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/lit/ - Literature

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18074237 No.18074237 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread got deleted before I could respond. I am going to read a lot of these soon. It's a sample of my stack. I will read Blood Meridian next and then Winnie the Pooh.

>> No.18074245
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For some odd reason, it didn't post vertically.

>> No.18074510
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For some odd reason idgaf

>> No.18074522

Idgaf that ydgaf.
Thanks for bumping my thread.

>> No.18074890

>Winnieh Pooh

>> No.18074899

Do you play Viva Piñata? Nice.

>> No.18075008

The Bible declares that we who follow Christ should be just as much in love with each other as God was in love with us when He sent His Son to die on the cross. The moment we come to Christ, Scripture says, God gives us supernatural love that is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. The greatest demonstration of the fact that we are Christians is that we love one another. Why not go out of our way to be a friend to someone whose skin is a different color from ours? Love does more to solve our problems than anything else does. Of all the gifts God offers His children, love is the greatest. Of all the fruits of the Holy Spirit, love is the first.

>> No.18075017

In the third century Cyprian, the Bishop of Carthage, wrote to his friend Donatus, “It is a bad world, Donatus, an incredibly bad world. But I have discovered in the midst of it a quiet and holy people, who have learned a great secret. They have found a joy which is a thousand times better than any of the pleasures of our sinful life. They are despised and persecuted, but they care not. They are masters of their souls. They have overcome the world. These people, Donatus, are Christians . . . and I am one of them.” If you have repented of your sins and have received Christ as Savior, then you, too, are one of them.

Today, Lord God, I remember all those Christians who have gone before me and thank You for the inspiration of their memory. May I never take for granted the heritage I have in Christ Jesus.

>> No.18075031

Are you? Or just interested?
Anyway my stack:
>Before European Hegemony by Abu-Lughod
>Concentration by Stefan Van der Stigchel
>The Rise of the Atlantic Economics by Ralph Davis
>Treatise by Berkeley

>> No.18075054
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>> No.18075363
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My whole bookshelf is basically an unread stack, these are probably the next 5 books I read, and probably in this order from top to bottom. Currently reading TSATF on top, next will be One Day in the Life Ivan Denisovich (can't read the title in pic), then so on. As you can see, I am a novelfag

>> No.18075873


>> No.18076188

>Viva Pinãta
Absolutely beyond based.

>> No.18076205
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this is...interesting

good shit all around, thought I haven't read Artemis or The Moonstone

Really good stuff here Blood Meridian and TSATF are two of the greatest ever

>> No.18076632

I finished Giles Goat-Boy a couple days ago. Hope you enjoy it, it's fantastic.

>> No.18076643
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>> No.18076682

Someone needs to stop Penguin. They're out of control. 75% of that book is constituted by NOT-Chaucer. Holy shit.
>a few essays by a literal whos
>second foreword
>more thanks
>the actual Canterbury tales
>further reading
>a thank you

>> No.18076705


>> No.18076713

are you retarded?

>> No.18077326
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Are you? Aren't you upset that you're paying for Google-able bloat?

>> No.18077672

I presume that that version included the long prose bit of Chaucer's Canterbury tales, no?

>> No.18078266

The Parson's Tale, yes, if that's the one you refer to.

>> No.18078530
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I got the box man because some idiot anon posted a great excerpt and complained about how incomprehensible it was. Its fucking awesome.

>> No.18078572

Dam son why wont that shite rotate

>> No.18078574
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>> No.18078776

Based AA Milne. Used to read his nursery rhymes all the time as a kid.

>> No.18078835
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Recent purchases.
>Modern Chinese Poets
Well, they aren't contemporary now, but whatever. It's a pretty little edition. They seem to have included a few of Mao's poems too at the end.
>Mihály Babits - Laodameia
Actually found out about this through an article that analysed this play as if it were a kabuki-piece. Actually it's written in the style of classical Greek drama. One of those "I'll get to it eventually" books. Really, it's a shit edition and I kind of regret spending money on it.
>Gu Hua - A small town called hibiscus
Don't know. It's a Chinese novel I found on a list, so it's by default a part of my collection's scope.
Apparently it deals with the Cultural Revolution. Not exactly a bad topic. Soul Mountain did it really well.
It's also surprisingly short compared to a lot of Chinese novels I come across.
>Balázs Ablonczy - Hungarian, to the East!
I'm not exactly surprised someone wrote a book detailing the history of Turanism in Hungary. It's kind of topical right now.
Already finished a third of it. It's good. Full of interesting facts and sometimes it helps putting things in a completely new context and shows how this relatively obscure idea still "haunts" us for better or for worse.
>Béla Vilcsek - Mihály Babits the Playwright
It was cheap, it's relatively new, and other books in the series have been pretty good so there was really no reason not to get it.
Basically got it to supplement my reading of Laodameia so that I'm not going in completely blind.

>> No.18078843

>A Brief History of the Chinese Communist Party
Don't know if this should go into the fiction or history section. It's not that I don't trust books printed in the 50s, it's just that I'm suspicious that the "facts have changed" quite a bit since then. Really, it's biggest issue is that it's very old, from before the Sino-Soviet split.
I'll probably get some use out of it.
>Ekkehard - The Saga of Waltharius the Strong Handed
Oh wow, an epic poem. It's tangentially related to the Nibelung mythos so I'm checking it out.
It was printed a decade ago but the publisher still had new copies for sale. Kinda sad, but also very nice, because that means I save a decade's worth of inflation.
>Péter Vámos - Hungaro-Chinese Relations 1949-1989
It's mostly a collection of documents from the era, but it actually does include some studies (roughly 200 pages, the remaining 600 is just internal documents of different ministries and institutions that dealt with the PRC before 1990.)
Haven't gotten to the studies yet, but reading some of the documents has been kind of fun. Most of them have "Top Secret!!!" written in the header. Don't know how to feel about that. Of course a lot of it is also just drivel by pencil-pushing officials, but there's good and interesting data here and there if I open it at random, like the one report from the 70s talking about the "State of Hungarian China Studies".

