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/lit/ - Literature

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18069841 No.18069841 [Reply] [Original]

Who's your favorite female author and why?

>> No.18069846

don't have any, female writers are generally subpar
I'm trans btw not sure if that matters

>> No.18069881

Post it

>> No.18069885

The only female writer I ever liked was Evelyn Waugh. All the rest were pure cancer.

>> No.18069910

Djuna Barnes. Because.

>> No.18069958

Savitri Devi because of her ideological consistency and proven intelligence during a time when women were oppressed in all forms of higher education.

>> No.18070155

does she pay you? doing it for free? for a chance to sniff her holes?

>> No.18070189

>schizo bitch LARPing as a pajeeta

>> No.18070243

She’s a racetraitor and a schizo

>> No.18070256

so the standard women now she was ahead of her time

>> No.18070292

You jerkoff to BLACKED.

>> No.18070509

agatha christie

>> No.18070534

Vanessa Place
unironically the only contemporary female writer that is respectable

>> No.18070561

Marilyn Robinson.
There aren't many great, contemporary, Christian authors. When you find one you Gregg holds of them with both hands.

>> No.18070570
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Sei Shonagon.

>In life there are two things which are dependable. The pleasures of the flesh and the pleasures of literature.

>Pleasing things: finding a large number of tales that one has not read before. Or acquiring the second volume of a tale whose first volume one has enjoyed. But often it is a disappointment.

>In spring it is the dawn that is most beautiful. As the light creeps over the hills, their outlines are dyed a faint red and wisps of purplish cloud trail over them. In summer the nights. Not only when the moon shines, but on dark nights too, as the fireflies flit to and fro, and even when it rains, how beautiful it is! In autumn, the evenings, when the glittering sun sinks close to the edge of the hills and the crows fly back to their nests in threes and fours and twos; more charming still is a file of wild geese, like specks in the distant sky. When the sun has set, one's heart is moved by the sound of the wind and the hum of the insects. In winter the early mornings. It is beautiful indeed when snow has fallen during the night, but splendid too when the ground is white with frost; or even when there is no snow or frost, but it is simply very cold and the attendants hurry from room to room stirring up the fires and bringing charcoal, how well this fits the season's mood! But as noon approaches and the cold wears off, no one bothers to keep the braziers alight, and soon nothing remains but piles of white ashes.

>A man who has nothing in particular to recommend him discusses all sorts of subjects at random as if he knew everything.

>I am the sort of person who approves of what others abhor and detests the things they like.

>To wash your hair, apply your makeup and put on clothes that are well-scented with incense. Even if you’re somewhere where no one special will see you, you still feel a heady sense of pleasure inside.

>Letters are commonplace enough, yet what splendid things they are! When someone is in a distant province and one is worried about him, and then a letter suddenly arrives, one feels as though one were seeing him face to face. Again, it is a great comfort to have expressed one's feelings in a letter even though one knows it cannot yet have arrived. If letters did not exist, what dark depressions would come over one! When one has been worrying about something and wants to tell a certain person about it, what a relief it is to put it all down in a letter! Still greater is one's joy when a reply arrives. At that moment a letter really seems like an elixir of life.

>How ever did I pass
>the time before I knew you?
>I think of that past time
>as now I pass each passing day
>in lonely sorrow, lacking you.

>If writing did not exist, what terrible depressions we should suffer from.

>Someone who butts in when you're talking and smugly provides the ending herself. Indeed anyone who butts in, be they child or adult, is most infuriating.

>> No.18070637

>Someone who butts in when you're talking and smugly provides the ending herself. Indeed anyone who butts in, be they child or adult, is most infuriating.
kek btfo by a child interrupting you
>To wash your hair, apply your makeup and put on clothes that are well-scented with incense. Even if you’re somewhere where no one special will see you, you still feel a heady sense of pleasure inside.
literal rupi kaur
>I am the sort of person who approves of what others abhor and detests the things they like.
so edgy

>> No.18070669

You will never speak 11 languages like her.

She wasn't a race traitor. She married purely for citizenship and furthering her ideology. She was a known lesbian who had a fling with a woman while imprisoned. Anyone who has read her knows this.

