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File: 66 KB, 556x276, discworldstamps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1807130 No.1807130 [Reply] [Original]

If stamps haven't been made from some classic characters of your favourite franchise, you don't know SHIT about good books.

Discworld Appreciation Thread, just because.

>> No.1807132

But they also made Harry Potter stamps.

>> No.1807135

>just because
and that's about the only reason you degenerates will ever have for reading these shitty books and starting these shitty threads

>> No.1807137


>> No.1807139
File: 60 KB, 254x700, tumblr_lhyiapEKhN1qe11kdo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>name is deep and edgy
>thinks their opinion matters

Discworld books are fucking awesome, can't wait for Snuff.

>> No.1807149

excellent series

poor terry ;_;

>> No.1807154

He will an hero soon, when his mind goes.

I don't think I will be okay.

>> No.1807167
File: 35 KB, 320x240, hades.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Feels bad, man.

Then again, did you see his Richard Dimbleby lecture a few years back? Shit was amazing. He couldn't read the whole thing himself, but it was an empassioned plea for euthenasia for the terminally ill. I remember him saying he wanted to sit on a deckchair in his garden, put some good music on his ipod, and just drift off with a scotch in his hand. Excellent man.

But goddamnit, I will be pissed if he doesn't finish the Moist stories. That's closure, right there.

>> No.1807168

If he reaches 40 books (Snuff is either 38 or 39 I think) then I'll say it was a good run.

Have you watched the BBC documentary of him trying to find a cure? Shit's hilarious, and heartwrenching.

>> No.1807170


Pratchett's impending an heroism and his position in the face of a disgusting illness may well properl him to one of the most romantic and lionised literary figures of our time. He's the Chatterton of his generation, only with a massive body of published work, millions and millions of fans, and a fucking massive pile of money.

I don't know if I will be OK either. I saw his lecture recently where he's too monged up to actually read it himself, so he had to get Baldrick to do it, and I swear I was tearing up at times. When he dies, there should be a day of mourning - more people like him than that slut that Prince Philip killed in that tunnel.

>> No.1807171


For a long time, the copyright notice on his books has read (c) Terry and Lyn Pratchett, so I wonder if Terry's death will actually mean the end. I think his work is more collaborative than we may know.

>> No.1807177

>and a fucking massive pile of money
>too monged up to actually read it himself
>had to get Baldrick to do it
>more people like him than that slut that Prince Philip killed in that tunnel.

Oh my fucking days.

I am crying with laughter, and slight regret/guilt.

Fuck you, you made my day and made me feel like an asshole all in one.

>> No.1807183

>For a long time, the copyright notice on his books has read (c) Terry and Lyn Pratchett, so I wonder if Terry's death will actually mean the end. I think his work is more collaborative than we may know.
Or he's ensuring that his wife is still provided for after his death, and that his work is still protected.

>> No.1807189
File: 29 KB, 614x360, pratchett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dunno about that - he's been doing it for a long time then, since before he got brainspacked. I suspect she's got serious creative input. The fact that the words Terry Pratchett are now copyright is probably more about preservation for the future, but I admit I have no actual insight into this.

>> No.1807214

I was never sure with the Discworld books whether they got worse or my tastes changed... both, maybe. I suspect that the best ones are all in the first 10 or so, though.

>> No.1807226


I disagree, I think they have become better as they became less a pastiche of fantasy literature, and something more personal and unique. The guards books kind of made it for me, and remain my favourites, but Discworld is a parody of absolutely everything now, and it is better for it. The way the Patrician has evolved from a comedy tyrant to a sophisticated and sympathetic character is one example of how this has improved the work. Although I still can't stop thinking that he looks like Donald Pleasance, despite the fact that he's got a goatee and hair.

>> No.1807236

Hmmm... I might be wrong on the numbering. If I had to pick favourites, thinking back, I'd probably say...
Men at Arms
Lords and Ladies
Small Gods

>> No.1807253


Everybody loves Mort, or should do anyway. But I think the later guards books become much more interesting and philosophical. There are some really interesting thoughts about the nature of law and justice in the Vimes books. And the idea of arresting two armies at war for a breach of the peace is just genius - I'm surprisedd no-one has ever tried it IRL.

"Here’s some advice, boy. Don’t put your trust in revolutions. They always come around again. That’s why they’re called revolutions."

>> No.1807262
File: 301 KB, 550x906, vetinari1_sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and yeah.
female here, the patrician's the only literary character i've ever fallen for.
and i've cleaned out the library.