>> No.18078919
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I have shit taste.

>> No.18079147

>Only four good books
kek u nigger

>> No.18079167

only 2 books worth anything

>> No.18079198
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Used books are an addiction and it's getting out of control. God knows what I have behind the front row.

>> No.18079233

I'm going to buy a copy of the thebaid. How do you fell about it, having read it?

>> No.18079327
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Been on a Jungian analysis kick. I particularly liked He. It's kind of a mix of literary analysis and psychology. I normally detest self help books, but this is more of a deeper narrative.

I also just joined a new Church and have been trying to keep up with the Bible more.

And then I get tired and need something light like manga.

Also currently reading a graduate level intro on mind body philosophy on Kindle and listening to Jung's autobiography.

>> No.18079340

I had the same problem and switched to only buying antique books, mostly old diplomatic memoirs and travelogs. They look nicer around the house and are cool primary sources to browse through.

>> No.18079351

How does 'Blade of the Immortal' compare to something like 'Vagabond'?

Also is that the the flipped Dark Horse edition? How is it?

>> No.18079379

Never read Vagabond so I can't say. Yes, it's flipped which is a little weird.

The only other mangas I've read are Alita, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Beserk, and Akira, along with a few Western graphic novels.

It's pretty good. The first chapter I didn't like so much, but once the story got going it's been good. Probably closest to Beserk, but fairly different. It's dark and violent, but not on the same scale as Beserk. It isn't a horror manga for sure.

It reminds me a bit of Ninja Scroll more than anything else, or Samurai Champoloo.

>> No.18079459
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Do wish I had gotten the older publication of He since I absolutely loved the book and annotated it. It's the story of masculine development from boyhood to eventual individuation (a Jungian concept similar to self-actualization or enlightenment). Most people never become fully individuated. It uses the Arthurian Holy Grail story of Parsifal to illustrate this journey, and doesn't shrink from religious appeals, be they Christian (most of them) or Buddhist or Taoist. Self help without being self help.

He goes into more depth on this development using Don Quixote, Hamlet, and Faust as the three levels.of development in Transformation, but I decided to read a similar analysis by another author on the heros of Genesis first.

>> No.18079585
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I ve read only jung and the republic.

>> No.18079611
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Not a stack but the most recent purchase

>> No.18079728
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My backlog, although I do read the Joy of X during breaks at work. Need a new math book for when I finish.

>> No.18079771

Are you romanian, right?
Why your language seems italian?

>> No.18079866

Which 4/2?

>> No.18079897
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Ngl, I do miss the smell and feel of books.

>> No.18079928

I'm having the same problem, I'm buying stuff I actually want but it still feels impulsive, compulsive at times. Since each book is around $4-$5 on thriftbooks.com it's easy to justify buying each one and it builds up. But now that I've bought pretty much everything I want, I'm slowing down on it finally

>> No.18080368
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So this is what it feels like getting filtered by the Karl Witte translation of Dante...

>> No.18080490

And yet, you posted.

>> No.18080496

What kind of cat do you have?

>> No.18080499

what editions of Dune are those? Those covers are pretty anon

>> No.18080611

>that huge ass book for Metamorphosis

>> No.18080639
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Pretty good. I liked Aeneid better. But don't take my word for it.

>> No.18080662

Probably because most Kafka editions in Eastern Europe (unless they're pocket editions) have at least a large selection of Kafka's work come along with the story that gives the volume its title.
Do Anglo editions only carry the titular story or what?

>> No.18080664
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Who is this guy, is he from Star Trek? Why does he always come up when books are discussed? I even see him on Facebook.

>> No.18080706

The book title is just Metamorphosis. It doesn't say Metamorphosis and other stories or whatever

>> No.18080720

I would breed her like a farm animal

>> No.18080748

Making her lay eggs like a chicken? Based.

>> No.18080775
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Anon, I don’t think she would do that.

>> No.18080797
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Why are big tiddies so /lit/?

>> No.18080817
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Just finishing Oresteia. Might end up sticking to the Sophocles Oedipus trilogy and Euripides greatest hits, because I'm keen to just get onto philosophy at this point

>> No.18080827
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They just ARE. /Lit/ is secondary to booba

>> No.18081019
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Breasts are the Devil's tricks to enslave you in child support, alimony, and depression.

>> No.18081059
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UK stacker reporting in

>> No.18081068

you mad man, just buy a book shelf

>> No.18081095
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here is what im reading currently

>> No.18081105

Pretty good. Tasteful wood too

>> No.18081179

How's Dead Souls? Have you started reading them?

>> No.18081202

ive havent started dead souls yet but im pretty excited to start reading it.
right now im about half way through the tolstoy short stories and a third of the way through hell's angels

>> No.18081355

nah you don't. you know what you like so you read it. dont let a bunch of pseudointellectuals online make you think you're dumb cause you don't read everything on the "lit top 50 books" chart

>> No.18081366

Thoroughly shitty stack, kill yourself

>> No.18081371

how many more times will he prove that he posts here?