>> No.18070671
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A thoroughly enriching and nuanced post - thank you, anon.

>> No.18070676

Woolf for novels and essays, Paglia for philosophy, and Schnackenberg for poetry.

>> No.18070683

Charlotte Brontë. Her writings are extremely charming and I really enjoy the slow yet steady progression of her characters. Her depiction of relationships is both natural and endearing.

>> No.18070749

Donna Tartt

>> No.18070813

Based. I just copped nightwood and read the first 5 pages and the style was excellent

>> No.18070815

it's a non-male author. why should i be nuanced when criticizing something with zero nuance itself

>> No.18070822
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The only good one

>> No.18070961
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>lol fuck women amirite!? c-can you tell i'm not a newfag?
Why do you attempt to fit in so much? Is discussing literature not enough for you?

>> No.18070995


>> No.18071013

fit in? why is it my fault that women almost always suck when it comes to art?

>> No.18071056

I haven't read an entire book by a female

>> No.18071059

I've really gotten the swelling feeling that 4chan isn't for me anymore over these last few years. Perhaps I should leave instead of constantly (and legitimately) pleading of your ilk that you go back. You're really just here for an echo-chamber, a place to virtue-signal like some fucking subreddit.

>> No.18071069

You will literally never be a real woman

>> No.18071083

Yes, you should leave.

>> No.18071093

Hey, welcome! You'll fit right in here.
Greener pastures it is, then. I'd still hope that you stop being retarded, but miracles are miracles.

>> No.18071125

yes leave you fucking woman sympathizer. if you want me to be politically correct just to 'fit in' to your worldview then kindly kys. /lit/ is an incel board. so fuck your mother

>> No.18071263
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All she cared about was her poetry. She lived in a world where literary women could have commercial success but she didn’t want anyone messing with her work and kept it to herself apart from sharing it with a few trusted people.

>> No.18071275

Mary Shelley is the only female author worthy of praise.

>> No.18071287

her chad husband was her ghostwriter

>> No.18071331

>no caps
wtf did you do with him?

>> No.18071386

You are not even aryan you negrified mutt unlike the brahmin she married.

>> No.18071421

Not sure about nonfiction authors, but I enjoyed the works of Ursula K. Le Guin quite a lot.
Some of the most refined fantasy world-building was done by her.

>> No.18071482 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.18071555

Jane Austen made Nabokov admit women could write.

>> No.18071610

>the VERY FIRST quote is about sex


>> No.18071625

Why is she wearing her glasses

>> No.18071672

What a dumb question.

>> No.18071681

is this real?
also: moar

>> No.18071740

I guess Sylvia Plath, Jane Austen, or Mary Shelley.

>> No.18071775
File: 101 KB, 1200x676, 67F47A7F-72DA-4232-A11A-4A9DD93A2C1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find women writers not all that interested in creating things that I would enjoy.
They seem to be more focused on taking things I enjoy away from me.

>> No.18071787

It's a random collection of quotes from Goodreads, anon. It reflects the tastes of the users rather than the author.

>> No.18071840

Please anon, where ?

>> No.18071856
File: 154 KB, 400x388, 1416052365172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whore! Makes jewtube bucks out of /lit/ incels but bangs Chads like any common slut!

>> No.18071883
File: 4 KB, 130x105, C2B7D910-4961-4D37-AA89-E8CFB859DDE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>negrified mutt
I’m european you fucking nigger
Your schizo whore was a married a poo-in-loo shitskin
Pic rel her “aryan” husband

