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/lit/ - Literature

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18073937 No.18073937 [Reply] [Original]

>Let’s start with my ideal world – the world of thousands, preferably even tens of thousands, of neocameralist city-states and ministates, or neostates. The organizations which own and operate these neostates are for-profit sovereign corporations, or sovcorps. For the moment, let’s assume a one-to-one mapping between sovcorp and neostate. […] Let’s pin down the neocameralist dramatis personae by identifying the people who work for a sovcorp as its agents, the people or organizations which collectively own it as its subscribers, and the people who live in its neostate as its residents.

>A Neocameral ‘neostate’ is not owned by its residents or its agents. Its ‘monarch’ (or ‘CEO’) is an executive appointment. (90% of all confusion about Neocameralism, and Neoreaction in general, stems from a failure to grasp this elementary point.) Note: ‘subscribers’ (plural). More coming on this immediately.

>Every patch of land on the planet has a primary owner, which is its sovcorp. Typically, these owners will be large, impersonal corporations. We call them sovcorps because they’re sovereign. You are sovereign if you have the power to render any plausible attack on your primary property, by any other sovereign power, unprofitable. In other words, you maintain general deterrence. […] (Sovereignty is a flat, peer-to-peer relationship by definition. The concept of hierarchical sovereignty is a contradiction in terms. …) […] The business of a sovcorp is to make money by deterring aggression. Since human aggression is a serious problem, preventing it should be a good business. Moreover, the existence of unprofitable governments in your vicinity is serious cause for concern, because unprofitable governments tend to have strange decision structures and do weird, dangerous things. […] (Nuclear deterrence (mutual assured destruction) is only one small class of deterrent designs. To deter is to render predictably unprofitable. Predictably unprofitable violence is irrational. Irrational violence is certainly not unheard of. But it is much, much rarer than you may think. Most of the violence in the world today is quite rational, IMHO.) […] General deterrence is a complex topic which deserves its own post. For the moment, assume that every square inch of the planet’s surface is formally owned by some sovcorp, that no one disagrees on the borders, and that deterrence between sovcorps is absolute.

>> No.18073947

Neosubstack arrives from the ultragrifter.

>> No.18074110

Not even a contest.
Moldbug is far and away the greatest author to have ever lived. This man represents ultimate cuilmination of literature. Thousands of years of poetry, prose and theatre were on a trajectory that was bending toward Mencius Moldbug. Before him, literature was ascending. During his reign, it plateaued. After his death it went into sharp decline. Moldbug's work is utter genius and as close to flawless as anyone's work could ever be

>> No.18074192

These people assume human beings are like atoms or something. Inputs and outputs. >>18074110
Constantly being spammed by rightoids.
Libertarianism is a total joke as ideologies go. Every few years /lit/ spams these retards first it was Evola, then it was Max Stirner.

No one gives a shit. They will never become be read or agreed by anyone. Spamming bullshit on twitter has more of an effect of getting you into power than writing some 1000 page word salad gobbledygook

>> No.18074294
File: 178 KB, 720x704, Moldbug kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complete grifter
He never ousts his tribe when talking about the positions they hold (media, academia, government, etc.) while giving it the gay little name of the Cathedral.
Passages like these
>Do you know what women who actually want to help other women learn programming look like? They look like this. Sexist, check. Probably illegal, check. Recognizing that women are different from men in more areas than the chest compartment, check. (“Men’s rights” activists, shut the fsck up! If you were real men and not communist pussies, you’d know that no one has any rights, least of all you. Only one thing makes right—that would be, of course, might—and whining that you’re taking it in the tail, though taking it in the tail you are, is anything but a way to create that.)
only serve to confirm that this miscreant is just boiling with seethe that his fellow tribesmen haven't secured him a position higher up in "the Cathedral" and that he has to content himself with writing faux-redpilling articles to a gentile crowd.
Almost makes me think physiognomy is real

>> No.18075258

I love this picture

>> No.18075275

The eternal /pol/tard. He is so scared of the Jews, he imbues them with an almost mystical fear and reverence. /pol/tards actually believe it's teleological that Jews will attack and subvert Europeans like they are some grand historical enemy. The /pol/tard has been destroyed by the Jew.