>> No.18081508

I thought penguin was regarded as good overall, what do you recommend instead of penguin? Genuine question

>> No.18081523

Marxist tranny detected

>> No.18081538
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Need it or keep it?

>> No.18081559

Its not even a political or ideological thing, wigan pier is mediocre - terrible by george orwell standards, fountainhead is just a bad piece of writing, huxley is always a 6/10 and never more or less, bede is poopookaka and not worth remembering apart from his significance as one of the first english language writers, and vision of the anointed is absolutely terrible but i'm saying that on some political shit.

>> No.18081588

Anon, I...

>> No.18081593

Looks like you bought Amazon’s “books you may like” lists until you spent 100 dollars

>> No.18081675

Basically just the stack with the sunglasses and flip flops

>> No.18081721

fühl mich immer so schlecht wenn ich die kaufe, sind schon ziemlich hässlich

>> No.18081728


>> No.18081940
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Findets du? Für 10 Euro das Stück find ich die Werke eigentlich ganz in Ordnung, besonders aufs Äußerliche bezogen. Nur die Übersetzung des Poes lässt ein wenig zu wünschen übrig, ich hätte wohl besser daran getan, die englische Literatur auch im Original zu lesen. Vorallem die göttliche Komödie ist allein schon von Dores' Illustrationen den vollen Preis wert (und das auf fast jeder 3. Seite). Wie gesagt nur die archaische Sprache filtert mich ein wenig.

>> No.18081949


>> No.18082825

Mating instincts are kinking in again

>> No.18082830


>> No.18082836

Chapter 2 of The Road to Wigan Pier is probably the high water mark of English-language journalism.

>> No.18083212

Thing is too, if you're a true elitist fag reader you will still eventually run out of "good books" to read, or the classics that everyone already agrees is good. So I guess once you read the few dozen approved /lit/ novels and a couple circle jerked philosophers, you can no longer post here. Which is best for that individual anyways desu

>> No.18083548


>> No.18083651

Forever I will regret not getting that Lovecraft edition
Forever I will cope telling myself the cover is fucking awful

>> No.18083663
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i've gotten so many books recently it's awful, this is just a very small portion

>> No.18083864

Go to church

>> No.18083969

>The Joy of X
Weird seeing math books here
>Need a new math book for when I finish.
James Gleick's Chaos is suppossed to be very good

>> No.18084255

Why is that Edith so chunky?

>> No.18084296

unbelievably based

>> No.18084298

Romance language innit

>> No.18084301

I miss the smell and feel of feet, but after a while you realise it was just a fetish. Same goes for physical books.

>> No.18084333
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>> No.18084489

Read Story of the Eye first!

>> No.18084595

What do you think of TSATF so far? In my opinion it's the best novel ever written unironically

>> No.18084607

Besonders das Äußere ist grottig. Billiges laminiertes Hardcover oder eben hier billigstes Leinen . Anaconda ist das Norma der Literatur.

>> No.18084663

lol someone noticed

>> No.18084845

just rip these pages out i they bother you so much

>> No.18085207
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These are my current reads.
>Homage to Catalonia
>Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.18085393

Penguin as "good overall" simply means choice of translations and general cost. Penguin typically has extensive endnotes but as I made mention of Remember, this secondary source material can be Google at any time. Also remember 90% of this site is poor fags and NEETs who can't afford anything more extravagantly priced than a used Penguin.

My goto publishers are Everyman's, Viking, Modern Library, if and when I can. When I can't, I'll settle for an Oxford. Especially if you're purchasing something in English, there's very little reason to get them from Penguin since textual quality will be uniform, unless of course you just care about the money. The one Penguin product line I will entertain are the Penguin Deluxe paperbacks, which are a pleasure to handle and have very loose bindings so you can just hold them open in your palm. However this is the exception. Penguin deluxe hardcovers are stiffer than your great grandfather's great grandfather's old bones, in much the same fashion as their classic paperbacks.

You really have to experiment with publishers to see who you like at the end of the day, my preferences and priorities are after all not your own. But do remember, Penguin is about the second lowest quality (in build and manufacture) money can buy if that at all matters to you.

>> No.18085495

Holy based and redpilled.

>> No.18085525

I still remember the day I got their 3-volume edition of War & Peace, brand new for like $15. Penguin can eat my ass

>> No.18085586
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I just had these delivered, to further illustrate my terrible taste.

>> No.18085598
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Whose Trivium is that?

>> No.18085642

>paperback bible
Just why?

>> No.18085651

>some atheism nonsense
>The faggot mountain
3/10, and that's just because I give you the benefit of the doubt towards the black book

>> No.18085662

I didn't think God would mind.

>> No.18085674

Yeah its weird but I love it.

The print is so large it could be read from space. Got it at goodwill for 69c so I am happy enough with it.

>> No.18085675

lol u mad?

>> No.18085683

Love that mug,

>> No.18085687

Btw black book is epitaph of a small winner

>> No.18085691


>> No.18085707

Nah, it's just a shitty way to waste your time.

>> No.18085708
File: 466 KB, 538x554, Näyttökuva 2021-4-22 kello 14.50.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend sold them to fund his campaign to the municipal council.

>> No.18085715

Recommend better books then, faggot. Which stack is yours?

