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18062894 No.18062894 [Reply] [Original]

How can I develop a taste for black coffee in order to look like a tormented genius writer for cool aesthetics?

>> No.18062901

What don't you like about bitter drinks and food? They pair so well with a little sweet treat.

>> No.18062904

Don't. Drink tea instead.

>> No.18062916

People say it's an acquired taste but I think some people just can't tolerate anything bitter without adding sugar to it.

>> No.18062941

Drink coffee with a lot sweetener and milk/cream in it at first and then slowly reduce the amount of additives while you slowly get addicted to the coffee. Eventually you will like black coffee because of how it directly satisfies the craving you have developed.

>> No.18062958

eat dark chocolate only

>> No.18062965

Just keep drinking it lol. But only the good stuff.

>> No.18062966

The reason I actually like this drink so much is my gran and I used to drink it. We had two pots a day.

>> No.18062969

Then she died from finding out you post with a tripcode. How sad.

>> No.18062993

This, I take a bit of a donut or apple fritter and wash it down with black coffee, hits really nice. Only do it about 2-3 times a week because the idea of being addicted to coffee or needing it to start the day is fucking disgusting to me.

>> No.18062999

cool beans. same here

>> No.18063025

I wish coffee would actually awaken me instead of just making me terribly anxious. Normally, I feel mentally and physically tired, and when I drink coffee I feel the same way, with the bonus of having to deal with tachycardia and racing thoughts

>> No.18063078

I do not understand how people can drink black coffee. Stanky breath freaks.

>> No.18063086

Imagine caring about your breath. Imagine interacting with other people. Fuck off to Twitter.

>> No.18063113

This. I can't think of anything more stupid than a coffee addiction. The worst part about it is that most of these people who claim they "need" coffee are going to Starbucks or whatever the fuck every morning and spending $4 on a cup of coffee.
By not being addicted to coffee like a degen I save $1500 a year.

>> No.18063135
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Ya gotta do it right. Don't overdose it if you're making it from a coffeepot. When you are at cafés order espresso and learn to appreciate it. Coffee is like wine. Not just a pour down your throat thing.

>> No.18063485

What are you doing with the $1500 anon?

>> No.18063499

I'm drinking black coffee right now because I ran out of milk. It sucks.

>> No.18063503


>> No.18063505

use powder coffee. it isn't sour.

>> No.18063528

If you drink enough, you won’t need to develop a taste because you’ll be addicted.

>> No.18063530

Always with the starbucks shit, huh? Most people I know brew their own coffee at home.

>> No.18063538


>> No.18063565

Listen to "Black Coffee" by Black Flag on repeat while drinking black coffee until you look like a schizo and you develop an addiction. Once you realize you have an addiction, don't try to fix it, just start your writing career. That's how aristotle did it, and it worked out great for him. It's a proven success strategy, now get to work OP

>> No.18063581

i don't blame him, i also have no idea how to differentiate bitter from sour

>> No.18063589

Fuck off, Aristotle was busy playing football

>> No.18063604

Really? They are completely different tastes to me. Bitterness is more of an herbal flavor, it often has an astringent effect, like it makes your tongue feel shrunken. Sourness is a kind of bright acidity, like in the juice of a lemon.

>> No.18063616


>> No.18063626

Just drink it everyday. Imo it doesn’t wake me up enough so I drink Monster.

>> No.18063646

ground coffee has an awful sour aftertaste to me. I enjoy coffee, but whenever I actually try to buy decent coffee, it just tastes so sour.

Maybe this is what's happening? I never thought about it, but I know the difference between sour and bitter, too. My mother said it has something to do with how hot the grounds gets boiled or something, but I never really tried to figure it out. I'm shameless about drinking powdered coffee, so it's not something that really affects me.

>> No.18063668

It’s not that addicting. It’s just a nice hot bevarage. The puritan attitude in zoomers is bizarre.

>> No.18063693

4chan is just one giant identity crisis isn’t it.

Is it ironic or fitting that we’re all anonymous?

>> No.18063705

Why are Americans incapable of drinking normal coffee? Why is it considered such a feat for them to be "able" to do it?

I've never even heard of anyone who has difficulty doing this outside of the Internet.

>> No.18063772

Coffee doesn’t do much for me anymore, unironically I’ve started taking cold showers and they wake me up more

>> No.18063778

Black coffee is for pussies. Drink whiskey.

>> No.18063804

just drink it and youll get used to it

>> No.18063824


>> No.18063836

Its not the taste, I just find it very pleasant and soothing to drink something bitter with no sweetness to it. I can even drink it cold like a juice without forcefully swallowing instead taking the taste in for a second.
I guess its similar to booze, and I absolutely do not understand how anybody can drink hard alcohol. I already get sick just from smelling a glass of vodka somebody else is drinking, it immediately makes me want to gag and I do not understand how people get over the burning sensation, I tried but I cant get over it. Yet there are people who drink a bottle of booze in one go, or people who enjoy a good whisky and keep it in their mouth until they get out every aroma and flavor.
I guess different people like different things.

>> No.18063878

When I was 17 and my friend (a coffee drinker) wanted me to learn to drink black coffee. I wanted to learn it as well since it was cool, so we decided that I would have a cup with him every day (mon-fri), and I had to drink it, no matter if I liked it or not. It took two weeks for me to go from actively disliking it to starting to look forward to that part of the day.

TL:DR - drink it every day, endure the bad taste the first days, become a coffee lover in two week’s time

>> No.18063880

This. I lived with my grandparents when I was a kid and had black coffee every day.