>> No.18071910

Because she can't see without them

>> No.18071916


>ask classmates what they're researching
>male classmates are all researching fascinating, unique, or at least ambitious things
>woman: "Misogyny in Rome"
>woman: "Misogyny and Hamlet"
>woman: "The intersection of misogyny and periods in Hamlet"
>woman: "Women"
>woman: "Opinions about women having sex in Weimar newspapers"
>woman: "Women in the work of Robert Musil"
>woman: "Vagina"
>woman: "I have a vagina"
>woman: "I'm a woman btw. Vagina here"
>woman: "Sex and periods in gender"
>woman: "Woman perceptions of woman, ,vagina, cooters breasts woman period I'm on my period clitorises in the work of the band Oingo Boingo and Hamlet's Perception of Clitoris Vagina Gender Studies"
>woman: "Queering Gender in Medieval Manuscripts: Your period or MY period?"
>woman: "Misogyny, Periods, and You: Ernst Cassirer on Substance, Function, and My Gay Love Affair with Gender Studies"
>woman: "Women in 'Woman's Work': Gendering Gender in the Social Sciences"
>woman: "Prostitution and Gender in Antebellum Calcutta"
>woman: "Gender"
>woman: "Sex and gender studies"
>woman: "Tampons, pads, and ironclads: Stonewall Jackson and Freebleeding"
>woman: "Einstein contra Bergson: Who rapes me more by having existed?"

>> No.18071956


>> No.18071963

>To wash your hair, apply your makeup and put on clothes that are well-scented with incense. Even if you’re somewhere where no one special will see you, you still feel a heady sense of pleasure inside.
I like this one

>> No.18072012

- and what has this to do with Sei Shonagon...?

>> No.18072026

What kind of a poindexter fucks in classes.

>> No.18072046

Sylvia Plath because she wasn't fake.
And Mystic is a great poem.

>> No.18072068

Glasses can be hot. I still need to know if that was kat and if yes where the video is to be found.

>> No.18072083

Hot outside of sex
It's not, because she's probably a virgin or if not only has had sex with her father, one of his friends, and some shitlib from glass, and wouldn't know positions.

>> No.18072117

Is she your waifu ? Sounds awfully protective.

>> No.18072122

>she's probably a virgin

>> No.18072127

Jan Kerouac - tragic life, liked her father. Not a great writer though.
Mary Shelley - Not very good, but chose interesting subjects. Mathilda and Falkner are enough to respect her, although I'm pretty sure Percy Shelley should get a co-author credit for Frankenstein
Emily Bronte- Just based, let's be honest
Marguerite Yourcenar- same as above
Jane Austen - decent, not great
Flannery- comfy

>likes pajeets


The Bill Forsyth movie was beeter than her one book it was based off. Jesus Christ I love that film.

Pillow Book?

For me it's Emily, Charlotte was too sane


decent, respectable desu. Pretty good.

I mean stuff like Mathilda is extremely poorly-written, but she had a knack for doing interesting subject matter. I ignore Frankenstein when discussing her, her other books are fine enough to read.

No he didn't he taught Mansfield Park, that 'great,' quote isn't sourced anywhere. He also liked Shirley Jackson's short story.

>> No.18072138

She's a virgin insofar as she hasn't had a real dicking.

No I don't even find her that attractive and her videos are terribly annoying, but I'm just being frank here.

>> No.18072146
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>ctrl f "denise pinch"
>0 results

>> No.18072153

Reads like your shielding yourself. I dont even watch her, just seen her face on here. Still want to see source of the image.

>> No.18072181
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>Pillow Book?

>> No.18072315

Virginia Woolf

>> No.18072601

Bump for Kats delicious nudes. NOW.

>> No.18072627

ive never read a book written by a woman

>> No.18072650

Jean Stafford

>> No.18072939

Eudora Welty by far.
>She wept for what happened to life.
Kino in context. The Optimist's Daughter is one of very few books that have made me cry.

>> No.18072950
File: 426 KB, 1024x957, Genji_emaki_01003_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't read The Tale of Genji
Go back, plebe.

>> No.18072985

The one who wrote the Odyssey

>> No.18072998

im so sory

>> No.18073012

Margaret Mitchell

>> No.18073029

>bareback dreams

>> No.18073046

Absolutely based Butler bro.

>> No.18073050

it's real, it's russian pornhub whore

>> No.18073051

Source. Also sad that its not kat :((

>> No.18073127

don't remember
iirc she deleted all videos

>> No.18073145


>i shattered your inner thighs and laughed while i was doing it

Reminder that her and her sister are INSATIABLE muff huffers.

>> No.18073147

Why live ?