>> No.18085731
File: 785 KB, 3161x851, Victor-Hugo+Der-lachende-Mann-2-Bände-komplett-in-neuer-Übersetzung-von-L-Tronier-Funder-m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.
>Victor Hugo - The Laughing Man
>Macchiaveli - The Prince
>A book on the Frankfurt school subversion of the german state from the beginning
>Henry James - What Maisie knew

>> No.18085748

I think it's amazing. I'm on page 235 out of 321 so I'll be done with it tomorrow or the day after. Might be my favorite novel I've read so far too, but part of that might be recency bias. I still have tons of stuff I need to read too. Still, I've never read anything quite like it

>> No.18085756

If it's shit, I'm telling you, I'll be flying over to naziland and personally sucking your dick.

>> No.18085766

>faggot reads faggot lit
Checks out. And thank god for not having a dick.

>> No.18085770
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Hey, I got that same H.P Lovecraft book like 10 years ago at a Barns & Nobles. That's pretty cool :)))))

>> No.18085840

Beautiful Machado edition, do you have others from the same collection?

>> No.18085844

paperback bible is a great analogy for what protestantism is

>> No.18085853

What makes papists defend the very religion that allowed them to be molested as children?

>> No.18085854
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Thanks anon, and yes I do.

>> No.18085862

Imagine thinking the essence of God can be captured in physical aesthetics, and caring more about material objects and man-made tradition than the eternal word of God which has always and is not altered by the book bindings it's printed on

>> No.18085866

>one good book

>> No.18085888

Catholics have more vitriol for Protestants than they do for non Christians or the pedos and communists that have taken over the papacy.

>> No.18085892

Just found this one from the same press:


I don't know if it's more recent than yours but it looks relatively well-preserved. That's a shameful and regrettable thing to confess, but even the faintest mold smell is intolerable for me, which makes browsing through some library sections to be difficult for me. That's why I'm hesitant on buying those collections

>> No.18085931

That's not a bad price, anon. Mine is from 1946. It definitely smells when you read it, on the shelf, though, it was barely noticeable after a week or two. There's another edition from the same press, in 15 volumes, that you can find, from the 80s, maybe it doesn't smell as much.


>> No.18085940

It's not about God, for fucks sake, it's about reading a doorstopper as a paperback, fucking brainlets.

>> No.18085946

Two other ads for the same edition. It can be a bit tricky to search for those.

>> No.18085970

But your post was criticizing protestantism more than paperbacks. So, it is about God, seeing as it's a sect of a religion... better to have a paperback that gets read than a hardcover that never gets opened and gold, statues and funny hats

>> No.18085989

Imagine, I'm not the only person postin as anon. I'm >>18085642 and that's about it.

>> No.18086092

Und was empfiehlst du für den Preis? Die gelben Reclam Heftchen?

>> No.18086105
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Finished 'Gabriela clove and cinnamon' and 'Explosion in a cathedral' this week (both very, very good), just started on Flannery O'Connor's short stories.

Can anyone tell me how you're supposed to read Hopscotch? I wasn't aware it was like that.

>> No.18086123

VZAB und Booklooker. Kaufst dir gebrauchte Leder- oder zumindest Hardcoverbände die über Generationen halten aber weniger kosten als ein Anaconda.

Damit unterstützt du dann auch nicht den Amazonjuden.

>> No.18086162


>> No.18086477


>> No.18086493

hows the burroughs Biography?

>> No.18086763
File: 2.53 MB, 4608x2755, P_20210423_001319_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have too many books.

>> No.18086905

show me more of your cramped ass apartment

>> No.18086933

Flan O'Connor is always a good read, enjoy anon

>> No.18086984

Part with a bunch. I can already tell you that you have shit on your shelves which you will never read gain, nor could be proud to show of.

>> No.18087412

I'm proud of everything, excluding Dan Brown.

>> No.18088869


>> No.18088943
File: 3.53 MB, 4032x3024, 20210422_170247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bough Third Policemen and Foucault's Pendulum because they are memed here so much

>> No.18088990

>marx mug


>> No.18089017

Did he win? No

>> No.18089239

What game is that you're playing?

>> No.18089582

>Foucault's Pendulum
About to jump on that meme too. I loved The Name of the Rose.

>> No.18089740

kill yourself frog poster.

>> No.18089766

Like that one too. Found a Rush one in the thrift store two weeks ago.

Well worth the money.

>> No.18089773

>pretends to read
>has a bunch of books he never read
>plays vidya instead


>> No.18089786

Show cover or Naked Eye and The Hills Beyond plz

>> No.18089799

>doesnt have books
>doesnt have vidya
>has virginity


>> No.18089819
File: 3.45 MB, 4032x3024, 16191344180517026540527776689276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here ye go

>> No.18089827

That is some quality finds, anon. Nice.

>> No.18089914

Reading The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana, and whenever I try to think of the title to tell someone or just to think of the book, I never remember it. I've never had this problem, but I am assuming it's just my own issue. Loving it so far. An adjunct came to the campus bookstore I work at and said I should read Foucault's Pendulum, which I may after this read.

I have Ada, do you know how it compares to his others?

>> No.18089939
File: 3.31 MB, 4032x3024, 20210422_185046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which should I read next?

>> No.18089949

Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.18089961

I know nothing of those books but those are some pretty covers

>> No.18090019


Aside from Wolfe that's why I bought em desu

I just finished reading To Live and Die in LA, so I'm in the mood for something similar, if only slightly

>> No.18090054

yes because all of that is a direct result of protestantism.

>> No.18090643

your not alone.

>> No.18091235

someone get a /shelf/ thread going

>> No.18091274
File: 2.27 MB, 4032x1960, 20210423_003449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convenience store woman was next to Murakami and sort if reads like Murakami so im giving it a shot.