>> No.18075296

Whatever. He's not offering any solutions, he literally just wants to be offered a position as a part of the priest class of the "Cathedral", all his babble about technocracy and whatever makes it clear he doesn't actually care about redpilling his audience.

>> No.18075298

>/pol/tards actually believe it's teleological that Jews will attack and subvert Europeans like they are some grand historical enemy.
that's true though

>> No.18075306

>>>Every patch of land on the planet has a primary owner, which is its sovcorp. Typically, these owners will be large, impersonal corporations. We call them sovcorps because they’re sovereign. You are sovereign if you have the power to render any plausible attack on your primary property, by any other sovereign power,
yeah so monarchies lol

>> No.18075308

The Jew has scarred you so greatly that you have raised him to a mythical, otherworldly status. He is no longer a human or a man to you, but an all-powerful force working from the shadows against you. Do you check for the Jew under your bed every night before you sleep?

>> No.18075311

Moldbug is a incel psyop

>> No.18075314


>> No.18075318

I’m not even a da jooz type but totally denying Jewish influence just makes polfags believe it more.

>> No.18075328

No I don't you disingenuous nigger.
Modlbug is a perfect example of how petty Jews actually are, he's a whiny loser that is bitter that he doesn't have the position of power he so desperately wants, and this is incredibly apparent in his writing. He's downright pathetic.

>> No.18075332

>anti-semitism is just jew-worship in reverse
this, but unironically

>> No.18075337

Just garbage characterization that doesn't address the problems of jewish power, much less any of it criticisms. Nobody is impressed.

>> No.18075353
File: 52 KB, 683x899, de Maistre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another Moldbug thread ruined by retards who are either offended with him not being an anti-semite like them or because his views aren't part of what's socially acceptable (read: predictable) for today's dissidents

/lit/ was supposed to be an intelligent board

>> No.18075358

>liking moldbug

>> No.18075366

The Jew lives your mind rent-free.

>> No.18075368

>De Maistre
Pick one. Moldbug is a materialist faggot.

>> No.18075369

But that's his problem, if you're going to larp like you're criticizing the power structure without naming zionism or jewish financial media/financial power then you're just a fraud.

>> No.18075376

They don’t though. I never even think about Jews. Well, there’s a Synagogue near my Uni so I suppose I think about them then.
It really sounds like you’re projecting the fact that /pol/fags live in your head onto us.

>> No.18075382

You fear the Jew, /pol/tard.

>> No.18075384

Maybe you should take some time to consider how much of the top faculty at your school attends this synagogue and the nature of that relationship.

>> No.18075388

Moldbug wants a state religion

Stop pretending you understand him in any capacity

>> No.18075397

In all likelihood the synagogue donates to the university.
That anon should be grateful, those generous Jews are literally making sure he gets higher education.

>> No.18075411

>But that's his problem, if you're going to larp like you're criticizing the power structure without naming zionism or jewish financial media/financial power then you're just a fraud.
>he thinks the power structure is mere people and not literally supernatural forces that individual people may or may not embody
zero iq

>> No.18075412

>Chad Jews end up being some of the greatest human beings in America and help turn it into the superpower that it is
>all they get in return is a bunch of retarded hicks hating them and blaming them for all the world's problems

I feel bad for them. All they want to do is fit in but are eternally outsiders despite their greatest efforts to mix in.

>> No.18075416

Alright clearly you just want to piss off easily baitable /pol/ migrants, have fun.
Only a few at the top.

>> No.18075423

>their greatest efforts to mix in.

>> No.18075431

>replying to obvious over the top bait
really guy?
>Only a few at the top.
have you ever actually counted? It's probably more than you think

>> No.18075436

Yeah. Read some history. Jews took one look at America and many of them abandoned their religious and cultural principles in order to anglicize themselves and become American in character and spirit. You have the entirety of reform Judiasm as proof of their great pains in doing just that, sacrificing much of their heritage.

I will always hate cunts like you who disparage and vilify them because they are too successful and mog mediocre fucks like you.

>> No.18075448

>their greatest efforts to mix in.

>> No.18075682

Camouflage kikery existed before they immigrated to muttland, nigger. Get off your high horse and read your own fucking books.

>> No.18075781

There’s a catalogue, and a thread in that catalogue nowhere near the bump limit

Naive, disingenuous, and sanctimonious — a tribe of nerd fags to the core