>> No.1807277
File: 172 KB, 567x411, pleasence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can cure your crush. Pic related - it's how the patrician looks to me, kinda.

>> No.1807282


"Vimes had never got on with any game much more complex than darts. Chess in particular had always annoyed him. It was the dumb way the pawns went off and slaughtered their fellow pawns while the kings lounged about doing nothing that always got to him; if only the pawns united, maybe talked the rooks around, the whole board could've been a republic in a dozen moves."
- Terry Pratchett, Thud!

>> No.1807287

my opinion matters if you want to critically appreciate literature I guess.

>> No.1807298

>critically appreciate
Is that some kind of neuroses?

>> No.1807303

not possible.
i'd prove hopelessly incurable no matter if he resembled an organic lump of coal suffering from advanced elephantitus
..and Spots.
lots of them.
hehh. but thanks anon. a valiant attempt (though this guy looks very nice, really. everyone looks nice.)

>> No.1807315


Wow. You're really insecure for a paddy innit. Most of your lot are a lot more self-confident.

>> No.1807320


Hey guys, these books are shit, and you're stupid for reading them.

>> No.1807322

Oh, the irony...

>> No.1807326


I could probably love this woman. I bet you're one of them well fit mentals.

Until I found out she's got 23 cats, and calls them all Mr. Snookums, and cries randomly, even during sex. Or takes benzodiazapines during an argument so she collapses 10 minutes later, or phones you up at 3.30 am after kicking you out over a row, and tells you that she just heard a noise in the back garden, then accuses you of not being there for her, even though you live 15 KM away and your wife is currently lying next to you while you have this stupid argument. Yes, I have been out with a lot of crazy women.

>> No.1807334

what's ironic about pointing out that some selection of books are literary works of shit and the people who deign to waste their time on them are deficient in intellect

It seems to me that this isn't ironic, it's medicine long overdue for overgrown babbies

>> No.1807336


No, you're shit and stupid.

>> No.1807342

>can't see the irony in an idiot calling someone else an idiot
I suppose it was too much to ask of you.

>> No.1807346

No, I'm quite intelligent.

I'm not an idiot nor did I call anyone else in this thread an idiot, maybe what I've said has made you feel that way; I guess that's just your own insecurity acting up or something

>> No.1807350

>nor did I call anyone else in this thread an idiot
>thinks calling someone stupid isn't calling someone an idiot
That's anal even for an autismal.

>> No.1807352

hurry and drop trip and try to make yourself look better cause you are making a fool of yourself sir

>> No.1807363


No, you're shit and stupid.

>> No.1807367

>>nor did I call anyone else in this thread an idiot
>thinks calling someone stupid isn't calling someone an idiot
If I wanted to say you had a mental illness I'd just say it. But to say you had a mental illness like those that idiots have is to allow you to abdicate responsibility for your bad choice in literature, which would be wrong. To be fair, that you have bad choice in literature is a sort of mental illness, but not of the sort that an idiot has.

>> No.1807375

>thinks idiot is a mental illness
But, again, as expected of an idiot

>> No.1807374


No, you're shit and stupid

>> No.1807377

Yes, idiocy is a mental illness. I don't feel like using politically correct terminology because this is 4chan after all.

>> No.1807381

lol this isnt 19th century russia

>> No.1807383


I guess it's hard to use the correct terminology when you don't know it.

>> No.1807384

It's not. It means you are unable to reason, or that you're uneducated. You won't get diagnosed with idiocy. Although maybe you're an exception?

>> No.1807392

Anyway just stopping through guys don't let me derail your great thread on some old guy with dementia's books filled with stupid british colloquialisms

but hey at least yahtzee is writing books now maybe he can fill the niche

>> No.1807402

just a romantically naive anon. think i'll gb2 the library where i can practice social withdrawal on Mr..Snookums.
great fun.
see you about, guy. (you're cool.)

>> No.1807415


I guess it's hard to use the correct terminology when you don't know it.

>> No.1807417


I hate these short holiday romances. They're always so hard on the soul.

>> No.1807440

I know that feel. Glad my thread led you to brief happiness. Dohoho.

>mfw a thread intending to respect the great works of Sir Terry has been derailed by a tripfagging troll

Back on topic chaps. Favourite sub-series within the Discworld? Rincewind? Death? The Watch? The Witches? Moist? Tiffany? Wizards? Or one of the standalones?

>> No.1807452

Death. Reaperman was beautiful.

>> No.1807475

Very much this.