>> No.18091291

Fuck Microsoft Azure

>> No.18091340
File: 3.00 MB, 4624x3450, 20210422_214818_copy_4624x3450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading almost entirely Kindle lately, so I'm gonna read some paper books next.

>> No.18091379
File: 1.67 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20210423_113310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to read more and actually finish this stack but my monkey brain isn't cooperating

>> No.18091387


>> No.18091679

Read two stories yesterday, each of them fantastic. You're right anon, this is going to be good.

>> No.18091692

>have Ada, do you know how it compares to his others?
Sorry, I haven't had the time to read Ada yet, but I've enjoyed Lolita, Pnin and Pale Fire so my expectations are quite high.

>> No.18091702

Stop buying memes and buy shit you'd actually like

>> No.18092692

It's the same mug. Other side is Marx crying and the text is on the other side.

>> No.18092699

Yeah, not being able to read books regardless on the authors views would be too american for me.

You don't really win elections as an 18-year-old. He didn't get elected no, but usually you just grow your popularity by campaigning at first. Then after you've built a voter base you start to get elected into positions of power. I just bought the mug because I wanted to support a dear friend, I didn't vote for him because I live in a different municipality.

>> No.18092752


>> No.18093123



>> No.18093198

>post your stack
30% ltc
30% eth
40% btc

thinking about hopping on monero desu' lads'

>> No.18093931
File: 140 KB, 750x1334, bookstack202104221212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18094696
File: 677 KB, 2048x1536, 39Csei3y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18094714

Meneekö tunteisiin ku muilla on kavereita :D postaa kirjakasas homo

>> No.18094909

Suomi perkele. Ootko kommunisti, vai onko ton mukin tarkoitus pilkata Marxia?

>> No.18094933

lol vitun noloa paskaa.

>> No.18095231

Have you had sex today?

>> No.18095598

Siinä on itkevä Marx.

Käytän kaveria tukeakseni ostettua kahvikuppia. Umad? Postaa kirjakasa Veeti.

>> No.18095898

Hero tales sounds neat, is it?

>> No.18095937

cool beer anon

>> No.18095999
File: 797 KB, 1081x581, hyi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eikö Marxin vihaaminen ole enemmän "veetimäistä" kuin marxilaisen filosofian arvostaminen? Onko sun kaveri joku aivokuollut kokoomusnuori?

Ja kuvaa kasasta en jaksa lähettää, mutta just nyt luen:
Linkola - Voisiko elämä voittaa
Rousseau - Yksinäisen kulkijan mietteitä
Gogol - Dead souls (luen sen englanniksi jostain syystä)

>> No.18096059

>kiinnostuu kavereiden puoluekannasta
Aika Veeti move. True vanhahomoa ei vittu kiinnosta, jos kyseessä on ystävä.

>> No.18096093

No, you like what you like. I admire that.

>> No.18096175

Mun mielestä on aika surullista, jos kaveruus ei perustu mihinkään yhteisiin arvoihin. Tietenkin minua kiinnostaa mun ystävien näkemykset, sillä minulle ystävyys ei ole vain sitä, että yritetään epätoivoistesti etsiä jotain ryyppykavereita, jotta ei jäätäisi ihan yksin. Jos välitän jostain ihmisestä, niin hän on minun silmissäni yleensä hyvä ihminen, joka tarkoittaa, että hän jakaa minun arvomaailmani ja elää sen mukaisesti. Itse en siis todennäköisesti voisi olla kovin läheinen jonkun persun kanssa, vaikka voisin kyllä kännit semmosen kanssa vetästä.

Ehkä meillä on vain eri käsitys ystävyydestä.

>> No.18096393

Kun pääset lukiosta/yliopistosta huomaat, että keskustelut ideologioista ja arvomaailmoista ovat todella köyhiä jos ainoa näkökulma on oma. Rauhallinen, vertaileva ja dialogilla totuuteen pyrkivä keskustelu on todella antoisaa hyväkäytöksisen ja älykkään ystävän kanssa. Ei sillä ole oikeastaan väliä, että mitä puoluetta äänestää tai edustaa. Puoluekanta ei kerro kaikkea ihmisestä ja keinot edistää kanssaeläjien hyvinvointia ovat moninaiset.

>> No.18096521

Siis tietenkin on hyvä käydä keskustelua ihmisten kanssa, joilla on erilaiset näkemykset asioista. Oen käynyt monet todella hyvät poliittiset keskustelut kokoomuslaisten kanssa. Ristirunkkaus on välillä tylsää - olen samaa mieltä, mutta monesti on rikkaampaa käydä keskustelu ihmisten kanssa, joilla on samanlainen maailmankuva, sillä sillon voi edetä ajattelussa syvemmälle. Moni keskustelu jää niin sanottujen "Veetien" kanssa tosi pinnalliselle tasolle, sillä monista fundamentaalisista asioista ei olla samaa mieltä, joten keskustelu ei etene. Jos haluaa esim puhua metsien tilasta Suomessa, syntyy kiinnostavampi keskustelu, jos molemmat osapuolet välittävät metsistä, eikä tarvitse väitellä siitä onko metsillä arvoa, vaan voi mennä suoraan asiaan. Näin myös syntyy kiinnosavia kysymyksia siitä, mitä meidän pitää tehdä metsien suojelemiseksi.

