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18070464 No.18070464[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is is that the socialist movement has been infected with troons?
I tried going to a club at my uni to talk about socialist policies, our first meeting was basically supposed to be a 3 hour open discussion on pic related. Literally half of the people that attended were troons and more than 50% of the meeting was spent talking about advancing troon policies in the face of capitalism. I am not going next month. Shit gave me hardcore second hand embarrassment.

>> No.18070487

yo german bro here,
what the fuck is a troon?

>> No.18070489

What the Fuck is a "troon"

>> No.18070505

A transsexual person

>> No.18070507


>> No.18070513

I believe they call this "blowback" in the propaganda industry.
They spent so much energy convincing people that transsexuals are intimately linked to marxism that they managed to convince the trannies themselves.

Well played. Well played.

>> No.18070525
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>> No.18070533

Transgenders, normally men who think cutting off their peepee and wearing a dress makes them a woman. I think socialism/communism is attractive to trans for the same reason it’s attractive to minorities: the oppressed/oppressor dynamic. Plus in the world of subjectivism and relativism that socialism finds itself in, who are you to tell a man he’s not a women.

>> No.18070535

Turn right

>> No.18070548

Just call them trannies ffs
But yeah somehow neo-marxism is very appealing to all kinds of degenerates because it's the religion of the social rejects and mentally ill

>> No.18070549

Probably because often only under socialist systems can a transgender person transition. It's all so technologically intensive, and expensive. The mental illness associated with transgenderism begets negative capital potential. ie a tranny could rarely make enough cash to pay for their own surgeries and lifelong dependency on HRT.

>> No.18070590

It’s not covered by medical insurance in burger land?

>> No.18070603

Average burger would probably go apeshit and shoot up a school if he found out his taxes were paying for a tranny to cut their dick off

>> No.18070607

trad twitter is full of nazi trannies, mentally ill are attracted to the extremes of ideologies

>> No.18070664

They brought their fictional boogey man into reality

>> No.18070675



the answer to your question is that socialists are generally more socially progressive and tolerant. my guess is that for someone to even consider socialism seriously takes an open mind in a world where all channels of mainstream media are full of red scare anticommunist propaganda.

stop caring so much about the identities of random people you fucking faggot and start caring more about your own class interests. dont get cucked by identity politics.

>> No.18070710

You are not a woman

>> No.18070714

>full of redscare anticommunist propaganda


>> No.18070730

Societal rejects, of whom transsexuals are the most hopeless and abject, are attracted to communism for two primary reasons:

1. Revolution - i.e. a revenge fantasy where violence against those they envy is permitted
2. Society without hierarchy - i.e. they'll no longer be considered losers

>> No.18070737
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>my guess is that for someone to even consider socialism seriously takes an open mind in a world where all channels of mainstream media are full of red scare anticommunist propaganda.
College kids are literally indoctrinated in commie thought

>> No.18070766

This. Trannies want everyone else to pay for their Frankenstein reconstruction. It is absurd and a good example of why socialism fails.

>> No.18070785

rent free but yes youre right
>College kids are literally indoctrinated in commie thought
ask me how i know youve never been in any form of higher education
ive looked arond my university for courses on economic philosophy and the only course available was "the ethics of capitalism". the course description went on and on about friedman and hayek.

>> No.18070809

Don't be disingenuous, socialism is no longer a purely economic idea but a cultural force. You know, the long march through the institutions. Most teachers and professors in western countries nowadays are either liberals or socialists, conservatives are nowhere to be found except in some fields such as maths.

>> No.18070830

it is only a cultural force to those who have no fucking clue what they are talking about. the people who think cultural neo-marxist postmodernists are coming to take away their penis. but, there is life and politics outside of burgerland you know.
the communist parties and orgs in my region focus on exclusively polity and economics because we know that ultimately, idpol just divides the workers further.

>> No.18070833

Socialism is just fucking retarded. Capitalism is better because incentivizes people to create for a profit. Markets are better at allocating resources than central planning because they can actually measure consumer input through consumer demand. Markets, competition lowers prices for consumers by eliminating unnecessary production. The people who attract themselves to "communism" or "socialism" are just bums. Even Marx was a bum.

>> No.18070842

Your economic policies are terrible regardless. Its just statist theft for the least deserving members of society.

>> No.18070846
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>> No.18070848

Common feature of slave morality in them

>> No.18070851

oohhh noo those evil statist stealing back the surplus value they produced, bringing democracy into the workplace and saving you from bankruptcy when you break your arm

>> No.18070853
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>start caring more about your own class interests
I care about the interests of my nation, my people, and myself. Communism does not meet my interests. I want to own property, I want to keep my money, and I want to live happily. I do not desire to be forced into anything and have myself or my family and friends be told what to think, what to feel, what to say by some crony elite.

You are a massive faggot, and you will never be a woman.

>> No.18070863

How cane socialists say they want let people have the full value of their labor when they literally want the state to take everyone's money and property? Retard

>> No.18070876
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>> No.18070891

>it's not real communism
Jesus christ. The people I talked about self-identify as socialists and communists, it's not my problem they don't adhere to the rules of your bible.
>idpol just divides the workers further.
You're correct here though, you should tell that to the neo-marxists.

>> No.18070909

>I want to own property, I want to keep my money, and I want to live happily.
Possible under communism
>I do not desire to be forced into anything and have myself or my family and friends be told what to think, what to feel, what to say by some crony elite.
Already happening lmao, you just prefer this elite

>> No.18070913

>democracy is good
Yeah, so, if we democratically decide we don't want socialism - would you support it? What if we democratically don't support co-operatives or unions? What if we democratically vote to shoot socialists - its okay too?
>surplus value they produced
Yeah, when you sign a contract to get a job - the employeer is stealing your money.... not the government taxing you. Retard.
Private lawyers do that what the fuck are you talking about? Do you even know this works?

>> No.18070921

>Communism does not meet my interests. I want to own property, I want to keep my money, and I want to live happily
you just have absolutely no idea what communists actually want and base your entire view of them on literal strawmen. there is a difference between personal and private property. your personal belongings, including your parents house and care, are your own. the only property communists want to abolish is the private ownership of factories etc, things that one person cannot meaningfully posess.
if you want to keep your own money, you should read up on what surplus value is. when you work for an hour and produce 100 burger coins worth of profit for your company, but only get 10 burger coins in wages, that is the height of economic cuckoldry. are you fine with that?
living happily is a lot easier without constant economic anxiety that many who are not trust fund babies experience.

hey pal, maybe you should charge rent for the trannies living in your head.

>when they literally want the state to take everyone's money and property
the bourgeoisie are honestly fucking geniuses. making people think this is incredible. a strawman so powerful it stops any critical thinking in its tracks.

no, anon, commies do not want to take away your money and personal property. read a fucking book. or a wikipedia page.

>> No.18070924

>Possible under communism
That's a lie. Communal property is not owning property, he obviously meant private property. Same goes for money.
>Already happening lmao
That's correct though

>> No.18070927

>Possible under communism
Its literally not. Communism is property ownership by usufruct. You literally can not have central planning without the confiscation of property, and limiting of property, by the state, under communism. Literally every time communism has been put into practice, people starved to death because the state TOOK their property.