors don't want them to do that
Just the US. The US wants everything.
Imagine China claiming the Caribbean was theirs. Same deal. Why won’t we let Cuba alone again?

>> No.18076256

Vietnam and the Philippines have both expressed their displeasure with China trying to claim the sea.

Japan is so angry at China these days that they're on the verge of signing a mutual defense treaty with Taiwan, in the event of an attack by China.

>> No.18076263

Nah, people are too MKULTRAed to do anything. The war we’re in the midst of and that will continue is the psywar, or “infowar” if you will.

>> No.18076274
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Everybody said the same thing about East Germany, and the Soviet Union as a whole. The Stasi were an enormous security apparatus and controlled the country and the minds of its citizens pretty thoroughly. There was a belief that the Soviet Union would last forever.

And then, one day, it didn't.

>> No.18076384

Well there's nothing similar in the two so-called "western" countries which I live in and am from.

>> No.18076566

The technology for propaganda and public opinion management are far more sophisticated than they were in the 20th century, in fact that is the domain where technology is most progressing. The current state won’t last forever though, no state does. But I don’t think we can expect the collapse to happen very soon.

>> No.18076830

There isn't. The 70s and 80s America was way more tumultuous than now. Cope fag

>> No.18076849

National politics weren’t as polarised

>> No.18076909
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Alternative Thesis:

https://youtu.be/AZypbVJ16Jk?t=2752 (timestamped)

Film/Series Relevant to this Thread:



>> No.18076931
File: 131 KB, 1536x1742, 1980-france@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Paul II really doesn't get enough credit for being an absolutely monumental historical figure. The man was, at minimum, one of the three or four people directly responsible for the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. That's not even counting the things he did for the Catholic Church. He has a reasonable claim to being the single most important individual in the final quarter of the 20th Century.

But everybody forgets about him because so many cultural writers and historians are atheists and they don't like to think about the enduring power of the Catholic Church to shape global affairs.

>> No.18076935

That's just how his face works, and nobody remembers what he meant by end of history because it was strawmanned to hell and back.

>> No.18077119

Reminds me of Cioran

>> No.18077612

Fukuyama was right. But Nietzsche was even more right.

>> No.18077674

>catholic pope responsible for fall of crumbling orthodox empire
fuck off pawel

>> No.18078283

In the last decade, China and Russia have both amended their nation's constitutions in order to preserve their leaders for life. The world does not revolve around the declining power that is America

this is accurate, John Paul II was an immense historical figure, and as distance from his papacy continues to grow he will be considered as such.

>> No.18079195

*Nothing happens*

>> No.18079221

>We just spent a year in a crisis with millions dead, riots erupting all over America, violent election cycles, social justice at an all-time high, and nothing about the system has fundamentally changed at all.
lol who cares

>> No.18079223

>Imagine China claiming the Caribbean was theirs.
You mean like the South China Sea or the Senkaku Islands or Taiwan...?

>> No.18079232

>millions dead
Mostly old farts and fat-asses, most of them mutts and macacos.
>riots erupting all over America, violent election cycles, social justice at an all-time high
Who cares? Your shithole isn't the center of the universe.

>> No.18079248

>it's not like
Kill yourself you faggot redditor

>> No.18079254

>The technology for propaganda and public opinion management are far more sophisticated than they were in the 20th century
That may be true; however the emergence of the internet has also granted people a virtual world library at the tip of their fingers in the palm of their hands and that means that disinformation is whilst being more easily spread also more readily negated with actual facts.

>> No.18079397

shut up tranny, take your tit pills

>> No.18079417

That’s why they inundate us with information to overwhelm our ability to parse out relevant and truthful information leading people to become schizos and wind up on here