Mutta minua kiinnostaa, että olisitko ihmisen kanssa kaveri, jonka arvot olisivat aivan kauheat (esim hänen mielestään lapsien raiskaaminen olisi salittua)? Itse en kunnioita tuommoisia ihmisiä, vaikka voisinkin mahdollisesti käydä kiinnostavan keskustelun hänen kanssaan moraaleista. Haluan tuntea arvostusta ystäviäni kohtaan, ja en usko, että voisin arvostaa ihmistä, jonka ajatukset ovat aivan todella vastenmieliset. Moraalit ovat minulle tärkeä osa elämää ja tuntuu väärälle, jos näen, että joku lähipiirissäni kannattaa tai tekee suuria vääryksiä maailmaa kohtaan. On hankalaa olla ystävä ihmisen kanssa, jonka olemassaolo tekee maailmasta paskemman paikan.

>> No.18096853

Ehdottomuus ja yksinkertaisuus leimaavat nyt kommenttejasi.

>> No.18096894

Selkärangattomuus ja arvottomuus leimaavat sinun surullista elämääsi

>> No.18096908

ja ensi kerralla voit yrittää vastata minun sanoihini. Jos kerran erilaiset näkemykset herättävät hyvää keskustelua, niin onko herra hyvä ja demontsroi, miten hyvä keskustelu käydään. Ironisesti todistat minun näkemystäni omalla käytökselläsi...

>> No.18097283

no shit he noticed

>> No.18097320
File: 3.38 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20210424_001313481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18097385

it's still in print? just get it. unless you mean you got another edition instead


>> No.18097439

yes it's very good, it's legends from all across the world in the ancient times, from Odysseus to Native chieftains.

>> No.18097464

Have you gotten to Confessions of an English Opium Eater? I've always had a curiosity about that book.

>> No.18097591

Not yet, that pile is my to read pile, it's going to be my first de Quincey book though, anything to know about his writing before I read?

>> No.18098312

more than 75% of it's parts are not Chaucer's writing, but I actually like all those added parts. I think it sets me up better for further reading and the opinions in the essays sometimes show me a perspective I hadn't considered, or suggest something to pay attention to as I read the actual text. Sometimes it can simulate a kind of bookclub in what it otherwise a solitary activity. There's a case for Penguin to be adding all this extra stuff. There must be a market for it.

>are you retarded?
C'mon. That's no way to talk. Point out one character from any book that talks like that. It doesn't count if he's foil for another character... Your on /lit/ you might as well write a bit more about why you think >>18076682 is retarded

>> No.18098355
File: 17 KB, 300x236, Between_the_Lions_Title_Card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So >>18080639 is a picture of the guy from Reading Rainbow a kid's show I watched in the early 2000s which encouraged kids to read. He would read a book to me from the screen. It was kinda comfy, but not nearly on the level of picrel

>> No.18098439
File: 1.90 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18098473

Have you read the trilogy? I'm currently reading Malone Dies.

>> No.18098539

I read The Trilogy last year and it totally fucked me up.

>> No.18098606

>hw to spot a fascist
>the struggle against the state
>on anarchism
>how to lie with statistics
I could beat you up irl

>> No.18098651

soi detected

>> No.18098830

this screams 21 yr frat history major

>> No.18099039

Based Musashi

>> No.18099863


*The Chad Dante suppresses the Virgin Poe, saying:*
"The weak should fear the strong"

>> No.18099872


>catholics blaming pedophilia on protestants


>> No.18099984

What are stack threads? Books you want to show off? Books you are currently reading? Books you are going to read? What is it?

>> No.18100070

>Books you are going to read
Or recently purchased books that you're going to read

>> No.18100297

To be fair on anarchism was absolutely shit, but I liked the rest

>> No.18100401

convenience store woman is just another last man novel but being written by a women it is neither critique or satire.shameless bugman book

>> No.18100439

Are the Kojima books worth the read?

>> No.18100860

Not really.
If you have played Death Stranding, you have read these books. They are just a play-by-play of what happens in the games, with no extra detail.
The translation is very plain as well; it's fine to read, but nothing memorable.

>> No.18100948

I hated that Ben Marcus book so much

>> No.18101983

Paradise Lost is good but everything else is fucking retarded. If you're in high school it can be forgiven. If not, you are a jolt-head.

>> No.18102745
File: 931 KB, 2260x1565, 20210424_123553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my current stack I put together for the next couple months. There may be many stacks like it, but this one is mine

>> No.18102754
File: 384 KB, 527x471, 1577926649695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One wonders how it even found its way in there.

>> No.18103478

What's "Etymologies" about?

>> No.18103566

Shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.18104401
File: 317 KB, 393x500, 1430261770517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If god is omnipotent then why did Jesus have to die?

>> No.18104445


>> No.18104453


>> No.18104506
File: 369 KB, 1600x1027, DSC00571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are 3 ways of reading it:
A. Chapter 1 - 2 - 3 - ... - 56. The other chapters aren't necessary
B. (Pic rel)
C. Randomly (he later wrote another novel inspired by this possibility)

>> No.18105541

My stack is a collection of books on guerrilla warfare, cause they are a common theme of books I keep together.
The first time I saw a stack thread I had just finished writing a research paper on Mao and the CCP's influence on Guerrilla Warfare, so I had those lying next to my computer so I posted those.

>> No.18105575

because it was prophesized he would for a long, long time

>> No.18106204

It's an encyclopedic summary about all manner of topics. Look up a synopsis on it. Of course its thoroughly outdated since there are numerous sections about the natural sciences up until that point, but I mostly got it for his theological ruminations

>> No.18106216

This is just a small portion of the reason and is really simplifying things, but: to show us the ideal Man.

>> No.18106220
File: 455 KB, 713x950, 20210425_015855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. And yes, I'm virgin.

>> No.18106224

If you want to actually get something out of the secret teachings of all ages, you'll have to have read literally every major mythological and religious text.