>> No.18064382
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Black coffee, being sacred, is for the hollowcharged, purposeorinted individual who can maintain equilibrium within rapidity, not for obsessive compulsive degenerates, nor for placid poseurs.

>> No.18064393


>> No.18064401

>le coffee shill
stop spamming for starfucks

>> No.18064422

Are you aware that you’re ridiculous?

>> No.18064427

>le tea shill
go to /ck/

>> No.18064704

Do you really not know that your body adapts to longer term caffeine consumption.

>> No.18064774

tea fucking sucks

>> No.18065010


>> No.18065038
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Don't. It contributed to my development of acid reflux; definitely avoid drinking it too often.

>> No.18065224

Reading through this thread I never even realized it was a problem for people to drink it.

>> No.18065334
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You do not even have any selfawareness —you are radarless; anything that is outside of your myopic scope is ridiculous to you.

>> No.18065376

What kind of fag drinks coffee any other way to begin with?

>> No.18065585

It’s no problem to go ”””cold turkey””” off caffeine. I promise.

>> No.18065602


>> No.18065623

ive tried drinking black coffee so many times, every time its disappointing. Guess ill always be a pleb.

My roommate drinks black coffee and claims to enjoy it, but hes pretty fucking pretentious so I think he just drinks it for the clout.

>> No.18065679
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>> No.18065748

Get actual good coffee. Don't get dark-roasted garbage, it tastes like cigarette ash. Find some smallish artisan roastery that roasts in small batches, buy a bag of light roasted coffee. The more pretentious sounding, the better, as retarded as that sounds.

If it has some description like "a light, mild roast with notes of cherry and stone fruit, and a bright, fruity finish" then buy that. Yes it's stupid, but it tastes good.

>> No.18065812

>hipster faggot babble
I drink nothing but black coffee, multiple cups daily, and the two best I have found are cans of Great Value Classic Roast, Great Value Donut Shop.

>> No.18065847

Lil baby mouth

>starbucks is the only coffee

>> No.18065865

Neither of those are dark roasts, so this isn't the contradiction you think it is

>> No.18065894

Ethiopian Yigarcheffe is among most 'local' coffee shops and will be found anywhere more prestigious than a Wal-Mart.

It's much better than Great Value, and it's also dark. Eat shit for life I guess :\

>> No.18065895

Just drink it? Idk what you're getting at. Sugar, milk or cream objectively make coffee taste worse. At most you should only put salt or butter in it.

>> No.18066004

buy a bag of decent coffee and just fucking smell it. I never drank coffee but I became addicted to the insanely delicious smell, though unfortunately it doesn't taste quite as good as it smells

alternatively, start with a coffee/hot chocolate mix, It wont be so bitter and it will likely draw you in to the unique flavour of it

>> No.18066067

how do you think he was able to do so well at running? black coffee and black flag

>> No.18066090

>salt or butter
What the fuck

>> No.18066096

Maybe start with black cold brew and slowly make your way to hot coffee black

>> No.18066108

Coffee is for energy, not for aesthetics

t.work 16 hour shifts on the reggy

>> No.18066113

Start with espresso, you can use a stovetop espresso pot and get some espresso ground if you don't have a grinder. Good coffee really stimulates you, many of us actually considered it haram at first until it was widely agreed to be halal, Alhamdulilah

Even in the dawn hours? With a good book?

Use miswak three times and on the tongue after your cup

Dark roasted is the best for me. I dislike light roast, just not enough taste. The burnt roast of starbucks is great

Loose leaf tea is great. Most bag tea is terrible though, a very weak tasting drink. Kenyan bag tea is nice

>> No.18066136

>the roast level was the most prominent feature of the babble
The Gay truly warps the mind.
>there's something more prestigious than being able to go to one nearby store and acquire everything one needs for life
That fancy coffee must come in cum flavored for (u) to be so high on it.

>> No.18066562

Retarded take, if you like coffee that much you have it at home 24/7. Anyway, most people I know that are into coffee like that aren't going to fucking Starbucks, it will be a locally roasted third wave coffee shop that actually has decent coffee.

>> No.18066668

I started drinking coffee when I was 6 and am amazed at the effects people relate. Anxiety, tachycardia, needing to take a shit, I can't remember ever experiencing anything like that from coffee. I know it's nice to wake up in the morning with a cup of coffee to clear brain fog, but there's no such thing as caffeine withdrawal either. It's not addictive, just a habit.

>> No.18066709
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>how can i develop a taste
you don't; just chug it

>> No.18066763
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Tasteless. I've been drinking black coffee since I was a young Cuban boy. I'm not Cuban though and no one in my family remotely is either or has had a black coffee habit. I sip it slowly. You know the taste of coffee when you sip it straight with no gay powder or girl milk. Just hot joy. I drink decaf or water down my morning coffee with decaf.

Also if you can't just sip it you have to go Ketogenic diet 100% to rewire your brain to like it. I love my black bulletproof coffee.

>> No.18068090

...how the fuck else do you drink coffee?

>> No.18069012

Based Muslim anon.

>> No.18069891
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If your dark roast tastes like cigarette ash, or cigarette butts, then you've done something wrong. Either its WAAAYYY over-roasted or you've added to much coffee in your machine (depending on how you making it try different methods, try a V60 or a mocha pot. Go wild and try everything.)

I'm not saying that a lighter roast is bad or anything but don't dump a specific roast type just because it "tastes wrong". Usually there's something wrong from the producers standpoint or you're brewing it wrong. Try switching bean brands.