>> No.18073156

found it: sextaseptima

>> No.18073213

Thanks anon

>> No.18073299

Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights it's probably one of the best English Novels of the Romantic era. Certain elements - mirrors, duality, the perception of time, are similar to Borges and Nabokov, though done in a premodern style.

>> No.18073522

Came here to say this. I even have a cat named Djuna

>> No.18073646

The grad student producers licensed by apple did her dirty

>> No.18074674

Donna Tartt

>> No.18074720
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>> No.18074736


>> No.18074743

i don't read women nor do i read jezebel threads

>> No.18075563

Mickey Zucker Reichert. Married to her.

>> No.18075566


>> No.18075576

I've only read samples of fe.ale authors and they're all trash. Give me some good sci gi or fantasy that would change my mind

>> No.18075609

Don't know any, lol

>> No.18075657

middlemarch was good
fuck off yes it was

>> No.18075659

who is this and are there any pics of her feet?

>> No.18075664

j.k rowling
i wanna be a wizard

>> No.18075712


>> No.18075736


>> No.18075751

tell ya there was a riot in my heart when all caps died

>> No.18075758

Ayn Rand because fuck commies

>> No.18075762

everyone would be better off never coming back to this website. BUT, there are people who disagree with the prevailing politics and norms here -- we've just gotten good at mentally filtering out unproductive chuds.

>> No.18076253

Unfathomably based. Dickinson is god tier.

>> No.18076319

came here to post this

>> No.18076329

man she looks like she doesn't shave down there.

she looks like the type of girl to diddle her hairy muff with her brothers electric toothbrush while reading Sarah J Maas and leave a single pubic hair lodged between the bristles afterwards

>> No.18076332

I thought Ayn Rand was a commie?

>> No.18076370
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imagine if you could take a cotton swab and wipe it between the crevice of her big and second toe after she just got done running a marathon and putting it in a petri dish with agar so you could have your very own paperbackdreams footsweat bacteria colony, and you could take care of it over the course of decades, graduating to larger and larger petri dishes as it grows, reading it books (all of which are on her book list), and playing it bach's fugues and chopin's preludes on the piano, and showering it with words of love and devotion until one day it finally gains sentience and forms the words 'dada' in the petri dish' at which point you lift the lid and consume it all with a yogurt spoon and the sentient foot bacteria colony becomes one with your own gut flora

>> No.18076377

Anyone read Carson McCullers? I’m interested in her

>> No.18076450

Margaret Atwood
She wrote Oryx and Crake which was my favourite book in middle school.

>> No.18076506

flannery o'connor

>> No.18076832

The lesbian attraction is definitely there in Defiance, but she also condemns acting on homosexual impulses as disgusting in the same book. She's the greatest woman of the 20th century.

>> No.18076856

She prides herself on being an enthusiastic consumer of garbage. Sad!

>> No.18076877

You'll never be a true aryan if you're from Europe. Gargle all the points of Gobineau and his ideological descendants but you're just a northerner barbarian. You have no past before 15th century so you're desperate to steal others' just like your secretly beloved blacks.
If you're from South, that's even worse.

>> No.18077031
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>Personal experience as a reference point

>> No.18077277
File: 249 KB, 560x658, tosa_mitsuokie28094portrait_of_murasaki_shikibu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so cute bros
>ywn cuddle with Sei Shonagon in a comfy pillowful room

>> No.18077283

Oh wait, that's Shikibu. Well, my point still stands

>> No.18077311


>> No.18077940

>For me it's Emily, Charlotte was too sane
I have yet to read her, but I'm really looking forward to doing so.

>> No.18078709

Toni Morrison. I really like 'Paradise' and 'Love'.

>> No.18078721

>ctrl+f Vanessa Place
>1 result
>no (You)'s
/lit/is a pseud board

>> No.18079794

patrician spotted

>> No.18079881

Is she actually good? 'Cause Notes on Conceptualisms read like shit.

>> No.18079998

Holy fuck I'm dying

>> No.18080048

Imagine how frail and helpless she must've felt under all those layers of clothing + that long hair preventing her from moving too much + her pampered lifestyle, only using her hands to write. She must've been soft and pale as fuck.

>> No.18080134
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>> No.18080855


>> No.18080881

read La Medusa