>> No.18106227

>Of course its thoroughly outdated since there are numerous sections about the natural sciences up until that point

Even these are interesting in their own right, like the derivation of heaven (caelum) from engraved (caelatum), which Varro first made. This calls to mind ancient notions of embedded or ornamental stars. Such etymologies help give us a firm grasp on ancient mindsets, but also lead to surprising insights, especially if taken poetically. This is what Milton did.

>> No.18106400


>> No.18106404

Why are you acting so mad if he's wrong lmao

>> No.18106429

Nice fresh looking copy of secret teachings, my absolute nigga

>> No.18106437

Imagine being so uneducated that you don't have at least a notion of most anything it references. Regardless it thoroughly babies you through everything.

>> No.18106555

Yes absolutely. I've had it on my reading list for a few years now, perhaps from the last time I read Chaucer, and I was just recently reminded of it whilst reading the Eckhart book, so I finally picked it up. It seems very interesting in that aspect and I love to be closer acquainted to the more classical mindset for better understanding of the stories and development of the beliefs and theologies over all. I only thumbed through it briefly but I caught a section where he was breaking down the etymology proper of the word king, which implicitly suggested that one who wished to be king was one who had to act correctly, as "rex" coming from the word "recte," and so he goes on; but even that little blurb, as simple an association as it is (since we all understand what rectify means, though I wouldn't have necessarily deduced the association between the two on my own) contains a hell of a lot more insight and revelation than the modernized, puerile "KING=BAD BECAUSE KING=TYRANT" that we receive as "education" nowadays. I love exploring words and going back to their origins and it's part of what makes reading the Greeks so fun, so I'm excited to get more into this.

>> No.18106610

M E L B O U R N E??

>> No.18106669

I enjoyed it but I did feel it was a bit vacuous. What do you think I would enjoy more?

>> No.18106714

if you want the same idea Notes from underground is superior in every conceivable way.
if you want japanese novels maybe Night on the galactic railroad or the Archipelago books version of Akutagawa's short stories.

>> No.18106826

Thanks. I've read much of Akutagawa and Notes but I'll check out Night on the galactic railroad.

>> No.18106893

>various novellas by Chekhov
>Midnight's Children
>A Wild Sheep Chase
>Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.18106925

Much appreciated m'man!

>> No.18106959
File: 75 KB, 1440x1080, E379B8BF-9F2A-497D-A352-90501DC36F4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Star Wars: Lost Stars

>> No.18107021

People have always hated the heretic more than the heathen.

>> No.18107165

>when He sent His Son
The Son asked the Father to get on the cross you dimwit

>> No.18108310


>> No.18108483

What are you implying here? I already DID read every major mythological and religious text before reading it, and I'm saying that most people will not actually learn anything from it unless they've done the same.

>> No.18108593

How did they fuck up the alignment for The Aeneid

>> No.18108761
File: 3.58 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20210425_113348951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost all stacks include HP Lovecraft.
I'd rather not let people know I'm a racist unless I have to.

Tell me what you think.

>> No.18108941

I introduce myself a xxxxx the racist. Real ice breaker, the curb, I mean. Oh, I meant, SKULL. Sorry about that lad.

>> No.18108954

Obviously patrician
Arpad salutes you
Used books are absolutely patrician
Very interesting
Pink Floyd is fantastic. Only millenial contrarians disagree.
Nice. Rate the translations anon.
Great. Just get rid of that Bloom faggot.
Very good
Nice and checked
Lol. Nice.
Based hue
Love Frankfurt School
Very good
Confederacy saves it

>> No.18108968
File: 151 KB, 682x910, 1597687313425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unopened copy of Steven Burns' translation of Otto Weininger's UEBER DIE LETZTEN DINGE. These go for big bucks nowadays.

>> No.18108983

I am surrounded by boxes of books

I always want to post in these threads but I'm not going to artificially select a number of books to stack up and take a picture of.

>> No.18109021

I think you're an idiot.

>> No.18109027

Thank you for the (you)

>> No.18109056

Why not?

>> No.18109110

I've had the theme song of between the lions stuck in my head all morning thanks to you

>> No.18109111

Siddhartha is Hesse's weakest book, I suggest you rather also pick up Demian or Narziss and Goldmund, if you already haven't.

>> No.18109142
File: 1.34 MB, 4032x2207, 129CD20A-4423-49CE-A0F6-71858732E64F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recently read / in progress

>> No.18109273

You can't even read the goddamn titles fix your configuration virgin

>> No.18109292

I met some hot hippiechicks so I decided to read Siddartha. I might read his other stuff too.

Also, checked.

>> No.18109349
File: 3.42 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20210425_171310334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading and to-read

>> No.18109394
File: 1.73 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What say ye of me?

>> No.18109404

>Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times

thinking pretty fucking based, also nice edition of GEB

>> No.18109413
File: 1.72 MB, 3024x4032, whoops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see if this will upload upright.

damn it.

>> No.18109436

If you're into that sort of thing, check out ET Bell, if you don't know of him already. He has a book called Men of Mathematics. It was incredibly fun to read, especially for a book on the history math.

>> No.18109473

I already have all of Bell's layperson's books, but thanks for the recommendation.

If you like math history a good compendium is Newman's 4 volume World of Mathematics.

>> No.18109527

mid wit tier

>> No.18109630

Newman, oh man. I wish I could purchase that and it's not at any libraries within 50 miles of me, according to Worldcat. Send me your copies, bro. Hofstadter was influenced by Newman's work to write GBE, apparently!

What else do you read? Have you ever looked into Georges Ifrah's 3-volume monumental history of numbers? If you have, what else would you recommend?

>> No.18109635

Where is your stack and what would you remove from my stack to make it not mid wit tier?

>> No.18109730

I bought at my local used book store From prehistory to the invention of the computer, but I haven't seen the other volumes.

I'd highly recommend Development of Mathematics by Bell and Mathematics its content, methods and meaning by A. D. Aleksandrov, et al.

For encyclopedia a general undergraduate level would be the CRC press Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics or for a more advanced treatment Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics by Ito(ed.)

>> No.18110053
File: 493 KB, 1592x1533, Books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read all these in the past three weeks except the Murakami which I'm reading now. I want to read more like the Palahniuk if anyone has any recommendations (that isn't more Palahniuk). I would appreciate it.

>> No.18110099
File: 338 KB, 1372x1109, PXL_20210425_185310585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got a concussion 2 weeks ago and have to abstain from serious reading for another 2
I was half way through one dimensional man too..

You start Stalingrad yet? It seems like such a commitment that I've been hesitant to pick it up.

>> No.18110124

>Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics
>Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics by Ito(ed.)

Thank you, friend.

>> No.18110128

You should check out The Stranger by Albert Camus.

>> No.18110250
File: 763 KB, 2118x1989, 20210425_142202~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, in spanish:

* Satán en Goray by Singer (satan in goray)
* Manual de crítica de la arquitectura by Corral (no english translation)
* Cuentos completos by Yourcenar (complete short stories)
* El progreso improductivo by Gabriel Zaid (no english translation afak)

and in english, In praise of Shadows by Junichiro Tanizaki

>> No.18110326

Thank you. I'll pick it up.

>> No.18110344

>You start Stalingrad yet? It seems like such a commitment that I've been hesitant to pick it up.
I did, so far so good.
Frankly, I am reading it as part of researching the historical battle itself; happily, it also happens to be a masterpiece of 20th century / war literature.
You’re right, it’s probably daunting to start purely for literary consumption. (Not to mention that Life and Fate, to which this is really just the first part, is also very long.)
I suppose you have to want to read War and Peace, to read this. Or, want to understand the Soviet era. Any fleeting reason is more than enough of a nudge to help make it seem like less of a pure commitment.
But it really does read pretty easily.

>> No.18110438

Cute blankets desu.

>> No.18110439

Me too man. First it was buying stuff from thriftbooks, but recently stumbled on Salvation Army. Literally can pick up a dozen books for less than $5

>> No.18110463

thank you :3

>> No.18111087

Trump lost

>> No.18111099

Someday I'll own that fucker physically

>> No.18111101

Bernie lost twice.

>> No.18111115

>reads Celine
>he's obviously a suomi chad
>still thinks he gives a shit about drumpf
ngmi you faggot

>> No.18111137

Pick up some Bukowski, and a pack of 20 smokes, then drink yourself into oblivion.

>> No.18111188

Looks like you’ve done everything but jerkoff into viva piñata, or have you

>> No.18111265

Thank you my friend.

Do you even recognise a single author?

>> No.18111869
File: 3.33 MB, 4032x3024, 16193948797759207973857387729744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Collapse of Complex Societies is somewhere.

>> No.18111928

Incredible taste and refinement


>> No.18111936
File: 382 KB, 1600x1200, aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to get a little collection going.

>> No.18112257

Foucault's Pendulum is good, but Prague Cemetery is him at his peak.

>> No.18113199

Giles Goat-Boy was much better than i expected.

>> No.18113209

This picture makes me very nervous, please don't do things like this

>> No.18113314
File: 202 KB, 750x923, 3EF5341C-68BD-4A7C-9AC3-8FF6FD9C6BAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally not that bad. It’s only like 500 pages also, no idea why anon’s looks like that

>> No.18113348

>Who is this guy
Levar Burton. Played Geordi LaForge on Star Trek Next Generation and hosted the Reading Rainbow show. All around great guy

>> No.18113350

>because I'm keen to just get onto philosophy at this point
You dont need to read all the ancient classics to read philosophy anon

>> No.18113357

Penguin is aimed at students, those things all serve a purpose.

>> No.18113593

What bookshelf do you guys have? I'm starting to get too big of a stack.

>> No.18113801


The best.

>> No.18113841

>penguin is aimed at scamming the most destitute people
Incredible business sense

>> No.18114403
File: 20 KB, 322x242, batman-1966-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone needs to stop Penguin

>> No.18114606
File: 32 KB, 486x277, Batman Begins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18114615

Penguin was designed to be affordable and students require these books for class a lot of the time.

>> No.18114739

>let's make an affordable book for students
>>alright, how should it look?
>we'll fill it with twice as much secondary source text as the primary source text, tripling the page count, and thereby increasing its cost according to its material requirements
>>by God, Ebenezer, you've done it again

>> No.18114973

Because for God to be omnipotent he has to also be everything which includes being a man and there's nothing more human than betraying a God, thus God became Judas and Jesus had to die.

>> No.18115079

>Ayn Rand

>> No.18115448

that copy of Canterbury Tales in my pic is 1253 pages. it's the old English version, and like half of the book is notes on the language.

>> No.18115463

homemade is the only sensible thing to do. I made a 7 foot tall bookshelf for like 40 dollars and it's way sturdier than just about anything you could buy at a store

>> No.18115655

I have that Renaissance book. It was pretty good; makes me want to start reading the rest of that Civilization series.

>> No.18115677


You Sir, are a real Sir!